MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 523 Fleet group

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The spiritual power of the Titan Lord reverberates in the surrounding space, and the anger is filled in every corner.

He wanted to stop the explosion of nuclear bombs, but unfortunately, although his spiritual power was huge, he couldn't have the special role of spiritual interference matter like Yang Yan's brilliant eyes and golden light, so he could only watch thousands of nuclear missiles. His roots are getting closer but helpless.

Time seemed to be extremely slow at this moment, as if it were a slow motion, thousands of nuclear missiles approached the root of the tree in the slightest, and finally collided together.

Suddenly, all the nuclear missiles exploded almost at the same time, a dazzling light and a blazing flame exploded in space, and powerful forces raged wildly.

Sound waves cannot be transmitted in space, so the whole process seems extremely quiet, but this can not reduce the shocking effect of the explosion at all, but because the surroundings are too dead, people have a feeling of despair like apocalypse.

The energy of the explosion quickly spread in all directions, a terrible light, and countless terrible nuclear radiation flooded this space.

Not to mention people. Even if there is a pile of steel in this range, I am afraid that it will be instantly turned into ashes by the hot high temperature.

I saw that numerous huge tree roots were destroyed in a terrible nuclear explosion, nothing could survive this kind of power.

The entire explosion lasted for ten minutes before it gradually began to calm down. In this space, all the tree roots have disappeared, and only a few sporadic energy flows, as well as the smoke and dust left by the explosion, are still echoing in this area. .

Of course, there is one thing floating in space intact, and that is the statue of Yang Wei. This stuff is full of the power of space. In the power of such a horrible explosion, there is still no damage.

After a short while, the space near the statue suddenly appeared layers of ripples, and then quickly twisted out a space vortex. Then, Zhao Xu stepped out of it.

At this moment, the surrounding area was full of nuclear radiation, so Zhao Xu enveloped himself with manufacturing energy as soon as he came out. He didn't want to let a large amount of nuclear radiation erode the body, and then mutate or something!

"Good guy, the power of thousands of nuclear warheads exploding is really extraordinary. Alas, I don't know if I can make more nuclear warheads, can I directly kill the Titan King?"

Zhao Xu looked around secretly, muttering in his heart.

"Don't think about it. This time, it was only by surprise that the Titan King was badly hit. But next time, there is no such good luck. After all, once he is prepared, he will not be stupid enough to let countless nuclear warheads approach him!" The Holy Spirit answered casually Road.

"It is also said that after being prepared, he can detonate with energy in advance before the nuclear warhead approaches him, which will not hurt him at all!"

Zhao Xu shook his head and left.

At this time, a raging consciousness radiated: "Hellful man, how dare you let me be so hurt, **** it, I will kill you, I must kill you today!"

"Ha ha ha ha, King Titan, you should take a good rest when you are injured. You ca n’t leave the moon now. As long as I do n’t take the initiative to rely on it, why do you kill me?" Zhao Xu said with a laugh.

"Don't be too proud, Zhao Xu, I really can't leave the moon now, but do you think I can do nothing about it? Huh, I'm afraid you haven't seen my Rocky spaceship yet? Haha, kids, still Don't let this humble human being see your skills? "

The King of Titans sneered proudly, and saw that as his voice fell, a gap appeared again on the moon's surface, and then, a strange spaceship flew out of it.

"This ... this is it?" Zhao Xu stared, his mouth widening incredibly.

Then he remembered that there were many spaceships hidden in the sacred mountains of the Holy Land. Previously, they could not be used because they did not have enough energy.

But now, after the Titan King devours the moon, he has obtained huge energy, which is enough to support the use of the spacecraft.

I saw that one spaceship floated in space, and there were actually hundreds of them.

"Good guy, big battle, really big battle, so many spaceships appeared together, I still saw it for the first time!" Zhao Xu was stunned, suddenly there was a feeling of watching science fiction movies.

The Holy Spirit immediately despised: "What are you excited about? Don't forget, these spaceships are all here to kill you, don't hurry up and run? Do you want to have a star war with these ships?"

"I wipe, I mean, Lao Tzu wasn't interested in interfering with hundreds of spaceships, running, and running quickly!" Zhao Xu jumped wildly, tied the sculpture with a rope directly behind him, then turned around and fled and fled. .

"Baby, chase me. Don't let him run away, let him be buried here today!" The angry consciousness of the King Titan echoed, and then saw those spacecraft spraying a stream of flames, and then quickly Fei shot out.

Suddenly, a thrilling scene was staged in space. I saw Zhao Xu fled in the front like a fire buttocks, and hundreds of spaceships were chasing behind him. This scene is more exciting than science fiction movies.

Zhao Xu turned his head and looked back, suddenly shocked: "Fast, this speed is faster than the split-human spaceship!"

I saw these rock giant spaceships flying fast, but in a short moment, the distance between the two sides was less than one kilometer. I believe that in a few tens of seconds, he will be surrounded by hundreds of spaceships.

As the saying goes, Blessing Wushuang is not alone. As the distance between the two sides is getting closer, one or eight black launch tubes suddenly extend out of the front of one of the spacecrafts. At the next moment, seven or eight white particle beams are emitted suddenly .

"I rely, do you still have weapons?" Zhao Xu was startled, and his body kept flickering to avoid him. Fortunately, he was fast enough to avoid it.

But even so, there was still a stream of particle beams, passing close to his chest, instantly igniting the clothes on his chest.

"It's dangerous!" Zhao Xu was startled, and quickly extinguished the ignited clothes with the original manufacturing ability: "Halo, this is too exciting!"

Slightly relieved in his heart, he looked back, and immediately his eyes widened in fright: "I ... I rub, do you need to be so hard?"

Seeing that after the spacecraft just opened the weapon system, the bows of other spacecraft also protruded one launch tube. In a moment, thousands of black hole launch tubes all pointed at Zhao Xu. 2k novel reading network