MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 13 The method of killing Xiao Bing

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Shelen opened the door and went in. The room was not big. It looked like an ordinary boudoir. There were various colors of peony around the boudoir, and there was a strong aroma in the room.

In front of the boudoir's bed, there is a pink gauze curtain. Behind the gauze curtain, a **** and seductive body is looming, you can't see clearly, but the exquisite and **** body is lying on the bed through the gauze, posing **** and sultry.

"Thank you... please sit down."

Shelen looked around and found a chair on the wall. She sat down in front of the chair. Shelen is not an ordinary person. The business in Jiangcheng is also a personal thing. Feeling extremely cramped.

"Xie Zong." The voice inside is still so tempting. Every word and every word is like a slender and smooth finger gently across your face, neck, chest... It is difficult for you to hang up. "Are you coming over this time for your son?"

Shelen was shocked, and the eyes full of desires recovered a bit of clarity. He just realized that the woman sitting behind the curtain was not only a fox who could seduce the soul, but also the entire northern part of Jiangcheng. The underground world hegemon, the northern king of Megatron!

Xie Lun spit out the gas, tried to show the majesty of his family, and gently lifted Erlang's legs and asked: "What happened to my son, how did the fairy know?"

Although Shelen tried to show calmness and calmness, his eyes that were free on the ground gave him a hot and uneasy mentality. He did not dare to look up. He was afraid that he could not control his desire. There seemed to be a kind behind the curtain. The great attraction made him unable to control himself and wanted to open the curtain in the past.

The Peony Fairy smiled softly, and the bones of Shelen’s body were lightened.

She smiled seductively and said softly: "In the northern part of the whole city, there is nothing I don't know, no one I can't cope with...."

Talking about the business, Xiao Bing’s bitter hatred caused the fire of Desire’s desire to be extinguished a lot. He looked up and said with excitement: “Can you help me kill him? No, I To break his leg, interrupt his hands and feet, and then let him live well in this Jiangcheng, let him experience the taste of life is not as good as death."

"Giggle... Your grievances are so good." Peony Fairy laughed twice. Suddenly, the tone said with a slight sarcasm. "You can see that you are a narrow-minded man. I heard the grudge between you and Xiao Bing. It was you and your son who took the initiative."

Xie Lun’s heart was quite uncomfortable, but it was only because of the identity of the other party.

"Reassure, who is right and wrong between you, I don't care. I just want to know, I helped you, what can I get?"

Shelen calmed down and looked behind the curtain and asked, "What do you want?"

"Living in this world, no matter what you want, you need to pay the same price first, and the return I want is very simple, that is, your branch in the North District, I want to get 80% of the shares. ”

“This is impossible!” Shelen was shocked and somewhat angry. “The industry in the North District occupies 30% of Sheren’s family, and the 80% share of the company in the North is equivalent to my Sheren. 20% of the net worth, do you know how many of my Shelren's net worth?"

"Do you think I saw it?" The voice of Peony Fairy is full of disdain. "No matter how many homes you thank you, I only know that the wealth that you have compared with Ye Family is just a glimpse of the wealth. Just me. Need to be rewarded, no matter if you ask anyone to help, this person needs to be rewarded, this kind of thing should be the clearest thing for a businessman like you."

"This is too expensive." Sheron stood up and said with indignation, "I can't accept it!"

"You can't accept it." Peony Fairy is not flustered and not angry, but what she said makes Shelen feel powerless to refute: "I heard that the man named Xiao Bing is a brilliant master, right? Dealing with a bright master, even if it is the power I have in my hands, I have to pay a small price. I don’t even know if he is a beginner, intermediate, or senior? If he has the power of Mingjin senior That would be a disaster for me, even if it was a disaster that all of your family could not offset."

Shelen’s powerlessness sat back, and she was struggling in her mind. The Peony Fairy said yes, the master of the power is that most people do not want to offend. If the Peony Fairy refuses to take the shot, this hatred is no longer a way to report it.

Xie Lun bit his teeth and was about to agree. The Peony Fairy suddenly smiled and said: "But... if you don't want to pay such a big price, I can give you an idea."

When Shelen’s eyes lit up, she hurriedly asked, “What is the idea?”

"This idea requires you to pay a price of 10 million yuan, and I am only responsible for providing ideas. What do you do next? Your business has nothing to do with me."

Shelen frowned slightly: "It's just an idea, it's worth ten million?"

Peony Fairy asked: "A idea that will allow you to pull down the bright and powerful, isn't it worth ten million?"

Ten million is really nothing for Shelen. When I heard Peony Fairy say this, he immediately made a decision: "I bought it! I will let the secretary put the money on the fairy's account when I go back. What the idea of ​​the fairy said? What is it?"

"After coming to Jiangcheng, Xiao Bing had a conflict with the cross-breeding head of the civil aviation road. The broken finger was dead that night. I heard that you and the public security bureau of Jinsha District have a good relationship. Can't you be here? Do you work hard?"

Shelen listened and listened, her eyes could not help but brighten up. When she thought of Xiao Bing’s abused scene, he couldn’t sit still again and hurriedly stood up.

Peony Fairy smiled and said: "Xie always wants to go?"

"Ten 10 million, I will go to the fairy's account as many as I can."

"Xie always walks slowly."

When Shelen walked to the door and was about to go out, she looked back at the bed, her eyes filled with desires.

After Shelen left, the curtains in the room suddenly had no wind. A tall, tall man walked out from behind the curtains. Sheron had been sitting here for so long, and she never realized that there was another person in the room. .

The man has a fluffy hair. He wears a beige dress and a pair of shoes on his feet. His body is tall and straight. Although he is not strong, his body is full of strong muscles. It looks full of strength, like a head. Lion.

The most striking thing is that he wears a black eye mask on his eyes, covering his entire eyes, but he feels very flexible, as if to block the realization for him. There is no trace of influence.

After the man came out from behind the curtains, he walked straight to the bed. He reached out and brushed his gauze gently. He hesitated a little and took his hand back.

Peony Fairy asked: "Why don't you dare to open it?"

"Not afraid, but not necessary." The muscles of the man's cheeks twitched slightly, and it seemed that his mood was not calm. "You know, there is no difference in this gauze for me." The old guy who just... When he looked at you, his eyes were full of evil thoughts, and I almost couldn’t help but kill him."

Peony Fairy smiled and said: "Can you see what kind of eyes he looked at when he looked at me?"

"I can't see... but I can feel it. When he looks at you, his eyes are full of desires. It is a man's desire for a woman's body. The old guy's heart doesn't know what to think!"

When it comes to the last few words, the man is almost gnashing his teeth, showing how much hatred in his heart.

"Giggle... giggling..." Peony Fairy laughed, the man's face began to appear in a blue and white, and finally showed a pain and stunned face, then I heard the sharp opening of the Peony Fairy voice, "You see, you are jealous, you are upset, you are uncomfortable, but why are you?"

"Zhu Mingyu, in front of me, you are just a dog, a dog!!!!"

Listening to the humiliation of Peony Fairy, Zhu Mingyu's body began to tremble constantly, tears suddenly soaked the black eye mask, and then dripped down.

The Peony Fairy said coldly: "There are no eyes, and there will be tears?"

Zhu Mingyu’s voice is low, with a bit of bitterness, with a bit of sadness: “As long as I have a heart, I will cry! If the heart is dead, then there will be nothing, and no tears will flow. Yu Xin died."

After Zhu Mingyu said this, the room began to calm down. After a long while, I heard the Peony Fairy sigh and said, "How can you die..."

The small noodle restaurant was about to fight, and the three girls stood up and reluctantly prepared to leave, especially the two young sons, Xu Wenting and Chen Yuanyuan, who had never touched the military and listened tonight. Xiao Bing talked about the things in those troops, and listened with relish. The two small light bulbs almost took over.

At this time, Zhang Yizhi also walked out from behind with a walking stick. When Zhang Yi pointed out, Xiao Bing couldn’t help but be embarrassed. He invited him to dinner, but he left the family inside for one night. Not very authentic.

Zhang Yizhi looked at Xiao Bing and smiled and said: "The dinner I asked for tonight is good, very delicious. I will have another chance to eat again next time."

After listening to Zhang Yizhi, anyone knows what is going on, the leaves are cute and spit out their tongues. If she didn’t call Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing would not give the elderly who are so old. Hanging alone in it no matter what.

Xu Wenting and Chen Yuanyuan hid in the side and made a plan to watch the excitement.

Zhang Yizhi's gaze swept across the faces of the three girls, and finally fell on the face of the leaves. With intuition, he felt that it was worthy of Xiao Bing's excitement. It must be the girl in front of him.

Sure enough, Zhang Yizhi asked: "Are you a leaf?"

The leaves don't know why, but it may also be because of some loss. Under the eyes of Zhang Yizhi, it seems to be slightly cramped. Some embarrassed words: "I am the leaf, grandfather... I am sorry."

Zhang Yizhi looked more satisfied and listened to the leaf's apology. He smiled and said: "I have known Xiao Bing for five years. Although the age difference is very different, it is also a forgotten year. This little thing is nothing... ...It’s you, I’ve never seen Xiao Bingken say something to other girls, and I have never seen any woman open his are the first and only one.”

"I just want to see what the girl looks like in the end... now, it’s good... it’s good.”

"Okay, the age is big, and I am tired... Foye, go back with me first."

The leaves said in the back: "Grandpa is slow."

When Zhang Yizhi left the noodle restaurant, the leaves thought of the words that Zhang Yizhi said before he left. He stole a sneak peek at Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing’s gaze also went to her, and the eyes of the two men met. They quickly evaded and their hearts trembled with a slight trepidation.

The eyes of the leaves... charged?