MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 675 Rebirth

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Contreras did not directly answer Lu Pingping's question, but watched the changes in the altar carefully. When the runes on the altar became stable and the heartbeat from the megalith reached the peak, he finally Can't help but smirk.

Lu Pingping asked: "What are you laughing at?"

Contreras said: "Don't you find out? I talked to you before, and it was a complete delay."

Lu Pingping was puzzled and said, "I know you're delaying time, but I'm just a weak woman with no combat power, and now I have lost the ability to act. There is no threat to you. Why are you delaying time on me? "

Contreras proudly said: "I told you three steps to close the space channel before, but one thing I forgot to say is the precaution. Before the altar is awakened, the unlocker can carry out the soul. Voluntary sacrifice. As long as you have this idea in your heart, you can sacrifice your soul to the altar. After the soul sacrifice, you will surely die, but you can dove to occupy the nest and turn yourself into an altar to become a communication A space channel for two worlds. "

"After you become a space channel, you will have an indestructible characteristic. Even my sword in the stone will not kill you. This space channel is completely under your control. You want to close it and completely isolate the communication between the two worlds; Or maybe you want to open it up and allow people of destiny to enter the earth, all your actions are in your thoughts. "

"I speak to you on purpose, so that you don't think about it. Now that the altar is awakened, you can no longer voluntarily sacrifice, so that the dove can occupy the nest. I can kill you right away and then sacrifice you. Soul. In this way, everything is under my control and I no longer worry that you will break my plan. "

Contreras had no concerns at all. While explaining his plan proudly, he dragged his sword to the altar and approached the landing Pingping, and he was about to kill Lu Pingping.

Seeing the murderous Contreras, Lu Pingping regretted it. Since the previous blood sacrifice had to be performed voluntarily, how could she not have thought that the soul sacrifice could also be voluntarily performed? She can't run now. If she can really transform into a space channel, she can not only protect the security of Yan Fei, but also use this channel to negotiate with fate and fight for Yan Fei's best interests. In this way, even if she really died, she could leave precious wealth for Yan Fei.

Who knew that Contreras was so treacherous that he actually threw out some so-called secrets to attract Lu Pingping's attention, so that Lu Pingping did not think of this key and wasted a great opportunity in vain. If she was killed and sacrificed by Contreras, although this space passage could also be closed, she would be completely dead and unable to fight for any benefits for Yan Fei.

Lu Pingping used to conduct commercial negotiations before. Although the negotiating opponents are very cunning, Dream Island has super products in her hand and is in an absolute advantage, so she can calmly calculate and finally obtain the maximum benefits in commercial negotiations. Basically, no mistakes will occur . However, Xia Fan and Contreras are obviously not ordinary people. They calculate human lives. Because Lu Pingping has very little information and does not know the psychology of these desperate people, they are continuously deceived by these two people. For the opponent's pawn.

Judging from the current situation, Xia Fan and Contreras only calculated Lu Pingping, and they both wanted Lu Pingping to die. But no one knows what their real purpose is. Maybe they calculate that Lu Pingping is just an introduction, and the real goal is actually Yan Fei, who is still on the spiritual star. If Lu Pingping's death can make Yan Fei's mind confused and cause the big thing he is doing to fail, even if Lu Pingping is dead, she won't stare.

With this realization, Lu Pingping suddenly raised her desire to survive. She should always believe Yan Fei, not what others say. Until the situation is unknown, she should not leave Neverland and put herself in danger. If Yan Fei was really upset because of her death, she could hardly blame her. So in order not to worry about Yan Fei, she had to survive on her own and wanted to leave Bibimbap alive.

Lu Pingping has always regretted her actions, but what she didn't know was that when she was looking at Xia Fan while looking at Xia Fan, she had a short absence. At that moment, Xia Fan had already controlled her mind, and infused some information into Lu Pingping's brain. It is the influence of this information that caused Lu Pingping's behavior to fall short of standards, and made some wrong decisions that were not strictly in line with the past. This is the real reason why Lu Pingping came to the basement 500 meters deep in the western church headquarters.

Contreras was approaching step by step. Lu Pingping didn't want to sit still. She threatened loudly: "Contreras, you killed me today, and sacrificed with my soul. Yan Fei will surely know this. Someday he will come to the door to take revenge, what will you do at that time? "

Contreras stopped and seemed to be thinking about this real problem, but he became insane immediately and laughed: "Lu Pingping, it seems that you have strong self-confidence in Yan Fei, so you will look forward to Yan Fei revenge for you. But you use this reason to intimidate me, it is of no use to me. Have I not told you? I am not an ordinary god-level expert, I have met with Yan Fei several times before, but every time I was in disguise all the time. Not only Yan Fei, but other god-level masters did not know my true strength, and thought that I was just a small character. "

Contreras said more and more proudly: "Why do I insist on closing the space channel? One of the reasons is naturally that I hate Ye Su for being unfair, suppressing me everywhere, and sealing me up. I naturally want to avenge her. But more importantly, Ye Su placed a curse on me after sealing me. This curse greatly offset my strength and made me less than one tenth of my peak strength. "

"This curse has been on me for two thousand years. Originally, it would gradually weaken with the passage of time and eventually disappear. But Ye Su is very cunning. Even if she has left the world, she still applies it to our world through the space channel. Dimensional radiation, projecting her power onto this seal, continued to suppress my strength. So after so many years, the seal on my body has not only weakened, but has become stronger and stronger, and I have been unable to return to the peak state. Only by closing the space channel completely will Ye Su's dimensional radiation be cut off. Without the curse's suppression, my strength will return to its peak state immediately. "

"The new generation of god-level masters on the earth have never seen anything. They are very confident and think they are the best, but they do not know that their strength is nothing in my eyes. Although I am not an opponent of two generations of fate, , But as long as I really regain my strength, as long as I stretch out a finger, I can kill all these god-level masters. Your Yan Fei is really powerful in the god-level masters, but he is just a little stronger for me The ants are nothing to me. Even if he doesn't come to me, I will go to him when I recover my strength. "

After finding an audience, Contreras, who has been keeping his own secrets, was a little bit shy, and explained his current situation in detail to Lu Pingping. After telling his biggest secret, Contreras thought of it. He no longer hesitated. He stepped forward and waved the sword in the stone to kill Lu Pingping.

At this moment, a dazzling electric light suddenly flashed, a thunderbolt sounded in the clear sky, and Lu Pingping on the altar disappeared. By the time she appeared again, she was already standing at the entrance to the room.

Contreras's face changed, and when he looked back, there was a petite white woman standing beside Lu Pingping. The white woman wore a noble mage robe, a pointed mage hat on her head, and a staff in her hand. This woman is not someone else. It is the thunder and lightning controller that disappeared for a long time after the group assassinates the gentle.

Contreras saw that the thunder and lightning controller used the power of thunder and lightning to take away Lu Pingping, and was a little angry. He said, "What the **** are you doing? This woman is very important to me, and you should return it to me soon."

The thunder and lightning controller did not seem to hear this sentence. She turned to look at the blood on her body, her face was very pale because of excessive blood loss, and her hair was scattered. Lu Pingping carefully said, "Little apple, are you?"

Lu Pingping was just in shock, and said subconsciously, "Who is the little apple?"

The thunderbolt controller's face became excited and said: "Nothing wrong, it is this expression and tone, little apple, you are my little apple. Although you have forgotten all the memories of previous lives, but I have never forgotten You, little apple, I'm your mother. "

Lu Pingping said: "What memories of previous lives? You say you are my mother?"

The thunder and lightning controller said excitedly: "Yes, you are my daughter, Apple, and I am your mother. More than 400 years ago, we were separated because of the war. I have been looking for these hundreds of years. You did not expect that you would have been born again and reborn, and you are so old. "

Lu Pingping had previously performed a blood sacrifice on the altar. She was originally weak, and the hurricane created by Contreras made her look very embarrassed. However, she did not expect that this image was very similar to the daughter when the thunder and lightning controller was separated, so Only those who were controlled by the thunder and lightning believed that Lu Pingping was the daughter of her rebirth.

The thunder and lightning controller controls the powerful amount of thunder and electricity. He is the guardian of the Holy See for hundreds of years, and belongs to the backbone of the Holy See. But she has been lonely for so many years. She regards finding a reincarnated daughter as her only motivation to live. So when she saw the second-generation destiny of gentleness in Kilimanjaro, the only question she asked was whether she could meet her daughter. After knowing from her tenderness that she could never meet her daughter again, she It crashed. After leaving Kilimanjaro, he did not return to the Holy See, but wandered around the world.

When Yanfei ’s drone on the Spirit Star started to upgrade, the terror wave was transmitted to the earth in a flash, and the thunder and lightning controller who was also a god-level expert also noticed this terror wave. Unlike other god-level masters' feelings about this terror wave, this terror wave actually entered her body and touched a special existence in her body.

Before being the guardian of the Holy See, the thunderbolt controller was just an ordinary middle-aged woman with absolutely no power. However, the Holy See found her hidden talent in the body, so she designed to deceive her into the Holy See, and let her contact the Holy Lightning tradition passed on by the Holy See. Then the Lightning inherited into her body, transforming her into a terrifying Thunderlord.

For many years, the thunder and lightning controller has been aware of the thunder and lightning inheritance in her body, but no matter how hard she tries, she still cannot understand the core of this thunder and lightning inheritance, which also causes her to fail to achieve the highest level of thunder and lightning control ability.

When the horrific wave caused by Yan Fei entered the body of the thunder and lightning controller, she touched the core of her inheritance that she had never understood, and then that core completely collapsed, revealing the ultimate content inside.

The thunderbolt controller originally thought that the content inside was about the ultimate mystery of thunderbolt control. I did not expect it to say: "Immediately return to the Holy See headquarters. In the basement of the Holy See headquarters, you will see your daughter who has been reborn and reborn. When your daughters meet, you will understand the ultimate mystery of thunder and lightning. "

The thunder and lightning controller never expected that the core of the inheritance actually contained such a paragraph, but she did not doubt the truth of the phrase, but returned to the Holy See headquarters at the worst speed, and finally saved Lu Pingping at a critical moment. With the reminder of the passage in the core of the inheritance, coupled with the image of Lu Pingping at this time and her daughter are too similar, she will consider Lu Pingping as her reborn daughter.

There is another key reason why the thunder and lightning controller confirms that Lu Pingping is her own daughter. That is, when she said that she was Lu Pingping's mother, UU reading, she had a lot of feelings about lightning, and then she could control the lightning as she wanted, and her strength has reached an unprecedented level. peak. This situation has already appeared in the core passage, so Lu Pingping is definitely the reincarnation daughter of the thunder and lightning controller.

Lu Pingping didn't know what happened in the middle, she said politely: "Auntie, my name is Lu Pingping, it's not a little apple. Although my mother passed away, it was also a few years ago. I am very impressed with her, so you It ’s not my mother. And I ’m an authentic Asian. You ’re a white European and American. There is no way we can be a mother-daughter relationship. ”

The thunder and lightning controller looked at Lu Pingping, his eyes filled with smiles, and said, "Little Apple, the reason for this is very complicated, and it is difficult for me to tell you right away. If you wait for a while, I will dare to kill you first. The bad guy died. He dared to kill my daughter. He is dead today. "

Contreras did not expect such a scene of a **** mother-daughter recognition in front of himself, he said angrily: "Thundermaster, this woman is not your daughter at all, what are you doing here? Are you really going to fight me today and not let me kill this woman? "

The thunder and lightning controller pushed hard with Lu Pingping behind him and said, "Little apple, don't be afraid, wait for me here, it will be over soon."