MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 807 Septic tank bottom

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Since her debut, Yan Fei has been in a busy working state and has little time to reflect on the meaning of her life and existence. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment when the fantasy cave was about to be destroyed, he got an opportunity to re-examine himself in this ruinous environment, and then realized the sublimation of thought.

Yan Fei walked in the ruins of the magic city, and felt very clearly that the drone located in the Oort Cloud Belt. Originally, Yanfei could not feel the drones of such a long distance, because the earth is more than one trillion kilometers away from the Oort Cloud Belt. However, when the true strength of the drone appeared, the sensing distance between him and the drone's avatar exploded, which already made him feel the drone's avatar a light-year away on the earth.

This feeling is different from the previous feeling. Although I felt the other party before, I could control the drones to perform certain actions at a long distance. Without using the quantum transmission capability, the two could not directly reach the other party's location. But it is different now. There is a magical channel between Yanfei and the unmanned aerial vehicle. As long as Yanfei is willing, he can immediately use this magical channel to summon the drone avatar from a long distance to his own eyes.

Since the integration of the UAV avatar and the super giant Fulu, the UAV avatar has gained many magical abilities. But because Yanfei had been staying with the drones before, there was no chance to discover this magic channel. When the two separated the two places, Yan Fei immediately noticed the existence of this magical channel. Although Yanfei's body is on the earth, he can immediately summon the drone to his side through this magical channel. Crucially, this call is not restricted by any obstacles, nor does it consume drone energy...

Yan Fei's most troublesome thing now is that he can't break through the defense of the red light of Ape's flagship. But if he can enter the ape flagship through the special quantum transmission ability, and then summon the drone avatar through this magic channel, and use the drones to fight inside the ape flagship, then Yanfei will be able to easily ape Clan flagship destroyed.

It’s just that Yanfei doesn’t know whether this magical channel can penetrate the defense of the red ray. After all, this layer of red ray is a mutated cosmic rule. Things that can be determined elsewhere in the universe will no longer be encountered after encountering the red ray. confirmed. However, if you can cross the red light defense, Yan Fei can basically guarantee that his battle plan is foolproof. But regardless of whether he can cross the red light, Yan Fei must execute his own combat plan, because he is running out of time.

Just as Yan Fei calculated the probability of success, a noisy cry was suddenly heard somewhere in front of him. With a move in his heart, he jumped a few times in the ruins and came to the place where the sound was made. I saw a huge helicopter with the obvious ape technology style hovering in the sky ahead. In the ruins under this helicopter, several soldiers wearing military uniforms of the island country were fiercely hiding a few in the ruins. Earth humans pulled out. Beside the soldiers of these island nations, there is also an ape warrior wearing tight airtight armor. From the occasional momentum of this ape warrior, it can be seen that it is an ape super warrior with the strength of the realm of gods.

Scientists on the flagship of the apes have been unable to crack the special viruses released by Yan Fei on the earth, nor can heal the ape warriors infected with the special viruses. For the sake of safety, the ape commander can only withdraw most of the ape warriors into the ape clan flagship, but there are still a few ape warriors left on earth.

There is also a logic virus on earth that can destroy Ape’s smart devices, so these ape warriors cannot use advanced smart devices. In addition, in order to avoid being infected by special viruses, all ape warriors left on the earth give themselves Put on a thick airtight armor. Although this kind of armor completely isolates them from the outside world, but because this kind of armor does not have intelligent auxiliary equipment, it can not provide a combat force enhancement effect for ape warriors.

The reason why these ape warriors remain on the earth is not to fight the remaining earth humans. Because the human elite of the earth is completely lost at this time, there is no goal that can be achieved by the ape warrior. The identities of these ape warriors are actually supervisors. They supervise the Abe's island-state soldiers to catch humans on the earth as required, and put these humans in concentration camps. Therefore, in the operation of catching the fish of the earth’s humans, the ape warrior just stood by and did not join the battle group.

These humans on the earth are obviously survivors after repeated attacks by the apes. They have been hiding in these ruins for a long time, but they did not expect that they will be found by island soldiers using reconnaissance equipment today. These people are obviously a family. They have men and women, ragged clothes, thin yellow skin, and look very embarrassed.

These surviving humans have long known the tragic fate they faced, so they struggled desperately and did not want island soldiers to capture themselves. But those island soldiers are tall and have lethal weapons in their hands. These earth humans are just ordinary people, and they are not opponents of island soldiers. These island soldiers were very cruel. They lifted their butts in their hands and smashed them down. They smashed the survivors to the ground in just a few clicks, and then they were dragged away.

After seeing all this in front of him, Yan Fei's eyes broke apart. He did not expect that island soldiers who had surrendered to the ape empire were so cruel, and they treated human beings on the same race as this. He seemed to have crossed a long river of history and saw the ancestors of the soldiers of these island nations committing serious crimes all over the world 100 years ago. They now inherit the tyrannical heart of their ancestors and continue the "good" tradition of island soldiers.

As soon as Yan Fei moved, he exhibited his ability to transfer space, and suddenly appeared beside the ape warrior, punching him into the head of the ape warrior. The ape warrior was standing next to him with relish, because it did not expect to hate each other within a race. Just when it was so enjoyable, Yan Fei suddenly appeared beside him. This ape warrior is also a super master, and he made a defensive posture subconsciously.

After several strength enhancements, the strength of Yanfei's body has exceeded several levels of ordinary god-level masters. Even if the ape god-level master is powerful, but it does not have any special abilities, it naturally cannot resist Yanfei's punch. In addition, Yan Fei is still wearing Nano Battle Armor. With the enhancement of Nano Battle Armor, the power of Yan Fei has reached the most powerful point in human history.

Although the ape warrior raised his hands in time to resist, when his hands touched Yan Fei's fist, there was a crisp sound in the air, and the ape warrior's hands exploded like blood mist, and then disappeared. Yan Fei's fist did not stop, but continued on, hitting the head of the ape warrior at once, and exploding the armor he was wearing on his head. And the head of the ape warrior also exploded, his body fell to the ground suddenly, and he couldn't die anymore.

Yan Fei and the ape warrior fought very quickly. Until he killed the ape warrior, the island soldiers next to him did not react. Yan Fei did not want to say anything to these human traitors. He activated the weapon launch holes of the nano war armor. A ball of spherical energy was blasted out, destroying the huge helicopter in the sky, and then several laser beams were quickly fired to sweep the brains of all island soldiers. Penetrate and kill them all.

At this time, only a few humans on Earth discovered Yan Fei's existence. They were frightened and frightened during this time. They had long ago extinguished the arrogance of the past. After seeing the blood and brain plasma of the ape warriors on Yanfei's Nano Armor, they immediately leaned on each other and were afraid to look at Yanfei's eyes.

With a move, Yan Fei took a lot of living materials from the general space and placed them on the ground. He looked at the family member and said, "Look for a place to hide. It won’t take long for this war between humans and apes to end, and we humans will have the final victory. As long as you survive, you can witness this day s arrival."

After speaking, Yan Fei once again displayed the space transfer ability and disappeared all at once. After staying in this family for a while, I tried hard to stand up, picked up the living supplies on the ground diligently, helped each other and left here...

After seeing the tragic encounters of human beings who survived on Earth, Yan Fei was in a hurry. He must find Gu Xiaolan as quickly as possible. Only with the joining of Gu Xiaolan can he carry out his plan. As long as his plan succeeds, he can destroy the ape flagship. By destroying the Ape Flagship one minute earlier, humans on the earth will be able to save more vitality and win the final victory in the battle with the Ape Empire.

It's just that the range of the magic capital is very large, and Yanfei's satellite network has been completely destroyed by the apes. Yanfei without the guidance is like a headless fly, and he doesn't know where to look for Gu Xiaolan. Fortunately, Yanfei always pays attention to the actions of the apes flagship. Once it is found that the apes flagship has signs of attacking the earth, Yanfei will be sent back to the drone as quickly as possible to ensure the absolute safety of Yanfei on the earth. .

Yan Fei walked a bit dazed in the Mocheng District. After stopping, he was surprised to find that the place where he stood was the old Yan family house where he once lived. It's just that the small building representing Yan Fei's memories has been demolished and a bustling commercial pedestrian street has been built here. If not a nearby hill still exists, Yan Fei simply didn't expect his hometown to become like this. But under the indiscriminate attack of the Ape Fleet, this bustling commercial pedestrian street has turned into ruins.

Yan Fei stood on this ruin, and suddenly appeared in a trance. Then he saw the scenes of his life here like walking lights, and these life scenes were exactly the same as he remembered. But I don't know why, Yan Fei always feels that these life scenes are somewhat false, like watching a movie, rather than from personal feelings.

Yan Fei immediately remembered one thing. That was when he searched for his distant relatives and wanted to take care of them. But no matter how he searched, there was no whereabouts of these distant relatives. Even when he started to check the information of his parents, he could not find any traces of their actual existence, as if they were only on paper. Yan Fei doubted whether his growth experience was false at the time, but he was always uncertain. Now when these life scenes are reproduced in front of him in a walking way, he can almost confirm that although these growth experiences are exactly the same in his memory, they are probably not his real encounters.

After reaching this conclusion, Yan Fei thought of another question, that is, does he really exist? If this is not his true experience, who is he? Where did he come from? What are you going to do here? At this time, Yan Fei recalled the paragraphs about the "he" that he saw in the tender notes. But there was always a cloud of mist in front of his eyes, making him unable to see what was hidden in the mist...

Yan Fei was distraught in his heart, and he began to run in the ruins of the magic city, wanting to find the doubt in his mind in this way. Although he knew it was impossible, he was so nervous during this time that he also needed to vent his emotions in this way.

When Yanfei stopped again, he found himself in a familiar place. This is the headquarters building of the Dream Group in Modu. Yan Fei relied heavily on this super building at that time, and regarded it as the basis for his career development. If not so many things happened later, he will always live here. But he will not live here forever, because one day later, he will be killed by a pile of bombs under the super building.

Although Yanfei later abandoned the super building, this super building has always been the asset of Neverland and has been carefully maintained. But this building was also destroyed by the ape attack, it has now collapsed. In the ruins formed after the collapse, the dilapidated Dream Island logo can also be seen.

Yan Fei did not expect that he could still see this former career center. After seeing this career center destroyed by the ape clan, he felt a little sad. But just when he was about to turn around and leave here, what he felt. He stopped immediately, breaking his mental strength out and infiltrating towards the ground.

Yan Fei's spiritual power is very strong, and it easily penetrates the thick rock layer and comes to a depth of two hundred meters below. It was found that this is a huge underground septic tank formed by sewage and feces. In this septic tank, Yan Fei felt a force slumbering in it.

In Yanfei's spiritual induction, although this force is not shown, it is very powerful in nature, and even more powerful than the current Yanfei body. He also found a very familiar feeling from this power, but among all the people he knew, few of them could be so powerful. Those who are so powerful have disappeared in this world for various reasons.

Why does a person with such a powerful force hide deep in the ground of his former headquarters? The key is all sewage and feces. Why would this man with great power stay in such a harsh environment?

Doubtful Yan Fei continued to extend his powerful spiritual power and began to touch the dormant force in the septic tank. But before waiting for Yan Fei's spiritual power to really touch that power, that power was awakened by the approaching Yan Fei's spiritual power. Then an overwhelming amount of coercion suddenly appeared. The strength of this coercion made Yan Fei, who was well-informed, tremble with fear.

The force exploded at once, and huge destructive power began to appear. I saw a violent explosion in the septic tank. Under the effect of the explosion, the ground here began to collapse, and a passage from the ground to the ground suddenly appeared. The sewage and feces from the ground were blown up and splashed everywhere. In the sky of sewage and feces, a figure blasted out from the passage below and stood in front of Yan Fei.

Yan Fei looked at this sloppy, filthy man. Although his nose was completely separated from the outside by the Nano Warframe, he could imagine how unpleasant the outside air was. Then I saw the filthy person trembling quickly, and all the filth on her quickly flew.

In just an instant, the person became completely clean. It's just that the clothes on her body are ragged, as if they haven't changed in many years. Then Yan Fei saw clearly that this man was a woman. The woman was expressionless, with white hair and waist, and lacked a palm.

After seeing who this person was, Yan Fei was taken aback and said in surprise: "Gu Xiaolan, why are you?"