MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 711 Submarine impact

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Mi Jun has been receiving this planetary combat aircraft for a long time. After long experiments, they have not figured out the function of this planetary combat aircraft until now. Unfortunately, it was too late for them to figure out all this. Otherwise, the Mi people would have dispatched the planetary combat aircraft long ago, destroying the UAV of Dream Island and Yanfei.

Now the country of China sends it out, but dare not allow it to have a direct hard-to-hard collision with Neverland. It can only be used as a surprise soldier to steal away the scientists and high-tech equipment from Neverland. The reason why the Mi people are so unconfident is that the planetary combat aircraft has a huge short board, that is, lack of energy.

During the interstellar warfare in the era of the universe and humanity, the planetary combat aircraft sent to the battlefield were used to clear the battlefield. In essence, the strength of this planetary combat aircraft is not too strong, so although it also has a material combustion furnace installed on it, the power of this material combustion furnace is very small, and it can only maintain its basic flight actions and launching. A small number of energy weapon attacks.

However, in the era of cosmic humans, this planetary combat aircraft was still able to maintain a sufficient energy source, but this energy source was not the material combustion furnace installed above, but the energy transmitted from the rear through the air. When cosmic humans send out planetary combat aircraft, they will deploy several huge energy transmission devices around the planet to provide energy for these combat aircraft by means of space charging. So as long as the energy source in the rear is still there, this planetary combat aircraft can fight forever.

Although the current Mi Army has developed almost all the capabilities of the planetary combat aircraft, they have not mastered advanced energy transmission capabilities, nor can they increase the power of the above material combustion furnace, so the planetary combat aircraft can only rely on its own material combustion Furnace's meager energy combat. This alone limits its ability to continue operations. Each time you launch a maximum of two energy cannon attacks, or resist several other energy weapon attacks, you will lose combat power due to exhaustion of energy and become the target of other people's attacks.

It is precisely because the people of the United States know the biggest shortcomings of this planetary combat aircraft, and they are afraid of the high-tech weapons that have not appeared on Neverland, so they dare not let this planetary combat aircraft come to Neverland to fight, afraid of their own hands. The biggest hole card in it was destroyed. They only use it at critical moments, treating it as a mighty marvel.

When encountering a super fighter that could not be attacked, and being continuously attacked by this super fighter, the country's planetary combat aircraft suddenly became embarrassed. As Yan Fei keeps attacking, the strength of the energy shield on it keeps declining, and the energy of the planetary combat aircraft becomes less and less. If the superfighter re-enacts this attack twice, it can break through the shield of the planetary combat aircraft and completely destroy it.

At the most dangerous juncture, the Mi Jun pilot thought of a method that was not a way to re-enter the sea floor and use his advantage of being able to dive to a depth of 10,000 meters to avoid the attack of super fighters. His only hope now is that the superfighter cannot dive to such a deep sea bottom.

Yan Fei's super fighter also re-entered below the surface with the planetary combat aircraft. Although the super fighter was no longer able to conduct energy weapon attacks below the surface, its submarine torpedoes could not break the defense of the planetary combat aircraft body, but Yan Fei also Don't worry, because he has a new killer.

The upgraded super fighter has comprehensively improved the strength of the hull. With the use of the energy shield, not to mention the 10,000-meter-deep ocean floor, which is located at the 1000-km bottom, it will not show any discomfort. The overall enhancement of the hull strength has made it a new skill, that is, sea impact. Charge the enemy at super high speed, smash the enemy into pieces, and use this method to destroy the enemy on the sea floor.

But the process of collision is mutual. Although it can hurt the enemy, it will also suffer some rebound damage. This kind of damage will even affect Yan Fei's body. But after Yan Fei's mental strength doubled again, he slowly gained a new ability, which is to use powerful mental strength to shield the immune drone from the backlash of the avatar's damage. As long as it is not his drone mothership that is completely destroyed, Yan Fei's body is unlikely to have a negative situation.

If it only collides with this planetary combat aircraft that is not much larger than itself, the super fighter will not suffer much damage, and Yan Fei will not suffer backwash at all. Coupled with the super-recovery ability of the super fighter, as long as it is extremely short, it can recover all the injuries suffered by the impact and restore the combat effectiveness. And its opponents do not have this ability, they will only become weaker and weaker in the impact and eventually be completely smashed.

Yan Fei's super fighter and planetary combat aircraft only flew in the air for a short time, and then returned to the surface again. It's just that they are flying very fast. After flying in such a small distance, they flew to the original sea area 200 kilometers away.

Just as Yanfei's superfighter returned to the seafloor following the planetary combat aircraft 200 kilometers away, a sudden violent tumbling occurred in the mud at the bottom of the 6,000-meter deep trench, a huge snake head suddenly appeared, and the cold and narrow snake eyes were still faint. About red flashing. The snake head was huge, the size of a heavy-duty truck. After the snake head emerged from the mud on the bottom of the sea, seven equally huge snake heads appeared from the mud on the bottom of the sea.

After all the eight snake heads appeared, a huge snake body emerged from the cave under the mud on the bottom of the sea. With a snake body and a snake head, the body length of the entire giant snake reached an astonishing 250 meters. This weird snake with eight huge snake heads is exactly the Yagi snake from the islander Ito Kenji.

Ito Kenji ’s younger brother Ito Haishi was killed by a destroyer incarnation of Yan Fei in the island country for a woman, so Ito Kenji has regarded Yan Fei as his biggest enemy. He had previously controlled the Hachichi serpent to Neverland, in order to kill Yan Fei. However, he did not expect that Yan Fei had set out to attack the fate at that time. He was not on Fantasy Island at all, but when he was just approaching Fantasy Island, he encountered Duan Hongyu who was also in trouble for Yan Fei.

At the time, both people mistakenly thought that each other was Yan Fei's, so they fought a fight after meeting each other on the narrow road. At that time, Ito Kenji had just obtained the Yagi snake, and he was not familiar with the control method of the Yaki snake, and was immediately frozen by Duan Hongyu, and almost died before he could succeed.

Then the despair of Ito Kenji happened, that is, a more horrible headless knight appeared on Neverland. This headless knight was just one shot, and it severely damaged Duan Hongyu, who put himself in trouble. After comparing the strengths of the two sides, he immediately knew that even if he had the Yagi snake as a helper, he was still not an opponent of this headless knight, not to mention so many high-tech weapons on Neverland. So when Duan Hongyu's ice-sealing ability disappeared, he immediately took control of the Baqi snake and fled the scene, returning to the island country.

Although Ito Kenji ’s first operation against Neverland failed, his hatred for Yan Fei was even heavier. After returning home, he repeatedly encouraged the island nation to declare war on Neverland, and he had to use the power of the island nation to revenge his brother for a single arrow. However, the island nation at this time knew the strength of Fantasy Island very much, knowing that it was not an opponent of Fantasy Island, so they did not dare to offend Fantasy Island. Naturally, they would not declare war on Fantasy Island in support of Ito Kenji. After that, he severely reprimanded Ito Kenji.

After relying on the strength of his own country for revenge and hopelessness, Ito Kenji was very disappointed, and he went to another country with the Bachi snake in his anger and took refuge in the rice country. From the perspective of Ito Kenji, in the world today, only U.S. talents have the ability to fight against Neverland, and only U.S. talents dare to face down with Neverland, so he joined the U.S. and hopes to use his strength to revenge his younger brother.

The Mi people were defeated by Neverland. They were very unwilling, so they have been planning a revenge war against Neverland. After accidentally joining Ito Kenji, especially when they found that the Yagi Great Snake was extremely powerful, they were ecstatic. , Immediately promised to help the Ito Construction Division revenge, but the Ito Construction Division needs to wait for a while.

The reason why Mi Kingdom suddenly declared war on Neverland at this time, although there was a reason for instigation in the ancestral land of the apes, but the bigger reason was that Mi Kingdom had already prepared for war, and it was only right for the attack on Neverland , But got a powerful helper of the ape race out of thin air.

Rice has always wanted to get the high-tech of Neverland, so in this war, their ultimate goal is to use the tsunami to destroy Neverland. But before Neverland was destroyed, they had to take back scientists and high-tech equipment from Neverland one step ahead. When formulating this robbery plan, the staff of the Rice Country considered the factor of Yan Fei's powerful fighter. In order to ensure that this operation is foolproof, they not only dispatched a planetary combat aircraft, but also dispatched the Yatoki Great Snake of the Ito Construction Division.

In the plan of the People's Republic of China, the planetary combat aircraft was a bait, and the Yaki snake was the real main force of action. If Yan Fei's fighter really found a planetary combat aircraft as a bait, Yan Fei would definitely come and attack this combat aircraft. The best ending is to use a planetary combat aircraft to kill this fighter, but if you can't kill this fighter, you must also drag it or lead it away from Neverland to facilitate the action of the Yagi snake that is hidden under the bait.

Without the interference of Yan Fei fighters, with the powerful action and combat effectiveness of the Yagi serpent, they could easily land on Neverland. When the Yaki snake came out, it meant that all the forces that prevented them from landing on Neverland were transferred, and the Yaki snake could be assured. The big eight snake is huge in size. In addition to the most important fighting equipment and energy source, there are many independent spaces in the body.

The special forces who wanted to send to the Dream Island were all hidden in the long body of the Yagi snake. Once the scientists and high-tech equipment of Neverland have been snatched, they will also transport these things out of Neverland through the body of the Yagi snake.

Originally, Ito Kenji had been scared by the headless knights on Neverland, and even if he was sent here to perform the task, he was frightened. However, he has seen the power of the Mi Army planetary combat aircraft, plus the information he just received, knowing that the horrific headless knight not only left Fantasy Island, but also disappeared after the Holy See ’s headquarters, he let go of all his worries. When it was discovered that the powerful combat fighter of Neverland was attracted and left by the planetary combat aircraft, it immediately left the hidden seabed cave and officially landed on Neverland.

According to the scanning capability of the super fighter quantum radar, as long as multiple scans, Yan Fei can find the Yagi snakes hidden in the caves under the sea. However, the Mi people are really extravagant this time, and they actually use the equally powerful planetary combat aircraft as a bait. As a result, Yan Fei just found this planetary combat aircraft and thought that he found the Lord and did not continue scanning. Got this Hachichi snake.

Not only can it carry a large number of people and materials, but its combat power is also huge, which is the strongest combat power that the country can now hold. When it landed on Neverland, it would release 500 meters of special forces carried in the core area of ​​Neverland. Then the Yaki snakes will be destroyed on Neverland. While satisfying the revenge of Ito Kenji, they will try their best to attract the attention of Neverland, and attract all the firepower of the fantasy island counterattack to the Yaji snakes, so that the special forces of the Mi Army can act.

In the multiple war chess deductions of the Rice Army Staff, as long as the battle situation develops in the direction they expected, as long as the Yagi snake can land on Fantasy Island and attack on Fantasy Island, they can successfully complete the robbery this time. The mission of Neverland scientists and high-tech equipment.

Ito Kenji also acknowledged that the plan of the Mi people is perfect, and it will surely succeed. The more important thing is to satisfy their unscrupulous desire to destroy on Dream Island. It would be even better if Yan Fei could be killed in his own attack. So after discovering that the war situation was fully anticipated by the Rice Staff, he couldn't wait to control the Hachido snake from the bottom of the sea, quickly floated up, and officially landed on Dream Island.

200 meters below the surface of the sea where the eight-dimensional giant snake is located, although the planetary combat aircraft of the country of the United States soared to the maximum speed, they were quickly caught up by Yanfei's super fighters, but they were now at a depth of 5,500 meters ~ ~ At this depth, the planetary combat aircraft did not malfunction, and the super fighter also did not malfunction.

After constant acceleration, the speed of Yan Fei's super fighter has reached the extreme, and I saw it hit the planetary combat aircraft body at a very high terror speed. The energy shield on the outside of the planetary combat aircraft flickered, all energy was exhausted, and then the energy shield was completely extinguished.

The super fighter was also injured in this impact, and this damage also reversed to Yan Fei's body, but under the action of strong mental power, Yan Fei was completely immune to this injury and the body did not feel any discomfort. But the opposite planetary combat aircraft couldn't do it. It was bumped by Yan Fei, the body began to deform, and the Mi Army pilot inside turned into a meat pie in such a fierce collision, making the planetary combat aircraft completely out of control.

The superfighter left from a distance, then accelerated again, and flew towards the planetary combat aircraft, hitting its body a second time. This time the impact force was greater, and without the protection of the protective cover, the fuselage of the Rice Star combat aircraft was finally cracked. A lot of seawater poured into the combat aircraft along these huge cracks.

Then the super fighter began its third collision, completely crushing the already broken planetary combat aircraft into fragments, and then a large amount of debris sank into the deep ocean floor under the pressure of seawater ...