MTL - Super Male God System [Fast Wear]-Chapter 364 Girls in boys' schools

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Who is Chai Xinyuan? It is the super boss of Tiantianshang entertainment news and financial news. The other party not only has outstanding assets, but also has a lot of lace news. It is also a relatively well-known philanthropist in China. Compared with many other big names in the industry, Chai Xinyuan has obviously adapted to this. In the new era, young people worship Chai Xinyuan very much.

About what everyone wants, it is Chai Xinyuan who spends money freely, spend time with anyone who likes it, and separate if he doesn't like it. Being a perfect ex and free to do charity, how can such a life Don't envy young people?

It can be said that many of the rich second generation in the class worshipped Chai Xinyuan and struggled with Chai Xinyuan. Therefore, when they heard their father Chai say this, they were also a bit annoying to those who slandered Chai's father.

When a person reaches a certain height, what else is there to hide? The CEO of Apple Mobile has come out, even if Dad Chai likes men, they can accept it! Besides, it's not wrong to like men but not to be derailed. It doesn't involve moral issues. Is there anything wrong?

Rich second generations are standing beside Xiao Qingrong and Chai Xinyuan at this time, while Zhou Lean is sitting there, feeling more like sitting on a needle felt, feeling that everything he has done seems to be disassembled.

Chai Xinyuan sneered, then continued to speak.

"Next, I want you to watch a video. As long as you watch this video, I think who is framed me and my son, everyone will have a result."

That's right! Before that, Fei Zhou put out a photo, and opened a picture, all of which were edited. Now Chai Xinyuan wants to let the other party experience this kind of inexplicable feeling.

Although it is said that this style of doing things is not suitable for Chai Xinyuan, he used to directly hand over these matters to a lawyer, but this time for his son, Chai Xinyuan was determined not to allow himself to retreat.

The son's affairs are all important things in this world. As a father, you must protect your son well!

Next, I saw that the butler took a projector from one side, and soon, everyone saw a picture on the projector. This picture was the bedroom of Xiao Qingrong and Huo Xuyang.

Someone who has been to the dormitory of two people recognizes that this is the monitoring of the dormitory hall. In fact, many boys know that there is a monitoring installed in the hall of their dormitory, but the boys will not expose anything in the hall, so everyone When the camera did not exist, the contents of the camera were taken out at the moment, but it reminded them of the camera.

Huo Xuyang has just reacted, and Zhou Lean has turned pale. She never expected that a bedroom would even have a camera installed!

However, there was no one in the camera. As a result, after a while, they saw Zhou Lean wrapped in a towel and came out with his shoulders exposed. He came to Xiao Qingrong's door and knocked on the door. After a while, Xiao Qingrong opened the door. The two did not know what to say Xiao Qingrong wanted to close the door, and then the door caught Zhou Lean's finger, and then Huo Xuyang came over. Finally, Xiao Qingrong closed the door and Zhou Lean didn't know what to say to Huo Xuyang, so Huo Xuyang fled.

There was no sound in the entire video, but it made the students in the class vaguely guess what they thought. After thinking of Zhou Lean moving out of Xiao Qingrong and Huo Xuyang's bedroom, he immediately looked at Zhou Lean's expression.

Homosexuality is mentioned in the post. I am afraid that Zhou Lean is gay? Xiao Qingrong and Huo Xuyang were kicked out of the bedroom before because he wanted to seduce them?

Although the people present are all boys, they are not stupid. If it is a bath, even if there is no water, everyone can take a bath in the bathroom in the hall. They will not go to other people's rooms. Like a woman ...

At this moment, Zhou Lean's complexion was completely pale, and she did not expect that a dormitory could be monitored, and suddenly stood up.

"You are violating my privacy!"

As soon as this remark came, President Meng sneered and began to sneer.

"Student Zhou, we Allen Boys High School installed monitoring in the hall of each bedroom for the health of the students. When Zhou chose to live in school, the contract should be written, but I came here to inform you One thing is that from now on, Zhou Lean is no longer a student of our Allen Boys High School, and we will file a lawsuit against Zhou in the name of the school, because Zhou is not a boy at all, Zhou Lean is your brother, You are Zhou Feier, who has been mixed with our boy's high school in the name of your brother. I have great reason to doubt whether you have caused psychological harm to the students in my school. "

It has been more than ten years since Allen Boys High School was in operation. President Meng never thought that such a strange thing would happen in his own school. Their school does not mean that they need to take off their clothes to check the entrance of the school. I know, girls can't come, but now, Zhou Feier's presence is already a shame!

As soon as this came out, all the students in the sophomore class looked at Zhou Lean's eyes strangely, and then some people stepped back, as if Zhou Lean was like a virus, there was no way, they were not interested in girls, but It's weird to think that they have mixed girls with boys in high school?

"If you were a girl, then you still seduced Xiao Qingrong?" A boy said suddenly, then thought of the time of the video, and suddenly realized.

"Did you want to seduce Huo Xuyang before, but later learned that Xiao Qingrong's father was Chai Xinyuan before he changed his goal?"

In the video, it was clear that Zhou Lean had said something to the two boys, scaring the two boys one by one, and one rushing away, so everyone understands now, I am afraid that it is because Zhou Lean seduced the two.

Later, Zhou Lean was kicked out of the bedroom because of this incident ...

All this was like a farce, which made Xiao Qingrong helpless. He really felt that this golden finger actually lowered the IQ, and would never want to use it again.

"No, it's not like that, I didn't ..."

Zhou Feier still wants to quibble, but the fact is in front of her, the principal said directly. Of course, everyone believes in the principal and does not believe in Zhou Feier, not to mention the video.

"Because my son was not seduced by you, you posted a post saying that my relationship with my son is abnormal. Zhou Feier, I will file a lawsuit against your intention to slander my reputation with my son. My lawyer will notify you Your family, I hope you are ready. "

Chai Xinyuan broke the post at this moment, which was handled by Zhou Feier, which made these children's eyes widen instantly. There was very little jealousy among these boys. Everything was done directly, otherwise In the family, I have seen such a small means of slandering people with posts. In fact, boys are sometimes more sensible than girls. When they see things, girls may be disgusted first, and they will not think about the truth of this matter. And boys sometimes think more.

Although the posts in the forum are bursting, but there are actually few people who believe. Everyone is from the second generation of the rich, knowing that rich people will not do anything so brave if they really do anything. They just ca n’t wait for anyone. I don't even know such a thing.

Before Zhou Feier passed through, she was just an ordinary person. Of course, she knew only ordinary methods. She did not understand the dirtyness of the so-called giants. Therefore, her method was really a fight between children and had no technical content at all. Therefore, Xiao Qingrong considered Chai Xinyuan Dealing with it himself made him a little speechless.

The final result was, of course, that Zhou Feil was fired from Allen Boys High School, and her actions were also publicly posted on the forum, letting the boys at the school know that their school had mixed up with a girl, that girl Actually intended to seduce two boys in the same bedroom, but fortunately neither of them was hooked.

Xiao Qingrong had a friendly and cordial exchange with his father, Chai Xinyuan, before sending Chai Xinyuan away.

The school seems to have restored the calm of the past, but Huo Xuyang is still worried, thinking that he is fortunate to be sensitive, otherwise he will be defiled! He also told Xiao Qingya about this, so Xiao Qingya did not expect that such a thing could happen.

Every day, Xiao Qingrong knew that Zhou Feier was sent back to the Zhou family, Zhou Feier's family went bankrupt, and Zhou Feier's brother returned from abroad. Anyway, the Zhou family's life was a mess. One month later, Jin The effect of the fingers finally came into effect, and Chai Xinyuan's huge fatherly love finally let Xiao Qingrong take a breath.

However, the relationship between the two is still very good, and it has become a relationship between the righteous father and the right son.

When I traveled abroad before, I didn't know what happened. Xiao Qingya seemed to be stunned, and seemed to have a good opinion of Huo Xuyang. Xiao Qingrong didn't care about this matter, depending on her sister's thoughts.

After another three months, after the Chinese New Year, Xiao Qingrong received the news of his father, Chai Xinyuan. After so many years, he finally had a son! That's right, he didn't want his son, but his body didn't allow him. With the help of Xiao Qingrong, Chai Xinyuan had his own son.

Everything is moving in a good direction. When Xiao Qingrong was in high school, he should have won the title of No. 1 champion. Huo Xuyang did well in the exam, and the two were at the same university.

Another year later, Xiao Qingya was also admitted to the university where Xiao Qingrong belonged. Xiao Qingrong also started his own business gradually. He owned his own company and lived a comfortable life. After Zhou Feier became a demon, Huo Xuyang and Xiao Qingya The feelings finally came to fruition.

It was two years after Xiao Qingya graduated, the two finally began to associate, and they were directly engaged in the same year. At the sister's wedding, Xiao Qingrong handed over the loved sister for many years to Huo Xuyang, and in the following life, he monitored all aspects of Huo Xuyang Huo Xuyang became an excellent husband and good father ...