MTL - Superman Delta’s Life Diary-Chapter 59

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"Thank you very much, I owe you a favor this time." Chang Xiaowo said to Xingguangyi.

"It's okay, just don't use weapons to scare me next time." Xingguang waved his hand to show he didn't care.

"Then I'll leave first."

Having said that, Chang Xiaome came to the balcony.

She climbed onto the stool, one leg over the low wall of the balcony.

"What the hell, what are you doing, eldest sister?"

As soon as Xingguang went to the balcony, he took Chang Xiaomo's arm.

"Go down, I just climbed up from here." Chang Xiaowo said indifferently.

"Sister, let's not talk about safety. It's broad daylight. How much are you going to make a splash from here?"

Xingguang pulled me down from the chair.

"Can't we just go straight up the stairs?"

"But...but I'm a woman, what should I do when I meet the dormitory?" Chang Xiaomo was a little worried.

"You are so tightly wrapped that no one will treat you as a woman if you don't speak."

"Why do I feel that you are mocking me?" Chang Xiaowo said suspiciously.

"You think too much."

Just like that, Xingguang Yi took Chang Xiaome down the stairs.

I also met the dormitory in the middle, but just as Xing Guangyi said, Chang Xiaowo was dressed so tightly that no one would notice her.

Walking outside the dormitory building, Xing Guangyi suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? The King of Time."

"I'm not saying that, I want to know who is under your mask."

"Hey hey, then let me sell it. Just to remind you, you have seen my real face, you can think about it for yourself, and you will be rewarded if you guess correctly."

After saying this, Chang Xiaomo waved goodbye and turned to leave.

As soon as Xingguang stayed in place, he stared at Chang Xiaome's back.

Although the girl was wearing a mask and sunglasses, she also wore a large scarf. Because of the hood, Xingguang didn't even know what kind of hairstyle she had.

But to be honest, this person's demeanor and figure really made Xingguang feel familiar.

However, in addition to this person, there is also a fast knight hidden in the school.

And who would that person be?

Xingguang didn't think about it anymore, turned around and went back to his dormitory.

Chapter 93 Even Ultraman has to go to class

Just after returning to the dormitory, and within three minutes of his **** touching the chair, Xingguang Yi received a button message from Dilumon.

He applied for a button number for Dilumon during the holiday. As an elf in the Digital World, Dilumon naturally did not need Xingguang to teach her how to use the button again and again, she learned it herself.

"Koichi, are you there?"


Xingguang replied briefly, he was going to speak directly to Dilumon.

He felt that Dilumon's claws were not suitable for typing, and the speed was estimated to be very slow, not as fast as a direct voice call.

"Guangyi, didn't you say that you would come back when you have time? I took a look at your class schedule. It seems that you have no class in the afternoon. Can you come back (looking forward to ing)."

As soon as Xingguang didn't have time to click the voice call button, the opposite Dilumon sent a large message.

Why is she typing so fast, Xingguangyi was a little puzzled, but he still replied, "I'm fine now, I'll go back."

Leaving the dormitory and returning to the traveler's hut, Xingguang Yi stayed from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, until the cat master was comfortably served, and then he was able to leave and return to school.

Back at the school dormitory, Xingguang found that Xia Luzhen and the three hadn't come back yet.

But Xingguangyi didn't care, the three guys might have gone somewhere to play.

Seriously, don't think about the safety of the three of them at all. In a sense, the three of them are walking dangers.

Xingguang is busy with his own business.

But the three of them did not come back until the power outage in the bedroom at night.

"The three hanged men didn't go to piao and get caught in the bureau, right?"

Before going to bed, as soon as Xingguang sent a message to the three of them, he put his mobile phone next to the pillow.

Sleep, sleep, rest at ease.

The quilt was warm, and Starlight fell asleep as soon as it basically touched the pillow.

This night, I slept until dawn.

Originally, Xingguang wanted to sleep for a while, but when he checked the time on his phone, he was completely sleepy.

It's almost eight o'clock, you must know that he has a class in the first period of the morning.

As soon as Xingguang sat up from the bed in a hurry, he found that the three guys had already returned, and were lying on their respective beds and slumbering.

When Xingguang got out of bed and changed his clothes, he called them a few times: "Hey, slackers, it's time for class."

But no one replied, and he couldn't wake them up, so Xingguang could only leave alone.

Because he got up late, after leaving the dormitory, Xingguang didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so he hurried to the southern district to go to class.

"Which classroom is college Chinese in?"

Xingguang scratched his head. He only remembered that it was in the No. 3 teaching building but not the classroom, so he had to stand in the hall on the first floor of the No. 3 building and took out his mobile phone to find the class schedule.

"Don't look for it, go this way."

Ling Shuangqi patted Xing Guangyi from behind.

"Huh? Do you know what I'm looking for?"

"Isn't it just looking for which classroom to teach in?"

Ling Shuangqi looked at Xing Guangyi, his hair was messy, the collar of his clothes was pinned inside, and the shoes on his feet were not a pair.

At a glance, he knew that he had just overslept and just ran over, and then seeing him standing in the hall with his mobile phone, Ling Shuangqi guessed which classroom he was checking in.

Ling Shuangqi walked to Xingguangyi and reached out to help him turn out the collar. Then he turned around and walked away.

"Ah? Oh, thank you."

As soon as Xingguang didn't react, after thanking him, he could only follow behind in a daze.

This morning was all university Chinese class. It was a big class. It was arranged in the amphitheater, and there were six classes of students taking the class together.

At this time, there is no class, the classroom is not full, and the students have not arrived.

The old teacher, who was in his fifties, was sitting on a chair behind the podium, holding a glass of water full of unknown tea leaves.

As usual, Xingguang chose a position that was far back and leaned against the window to sit down.

Just as he sat down, Ling Shuangqi also sat down next to him.

"Are you going to take this seat?" Xingguang asked.

"What's the matter? Are you trying to help your roommate get a seat?"

Ling Shuangqi asked, but she didn't look like she wanted to get up from her position.

"No, I'll ask. The three of them were still sleeping when I went out, so they probably won't be able to come."

Xingguang glanced at the time, and most of the three guys were not coming.

Ling Shuangqi took out a bag from her backpack, which contained a piece of bread.

She took out the bread, broke it in the middle, and handed half of it to Xingguang Yi.

"Didn't have breakfast, now, this is for you."

"Oh, well, then I'm welcome." Xingguang took the bread, "How do you know I didn't have breakfast?"

"My guess."

While speaking, Ling Shuangqi took out a box of banana milk from her backpack.

"I only have this box. Do you want to drink it? I don't despise you."

"No, drink it yourself, I'm not thirsty."

The half of the loaf was not very big either, and it was eaten up in a flash of starlight.

"Oh, am I being disliked by you?"

During the above conversation, Ling Shuangqi kept an expressionless demeanor throughout the whole process, so it seemed rather strange.

"I can't answer what you said. By the way, do you have a napkin? Let me wipe my hands." Xingguang asked.

Ling Shuangqi directly threw a small pack of wet wipes to Xingguang.

Then she began to bite into the bread in small bites.

Xingguang took a look at Ling Shuangqi, and it seemed that after she had long hair, she began to pay attention to the style of her hair.

Yesterday she was coiled up behind her head.

Today, she changed another hairstyle. Xingguang didn't know much about the hairstyles of a pair of girls, and she didn't know what this hairstyle was called.

What she has found now is that the back is still naturally long and straight, but she has braided the hair on both sides into small braids, and the left and right braids are wrapped around her head, tied together at the back, and tied with a blue Small crystal pendant.

"What are you looking at?"

Seemingly aware of Xing Guangyi's gaze, Ling Shuangqi bit the straw of banana milk and turned her head slightly to look at Xing Guangyi.


Xingguang held his chin in his hand, looked away, and started looking at his phone.

Soon it was time for class, and the electric bell outside the classroom began to tinkle.

The old teacher in front also started to stand up and turned on the multimedia to prepare for the lecture.

Suddenly, Xingguang realized that he didn't bring his textbook.

Well, actually he didn't bring anything but his phone and a shapeshifter.

So Xingguang leaned beside Ling Shuangqi and read a book with her.

"Even if you're here to perfunctory, you should bring a book anyway." Ling Shuangqi pushed the textbook between the two of them.

"Hey, I was too panicked when I went out today, I'll be sure next time." Xingguang said.

Chapter 94 Another inexplicable thing appeared

On the podium, the Chinese teacher spoke in full swing, and the students below were doing their own things, which could also be regarded as in full swing.

This teacher was in charge of the college Chinese class for several of their classes last semester, so the students were quite aware of this teacher's temperament.

The old teacher taught himself well, and as long as the students below did not go too far, he would turn a blind eye.

Xingguangyi and Ling Shuangqi were not really good students in a sense. After listening to the class for a while, they both took out their mobile phones and started to kill time.

Ling Shuangqi glanced at Xingguangyi's phone screen and said, "What novel did you read recently?"

"There's nothing fixed, just take a look when you see something you're interested in."

While talking, Xingguang added two books to the bookshelf again and again. Recently, more and more books have been hoarded on the bookshelf, but he didn't read much.

"Oh, I see."

The surroundings quieted down a little, and Ling Shuangqi stopped talking and looked at her phone quietly.

There are so many people sitting in a classroom, some are in a good mood, and naturally some are in a bad mood.

Behind Ling Shuangqi and Xing Guangyi, three of Ling Shuangqi's roommates, Shen Guangyu, Chang Xiaowo, and Zhelianchi, sat together.

Shen Guangyu pursed his lips, and the resentment on his body was about to turn into a substantial black light.

"The two of them have such a good relationship?" Chang Xiaowo said to himself, holding his chin in both hands.

Zhelianchi was a little puzzled: "Forget about the light rain, why are you paying so much attention?"