MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 670 Real rival

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Although the artificial intelligence "dream" is very useful, "dream" does not have the ability to act subjectively. It can only execute human commands. It simply cannot actively help Lu Pingping to cope with the upcoming war. Therefore, Lu Pingping must make a decision plan to cope with the rapidly changing battlefield situation and maintain the hearts of Neverland will not collapse.

However, Lu Pingping lacked experience. Under heavy pressure, she made huge mistakes in decision-making, which led to Lu Pingping's exhaustion and regret.

Xi Yanfei had anticipated that an action against him would occur during the upgrade of the drone, but did not expect that this action actually occurred, but not directly against him, but launched a large-scale war against his Neverland. Fortunately, Yan Fei made an admonition in advance and told Lu Pingping that when she was in danger of her life, she would let Lu Pingping give up everything on Dream Island and return to Dream Cave.

But Lu Pingping has her own insistence. She feels that she has an obligation to protect everything in Neverland, because this is the hard work of Yan Fei for many years. She never thought about fleeing Neverland, but decided to win this world war against Neverland.

Taking advantage of the upcoming launch of the Neverland Rocket, Lu Pingping returned to her office. She needs to calm down her thinking so that she can make the right decision in the next time. In the large conference room next door, members of the Neverland Guards are discussing how to deal with possible landing operations against the mainland of Neverland by the enemy. In this respect, Lu Pingping knew nothing about it and couldn't get in her mouth at all, so she simply authorized this matter to the people below, and she had to think carefully about the next thing.

In the office, Lu Pingping slowly calmed her mood. Her previous decision caused four nuclear arsenals to explode. Although the places where the nuclear weapons exploded were very remote, their explosion range was quite large, which had caused a lot of casualties. This caused great psychological pressure to Lu Pingping, who had never killed.

But Lu Pingping knew that this was a war. She would definitely die as long as a war happened. Instead of letting her be killed, killing others is what she must do. Therefore, she must be strong. She muster her inner discomfort and come up with a big plan that can solve the three nations and the ape base together.

Lu Pingping stood by the floor-to-ceiling window in the office and looked at the street outside. Because of the martial law of Fantasy Island, the streets of Fantasy Island at this time were empty, which made her mood empty.

陆 Just when Lu Pingping was in a state of disappointment, there was a knock on the door. Lu Pingping stabilized her mood and said, "Come in!"

大 The office door opened and a man walked in from the outside. Lu Pingping thought it was her assistant who wanted to report to her, so she didn't turn back and kept this state, but she never heard the voice of the other party. She was a little surprised, and when she looked back, she found a woman sitting on the sofa in the office. This woman is not Lu Pingping's assistant or bodyguard, but an unexpected visitor she unexpected.

Lu Pingping froze and said, "Xia Fan, how are you?"

It turned out that the person who entered Lu Pingping's office was Xia Fan. Since she insisted on ousting the old President of the country, her plan failed because of intervention. After failing to prove her ability in front of Yan Fei, she disappeared in shame. For a long time, I did not expect to appear at this critical time. It's just that Xia Fan didn't smile like Ying Fei a few times before, but was a little serious, as if she had something on her mind.

Xi Xiafan said, "Lu Pingping, are you strange to see me here?"

Lu Pingping frowned: "How did you get here?"

The entire Neverland has entered a wartime state, and all the martial law on the streets outside is not allowed to move around at will, let alone let strangers enter the present command center of Neverland. You have to know that Xia Fan has been ranked first in the blacklist by Yan Fei. With artificial intelligence "dream" monitoring, she can't appear on Dream Island at all. So how did Xia Fan come to Dream Island without alarming anyone? What about entering Lu Pingping's office?

However, Lu Pingping was immediately relieved. She knew that Xia Fan had a magical ability, that is, her appearance was different in everyone's eyes, showing that person's most perfect image of a woman. It is the high-definition camera of Fantasy Island. Every time you take a portrait of Xia Fan, the appearance of Xia Fan is also different, so as long as Xia Fan steals the identity of others, you can enter Fantasy Island in minutes.

Xia Xiafan also has a magical ability, that is, her voice is very charming. With her perfect looks, no one can resist Xia Fan's charm. So although the streets outside have been blocked by fully armed Dream Island Guard members, they cannot prevent Xia Fan from walking around, let alone Xia Fan from entering Lu Pingping's office, so Xia Fan came to Dream Island and appeared on Lu Pingping's The office will be a breeze.

Xia Fan said, "When I want to see you, I come naturally. But I don't know where you are, so I asked the guards on the street who were on duty. They told me right away. I ’ve searched for your position all the way. I saw you, what ’s the problem? Well ... by the way, there are two kind-hearted guards who used the spider combat platform to carry me a ride, you remember to reward them well . "

Lu Pingping is a little depressed, Xia Fan's ability is really too high, which can make the personnel of Neverland be charmed by her unknowingly. Fortunately, Xia Fan is not the enemy of Neverland, otherwise, even if the defense of Neverland is even more powerful, it will not stop Xia Fan from sneaking in. If Xia Fan detonates a nuclear weapon here, I am afraid no one will find anything wrong before this nuclear weapon explodes. Only with the power of Xia Fan alone, the management center of the entire Neverland can be easily destroyed.

Lu Pingping said, "Xia Fan, what are you doing here? If you want to find Yan Fei, then you have come to the wrong place because he is not here now."

The expression on Xia Fan's face changed rapidly, and her mind became mysterious from the past. She whispered, "Lu Pingping, I said before. This time I am not looking for Brother Yanfei, but for you. "

Lu Pingping was a little surprised and said, "We are not familiar with each other, and there is no friendship. Why are you coming to me?"

Xia Fan said: "You also know, Yan Fei's brother is my boyfriend, Dream Island is his private property. Now Dream Island is facing a dangerous situation, and you cannot control the situation, so I have to come forward to help you Deal with those abominable enemies. Otherwise, because your incompetence can make such a beautiful Neverland into ruins, I will be heartbroken after living here. "

Lu Pingping frowned: "Yan Fei is not your boyfriend, he has definitely rejected you, and you are not allowed to come to Neverland, do you still refuse to admit this reality? How thick is your skin?"

Xia Fan said disdainfully, "How can you as an outsider know our true state? The quarrel you saw before is just our young couple in awkwardness, and we will return to goodness soon. Even the members of the Neverland Guards know In this matter, they have regarded me as the future boss, so they just helped me to meet you just now. I don't want to admit that it is you? "

Lu Pingping is a little depressed, because she has never seen such a brazen person. However, she did not want to quarrel with Xia Fan, but asked a key question: "We have been in war with the enemy for less than an hour. How did you know about this and came to Dream Island? of?"

Xia Fan said proudly: "Lu Pingping, I have already said that Dream Island is the brother of Yan Fei. In the future, I will be the hostess here, so Brother Yan Fei has given me huge permissions, and I can naturally know on Dream Island What happened. It can be said that you know everything about Neverland. I know everything you don't know. "

Lu Pingping almost laughed and said, "Xia Fan, I really don't know how your brain thinks, but it is narcissistic to this extent. I tell you that even if Yan Fei hits his bachelor all his life, he won't like you , You will never be the hostess of Neverland. "

Xia Fan was a little angry, and she was ready to fight back, but she still did n’t continue to entangle on this issue, and said, "Lu Pingping, you still have time here to talk nonsense with me. You do n’t want to try to kill those jumping beam clowns, Dream Island is really The destruction is in your hands. "

Lu Pingping said squarely: "Although our Neverland lost its first opportunity at the beginning of the war and the losses were a bit heavy, but we have enough self-protection measures and the enemy can never destroy our Neverland. As long as I stick to it for a while, Yan Fly will come back, and by that time, we will be able to defeat all enemies in Neverland. "

Xia Fan sneered: "Lu Pingping, although you are a management talent, you do n’t know anything about wars. Not only have you made huge mistakes in your command, but you have also made huge strategic mistakes. You do n’t pay much attention to collecting information from your opponents. If you continue like this, Then, your brother Yanfei's years of hard work will be buried by you. "

Suddenly Lu Pingping said, "I've been collecting intelligence on the enemy. Does the enemy have any information I don't know?"

Xia Xiafan said, "Lu Pingping, you haven't even figured out the real rival of Neverland?"

Lu Pingping said, "Our rival is of course the rice country, and the eagle country and France are not worth mentioning."

Xia Fan sneered again: "You really don't know anything. The rice, eagle and valving nations look powerful and have the ability to destroy humanity, but the three countries are not tied to each other, brother Yan Fei. They can be destroyed by a backhand. You have been focusing on these three countries that are not opponents, thus ignoring the enemies that pose a huge threat to Neverland. "

Lu Pingping said, "Do you want to say that our real rival is the Ape base in Africa? They do n’t have enough combatants. They only have powerful defensive weapons. After destroying our satellites over the African continent, they stopped attacking. They defend With more than enough offense, shouldn't we be our rivals? "

Xi Xiafan hated iron and steel and said, "You are wrong, this ape-based base that you have ignored is the biggest enemy of Neverland."

Xia Fan looked at the clock in Lu Pingping's office and said, "If the information I have is correct, the Ape Base has just launched three very large launch vehicles. These launch vehicles can transport a total of 3,000 tons of materials. Into space. These materials include not only a variety of military satellites, but also space-based energy attack weapons. Once these weapons are in place, they will pose a real threat to Neverland. "

Suddenly Lu Pingping suddenly received the latest battlefield intelligence from the artificial intelligence "dream". The space-based weapon launching platform over Europe monitored Mount Kilimanjaro for three consecutive rocket launches. From the survey data, it can be found that the rockets launched in the three launches are huge, and each rocket can transport at least 1,000 tons of materials to near-Earth space orbit.

Originally, Neverland ’s satellite network is spread all over the world. No matter what happens in the world, it is impossible to hide the monitoring of Neverland. However, the satellite network of Neverland has suffered heavy losses, especially the absence of even a satellite over Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, which has greatly reduced the monitoring efforts of Neverland. Fortunately, the space-based weapon launching platform continuously scanned the African continent, only to find this anomaly when launching three huge rockets at the Ape base, and told Lu Pingping to know.

Lu Pingping realized suddenly, saying, "I understand. The attacks of the rice, eagle and valving states are only attacks. Their purpose is to destroy the satellite network of Neverland and divert our attention. Their real killer is not these three people. A kind of country, but the ape base of the African continent. Also, these countries have made a posture to launch a large number of intercontinental missiles, induced us to launch space-based weapons to attack their missile silos, and exhausted our space-based missile weapons. The purpose is to prevent us from having the ability to attack the three giant rockets of the ape race that are taking off. "

Xia Fan said dissatisfied: "Such an obvious conspiracy, did you discover it now? I don't know why Brother Yan Fei did not entrust me with the burden of protecting Neverland when leaving, but let you stupid woman take charge . "

Lu Pingping's heart was full of annoyance, saying: "I was so stupid that I was fooled by them, launching all space-based weapon missiles all at once, and losing all satellite navigation missiles. Because of the surface of the earth, the African continent Located on the other side of the earth, the orbital electromagnetic guns launched from Neverland cannot attack the rockets launched by the Ape base ~ ~ Once the satellites of the Ape base are lifted off, they will control our Neverland ’s rocket launch. By that time, we will be facing an extremely dangerous situation ... "

However, Lu Pingping immediately awakened from frustration and said, "Fantasy, start the killer satellite above these three rockets and detonate in space in a suicidal manner, preventing these three rockets from entering their predetermined orbits."

The missiles on the space-based weapon launch platform have been launched, but Neverland also has some killer satellites in space. These killer satellites are small in size and have stealth capabilities. Even the radar equipment of the Ape base, it is difficult to find them all, so after experiencing a laser weapon attack on the Ape base, there are still killer satellites over the African continent. Now Lu Pingping detonates these killer satellites. Even if these three huge rockets cannot be destroyed, they can also destroy their plans to enter orbit.

Then Lu Pingping issued a second order: "Dream, immediately clear the underground of the Neverland Underground Rocket Launch Site, launch our supplementary rocket, and restore the number of our satellites as soon as possible. Then all anti-satellite missiles will be ready. Prepare for launch, wait until the satellite signal is restored, launch immediately, and destroy all the weapons launched from the Ape base. "I want to chat with more like-minded people on" Super Invincible Warship ", WeChat pays attention to" reading literature "to read novels, Talk about life, find friends