MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 73 Mysterious power

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意外 This unexpected situation disappointed the three hopeful CIA agents, so they called the CIA's informant here to ask. The CIA knew that this temporary hospital had admitted a young Chinese man and it was the intelligence of the local informant.

Twenty days ago, before being killed by American fighters, the military, and senior CIA agents, some intelligence was sent back. Although this information was incomplete, a young Chinese man was mentioned in it. So when the three CIA agents found that the temporary hospital admitted the intelligence of a young Chinese man near the scene of the incident, they calculated the time and thought that the young Chinese man was very suspicious that he had previously killed a large number of people in his country and The Chinese man equipped.

So the three CIA agents immediately rushed to the temporary hospital and wanted to find the Chinese man through the lead of the temporary hospital. In this way, they will not only be able to retrieve the mission objects lost by senior CIA agents, but also avenge themselves. However, they did not expect to encounter this situation in the temporary hospital. All the people in the temporary hospital denied that they had treated young Chinese men. This was unexpected, so they could only ask their informants again.

But weird things happened. When three CIA agents asked the informant about the information of the young man in Huaxia again, the informer looked very surprised, with an expression of not knowing anything, saying that he had no Huaxia young at all. Men's intelligence did not report to anyone who had information about young Chinese men appearing here.

This sudden turn made the three CIA agents dumbfounded. They heard the informant speak the information, and the informant immediately denied it. Unfortunately, they did not use equipment to record when they got the information, so they couldn't take the evidence and question the informants. The three CIA agents did not give up and started using a polygraph for the informer, but something weird happened. The data of the polygraph proved that the informant did not lie, which means that the informant did not lie. It was found that the words of the young Huaxia man were all true. The three CIA agents did not get any information about the young Huaxia man from the informant.

This incredible result made the three CIA agents feel incredible, and even began to wonder if their lives were real, were they dreaming? A detective came up with an idea and wanted to know if he was telling the truth, so he proposed to use a polygraph with each other, but when they tried to test each other with a polygraph, they found that they really got the name line. Human intelligence about young Chinese men, they did not lie, all of this seemed weird.

Just as the three CIA agents were cold, their colleagues in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi received the latest investigation information, so they left Aiweiyi village and rushed to Nairobi, where they exchanged information and continued. survey.

When Yan Yanfei seized the rusty gear in Africa, although he killed the blonde and her partner, the white man Sam, and even wiped out the incoming US Air Force and ground combat troops, his information was leaked to some extent. In this world, only the U.S. bullies, and no one has ever been able to bully the United States, so the unwilling American government has vowed to retaliate against this incident and began a large number of intelligence gatherings in Africa. They oppose Chinese men. The three CIA agents who went to Aiweiyi Village to find information are just one of the teams. There is also a larger intelligence analyst in Nairobi conducting intelligence analysis.

More than a dozen U.S. intelligence personnel are conducting intense intelligence exchanges and intelligence analysis, including the three CIA triads who have just returned from Aiweiyi Village.

At this time, a black intelligence officer was conducting an intelligence briefing in front of the projector.

"We retrieved the list of entry and exit personnel at Nairobi Airport one week before the incident, and the customs clearance video of these personnel entering Nairobi Airport. However, in the morning of the incident, the Nairobi airport management system malfunctioned. This The time to failure was two hours, so we did not have clearance information and relevant data for the airport during those two hours. "

A white middle-aged man named Lynch was in charge of the intelligence analysis. He frowned immediately after hearing about the airport failure and asked, "Why did the airport management system malfunction at that time. Have you looked for the reason? "

The black man said: "Our technical department has checked it. Because the airport management system has been used for too long and caused hardware failure, it went on strike at that time and failed to record the data within those two hours. Our Technicians have determined that this failure was an unexpected situation and that human causes have been ruled out. "

Linqi asked: "Can the data be recovered within those two hours?"

The black man shook his head and said, "We have tried our best, but the data has been lost forever and cannot be recovered at all."

Linqi asked, "Are there any suspicious people found in other data previously exported from the airport management system?"

The black man shook his head again and said, "We have carefully studied the data and analyzed everyone who entered Nairobi Airport, and compared it with the data in our system. We have not found any abnormal people. To ensure nothing is wrong. We also sent a large number of personnel to conduct field investigations into the actions of those who entered Nairobi, but we did not find them suspected of involvement in the massacre that night. "

Lynch looked disappointed and said, "You take the broken hard drive back to China and look for an expert for data recovery. You also need to investigate how many discs arrived at Nairobi Airport in those two hours. . "

Another white man stood up and said, "We have investigated the landing of the aircraft during those two hours and found that only four aircraft had landed at Nairobi Airport during that time. One of them was in Paris, one in Cairo, One for Huaxia and one for Los Angeles. We have obtained the security information and video footage of the flight from Paris, Cairo, and Los Angeles to Nairobi at the departure airport. No suspicious personnel were found. Now only from Huaxia Magic City The information of that flight is not available. If the enemy really entered Nairobi by plane, the suspicious element should be on this Huaxia flight. "

Lynch said: "Kenya is a coastal country. There are many ways to enter Kenya. In addition to airplanes, there are sea and land routes, but we have no way to check them one by one, so we can only find them by airplane. The suspect's method of searching, only this channel can make the suspect nowhere to hide. You immediately sought assistance from the Huaxia government, and said that suspicious terrorists were found on that flight and they needed to provide relevant data. "

The white man said: "I have made a request to Huaxia to obtain passenger information for that flight. However, the other party told me that their system had failed that day and it happened that all information about that flight was lost and could not be provided. The passenger information for that flight was given to us. Even the ticketing information for that flight's passengers disappeared, and they did not know who was on that flight. "

Lin Qi was furious and patted the table fiercely, saying, "That's all China's dodge words. The Chinese people must have been sent by them. Of course, they are not willing to tell us the information."

The white man sat down helplessly, and another gray-haired elderly intelligence officer stood up and said, "I have been investigating hotels and hotels in downtown and suburbs of Nairobi during this time, hoping to find suspicious people through the accommodation. All The Chinese personnel who appeared in these places were investigated by us. One of the Chinese people at the Nairobi Hotel caught my attention because he happened to be the hotel he was staying on the day of the incident, and he stayed in the room for a long time. No one knows what he is doing in time. "

Lin Qi was shocked and asked quickly: "So what useful information did you find?"

The gray-haired intelligence officer shook his head and said, "I found that the suspicious Chinese person had stayed at the Nippon Hotel and immediately conducted a special investigation. Who knows when I asked the hotel for information about this Chinese person for the second time? , But they told me that no Huaxia people stayed in their hotel. Then I started to ask the hotel service staff, but something strange happened. For the people I asked for the first time, they seemed to have collective amnesia for the second time, basically. I ca n’t remember that Chinese person came, even their surveillance video and accommodation information in those days have disappeared ~ ~ Naturally no one can think of what the Chinese person looks like. "

情报 This information made all personnel feel weird, as if they had encountered something extraordinary. At this time, the CIA trio heading to the village of Aiweiyi also got up to report. The situation they reported was similar to that of the white-haired intelligence personnel. Anyway, they could not find the information of the Huaxia personnel. The intelligence is exactly the opposite of the information obtained afterwards. No one knows what is going on.

Lin Qi, who is in charge of intelligence analysis, has a headache, but he is helpless. Their CIA intelligence system is extremely powerful. It can be said that anyone who wants to find the world can find it in minutes. Who knows that we encountered strange events this time in Africa, as if someone had secretly undermined their actions. The information they got was inconsistent. Without useful information, these CIA agents have completely become blind. , The suspect cannot be locked at all.

If Yan Fei knew what happened in this room at this time, he would be very surprised, because he thought that a foolproof trip to Africa had left so many flaws. But after getting to know the situation, he will be even more surprised, because a mysterious force in the dark seems to be blessing him, helping him to erase all traces he left in Africa, so that the United States CIA, the most powerful intelligence on the planet, is slaying. Returning, unable to lock his trail ...


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