MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 2467 Tianmo Mountain, tongue warfare

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Xiao Bing said: "If this is the case, then I have to remove them."

The golden hoop was a bang, but it seems that I don’t want to continue talking, and the mood is not very high.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are also a little tired, rest, I will rest."

"Okay, rest."

Xiao Bing felt sleep until the next morning, then got up and went to the cafeteria with Li Linger to have some breakfast. All the people in the school saw Xiao Bing and called the chairman or the squat, then saw Xiao Binghe. Li Linger said that she was laughing and laughing, and everyone did not feel any accident.

After eating breakfast, Xiao Bing and Li Linger walked on the playground. He grabbed Li Linger’s shoulder and said, “I will move to Tianshen Mountain after a while, but now I still have to leave and go to the Magic Kingdom. By the way, solve the crisis between God, the devil, and the people. You will stay here and go to school well, do you know?"

"I know, I will see you if I have the chance."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Silly girl, I will come to see you if I have the chance. Then I will study well. I will continue to improve. I am waiting for your progress! Go away."

"Well, don't forget what we said."

"I remember, you are my best female friend after the girlfriend level."

Li Linger smiled with satisfaction and looked at the back of Xiao Bing's departure. She thought quietly in her heart. At least it is now a step further. It is already a good start, isn't it.

Chu Bei and Zhang Xinxin came over from a distance. Chu Bei joked: "People are far away, still reluctant?"

"Cut, the parents are handsome, I can't bear anything very rare." Li Linger said sweetly.

"Okay, I know that the chairman is your Prince Charming, I can't compare it." Chu Bei smiled. "You are tired together in the morning, how are you getting along?"

"Yeah." Zhang Xinxin also asked, "Do you have a chance to live?"

Li Linger’s eyes turned and deliberately sold the Guan, saying, “Hey, Xiao Da Ge said, he has a wife and children, so it is not suitable.”

"Oh." Chu Bei and Zhang Xinxin felt a little bit lost, and felt a little lost for Li Linger.

Then Li Linger suddenly added: "But Xiao Bing also said, I am his best female friend. He likes me very much. He also likes me. He just doesn't want to delay me. In addition, he also promised the next three. In the years, I tried to get along with me more than when I was with other people. If the two of us finally came together, it would prove that we have a fate."

Zhang Xinxin’s eyes lit up, and Chu Bei was surprised: “What does this mean? Three years’ appointment?”

"Yeah, about three years." Li Linger said, "Although it is hard to say whether I can finally come together, but at least Xiao Da Ge gave me some opportunities. I did not categorically refuse to prove that I still have a play."

"There is a play, of course there is a play." Zhang Xinxin laughed. "The bell, and I think your chances of success are very high. I have already slandered you. After three years, maybe you are the wife of the president."

Li Linger said with excitement: "Really? Xin Xinjie, you are the smartest, how do you see that there is a play?"

"That's not easy yet. The chairman is more entangled now. He wants to take responsibility, so he doesn't want to have any emotional entanglements, but he does have feelings for you, so he is in the middle position and feels more difficult. Zhang Xinxin smiled. "The reason why he did not have a straightforward rejection, but set a three-year contract. On the surface, he gave you a chance. In fact, he also gave him a last chance. If you really If you have a chance, then he will not entangle these things."

Li Linger asked: "Really? What you mean is that he actually likes me, but he has concerns, so he can't categorically reject me, and he can't accept me directly, and then give each other a chance?"

"Yes, that's probably what it means." Zhang Xinxin said with a smile. "So I said that he said that he was giving you a chance. In fact, he is giving himself a chance, but he may not be special, maybe even He didn't realize it himself."

Li Linger took Zhang Xinxin's arm and smiled happily: "Xing Xinjie, thank you, I found that you are the smartest."

Zhang Xinxin smiled and shook his head, thinking, smart and what is the use, Xiao brother likes you, this is smart and clever mistakes, sometimes it is better to be a silly girl like you. .

However, although Zhang Xinxin is somewhat envious of Li Linger, she is not embarrassed, but feels happy to be happy for Li Linger from the heart.

Xiao Bing left from Tongtian College and soon came to the magic country. The distance between the magic country and the kingdom of God was very close. When the evening arrived, Xiao Bing came to Tianmu Mountain and directly informed the guards of Tianmu Mountain. Said to see the chairman of the magic country, Mai Tian.

Xiao Bing and Mai Tian met in the conference room. In addition to Mai Tian, ​​the conference room also contained all the big devils in the devil world. They also discussed how to deal with the war.

Entering here, the big men have different attitudes toward Xiao Bing, some are curious, some are worship, and some are with a little vigilance, because some people think that Xiao Bing is a human race, and the previous peace talks were also proposed by Xiao Bing. The result is now in the end.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You don't really want to fight?"

"What can I do then?" Yang Muti, who is at the city level, stood up and said, "No one can do anything about this matter. Before that, the peace agreement, now the Terran has begun to find a way to repent."

"Yeah!" said another city owner. "Even if human beings are indeed dead, but they are all individual phenomena, what can we do? Just because of this, we must repent, so it is too bad to say credit. Human beings are really a group of despicable and shameless guys who can't believe them!"

Mai Tian looked at Xiao Bing and suddenly asked: "Xiao Bing, has your strength realm improved?"

Everyone was surprised to see Xiao Bing. Although they felt the strength of Xiao Bing before, they did not have the strong feeling that Mai Tian felt. They had already reached the scorpion of the devil before Xiao Bing, and now they have improved? Didn't that reach the extent of the demon body?

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Hey, I just stepped into the realm of the demon body last night."

Everyone is exclaimed, even if they are the strongest demon gods in the magic country, they are also the gods of the devil, and Xiao Bing is so young that he has already stepped into the realm of the demon body, they can not help but be full of awe .

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will come over and talk to you today. Of course, it has nothing to do with my realm of strength. We just put facts and reason. To be honest, this time it is indeed the people of our Mozu people that have caused humanity. Uneasy, think about it, if we are human, the Mozu tourists kill so many people, we will not be calm, it is normal."

"But on the other hand, I still have to correct it. Humans have not violated the peace agreement at all, and have no plans to do it."

Yan Ji leads: "It seems that it is not right. According to our information, the Huaxia country has started to hold talks, and even with other countries, it has begun to contact, and the people's main battles are particularly high."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You must be able to get intelligence. It must be true. If it is really going to start a war, why should it be so big-fashioned, instead of choosing a low-key discussion and then come to a sudden attack?"

"This one……."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You don't understand it? Have you thought about this before?"

Yan Jidao: "Then you said, why is this?"

"Yeah, why is this?" Yang Muti also asked.

Xiao Bing said: "Because there are still behind-the-scenes black hands who want us to go to war, so all the news is spread by them. Even the people who used to be in the magical country killed the humans because they were tempted by the spirit of the other party."

Yan Ji was surprised: "Is it a monster? It is also possible that if people, gods, and demons coexist peacefully, the monsters will not have room to turn over. They really have reason to do so. ""

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "Not a monster family."

I heard that Xiao Bing said that it was not a monster family. Everyone was surprised. After all, in addition to the monsters in the world, who would choose to do this? And there are no other races.

Xiao Bing said: "This matter is a long story."

Xiao Bing began to tell everything he knew. After the lecture, all the people in the hall were full of shock and felt unbelievable.

Xiao Bingdao: "Whether you believe it or not, the truth is like this. Now the other party is eager to fight for our three major races. They are good at taking advantage of the fishermen."

Yan Ji asked: "How do we believe in you?"

The current commander Black Dragon also asked: "Yes, how can we trust you?"

Xiao Bing said with a serious face: "I swear by the realm of my demon body. If there is a lie, I will never be inadvertent, and the realm will fall to the heavens!"

Hearing Xiao Bing’s swearing, everyone’s face has changed. The most important thing for them is the vow. Otherwise, once one day is violated, the heart will appear inside, and since then it’s really It will be difficult to go further according to the oath.

At this time, Mai Tian made a speech and said: "Xiao Bing has already vowed. I believe that my nephew will not lie. Next, we must stabilize the emotions of all the people, and we must not let the inferior of the darkness succeed!" ”

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Oh, once I know the whereabouts of the two brothers and sisters, I might have trouble getting you out with me."

"No problem." Mai Tian snorted and said: "No matter what kind of existence, I want to provoke our Mozu, let us the war of the Mozu, I am not killing him."

"Yes!" Black Dragon Road, "Our Mozu people are impulsive, but they are absolutely not used by people. Such people should kill!"

Mai Tian looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Let's stay here for two days, why don't you have two glasses with you?"

"No." Xiao Bing looked at Mai Tian, ​​said, "Hey, there are still many things on the human side that need me to deal with it. The gods and the demons have already listened to me now, and the human side must also be stabilized. Otherwise, I will not be able to live with the people of the two countries. I will go back now."

"Well, that's hard work for you."

"For the service of the tribe." Xiao Bing turned and walked out of the hall and went straight to the enchantment and flew quickly. (https:)