MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 94 Bank robbery

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Yan Yanfei came to Ginza, Tokyo according to the map, and Okawa Bank was located in the center of Ginza. Ginza is the most prosperous business district in Tokyo. According to legend, this area used to be the sea. Later, Tokugawa Ieyasu reclaimed the land. This place became the "Ginza ward" for minting silver coins. It was slowly called Ginza. There is "Tokyo's "Heart".

Ginza Avenue is one and a half kilometers in length, starting from Jingqiao in the north and Xinqiao in the south. The department stores and various shops on both sides of the avenue are lined up in a row, specializing in high-end goods. There are many restaurants, snack bars, bars, and nightclubs in the back street of Ginza Avenue.

Wu Yanfei also came to Ginza, the island ’s most prosperous street, for the first time. However, domestic urban construction is changing with each passing day, especially the magic capital, and the city center is more prosperous than Ginza. He pretends to be shopping here, but intentionally or unintentionally walks around Dahe Bank, paying attention to the surrounding situation of Dahe Bank.

Dahe Bank is located in a 36-storey building called Dahe Building in the center of Ginza. The minus three floors to the fifth floor are banks. Above the sixth floor is the office location of the Dahe family holding company. According to the mark on the floor, the vault of Dahe Bank is on the third floor underground. In other words, the third floor is the target of this operation. So he started to step on the point, wrote down some important targets and data, and then left here to start making a combat plan.

Qi Yanfei connected to the Internet using an assisted brain and began searching for the structure of the building. Unexpectedly, the structure of this building was actually found on the Internet, and he became familiar with the structure of this building. Yan Fei then began to collect Tokyo underground pipelines and subway maps, paying special attention to the underground pipelines and lines from the vicinity of the building, and keeping these pipelines and lines in mind.

In the afternoon, Yan Fei came to a mountain near Tokyo, found an abandoned mine, and sorted out the contents of the general space. Take out the less important things and temporarily put them in this pit. He is going to steal precious metals tonight, so he needs to use general space. But just now he loaded a lot of meters into the general space, filling the general space. So for the operation tonight, he must sort out enough space to complete the operation tonight.

九 At nine o'clock in the evening, Yan Fei, who was fully prepared, came to the Dahe Building in the center of Ginza again. He hid himself in the darkness and observed the Dahe Bank from a distance. At this time, the Dahe Bank was closed and closed, but the security around it looked a bit stern, and security guards patrolled with flashlights from time to time.

Looking at the guards here, Yan Fei couldn't help but sneer. He had passed through the Mi Jun base, which was more rigorous than here. The guards here were like the kindergarten students who played in the kindergarten. simple.

Xi Yanfei once again confirmed his plan, put on a set of rice army bulletproof clothing, wearing a Kevlar helmet on his head, then came out of the darkness and walked towards the gate of Dahe Bank. As soon as the bank gate was approached, two security guards stood out. They touched the batons on their waists with one hand and stopped Yan Fei with one hand. A warning sound was issued in their mouths to keep him from coming forward. Yan Fei suddenly stepped forward, struggling hard, slamming the heads of the two security guards together, the two security guards were just ordinary people, where Yan Fei's opponent was knocked out of the air and fell to the ground.

Wu Yanfei came this time without intending to sneak in silently. After all, there are cameras everywhere, and he cannot sneak in at all. Therefore, he intends to storm, enter from the front, approach the vault quickly, and retreat immediately after completing his goal, without giving the other party reaction time.

Xi Yanfei resolved the two security guards and rushed towards the inside of the bank. He also took out a heavy machine gun with large-caliber bullets stolen from the Mi Jun arsenal, and then shot at the bank's door glass. The door glass of Dahe Bank uses reinforced glass, which is even stronger than concrete floor. However, under the sweep of the large-caliber heavy machine gun, cracks still appeared, and then they were crushed by large-caliber bullets. Yan Fei ended up with a crane gun and quickly broke into the bank.

By this time, the bank's security monitoring room had found something wrong, and they did not hesitate to sound the alarm and called the police. There was a huge alarm sound inside the bank, Yan Fei turned a deaf ear, followed the route of the daytime step and the structure of the building, and made a rapid advance towards the underground vault.

Along the way, security personnel constantly appeared, and they also had a certain amount of firepower, but because of the restrictions of the system,

All of them are pistols with small-caliber bullets in their hands. Their power is very small and there is no threat to Yan Fei.

这么 After so many battles, Yan Fei's strength has been reborn. His movements were lightning fast, and he could completely kill the guards with heavy machine gun bullets before they had time to fire.

Yan Fei is advancing all the way forward. Although Dahe Bank claims to be heavily guarded, it can only prevent ordinary criminals from breaking in. In the face of Yan Fei, who looks like a wolf, the poor defense force in it cannot stop Yan Fei at all. go ahead.

The security guards who were easily killed by Yan Fei set an example for others, that is, the rebels were killed immediately, so other security guards did not dare to approach Yan Fei, and did not dare to block his progress. For the tactics to be supported, the police who hoped to receive the alarm immediately dispatched combatants to kill or capture Yan Fei, who had invaded the bank.

Yan Yanfei followed the route of his own footsteps, and soon came to the underground vault on the third floor below. There is a metal door into the vault from the outside. The bank just discovered Yan Fei's invasion, and closed the metal door from the inside to stop Yan Fei from moving on.

Yan Fei stood in front of the metal gate, retracted the heavy machine gun, and began to search in the general space. Then he found an rpg rocket launcher and ammunition in the Mi Jun arms. He loaded the rocket and aimed at the metal gate. He fired rockets, and then quickly dodged in the corner of the corridor after firing rockets. I heard a violent explosion coming from behind, and then an air wave rushed over, knocking Yan Fei on the ground several times.

Ji Yanfei got up, and when he looked at it, he saw that the metal door that blocked him had been opened by a huge hole by a rocket. Judging from the thickness of the steel at the entrance, if he does not use rpg rockets, he cannot break through this metal door. He entered the metal door, which was the entrance to the vault. It was just that the vault door was closed tightly, and no one was around, making him unable to open the vault door.

But Yan Fei had considered this problem long ago, he once again took out a large amount of c4 explosives from the general space. These c4 explosives were stolen by him at the Mijun Aviation Base last night. He piled these explosives in front of the vault door, then connected them in order. He exited far away, hiding at the corner of the corridor, and then pressed the detonator. I heard a loud noise. The huge explosion shook the entire building a few times, and the vault below collapsed suddenly, showing how powerful the explosion was.

Yan Yanfei was hiding far away, but was still very embarrassed by the gas waves of the c4 explosion, but fortunately he was well prepared, and his body was protected by bulletproof jackets and helmets. He didn't wait for the fumes of the explosion to dissipate and rushed into the vault. It was found that the entire vault actually collapsed with explosives, and there was still some space for him to enter the vault door.

The huge vault door was really hard. Even under such an explosion, it had not been blown open. However, although the vault gate was still intact, the walls around it were blown up, so the gate was also blown to the ground. It is just that although the problem of the vault door has been solved, a new problem has arisen, that is, a large number of collapsed walls, which are blocked there and cut off the access to the vault.

If other people encounter this situation, they will certainly be powerless, because the vault has been blocked and the contents inside cannot be taken out at all. But for Yan Fei, these are not a problem at all, because he has universal space.

Qi Yanfei strode forward, and touched the vault door in his hand. The vault door suddenly disappeared, and he was taken into the general space. Then he pushed hard, the vault door appeared again, flew behind him, and raised a burst of smoke. He stepped forward again, put a piece of collapsed wall into the common space, and then used the common space to throw behind him. Soon, Yan Fei cleared a path at an incredible speed and let himself enter the vault.

The outer wall of the vault has collapsed, but the inner wall of the vault is still extremely strong, and there is no collapse. But this is the best ending, lest Yan Fei still have to find what he wants in the ruins.

There is a large amount of Japanese yen banknotes in the middle of the vault, which looks at least tens of billions. Because of the explosion shock wave, the yen was scattered on the ground next to it, like a yen carpet. Beside a lot of yen,

There are also currencies of some other countries, including not only meters, pounds, euros ~ ~, but also Huaxia coins. A lot of them have been seen in the past, and they don't know how many.

Seeing so much cash, Yan Fei swallowed his mouth, because he had never seen so much money in his life. However, he immediately looked away. His purpose tonight is not the cash, but the gold and rare earth metals inside. So he bypassed the pile of cash, and saw a golden mountain of Huang Chancan stacked behind the cash, which is the gold stored in the vault. He was overjoyed, stepped forward, started to grab the nuggets and put them in the general space.

Xi Yanfei has never seen so much gold, so he doesn't know how much gold there is, he only knows to put this gold in the general space. His hands and feet quickly, plus the convenience of universal space, quickly put all of this gold into the universal space. Then he opened the virtual control screen of the drone, and saw the gold column of the raw materials required for the upgrade, indicating that the upgrade conditions had been met.

Qi Yanfei met the first condition, and immediately went deep into the vault, and saw dozens of sealed boxes stacked in the vault with the element names written on it. As soon as he checked, he immediately discovered that these were the rare earth metals he needed. So he quickly put these boxes into the common space.

箱子 The number of these boxes is very large, occupying a lot of general space, but when Yan Fei saw that the raw materials of the drone upgrade have been collected, it is still very happy, which means that his drone can finally upgrade again.


The second is more, I hope everyone likes it!