MTL - Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner-Chapter 13 [005] Natural Feng Shui Eyes (3)

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Yu Qing didn't notice her expression and mental activity, but took her to continue to walk to another barren, bare grassy cemetery.

This graveyard, Yang Zimei can't be more familiar, because this is the place where her great-grandfather was buried. Last Qingming, she only scanned the grave with her grandfather and father.


"Niuniu, take a closer look at this cemetery."

"Well, Master."

Yang Zimei's mood stared at the grave with a bit of heavyness.

After a while, the scene in front of her changed gradually, and there was a layer of blood-red haze above the head of the grave, and it formed the shape of a sharp blade, dangling into the grave.


Suddenly she felt blocked in her heart, a spit of sputum sprayed out, and she sat weakly on the ground weakly.

"Niuniu, what's wrong?"

Yuqing saw her suddenly pale and vomiting blood, hurried to help her with the pulse, and found that her pulse was floating, and she seemed to have suffered internal injuries.

How could you suddenly get internal injuries?

Yuqing looked at Yang Zimei's pale face in doubt, holding her little hand, and instilling some of her inner strength.

With Master ’s inner strength, Yang Zimei was slightly more comfortable, calmed down, and then stared over the grave. The blood-red haze like the sharp blade that I saw before was gone. Only the bare grave head was slightly lonely under the sun Lying decadently.

Even if she hadn't studied Feng Shui, she knew vaguely that the scene she had just seen was definitely a fierce image.

No wonder one year later, his family was ruined and it turned out that the feng shui of this ancestral tomb had something wrong.

"Niuniu, why do you suddenly get internal injuries?"

"Master, this ... is my ancestor's grave."

Yang Zimei's tone was still weak. "What's wrong with it?"

Yuqing's face grew heavy, "Here the soil is scorched, the vegetation is dead, and it is a lifeless place, so it cannot be buried. In addition, here the mountain is transected, and the gas is driven by the earth veins. When the pulse is broken, the gas is cut off. In addition to this, there are also dangerous rocks, raging rocks, born of the resentment of the earth, how evil and terrible it is. It is a land of great fierceness. The dead cannot rest, and the living will be affected ... "

He didn't say much below, but looked at Yang Zimei with a pity on his face, and seemed to be foreseeing how sad her future was.

Yang Zimei finally understood the fierce red color like a sharp blade.

"Master, what should we do? Can we break it?"

"The fierceness here is too heavy. The only way for the teacher to be incapable is to move the grave! Niuniu, wait for Master to go down with you to persuade your family to move the grave!"

"Thank you, Master!"

"However, you still have to find a Ji point." Yuqing looked around and said to Yang Zimei, "You have already read the theory of Feng Shui Kan Yu. Now, you can practice it and see if you can find a dragon point. Find a Fengshui Jixue for your home to bless your home. "

Yang Zi nodded his head, slightly adjusted his internal injuries with the help of air-conduction technique, stood up, and began to look up in the mountains.

Yu Qing followed her without saying a word.

In the end, Yang Zimei stood on a mountain and stopped.

There are endless mountains and hills in the north, low hills echoing in the south, surrounded by mountains on the left and right sides, and heavy protection: the middle part is clear, spacious and surrounded by buckling water.