MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 503 Agent couple

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"How can it be said that it is a conspiracy, as if they really did something bad, and they lurk in to help you, okay? Come, come, I rub your shoulders, it's considered atonement!"

Qin Yinxue rubbed attentively on Zhao Xu's shoulder.

"Uh huh, okay, point to the left, point to the left, right here, shout, comfortable ... I said you don't rub a place all the time, point to the right, on top, no, oh, why? Stupid ... "

Zhao Xuzheng commanded, a look of Huang Shiren's lackluster expression.

Qin Yinxue gritted his teeth and stared at him, suddenly he slaps him on the shoulder of Zhao Xu with a severe slap: "Dear you, you really are my aunt and grandma are maids, and they are still directing!"

"That's not right. You should be punished for doing something wrong. What's your attitude?"

Zhao Xuyu educated earnestly: "Hey, young people today, they just don't do things solidly, and they get angry when you say two sentences. What great things can be done in the future, the future is bleak!"

"Okay, say you're fat, you're still breathing!" Qin Yinxue rolled her eyes, leaning on the sofa quietly, "husband, don't you really want me to come to you?"

I wipe, buddies can't stand this grudge offensive.

Zhao Xu's eyes drew straight, hehe laughed: "Why, I was just joking with you, in fact, when I saw you in the morning, don't be so happy!"

"Really? Jing can speak nice and deceptive!" Qin Yinxue grumbled, twisted and lay on the sofa, and placed Zhao Xu's thigh under his head.

Zhao Xu gently helped Qin Yinxue to pull the forehead from the forehead, and gently rubbed her delicate earlobe with her fingers: "Yes, why do you suddenly think of lurking into the federal government headquarters?"

"It's boring. I can't go anywhere for ten months. I'm going to be strangled to death. I'm going to go out of course for the next liberation, so I will copy the old job and help you by the way!"

Qin Yinxue pursed his lips, raised his hand and touched Zhao Xu's face: "Don't blame me for being honest, but you are a spy and perform lurking tasks when you are a spy, so you are really a novice, so as you Wife, of course I can't ignore you! "

"Haha, it really was my wife who distressed me!" Zhao Xu laughed, of course he knew that compared to Qin Yinxue, an experienced agent, he was really only a beginner in this regard.

"It's good to know that others feel bad!" Qin Yinxue grumbled and asked, "Yes, how are you going to investigate? That thing hasn't been searched for even your manufacturing power. I'm afraid I don't want to find it now. easily!"

Zhao Xu thought for a while and said, "Let's investigate the people who are on duty that night in the headquarters building. I think so many people stay in the building. It's very likely that someone has seen something abnormal. I'm going to talk to them secretly. The situation, if it can be found!

"Well, this is a good way, and you are right, this matter must be understood secretly, and can not be investigated blatantly, because we do not yet know what that thing is?"

Qin Yinxue wrinkled slightly and thoughtfully, "If that thing is a human, and it is still lurking in the headquarters building, then once you know the investigation, you will be in trouble and it will probably hide deeper and even escape. ! "

"Yes, the investigation must be low-key, but you don't have to be too nervous. The King Titan sent that thing to the earth. The purpose is by no means simple, so I believe it will definitely show up. Naturally, it can be easily taken down on this earth. , Unless King Titan comes in person, there is nothing that can really make me afraid! "

Zhao Xu's tone was quite self-confident, but what he said was also true.

"Oh, my husband is the best!" Qin Yinxue said with a smile.

Zhao Xu touched her delicate face: "It's good to know, all right, don't say this, it's not too early, let's go to bed early!"

"Okay, you go back to the dormitory first, I'll watch TV for a while!" Qin Yinxue sat up comfortably, picked up the remote control, pretending to glance here from time to time.

"Hey, wife, are you willing to let me go?"

"Let's go, I haven't left you a bed here, so you should go back to bed earlier, and you will officially start work tomorrow!"

"Yeah, I forgot, you seem to be my top boss! Hey, then I can't even leave, I love office romance, and pushing to the boss of beauty, how many men dream of it, so I must be today Have a dream for the fellow men of the world! "

Zhao Xu rubbed her hands, Se Min touched it with a smile.

"Oh, don't move your feet, Comrade Zhou Tao, you have to pay attention to your identity, be careful I deduct your salary!" Qin Yinxue threatened with a serious face.

"Quack, buckle it, buckle it up, anyway, I'm yours, I don't care about that money, come on, girl, give me a lot of fun!"

"Go to death, old man, you girl!"

"Yeah, it's pretty good, so does Ye give a girl a pleasure?"


Qin Yinxue finally couldn't help laughing, and said, "You guy, you'll never be so good!"

"Nonsense, if a man is serious enough to face a woman, he deserves a bachelor all his life. Uncle has no patience. Today, he must fight in all directions today, quack!" Zhao Xu laughed, and suddenly pounced on like a tiger.

"Ah, you are a satyr!" Qin Yinxue exclaimed, and she was gagged. Soon she was also half-dressed by Zhao Xu. The delicate skin seemed to reflect the attractive luster under the light. .

But at this moment, a ringing bell suddenly came, disturbing their interest.

Zhao Xu said angrily: "Who is so indifferent? Call me at this time, I don't know if I'm doing something big!"

"Dead man, no one else is watching here, who knows what you are doing?"

Qin Yinxue rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand, and looked at the phone from the coffee table, wondering: "Well, it's him?"



"What, he's calling you so late, honestly explain, what is the relationship between you?" Zhao Xu's eyes were full of vigilance, and it meant that Lao Tzu immediately went to pump the kid for a meal.

"I said that I had an unclear relationship with him, do you believe it?"

"Do not believe!"

"That's not it!"

Qin Yinxue snorted, connected the phone, and the voice instantly returned cold: "Galileo, is it late, what's the matter?"

"That's it, Minister Zhao Xue, I want to inform you that tomorrow, the heads of the departments of the headquarters will have a meeting. If you are participating for the first time, it is best to make some preparations in advance!" Galileo's voice rang in the mobile phone.

Zhao Xu listened secretly, and told the meeting, the fool knows that this guy is just making excuses and wants to call Qin Yinxue: "It's not honest, it seems that he didn't have enough lessons during the day!" 2k Read novel