MTL - Superman Delta’s Life Diary-Chapter 32

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"Didn't I make money by helping others to remove spirits before I went to school? I opened a studio at that time. Now that I'm on vacation, I have nothing to do, so I reopened the studio and got a B site number."

During the conversation, Xia Luzhen finally found the scissors.

"What's in here?" Xingguang asked again and again.

"I don't know, it's probably sent by my fans or customers."

Xia Luzhen took the scissors to unpack the package. I have to say that the package was really tightly wrapped, with several layers of black tape on it.

Xia Lu really cut it for a long time, and finally opened the package.

Inside the tape was a plastic foam box, and there was a strange smell oozing out of it, as if something had rotted.

When Xia Luzhen completely opened the box, the smell disappeared.

Xia Luzhen and Xingguang always looked inside the box, and there was a videotape and a letter inside.

Chapter 48 It is necessary to keep pace with the times when engaging in supernatural beings

When Xia Luzhen first came to this world, he was really embarrassed.

It took half a month for Xia Luzhen to be able to communicate with the people of Shenzhou at the most basic level, even with gestures and guesses.

He felt that the language talent of his life had been exhausted in this half month.

After coming to this world, although his body changed from a spirit body to a semi-spirit body, fortunately, he couldn't starve to death.

In the first half month, due to the language barrier, Master Xia Dalu was starving for half a month. Although he could not die of starvation, the taste was really uncomfortable.

After being able to communicate, Xia Dalu Zhensuke gave himself a Chinese name called Xia Luzhen, and then looked for work everywhere.

At the beginning, Xia Luzhen had been hitting a wall, and no one would accept a foreigner who was suspected of being a black household.

And for this reason, he was also tracked down by the police.

Fortunately, at this time, Xia Luzhen met a kind-hearted young couple.

The couple gave Xia Luzhen a sum of money, and gave him a business card of a person who handles various documents.

Through this business card, Xia Luzhen found a little girl to help him with all the relevant information.

After confirming that he was not a black household, Xia Luzhen went to other cities to continue looking for work.

He worked for a while in a small theater, where he worked as a magician for a while, and he used ghosts to do magic.

After the small theater was disbanded, he worked as a kendo coach for a summer at a kendo hall.

After the summer vacation, he took some odd jobs and saved some money.

At that time, various novels about feng shui were on the rise, Xia Lu really joined in the fun, and also opened a ghost office in a decent manner.

I named it "Rukia Spiritual Office", and I don't know if I can return to my own world, so I thought of this name.

It is said to be an office, but it is extremely rudimentary. The office is located in his rental house, and he is the only staff member.

Originally, Xia Lu really didn't think about making this his main business, he just wanted to make some extra money.

One day, someone found Xia Luzhen and said that something ominous had been happening in his home.

Like what faucet is bleeding, what child sees someone dangling in the living room in the middle of the night, what knife suddenly falls and cuts his foot, what scratches on the table, etc.

Hearing that the customer described it very seriously, Xia Luzhen really thought that some demon appeared.

As a result, Xia Luzhen followed the client to the client's house and looked around and found nothing.

But after all, this is a client, Xia Luzhen showed his Zanpakutō directly, took out the sword, and gestured all over the house.

This client was shocked when he saw Xia Lu's real operation. After all, not everyone can conjure a floating knife out of thin air beside him.

After the performance, Xia Lu really didn't dare to ask for money, just said to wait and see if it worked.

As a result, after two or three days, the customer came to send money to Xia Luzhen, and gave an extra 500 yuan for hard work. Say yes, since Xia Luzhen went there, everything abnormal at home has disappeared.

Seeing the client's determined appearance, Xia Lu almost thought that he had really eliminated some evil spirit.

After that, relying on this customer's promotion, Xia Luzhen also received several orders in succession.

But without exception, Xia Luzhen didn't find anything every time he went, but he still wielded the Zanpakutō in every place with all his heart, and occasionally added a ghost to add to the fun.

Just when Xia Luzhen thought that this kind of life would go on forever, an admission notice was sent to Xia Luzhen.

So, Xia Luzhen came to Zhongzhou College.

The above is Xia Luzhen's previous experience, and now this anonymous package must be processed first.

Xia Lu really took a sniff and said, "It's a bit strange, why doesn't the smell disappear when you open the box?"

Xingguang Yi also looked down at the box, looked at it for a long time, and then said, "It should be the problem with the tape. The tape smells too much."

The video tapes and letters in Xingguang's handful were taken out and placed on the table, and the box was thrown into the trash can. Once the lid of the trash can was closed, the smell was indeed much smaller.

Just when the two of them were holding the letter and the video tape and wanted to see what was going on, Ling Shuangqi walked out of the restaurant.


As soon as she said a word, Ling Shuangqi smelled the strange smell that filled the common room. She quickly reached out to cover her mouth and nose, and asked, "What kind of smell is this?"

"Someone sent a package to Zhuzhen. It smelled of the package box. I threw the box away."

As soon as Xingguang explained, he lifted the videotape in Yang's hand.

"Is this a prank? There's not a word in this letter, it's too weird." Xia Luzhen said while patting the letter.

"I'll take a look."

As soon as Xingguang took the letter from Xia Luzhen's hand, he observed it carefully, then he came to the window and pointed the letter to the sun outside.

"It's hard to say if it's a prank, but the person who wrote this letter is probably a little muddlehead."

As soon as Xingguang returned to the coffee table, he spread the letter on it, and took out a pencil from the drawer under the coffee table, and smeared the letter with the side of the pencil tip.

"The letter paper looks quite new, and it doesn't look like something from the same period as the videotape. And I'm guessing that the person who wrote this letter either wrote it with a non-inking pen, or took it when he picked it up. Wrong, take it as the piece of paper under the letter."

When Xingguangyi looked at it, he found the imprint with handwriting on it.

After a little smear, the print appeared on the paper.

"The beef noodles on East Street are too bad to eat. Damn, I won't eat them again! (The rest of the handwriting can't be read clearly

"Uh... what does this mean?" Xia Luzhen scratched his head.

"I don't know, don't worry about it, I guess I got the wrong piece of paper, or this piece of paper isn't a letter at all."

Xingguang threw a handful of stationery into the trash can.

"Then what do you do with this videotape?" Ling Shuangqi asked.

It's rare to see video tapes in this day and age.

"Let's put it for now, we don't have any equipment that can play video tapes, and I'm too lazy to get a machine right away. Zhuzhen, do you want to keep this thing?" Xingguang glanced at Xia Luzhen.

"No, it's useless for me to keep it. I have nothing to do with me. I'll go back to my room first." After that, Xia Luzhen put on his headphones again and left.

No way, Xingguang Yi can only put the videotape under the coffee table first.

Really, even if it's a prank, you have to keep up with the times. Send a videotape in the mail to let others see it.

Chapter 49 Children should not learn to gamble, but they can learn to feed cards


A series of interjections of unknown meaning came out of his mouth, and Xingguang turned over under the covers.

He didn't open his eyes, reached out and touched the bedside table, and finally found his mobile phone.

Turning on the phone, Xingguang opened his eyes and glanced at the time.

"It's past eight o'clock."

The days when you don't need to worry about being late for class are comfortable.

As soon as Xingguang slowly lifted the quilt, he carefully got off the bed, afraid of waking Dilumon.

As soon as she turned her head, she realized that Dilumon was long gone, and her little quilt was empty.

"Dilu Beast?"

Xingguang looked around, and accidentally saw a piece of paper on the computer desk.

He walked over and picked up the piece of paper.

"Guang Yi, I went shopping with Ling Shuangqi and Christina, and I plan to be back in the afternoon."

There is also a cat's paw on the back.

"Just shopping."

Xingguang scratched his head, startling him, he thought Dilumon left without saying goodbye.

He went to the window and pulled the curtains back.

In an instant, light was projected into the room, filling the entire room.

"The weather is good today." Xingguang narrowed his eyes and looked at the sun in the sky.

He stretched, and a new day began.

After taking off his pajamas and changing his clothes, Xingguang pushed open the door of his room.

He just took two steps in the corridor when he heard a voice coming from Xia Luzhen's room.

"Old Xing! Brother Xing! Make my portion when preparing breakfast."

Xing Guangyi stopped in front of Xia Luzhen's door, "How did you hear that? I didn't say anything."

"Hey, I heard your footsteps, Brother Xing. The footsteps are filled with the smell of cooking."

"Then you guessed wrong. I'm going to go downstairs to buy food today."

Xingguang rubbed his brows, if this guy can really catch up with Rukia in the end, it would be a hell.

"That's okay, help me with a portion, I'll eat what you eat."

As soon as Xia Luzhen's words fell, a voice came from next door.

"Bring me one too!" Hou Xianxing said.

"When it comes to eating, all of you are so active."

Anyway, one is also brought with two, and Xingguangyi simply knocked on the door of Malco's room.

"Da Mai, do you need me to help you bring food?"

After waiting for a while, Xingguang didn't get an answer.

"You don't need to take him with him, he went to work. Damai recently found another job, it's a day shift. He left early in the morning." Xia Luzhen said.

"How many jobs does he have now?" Xingguang always felt that as soon as the holidays entered, Malco was busy all day, feeling busier than school.

"Two copies. It's about to be New Year's Eve, and the previous swimming pool has closed. Now he has found two new jobs. In the morning, he helps people at the flower market in the west of the city, and he delivers food at noon and in the afternoon."

Xia Lu really knew quite a bit about it.

"That's it."

Xingguang felt that he was too loose.

He came to the stairs next to the common room again, and shouted down: "Barney, have you had breakfast yet?"

A simple "No!" came from below.

Now that the bakery's business is on track, Barney and Christina have to get up early.

Today, Barney let Christina go out to relax, and he was the only one left in the store, busy.

As soon as Xingguang reached the end of the corridor, he went down the stairs outside to the backyard, and exited from the backyard.

The front and rear streets of the small building look like they belonged to two eras.

Unlike the re-planned sunflower road in front of the bread, this road outside the backyard looks like it stopped 20 or 30 years ago.

Go east along this road and you will come across a small garden within a short distance.

This small garden is very old. It is said that this small garden was already here when Shangguan City was just withdrawn from the county city.

Originally it had a name, but after a long time, the people nearby forgot it. They were all used to the names of "small garden" and "small garden", and the small garden became its name.

Before entering, Xingguang smelled the smell of gun battle.