MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 706 Sea war

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The number of these aircraft is very large, they fly like a locust in the direction of Neverland. It is still daytime in the North Pacific, and those countries that still have satellites immediately discovered this huge aircraft fleet, and then they were extremely shocked. Except for Neverland, there is no country in the world that can deal with so many fighter jets at once.

Yan Fei knew the movements of these aircraft clusters and knew that they would not really be close to Fantasy Island. At the farthest attack distance from the orbital electromagnetic guns of Fantasy Island, Mi Jun would strategically deter Fantasy Island. After disturbing the military of Neverland, these fleets will return at a safe distance and return to the airport where they took off.

This huge expedition is not so much a war as an extreme flight test. Their biggest role is not to fight against Neverland, but to test their dispatching ability against large fleets while deterring Neverland. They only need to fly according to the formulated plan, so even if they lose contact with the rear, they are calm and continue to fly.

Under the detection of Neverland ’s new satellite network, this huge fleet is fully controlled by Neverland. Even the so-called invisible B-2, F-22, and F35, all of them appear in Neverland ’s radar. In the artificial intelligence "dream" laser projection, it marks all incoming aircraft on it, so that Yanfei can easily know the specific locations of these aircraft and the threats they may bring to Dream Island.

Because of the accidental disclosure of the previous monk Tang Yan, Yan Fei knew what the real purpose of the attack on Neverland was, and that the killer of the country was actually a latent person on the bottom of the sea who was about to land on Neverland. However, the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and no one can guarantee that the assaults of these warships and aircraft will turn into frontal assaults. If Yan Fei lets them approach Fantasy Island because they perform only deterrent tasks, maybe they will be on these aircraft. Suddenly suffered a big loss under the attack.

With the existence of super fighters, Neverland has been invincible in general. But Yan Fei won't take it lightly. If it was really a surprise attack by the Mi people for the carelessness, and his own Neverland was lost, it would be too embarrassing.

Therefore, Yan Fei's spirit must show all the means of the Neverland Defense System at one time. This is not only to respect the opponent, but also to prevent Yan Fei's previous efforts from being wasted and let the Neverland Defense System erupt most brilliantly. , Leaving a reputation honoured in history.

Yan Fei quickly calculated the conventional military power in his hands. With the assistance of artificial intelligence "dream", he quickly made a detailed counterattack plan. This counter-attack plan is then transmitted to each combat terminal through a satellite network, and it is necessary to start implementing a high-tech combat plan without precedent in human history.

Earlier, in order to counter a possible attack by the Mi Kingdom, Lu Pingping gave orders to let the four artificial whales of Neverland attack quickly in the four directions of southeast and northwest. On the one hand, it is to fight against enemy submarines and aircraft carrier battle groups that are approaching Neverland. On the other hand, it also assumes air defense missions in the airspace of Neverland, rejects enemy aircraft to enter the waters of Neverland, and extends the defense line of Neverland. .

With the ever-breaking technology of Neverland, the artificial whale of Neverland has also undergone a technological upgrade. Due to technical limitations, the first-generation artificial whale had problems with its communication capabilities, but also had insufficient battery life. It was able to continue fighting for a short period of time and was unable to adapt to a high-powered full-scale war. But even with so many shortcomings, when the artificial whale first appeared in front of the world, its combat power was still extremely powerful, and it was easy to wipe out most of the island fleet, the Australian duck, and the Ghanaian combined fleet.

Now, Neverland has eliminated the first generation of artificial whale and built the second generation of artificial whale. Because the second-generation artificial whale uses a larger energy battery pack, its battery life has been greatly improved. With one charge, the artificial whale can sneak more than 20,000 kilometers on the ocean floor, and the continuous combat time has reached half a year.

Because the new high-energy battery pack has become smaller and takes up less space, the second-generation artificial whale's ammunition capacity has reached a terrible 20,000 tons. The weapon performance of the artificial whale has also been greatly improved, which is much more powerful than the previous weapon. In this configuration, the combat effectiveness of an artificial whale is even stronger than that of all the aircraft carriers of the Chinese.

With the support of the communication technology of Fantasy Island, the second-generation artificial whale can connect to satellites in space even in the deep sea below 1,000 meters, so Fantasy Island let them go out for war.

Due to the improvement of seabed detection technology, artificial whales have already possessed powerful seabed detection capabilities. Therefore, the artificial whales that were previously used for submarine submarine exploration have been canceled. All their functions are unified to artificial whales, making it bear more combat. task.

In the three-dimensional image projected by the "dream" of artificial intelligence, not only the specific positions of the enemy aircraft and warships, but also the positions of the four second-generation artificial whales of our own.

The farthest artificial whale from Neverland is located in the eastern waters, and it is 3,000 kilometers away from Neverland. From the projected image, it can be found that under the coalition aircraft flying from the eastern seas to Neverland, there are red dots flashing artificial whales, and they are about to meet. But one is in the sky and the other is under the sea.

These planes came to exert pressure on Neverland, and disturbed Neverland ’s army. They did not intend to attack Neverland. However, Yan Fei obviously did not intend to let them go in this way. He would have to wipe out the living forces of the coalition forces that had come together easily and lay the foundation for the subsequent war.

The man-made whale in the eastern waters did not encounter the super tsunami rushing towards Neverland, but the super tsunami chased after it, and would hit the coastal areas of the East Pacific. The man-made whale was sneaking eastward in the deep ocean, but after receiving the latest order from Yan Fei, the man-made whale quickly floated up. I saw a boil on the calm sea, a huge artificial whale floating on the surface.

In the sky less than a hundred kilometers in front of this artificial whale, all the dense crowds are coalition aircraft taking off from the western coast of the United States and the Hawaiian military airport, and their total number is close to 1,000. This sea area is already in the forefront of the deterrent of Dreamland in the country. In their previous plans, the propaganda department of the country at this time has launched a threat to Dreamland. After learning that so many aircraft and warships are about to attack Dreamland, Neverland will soon be in a state of chaos, and those who complete the task will quickly evacuate here.

Just when the artificial whale was just floating, this huge fighter jet began to turn and was about to return. It's just that there are a lot of them, and it takes time to complete the turn. But they believe they will soon complete their turn and return to their airport. But no one knows that the super artificial whales of Neverland are hiding in the sea not far ahead of them, and are about to launch a devastating attack on them.

Each of the coalition's aircraft is marked by the artificial intelligence "dream" on the attack list, and even their stealth aircraft is no exception. After obtaining the attack coordinates from the rear, the control system of the artificial whale immediately entered the state of war, and saw that the artificial whale opened the missile launching hole on the back. The launch holes of these missiles looked dense, and the number reached 100. Then saw a lot of white smoke rising, and a hundred advanced anti-aircraft missiles were launched.

These anti-aircraft missiles are huge in number, and they are flying towards a distant coalition fighter fleet under the guidance of satellites in the space of Neverland. It is just that although these air defense missiles of Neverland are advanced, they do not have the ability of stealth of radar. As soon as they were launched, they were discovered by the early warning aircraft radar in the distant coalition aircraft group.

The coalition commander on the early warning plane saw the missile signals on the radar like snowflakes, and suddenly hesitated. You need to know that this is a vast sea, which is 3,000 kilometers away from Neverland, and the previous satellite pictures have not found that there are warships of Neverland, then who launched these missiles? Then the shadow of a war weapon appeared in the minds of these commanders, which was the secret and undisclosed super sea weapon of Neverland-artificial whale.

Although the coalition commanders realized that the situation might be a little bad, they did not panic. After all, their fighter fleet was huge and they had formed a battle formation. As long as they were under the command of the early warning aircraft, they could still destroy the incoming missiles. So under the command of the early warning aircraft, the coalition planes were immediately in combat. Before the air defense missiles of Neverland had arrived here, they began to launch the Tomahawk cruise missiles carried on the aircraft.

The coalition originally did not intend to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles to attack Neverland. After all, Neverland would soon be destroyed under the tsunami. Now the attack is just superfluous. But after entering a state of war, they had to launch these cumbersome cruise missiles. This is not only for countering the anti-aircraft missile attacks launched by Neverland against them, but also for reducing the weight of the aircraft and making them more flexible in the next war.

After launching the cruise missiles, all the aircraft immediately stopped turning, but instead gathered together into a combat formation to prepare for air combat.

The first wave of man-made whales had a limited number of missiles, only 100. However, its launch frequency is very fast. In just 10 seconds, it launched the second wave of missile launches, followed by the third and fourth waves ...

The radar installed on the artificial whale also found a large number of cruise missiles flying to Neverland, but instead of intercepting them, it let them go and continued to launch air defense missiles on its own. In just one minute, the number of anti-aircraft missiles launched into the air reached 600. But even so, the missile launch of the artificial whale has not stopped, and it is continuously firing missiles towards the distant coalition aircraft fleet. These air defense missiles are not as powerful as the Yanfei UAV's missiles. One missile cannot destroy an enemy aircraft, but it has a sufficient number of advantages, and it can rely on its number advantage to wipe out allied aircraft.

Soon, the first wave of anti-aircraft missiles of the artificial whale approached the coalition aircraft group. Just when the coalition's early warning aircraft was preparing to distribute combat instructions, the electronic jamming equipment on the artificial whale suddenly started, and a powerful electromagnetic interference wave was launched towards the coalition aircraft group. It was only a moment when the radar of the Mi fighter had a serious problem, and the early warning aircraft immediately lost its detection capability and lost contact with the fighter fleet originally under its command.

In addition, various combat aircraft preparing for counterattack operations not only lost their radar detection capabilities, but their communication information was also blocked, and they could no longer be contacted. In their aircraft, in addition to the weapons can be controlled, the engine can run, all functions on the aircraft have disappeared.

In front of these planes, a hundred anti-aircraft missiles flew towards them. These missiles are the pinnacle of Neverland ’s technology without a major breakthrough, but even so, their technology is far ahead of the Mi Jun missile technology. Their flight speed is fully Mach 8. Even if the coalition's early warning aircraft can be used normally, their interception missiles are difficult to intercept such hypersonic weapons, not to mention that they have lost all their radar eyes and ears and can only rely on the naked eye. Judging and firing the coalition fighter fleet.

The coalition fighters in the sky can already see the incoming missiles with the naked eye, but their radar does not show anything, which makes them panic. They can only continuously release jamming bombs, decoy bombs, and use the cannons on the aircraft. When firing, it will hit the oncoming missile in the general luck.

However, the first batch of anti-aircraft missiles were not targeted by these combat aircraft. These missiles passed directly through their defensive circle and flew towards the early warning aircraft. However, the coalition aircraft here is too dense, and the early-warning aircraft is in the middle protection circle, which makes the firepower of the coalition fighters reach a very high density in a small range. Even if these coalition fighters randomly fire bait bombs and machine guns, they will actually be in the future. Attacked anti-aircraft missiles destroyed 90%. However, the remaining 10 air defense missiles broke into the coalition's protection circle and wiped out the eight innermost AWACS aircraft.

Under the influence of artificial whale electromagnetic interference, the coalition's early warning aircraft has virtually no effect, but the cautious Yan Fei chose to attack it first. After all, Yan Fei did not know whether the coalition's early warning aircraft could resist its own electromagnetic interference. You need to know that the early warning aircraft is a multiplier for air combat. As long as they exist, Yan Fei will be very difficult to eliminate so many coalition battles. Without the cascade of early warning aircraft, the coalition's aircraft could only fight on their own, making it easier for the artificial whale to destroy them all.

For today's Yan Fei, the number of missiles carried by artificial whales is too large, and there is no shortage of ammunition. Therefore, Yan Fei will carry out such a wave, even if it is wasted, there is nothing wrong with it.

The first wave of attacks destroyed the command center of the coalition forces ~ ~ The coalition forces had not yet reflected from the shock, and the second wave of missile attacks followed. The targets of the second wave of missiles became stealth aircraft in the coalition, and all F-22, F-35, and B-2 all became targets of air defense missiles.

The threat of stealth aircraft is that they cannot be found, and once the target is exposed, their survivability is not as strong as that of the third generation. Under the action of Neverland ’s anti-stealth radar, all stealth fighters were invisible, and then under the attack of supersonic missiles, they were all destroyed by anti-aircraft missiles launched by artificial whales.

This time because there is no dense defense circle on the periphery, the attack success rate of anti-aircraft missiles is very high. After all 240 stealth fighters of the coalition have been destroyed, only the first 6 anti-aircraft missiles will be consumed.

After the coalition fighters found that they could not get rid of the missile attack of the artificial whale, most of the pilots on the plane chose to parachute ...


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