MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 663 Precaution

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With more than 100,000 construction robots working day and night, in just ten days, Yanfei built eight wireless energy charging devices and signal control centers at the highest point of Lingshen's largest crater. Preparatory work for large-scale cosmic mining.

However, the work of these construction robots has not ended. They began to shift positions, came to the flat land at the bottom of the crater, and began to build super-large warehouses on the top. These large warehouses were used to store the mined ore and treat them It is a storage warehouse for 100 billion tons of oil, which is convenient for absorption when the drone is upgraded.

On the other side, the total number of intelligent mining equipment and machinery that has reached 5 million units has been transferred to Lingshen by universal space. After these smart devices are activated, they are automatically connected to the wireless energy charging tower on the high tower and have the ability to move. They were then controlled by intelligent control programs on the towers, and officially launched the great cosmic mining business.

All upgrade raw materials could not be found within 30 kilometers of the best upgrade point of the drone, but after 30 kilometers, there were a large number of upgrade raw materials. For example, on the stone walls of the crater where the space channel is located, there are iron ore and nickel ore with short upgrades everywhere, and the number of them can fully meet the needs of the drone upgrade.

Yan Fei only needs to mine resources near the crater above the upgrade point. The five million intelligent mining equipment and machinery work place is in this huge crater. Gathering so many construction equipment and mining equipment in a place where the area is not very large, it would appear very crowded and chaotic, and may even interfere with each other. However, under the central scheduling of intelligent programs, the actions of all mining equipment are The plan is well organized, like a person's body, with no teeth or tongue fighting at all.

The gravity on the Phantom is very thin, and it is not enough to attract these smart devices to the ground. Therefore, a large number of suction cups are installed on the feet of each smart device. These suction cups give them a huge suction power, ensuring that they can perform mining operations on the planet Phantom.

Based on the Lingshen mineral resource distribution map, the intelligent control program delimits a mining area for each mining group. After determining the area, the first to step forward is the engineering robot. They will drill holes in the hard ground, and then explode the robot to bury the explosives. The power of the explosion will be used to separate the ore on the Spirit God. After the explosion is over, the transport robot will come forward and use the trawl net that has been set up to catch the blasted ore and transport them to the large warehouse at the bottom.

This mineral mining process is simple and clear, and it takes only a short time to mine a large amount of ore. There are more than five million devices running at the same time, they work together, and the amount of ore mined every moment is an astronomical number ...

With the support of Neverland's high-tech technology, Lingshen has entered the hot mining mining mode. On the other side, Yang Qi ’s improved space transportation trains were also dispatched. They continuously pumped oil from the underground of Dream Island, mounted them on the space transportation train, and transported the oil to Dream Cave through the space channel. The oil just stays in the fantasy cave for a short time, and it will be transported again by the space transport train to the large warehouse of Spirit.

With the efforts of construction robots, Hundreds of thousands of temporary train tracks have been built on Lingshen. These train tracks attract space transport trains to Lingshen's surface through card slots to help them transport the oil on Neverland to In a large warehouse.

These oils were still liquid when they were on Neverland, but when they were transported to Phantom, they turned into a solid solid under the action of super low temperature in space. This is just convenient for Yanfei to store these petroleum solids in large warehouses, saving a lot of warehouse construction costs and construction time.

Yan Fei mines on the Spirit Star, but he is only responsible for mining the iron and nickel ore, and does not need to refine them. Because when the drone upgrades, it will automatically absorb raw materials from the ore, regardless of what chemical state they are in. So as long as these ore are mined and placed within 30 kilometers from the drone upgrade point, they can be absorbed by the drone. After reducing this process, Yan Fei's workload and time are greatly reduced.

With the support of Neverland Advanced Technology, the mining work on Lingshen quickly entered the fast lane. With the use of various intelligent equipment, a large amount of iron and nickel ore was mined and transported to large warehouses. Although Yan Fei is still on the Spirit Star, his only job is to stare at intelligent programs to see if there are any problems. He has no way to get involved in mining.

During this time, Yang Qi and Lu Pingping also came to Spirit Star. In order to be able to enter the universe, they wore thick radiation-resistant spacesuits, bloated like a fat man over 500 kilograms. They are just ordinary people. Although there is almost no gravity on the Spirit Star, they still struggle in the spacesuit and are very unsuited to the environment in the universe. So they just stayed here for a few hours before returning to their jobs.

The purpose of Yang Qilai's Spirit Star is very clear: to inspect the use of the equipment manufactured by himself in the universe, and to further optimize their mining capabilities and improve work efficiency based on the use. On the other hand, Yang Qi has to personally feel the difference between the universe and the earth, so that he can better understand his universe and improve his model of the universe.

The purpose of Lu Pingping and Yang Qi is completely different. She is purely curious and wants to experience the magic in the universe for herself. Last time Yan Fei said that she would bring Lu Pingping into the universe, she was very looking forward to this day, so she has been preparing for this time. As long as she has free time, she will perform physical exercises under the guidance of experts, and learn some ways to deal with special situations in the universe, in order to one day enter the real universe with Yan Fei.

It's just that Lu Pingping's training time is too short to complete the training to enter the universe, so she is completely unsuited to the extreme environment in the universe. She only spent a while on the Spirit Star before returning to Neverland. However, after this trip to the Spirit Star, Lu Pingping knew the hardships of living in the universe. The thought of Yan Fei living in such a harsh environment for so long alone, she felt that Yan Fei was really hard. Therefore, she is determined that in the next time, she will exercise her body well and allow herself to enter the universe freely, hoping to share some of the workload for Yan Fei.

Time passed quickly in Yan Fei's mining on Lingshen. Three months later, 100 billion tons of oil on Neverland was transported to Lingshen. The iron ore containing 350 billion tons of iron and the nickel ore containing 150 billion tons of nickel were all mined, and they were all stacked in those large warehouses. In order to ensure that this upgrade is foolproof, Yanfei also deliberately shipped more than 20 billion tons of oil, and extracted more than 50 billion tons of iron ore and 30 billion tons of nickel ore. Try to avoid unsuccessful upgrade failures due to lack of weight .

These upgraded raw materials are piled up in large warehouses. The maximum height of these large warehouses has reached 8000 meters, but the highest upgraded raw materials are still within the effective absorption radius of the drone upgrade. As long as the drone is upgraded at a previously selected location, it can ensure that sufficient upgrade raw materials are available.

In order to complete this unprecedented mining and oil transfer in the shortest time, Yan Fei paid a huge price. Despite the continuous maintenance of maintenance robots, the wearout rate of these intelligent mining equipment has reached a staggering 80%, and those space transportation trains have suffered heavy losses. When 120 billion tons of oil is transferred, their loss rate is close to 90%.

With such a huge loss of equipment and materials, if it wasn't for Yan Fei's production capacity in Heavenly Cave Sky, and a raw material reserve of more than 100 million tons already prepared, Yan Fei would not be able to do so in three months. Complete such a huge project.

Fortunately, after paying a huge price, preparations for the upgrade of the drone have been completed. Yan Fei now only needs to dive into the drone 20 kilometers below the ground, press the drone upgrade button, and wait for a while, then the drone can be upgraded. After this upgrade is completed, Yan Fei will gain invincible power beyond all ...

But the closer the drone approached, the more uneasy Yan Fei felt. There was always a feeling of extreme danger. Since getting the drone, Yan Fei's originally peaceful otaku life has been broken, and various major events have occurred next to him, causing him to be actively or passively involved in various emergencies. During these emergencies, he was forced into despair several times. If it was not for the gentle care in the secret, he might have died a long time ago.

Yan Fei originally thought that his tortuous experience was caused by too much swagger after he got the golden finger, but after he read the content of the notebook left by Gentle, he realized that it was not his own cause at all, but "People" deal with themselves in secret. The "person" who dealt with Yanfei was the "it" that was very jealous of gentleness.

Yan Fei didn't know what the "it" was, but she knew that the "it", which was gentle and gentle, had never been dealt with. Yan Fei is a gentle chess piece that helps gentle work, so "it" aimed at Yan Fei when he couldn't directly deal with gentleness, and wanted to cut off Yan Fei, a gentle and powerful chess piece. This "it" ability is even stronger than gentleness, and it can make all actions directed at Yan Fei become moist and silent, so Yan Fei will face so many accidents, and each accident will be so reasonable, No flaws can be seen at all.

Yan Fei is a gentle pawn, so despite all the ordeal he has encountered before, he has always been shocked and has not encountered real danger to his life, and has even become stronger in various ordeal. But now gentleness is gone, and the "it" still exists. Once that "it" suddenly hits Yan Fei, Yan Fei is likely to finish it completely. In the previous time, Yan Fei was on guard, that "it" might not find the opportunity to deal with Yan Fei. But this upgrade of the drone is a huge test for Yan Fei, and that "it" is likely to use this opportunity to attack Yan Fei.

Realizing that she might face a deadly threat, Yan Fei was hesitant and did not immediately upgrade the drone. But the current situation forces Yan Fei to upgrade the drone, because he must get more powerful power. Therefore, Yan Fei must overcome all difficulties and withstand the pressure, so that his drone can be upgraded.

Yan Fei had previously considered that accidents may occur during the drone upgrade, so she planned to upgrade the drone in a fantasy cave. In the fantasy cave sky, Yan Fei is **** and can control everything. If you upgrade here, even if the "it" makes an accident, Yan Fei can fight back, maybe you can kill the "it." However, after the upgrade of the drone, its appearance will change dramatically, and its size will become huge, becoming a true space warship. The space between the fantasy cave sky and the outside world is limited in size. When the drone becomes a huge space battleship, it cannot return to the outer universe through the space channel.

In this way, Yanfei's drone avatar can only be used in fantasy cave days. In the fantasy cave, Yan Fei's strength is even stronger than the drone clone, and no drone is needed at all. Therefore, the drone clone that cannot come to the outside world is tantamount to being abolished and unable to help Yan Fei charge outside. It was for this reason that Yan Fei had to abandon this seemingly beautiful upgrade location. In desperation, Yan Fei can only place the upgrade location of the drone on Lingshen ~ ~ Lingshen is 370 million kilometers away from the earth. The vicinity is full of vacuum, except for Yan Fei's dream There is no other way for Dongtian to get on and off the Earth quickly. Therefore, even if the "it" wants to take advantage of the opportunity, it cannot use the forces on the earth. It can only choose to do it by itself.

But as far as Yan Fei knows, no matter it is the mysterious organization of fate or the "it", when they execute the plan they want, they will not shoot directly, but plan in advance, and then pass Chess pieces to complete the final lore. The Spirit Star is far from human society, and Yan Fei in the starry sky here has not found any traces of the existence of cosmic life. There is no one here except Yan Fei. And Yan Fei will definitely not destroy his drone upgrade action, so when performing a drone upgrade on Spirit Star, there will be absolutely no chess pieces to help that "it" destroy Yan Fei ’s drone upgrade action. of.

Although the "it" could not affect Yan Fei on the Spirit Star, Yan Fei believed that the "it" would not miss this opportunity, or it might indirectly affect Yan Fei by influencing the people on Fantasy Island.

In order to avoid this situation, after all the preparations for the drone upgrade are completed, Yan Fei quietly returns to Dream Island, and must find Lu Pingping and make her final call.

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