MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 2422 Horrible golden hoop

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Xiao Bing and Xia Hongyin walked over, dense crowds, including guards, shackles and other people working on the Tenjin Mountain, while the top ones were the top ten leaders on the Tenjin Mountain, except for the few that Xiao Bing had seen. Other than that, all others are curiously watching Xiao Bing, but there is no hostility in the eyes.

On the one hand, they all know that Xiao Bing is now taking over Tianshen Mountain. For them, Xiao Bing now takes over the position of Xiao Xiaotian. This is a royal chores. Since Xiao Tian is no longer there, it is not them. People can intervene. On the other hand, they have already heard about what happened before, so they know how powerful Xiao Bing is, and know that Xiao Bing can save the whole **** and even the Protoss.

Xiao Bing and Xia Hongyin stood in front of everyone, Luo Tongtian said: "Now I will tell you that this is the new master of our Tianshen Mountain. His father was called the most gifted **** in the history of the gods. Xiao Biantian, and the new owner is called Xiao Bing, and later is our god, His Majesty the King. This is the mother of the King of God, who is also the wife of the **** Wang Xiaotian, and everyone will call Mrs. Xia later."

Luo Tongtian bowed respectfully and then said: "Your Majesty, please give instructions!"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing looked at the following, loudly: "The instructions are not so good, just casually, I don't know much about everyone now. After all, there are too many people, even if I see everyone today, It’s impossible to remember all of them, but there is only one owner of Tenjin Mountain, so I now ask everyone to remember me all, and always remember what the owner of Tenjin Mountain looks like, can’t forget! Because I will be your future decades. Even the only owner in a hundred years!"

Xiao Bing said: "As for everyone, you used to be loyal to Xiao Tian. In fact, Xiao Tian is my life and death. I don't need to elaborate, you all know. But these things are all related to you, you guys. Allegiance is not a slap in the face, but loyalty to the king of God, so I have respect for you. From now on, you will continue to be loyal to the king of God, and the future king of the king will be me, do you understand?"

These people had some embarrassment in their hearts. After hearing Xiao Bing say this, they immediately shouted: "Understand!"

"Well, from now on, Tianshen Mountain will continue to be as it is, and no one should tell me who has been closer and closer to Xiao Xiaotian. Nothing in the past needs to be disclosed to me. Who dares to come to me to play small? Report, kill innocent!"

I heard Xiao Bing say that those who were originally loyal to the dead are all completely relieved, and then they are grateful to Xiao Bing, even if other people are worshipping Xiao Bing at the moment. According to their understanding, if the same thing is replaced by a sloppy day, it must be immediately cleaned up in Tianshen Mountain, and those who used to die in the past will be removed. Now Xiao Bing's work reveals the wisdom and kindness of Xiao Bing, so that these people have no intention of Xiao Bing in their hearts.

Xiao Bing said: "Well, now everyone has dispersed, and the top ten leaders and General Manager Luo left."

The ten commanders were called to the hall by Xiao Bing, and they met one by one. Now Xiao Bing is the foundation of the Tianshen Mountain. Even the weakest commander has reached the realm of the saint. If it is put into the world. The world is absolutely incomparable. It can be seen that after so many years, the development of human science and technology has reached an incredible level, but the realm of the gods relies on genetic advantages, and the development of martial arts has reached its peak. If humans and gods really In the war, the defeat of the gods is unquestionable, but the human world is definitely a slap in the face, which is also the bargaining chip for Xiao Bing's next negotiation.

Although Xiao Bing has always grown up in the human world, he also tends to be in the human world. However, Xiao Bing also knows that he wants to negotiate with human beings, and he does not rely solely on feelings to act. At the same time, he must have enough cards to do it. Down, Xiao Bing can be both hard and soft.

After talking with these people, Xiao Bing said that he would leave with the leaders who met the earliest and the general manager of Tenjin Mountain, and went to a world to negotiate.

When I heard that I could go to the human world, Senna, Li Wei, Li Ba, and Li Linhao all had the excitement of the four leaders. Although they said that this is indeed a risk, they never left the realm of the gods. Still really curious. As for the other six unselected commanders, although they were somewhat disappointed, they were completely obeyed by Xiao Bing's arrangement.

This time, Xiao Bing left with a few commanders, mainly to show the power of the gods and increase the bargaining power for the negotiations.

In the evening, the grand dinner began, Xiao Bing said, the entire Tianshen Mountain does not need to be guarded for the time being, no one dares to invade, and then called all the commanders and ordinary guards, all attended the dinner together, the whole dinner continued until after In the middle of the night, everyone didn't drink too much. After the satiated food and the smashing, everyone all dispersed and went back to rest.

Xiao Bing returned to his place of residence. In the palace that belonged to Xiao Tiantian, Xiao Bing sent away a few people who served his own. One person lay in a big bed where several people could sleep, and jumped out of his arms. The hoop stick, at this time the gold hoop has returned to its normal size, but in the course of the battle, the gold hoop has become longer in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Bing was lying on the bed, looking at the golden hoop in his hand, curiously said: "I feel that you have changed again now?"

"Yes." The gold hoop responded to Xiao Bing with spiritual strength. "But it is a little worse than the real ultimate weapon, but it has reached the junction of the top artifact and the ultimate weapon."

Xiao Bing is somewhat excited: "In the history of the whole world, I have never heard of the weapons above the top artifacts. How much power do you have now?"

Jin Hsiao said: "I am changing now. If you re-open with Xiao Xiaotian, I am afraid that you will be able to destroy Xiaotian without any trouble. According to your own strength, plus you have me, even if It is an enemy who encounters the body of the gods, and it is not your opponent."

Xiao Bing’s eyes are bright. According to Xiao Bing’s own strength, if he really meets the opponent of the **** of the gods, with the genetic power, Xiao Bing can play with the other party, and now he has the blessing of the golden hoop. Even if the opponent's hand has the top artifact, the gold hoop is enough to suppress the opponent's weapon. It seems that it is difficult to find his own opponent in the realm of the gods.

However, the owner of the force that had invaded the body of Xiao Xiaotian must have been very horrible, and the guy who killed Song Liandi, the strength of these two guys are all mysterious, it seems that the world is still not only These are the things that I have seen, and the mysterious strong are hidden in the dark, which I don’t know.

Xiao Bing asked: "What about your memory? Is it completely restored?"

The gold hoop was silent and said: "Not yet."

"Oh." Xiao Bing was disappointed with the golden hoop, and at the same time had some relaxed feelings. "It doesn't matter, you can take it slowly. You are gradually breaking through now. I believe that your memory will soon return completely."

"Yeah." The gold hoop seems to be not very interested in this interest, and actively shifted the topic. "Right, if you call me later, I will grow longer and shorter with your heart."

Xiao Bingdao: "I really like it, how long can you grow?"


Xiao Bing took a moment, then imagined what it felt like to be boundless. I couldn’t help feeling a bit horrible. This is the power of the ultimate weapon, and according to the golden hoop, it is now close to the ultimate weapon. Now, the power of the ultimate weapon has not been completely restored. If it is completely restored, what kind of feeling is it?

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "I really want to experience it now. What is your boundlessness?"

The golden hoop said: "Then you can experience it at any time."

Xiao Bing wants to communicate with the Golden Hoop, both through mental strength and direct dialogue, but the Golden Hoop wants to communicate with Xiao Bing, and can only communicate through spiritual strength.

Xiao Bing turned over and sat up and smiled. "Okay, let's go out now, let me have a good experience."

Xiao Bing ran out of the main hall with a golden hoop, and the ones waiting outside saw Xiao Bing rushing out so hurriedly, all of them said: "Your Majesty, what happened to you?"

Xiao Bing laughed happily. Without answering, he rushed out of the hall directly, then threw the golden hoop out and shouted loudly in his mouth!

The gold hoop directly began to grow bigger. It stood on the ground and began to become taller and higher. Ten meters, twenty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters... already between the blinks Above, and still growing, straight through the sky.

Xiao Bing directly squinted his eyes: "I am relying on it, is this too horrible? Continue to grow bigger and continue to grow bigger!"

This scene has attracted many people from Tianshen Mountain to watch, and those who are already drunk and asleep have no such blessings.

Countless people are widening their eyes, and countless people are marveling, even if they have never seen such a horrible picture in their lifetime, they have never seen such a magical weapon.

However, I saw that the gold hoop is still growing, and the top has gradually broken the clouds, and I can’t see the head. This is the real endless.

Xiao Bing exclaimed, walked over, gently stroked the golden hoop, and muttered to himself: "Golden hoop, you and I have had a long time between the fate, I really don't know our fate. How long can it last? Is it possible to go on a lifetime?"

The gold hoop suddenly asked: "What do you think between you and me?"

"Partner, comrade-in-arms." Xiao Bing smiled. "Whether you are a god-level weapon or the ultimate weapon, even if you are a spiritual weapon or a common weapon, from the moment we first hearted, we are partners. But remember If you live with me, when you recover your memory one day, don't hide me. I want you to stay with me, but I won't force you. No matter what choice you make, I will be perfect... In my opinion. Come, the most important thing between partners is to make each other happy."

The gold hoop began to silence.

Xiao Bing smiled and shouted: "It gets smaller and smaller!"

The gold hoop began to get smaller quickly, and the golden iron rod that changed to the usual shape was caught in the hand by Xiao Bing.

"Oh, I met the enemy in the future, you become so big, I can easily kill the enemy." Xiao Bing smiled and returned to his bedroom with a golden hoop and returned to the room.

Countless people are marveling: "God, what is this?"

"Which do I know, this is a weapon? Is there such a terrible weapon under the sun, is it the legendary artifact?"

"I don't know, the top artifact is not so horrible, it is too scary."

"Well, it is really scary. Our squatting is not allowed, not only is it so high at a young age, but there is such a fetish in hand, huh, there is such a sire, and the power of Tianshen Mountain will be sure It is better than ever!"

"That is of course, not only that, you didn't feel that after you took office today, will we become more united inside the Tenjin Mountain?"

"This is because you are broad-minded."

"Well, ah, the weapon just got it is too shocking. I watched this scene today and felt that even if I was dead, it was worth it!"

"Me too, me too!"

Everyone is talking about it. I can imagine that there are many people who can't sleep on the Tenjin Mountain tonight.

Ps: I have made a mistake about a friend in the circle. I am very grateful to you for correcting me. I have changed it to Dou Yuer. This is an extraordinary mistake. I temporarily wrote the woman’s father and randomly named it. The surname is a principle. Question, apologize. In addition, some people talk about the things that were previously sealed, and the rationality pointed out the mistakes. The authors will all welcome them, but we are all people of the new century. Even if we don’t see them face to face, we can’t be swearing and not breaking the extraordinary family. Less will give the title. Uncommonly, where you can make mistakes, you can apologize and correct. I also hope that when the message is expressed, don’t say what kind of evidence is in the wife of the author, the author’s family is always sick and sick, and so on. I am very willing to get along with you.
