MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 798 4 monsters

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Yan Fei knew the intricacies of the comprehensions from the human soul of the universe before. He also knew that these composers were the most powerful in the civilization, but he had confidence in his current strength. Although he had just killed a comprehension just now, he did not expect that when other comprehensions became serious, he could not even escape from the circle of comprehensions. However, Yan Fei had already formulated a perfect combat plan, and he was not panicked by it.

The self-cultivators were really angry this time, not only because they were scared by Yan Fei’s steel giants before, but also to make them ashamed; but because they died a companion, their strength was impaired. They must solve Yan Fei's steel giant this time, so they began to show their true strength.

After forcing the steel giant out of the wormhole, a muscular comprehensionist instantly appeared beside Yan Fei. The comprehensionist's body shook and suddenly became as tall as the steel giant. But this is not a super giant, but the world of the Fa-cultivator's practice. This dharma phase is fierce, with three heads and six arms, each holding a strange-shaped weapon, and slashing his head to the steel giant.

The purpose of these integrators is obvious, that is to use a melee with strong melee ability to entangle the steel giant, and other integrators form a formation in the periphery to launch a long-range attack on the steel giant, and kill the steel giant in a group fight. This melee instructor has the fastest speed and stopped the steel giant one step in advance. At this time, other instructors have not yet reached the combat position, but as long as the steel giant is entangled with him, the other instructors will immediately complete the formation of the formation, and then concentrate all Forces besieged the steel giant.

Yan Fei also noticed his unfavorable situation. His reaction was very fast, and he punched at the self-cultivator who stopped him. When his arm hit the instructor, the entire arm began to change shape like a liquid. By the time it hit, the arm of the Iron Giant had become a huge long knife. This long knife slashed toward the instructor's head, completely ignoring the instructor's weapon against him.

The two giants with a height of 4000 meters are desperately attacking each other. In order to attack the opponent, they have not evaded each other's attacks. The Falun Dafa of the instructor first attacked Yan Fei's Iron Giant. A total of six weapons hit the Iron Giant. The steel giant has a strong defense. Although it was hit by six weapons, these weapons have just scratched the surface defense of the steel giant and failed to cause fatal damage to the internal organs of the steel giant.

Almost at the same time, Yan Fei's knife was actually cut on the head of the instructor. The reason why the instructor is willing to exchange injuries with Yan Fei is because he has confidence in his defensive ability, because he has a Bodyguard magic weapon, this bodyguard magic weapon can block the attack of the steel giant. But no one thought that Yan Fei's long knife had a strange inside. After it was cut into the head of the instructor, it was indeed blocked by the magic weapon of the body, but the special ability on the long knife immediately worked, and it will be repaired at once. The magic weapon of the defender was smashed.

Yanfei attached a magical ability to this long knife, that is, the material cutting ability of the drone avatar. After completing this unprecedented fusion, many of the special abilities of drones have been changed, and they can be attached to the steel giant, cooperating with the steel giant to display more powerful destructive capabilities.

Material cutting ability is one of them, it is the advanced skill after the drone shock wave skill upgrade. It can cut all objects by consuming super giant energy in the body, which can be said to be invincible. And the cutting efficiency is very high, whether it is as large as a meteorite planet or as small as a molecular atom, as long as the energy is sufficient, the cutting can be completed in an instant, which is in sharp contrast to the slow deployment of the previous shock wave.

In order to get rid of this road blocker, Yan Fei has injected a lot of super giant energy into this knife. When this long knife meets the protector magic weapon, the material cutting ability comes into play, destroying the extremely powerful body magic weapon at once. The self-cultivator realized that it was not good, but everything was too late, Yan Fei's long knife cut into his head, the material cutting ability of the long knife entered his body, and quickly raged in his body, just a moment, the material cut The ability to decompose the body of the instructor into countless molecules and atoms, completely destroy his body.

This self-cultivator believed too much in his melee ability, and because he was confused by Yan Fei's sneak attacks before, Yan Fei's momentum has been weakening, and he mistakenly thought that Yan Fei's real strength was not strong, so he was the first. Jumped out to intercept Yan Fei. But he didn't expect Yan Fei to hide his strength. He not only defended himself powerfully, but also killed himself in one move. As a result, his attack did not cause fatal damage to Yan Fei. He was also hacked to death by Yan Fei. Others even rescued him. There is no chance.

After the body of this comprehension person was decomposed by the material cutting ability, it also left a magical energy in place, and this magical energy also did not disappear. Without the protection of the physical body, the soul of this comprehensionist was exposed to the void of the universe, and was quickly wiped out by the chaotic gas nearby...

Yan Fei killed the second comprehension in a second, but he was only slightly injured, which surprised other comprehensions and became more angry. They discovered that Yan Fei had deliberately weakened before, in order to paralyze himself in order to achieve his sneak attack. In fact, Yan Fei's combat power was comparable to them. After losing two powerful companions, the hatred between them and Yan Fei is even greater. In addition, they also see the true strength of Yan Fei, so naturally they will not let Yan Fei go like this, so they stand more carefully in the void In the end, the attack array was finally completed, and then began to lock Yan Fei, about to carry out the most violent attack.

Although Yan Fei easily killed the second Cultivator, he had used his full strength, and his steel giant was also hurt by the Cultivator. Although these injuries could not cause him fatal injuries, it also affected Yan Fei's agility. Seeing the other 16 integrators about to attack him, Yan Fei did not dare to stay here to resist hard. He once again created a temporary wormhole, and he had to escape this encirclement circle.

After seeing Yan Fei disappear again, the instructor holding the mirror turned the mirror and suddenly found the steel giant walking through the wormhole in the void. He activated the twisting ability of the mirror, and suddenly transferred the exit of the wormhole to the middle of the encircling circle. The other integrators are also ready to attack. Only when the steel giant comes out of the wormhole, they will launch the most violent attack and try to kill the steel giant in one move.

After the steel giant popped out of the wormhole, everyone realized that this was not Yan Fei's steel giant at all, but a steel body composed of a thousand strange bombs similar to the shape of the steel giant. This pseudo-steel giant happened to be at the attack center of their formation, and their most violent attack had already been launched. They were about to hit these strange bombs, even if they wanted to recover.

It turned out that Yan Fei had long known that his wormhole crossing could not avoid the exploration of the mirror magic weapon of the instructor, so he made a total of two temporary wormholes this time. These two temporary wormholes have a short opening time, and they partially overlap. In fact, what entered the first temporary wormhole was a thousand 1,000-fold gravity bombs fired by Yanfei. His own The body of the steel giant quickly entered the second temporary wormhole.

The positions of these two temporary wormholes are accurately calculated by artificial intelligence "dream". When the self-cultivator holding a mirror looked over, he could only see the first temporary wormhole, and the second temporary wormhole was hidden behind the first temporary wormhole. If you don't observe carefully, you won't find it at all. This comprehensionist has already destroyed Yan Fei's wormhole crossing before he will be slack in his thoughts. He did not expect Yan Fei to have such an operation at all. What's more, Yan Fei's elaborate design and deliberately placed the gravity bomb into the shape of an iron giant only made this comprehension fooled and misled other comprehensionists into launching wrong attacks.

The reason why these gravity bombs look like Yan Fei's steel giants is because they form a unique formation. This formation is the super power array that Yan Fei has used before. He used the super power array and gravity bomb tactics to destroy the first army of the ape clan, so he tried again this time and wanted to use this trap to let the instructors suffer a big loss.

It’s just that the situation is different now. At that time, the super energy gathering array absorbed nearly one year of energy in the universe. Now this super energy gathering array is temporarily created by Yan Fei. There is no energy in it, even if there is no energy in it. Gravity bomb explosions also have no power bonus, and naturally will not have any negative impact on these comprehensions. Therefore, he simply infused a lot of super giant energy into this super energy array, and he must replace the dark energy of the universe with super giant energy.

With the help of artificial intelligence "dream" super computing power, Yan Fei completed so many calculations and work in an instant. When he launched a thousand 1000 times gravity bomb into a temporary wormhole, that super The energy gathering has been infused with more than 50% of the energy of the super giant. After losing so much energy, the height of Yan Fei's steel giant has dropped from 4,000 meters to 2,500 meters. Yan Fei, whose strength has fallen sharply, immediately entered the second temporary wormhole and traveled to the outer universe void.

All the instructors launched the most violent attacks on the gravity bombs in the surrounding circle. Who knew that their attack had not reached those gravity bombs yet, they themselves had a big explosion first. As in the outer universe, this trap set by Yan Fei has the innermost layer of gravity bombs, and the outside is endless super giant energy. When the gravity bomb exploded, those giant energies were also detonated, and then the two The fighters fuse together and burst into a more terrifying lethality. But this is also different from the trap in the solar system, that is, the power as a power amplifier has changed from the previous dark energy to the super giant energy. This energy is more high-end and the amount is more, so its explosive power is also more powerful.

In the horrifying gaze of those innocent around, a black hole suddenly appeared in the center of the trap. It’s just that there’s no space in the universe, so there is no space in it, so this black hole is greatly suppressed, and its size is not as huge as the outside, but it is because of this that the gravity of this black hole is incredible, and its external gravity reaches 500,000 times the standard gravity.

But even so, 500,000 times the gravity still did not cause fatal damage to the instructors, they were just sucked into the center of the black hole and flew quickly, but the body was not hurt. As long as the time of the black hole's gravitational effect has passed, they can get rid of the present dilemma. But what made them despair was that they were attacking the gravity bomb with all their strength, and now that a black hole appeared there, their violent attacks were all sucked into the black hole. Just like adding fuel to the fire, when these attack energies were sucked into the black hole, the gravity of the black hole suddenly increased from 500,000 times before to 1 million times now.

The previous 500,000 times the gravity, those comprehension can still barely bear, but when the gravity is increased to 1 million times, even the most powerful comprehension can not bear. I saw that the bodies of two innocents were torn apart by gravity, that is, the soul was also pulled into the black hole. But the strange thing is that after their bodies were torn, they left a magical energy in place. This magical energy cannot be absorbed even by a black hole, but just stays where it was.

After seeing the tragic encounters of their companions, the other comprehensionists were frightened. They had to find a way to quickly get rid of the gravity of this horrible black hole. They even sacrificed their magic weapon, but the gravity of this black hole was too amazing. Their The magic weapon did not support for too long, and was quickly torn into pieces by the gravity of the dark shadow, and then more of the body of the instructor was decomposed and the soul was sucked into the black hole...

Yan Fei, who traversed through the wormhole to the distance, looked at the horror power of the black hole, and his heart was horrified. He did not expect that the power of this black hole would be so great, and it could really bring such a huge damage to the instructors. He was desperate before. In order to arrange this trap, he even used half of the super giant energy in his body. If this trap fails, he will never be able to turn over again. Fortunately, this trap is powerful enough and finally reached To meet his previous expectations.

This super black hole also affects the fantasy hole sky not far away, but the dream hole sky grows on the big bubbles of the universe. With the help of the big bubbles of the universe, it does not consume much energy and resists the gravity from the black holes.

Within the gravitational range of the black hole, twelve integrators have been torn to pieces by gravitation, and all souls and spirits are destroyed. Even the last four comprehensions left, they were all bruised, and their bodies were about to collapse. These surviving instructors are the four most powerful among all instructors. They include Xiaoyaozi and Huoyunzi. UU reading www.uukanshu. The four composers of comm have been unable to get rid of the attraction of gravity, they know that there is no chance of escape, so they make up their minds, cast a secret method, and gather each other together, from the previous four people into one...

Soon, a monster appeared within the black hole's gravity. The monster has four heads and eight arms, and each head is the head of the four previous innocents. It looks terrifying. They are no longer as good as the previous innocents, but like fierce demons from the abyss.

The strength of this monster also climbed to another height in an instant, which is enough to resist the gravity of the black hole. However, under the effect of the gravity of the black hole, the body of this monster is still being stripped off continuously, but only for a short time, this monster changes again. It's got scars.

When Yan Fei was expecting the black hole to continue its power and completely kill the monster, the duration of the black hole finally ended, then disappeared, and all the terrifying gravity disappeared. Without gravity, the four-headed monster did not suffer further damage. It turned to look at Yan Fei in the distance, showing angry and cruel eyes, as if to swallow Yan Fei...

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