MTL - Super Urban Master-v12 Chapter 126 choose

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Kong Cheng said that he wanted to kill those Xinshu chaebol families who disregarded human lives, I said indifferently: "If you want to, just do it."

Maybe my tone was very serious, and my eyes were murderous. Shen Teng calmed down instantly, and sighed: "We can't fight the Xinshu family yet, let's take revenge slowly."

I looked at him, and he scratched his head in embarrassment, his eyes full of embarrassment.

He said: "I know you must think I'm a coward, but after going through so many things, I'm not as stupefied as I used to be. What's more, young master, you have worked so hard to bring us out so that we can have a better life." Live meaningfully, not make fearless sacrifices."

"So, I have already thought about it along the way. I will calm down and train hard, and strive to become your right-hand man as soon as possible."

I looked at Kong Cheng's smug look, and couldn't bear to hit him.

With his talent, he will not be able to become my right-hand man after another five hundred years of practice.

However, sometimes more important than strength is a sincere heart.

I saved them not because I lacked helpers, but because they were worth it. Besides, protecting them is also my way of alleviating my sins.

The debt I owe to Mo Ke can only be made up by his followers, so that I can get some comfort from my guilt and dirty soul.

"I trust you." I said.

Kong Cheng showed a foolish smile, and then asked: "Young master, what should we do next? Do you want to go into hibernation?"

I said lightly: "I will find a place for you to stay first, and then I will go out to do some errands, and I will pick you up after the errands are over."

This time, I want the lineage of the old art to return to everyone's sight in a fair and honest manner.

On the side of the Xinshu chaebol, I originally wanted to draw it slowly, but now, I don't have that patience. Of course, my cultivation base has skyrocketed to four times what it was before, and this is where my confidence lies.

the other side.

My paper doll clone has followed Chen Shan to the Chen family.

Lin Qiang followed me, still wearing her mask, but I clearly saw that the eyes behind that mask were filled with calculated anger and sorrow.

Of course she knew that the reason why she fell asleep on the spaceship must have been tricked by Chen Shan. She was annoyed by her carelessness, and she was eager to know, during the time she was sleeping, what happened to Chen Shan and me? did something.

However, she neither has the position to ask these questions, nor does she have the courage to report this episode to Yu Wenqiang, otherwise, what awaits her will be Yu Wenqiang's scolding.

Chen Shan didn't know that I had already experienced too many things on the way. As soon as I arrived at Chen's house, he asked someone to take me to the courtyard he had arranged to rest. Lin Qiang was arranged to live with me because of the difference between men and women. Yards far apart.

For this, Lin Qiang almost gritted her silver teeth. She originally thought that she would have a lot to do when she came out this trip, and it would be best if she could establish a relationship with me, but she never thought that even being close to me would become a luxury.

This made her extremely annoyed, but helpless.

Seeing her being led away by his servants, Chen Shan smiled and said, "Chen Huangpi, you owe me another favor."

I said lightly, "No, she owes you a favor. If you weren't here, she wouldn't be alive."

Chen Shan heard my killing intent, "tsk" and said: "I thought you wouldn't act so fast, after all, you don't have enough bargaining chips."

I laughed, fumbled for the jade pendant on my body, and said, "That's enough for now."

Chen Shan opened his eyes slightly, as if he couldn't figure out why I was so confident.

If he knew what I had experienced during this time, he would naturally understand where my confidence lies.

For me now, exterminating a new family of chaebols is just a matter of waving hands, so naturally I don't have to look forward and backward like before.

I stared fixedly at Chen Shan, and in his suspicious eyes, I uttered a sentence that made his face change.

I asked him: "You said, I have to wipe out several Xinshu chaebol families in one go, so that I can stand up to your Xinshu family here?"

While speaking, I casually looked at the grand mansion of the Chen family. I thought, the murderous intent in my eyes must be very strong, otherwise, why would Chen Shan in front of me suddenly become nervous, and even his hairs stand on end?

He was silent for a moment, and after meeting my gaze again, he said seriously: "If you really want to, at least you have to wipe out three Xinshu chaebol families in one go, so that you can form your own school here."

"However, if you want to compete with other families, you must have helpers, so you must cooperate with at least two top chaebol families."

"I think our Chen family is one of the suitable candidates. For the other family, you can choose the Zhong family or the Si family. Of course, the Yuwen family is also fine, but I think you probably don't want to."

I smiled at him, wanting to remind him which families I was asking about.

He immediately said: "As for which families to destroy, if it was me, I would choose the Lin family, the Kang family and the Li family. Just now, I received news that the Lin family has been hit hard, and their attention is currently on another person When you hit them, it can be said that you caught them by surprise and caught them off guard."

"The strength of the Kang family and the Li family is not low among all the family forces, but it is not high, and I have some understanding of their families, and I can provide you with their weaknesses."

I gave a "tsk" and said, "No need."

With that said, I will leave.

Chen Shan asked, "Where are you going?"

I said lightly: "Of course, we should deal with these three families, prepare good wine and good food, and wait for me to eat when I come back."

I told Kong Cheng that I would do it if I wanted to, of course it was not a joke.

Today, I, Chen Huangpi, will turn this universe upside down!