MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 173 Ou Lanxing-[24]

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Zhou Zhengning always knew what Cen Lin wanted to do, Cen Lin seemed to intend to make him suffer, so he always put his plan in front of Zhou Zhengning frankly.

Because even if Zhou Zhengning knew what she wanted to do, there was nothing he could do. Because he was locked in Lieyang, he couldn't escape, and he couldn't even contact Ye Fei.

Zhou Zhengning was suffering in his heart.

He was thinking, if it is Qin Jing who is locked here now, then she can get out by herself; if it is Ren Huayan who is locked here, she can also find out for herself by relying on the mental detection of the third perspective. way.

But Zhou Zhengning is locked here now, he can't do anything.

Zhou Zhengning was locked in that small warehouse, he could only lower his head and fiddle with his Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube has been restored again and again, and it has been disrupted again and again.

But he can't do anything.

The resentment in Zhou Zhengning's heart was getting heavier and heavier. He had never felt that he was so useless.

Later, he saw Ye Fei in the warehouse and was taken away by Ye Fei.

He should be happy, because he told Ye Fei about Cen Lin's plan, and Ye Fei should be able to find a way to break the situation.

But he was still very sad.

Because he was the one who was saved again.

In danger, he still can't do anything, he can only deliver a message, and then stand behind, watching his companions do their best to save the world.

He saw Ou Lanxing overdraw the space interference and open a life door for the warriors in the canyon. He saw Ye Fei trying to dispel Absolute Annihilation, but that seemed to put a lot of burden on his body, because Ou Lanxing didn't allow him to use it. , they are arguing.

At that time, Zhou Zhengning was thinking about what he could do.

He took out his Rubik's Cube.

He is not reconciled.

He is really not reconciled.

Ye Fei said that Zhou Zhengning's group boost ability was because Rubik's Cube heard his desire to help others.

But the increase can't solve the current predicament, he can't save anyone.

So, if you can, please listen to him again.

Zhou Zhengning's eyes were slightly moist, he clenched his Rubik's Cube tightly, praying over and over again in his heart.

He wants to help more people, he wants to save more people.

He wants to help his companions bear more, wants to bear more.

He watched the wailing of the soldiers in the canyon, and the black mist and red flames like ghosts.

save them...

save them.

Zhou Zhengning shouted hoarsely in his heart, and for a moment, Rubik's Cube seemed to hear his silent cry.

From the corner, it diffuses the reverse color bit by bit.

The change of the ability carrying object has a huge impact on the holder.

At that moment, Zhou Zhengning's soul seemed to be torn apart by a pair of big hands.

it hurts.

Every cell in his body was crying for help, his body seemed to be crushed, and the sweat kept falling, even soaking the ground under him.

But he is not afraid.

In severe pain, Zhou Zhengning used his last strength to activate the anti-color Rubik's Cube:

"Extremely weakened!!"

In front, Ye Fei only felt an invisible wave of force penetrating through him, chasing straight towards Cen Lin and Jue who was far away on the opposite side.

He saw that the annihilation black fog in the canyon seemed to be frozen for a moment.

The lethality of Absolute Annihilation is unquestionable, as long as anything touches it, it will be immediately eroded by the elements of Annihilation and disappear. Even the mountains on both sides of the canyon have been corroded by absolute annihilation to a considerable extent.

The black mist engulfed the red flames, devouring the life in the canyon at an extremely fast speed. But after Zhou Zhengning's ability was activated, the red flame and black mist seemed to be blocked by something for a moment, and when they spread again, their aura was weakened by half, and their lethality was not as good as before.

In the canyon, a soldier watched his companion disappear out of thin air in front of his eyes just a second ago. He was terrified, and soon, he himself was wrapped in black mist around his arms.

When the pain came, he thought he was going to lose his life like this, but to his surprise, he didn't evaporate in an instant like the people around him.

Those black mist and flames entangled his body, and he saw that his skin was festering and damaged little by little in severe pain, but it was not at an irreparable speed.

The same thing is happening everywhere.

Facing the fear of death, the soldiers were pleasantly surprised to find that the speed and lethality of the black mist and flames from unknown sources in the canyon had been cut in half. The pressure of death suddenly eased, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

They saw the hope of life again, and the two opposing legions also temporarily put aside their barriers under this situation.

The chaotic situation in the canyon is no longer there. Some people spontaneously helped to evacuate the crowd. Everyone unexpectedly united and escaped the nightmare of absolute annihilation together.

Seeing all this, Ye Fei's high hanging heart also let go.

He raised his hand by his mouth and blew a loud whistle. Jian Lingxi, who was helping rescue people in the canyon, heard it. Holding the sickle, he went straight to the direction of Cen Lin and Jue.

On the other side, Cen Lin narrowed his eyes in displeasure as he looked at the situation in the canyon.

She is naturally aware of the changes in her body. Her body seems to have gained a lot of weight in an instant, and her speed, strength, and even some attributes that she can't detect have been weakened.

She raised her eyes and looked at Zhou Zhengning in the distance opposite.

Ye Fei actually had the leisure to rescue this guy, no, that's not what matters.

The important thing is, why does Zhou Zhengning's ability still have a weakening effect?


Cen Lin pursed her lips, she stepped back half a step, and saw Jian Lingxi approaching them in the canyon with sharp eyes.

Zhou Zhengning's original ability was to increase the six sides by 60%, but now the increase has become a weakening, although I don't know if the specific effect is also 60%, but no matter how many, obviously, now and Jian Lingxi Hard, not a wise choice.

Thinking of this, Cen Lin immediately turned around and walked towards the car not far behind him.

Jue beside her was also aware of the danger. He looked at Absolute Annihilation, which was weakened by half, and said angrily:

"What kind of ghost ability is this?!"

"I don't know." Cen Lin's voice was cold:

"You should ask Ye Fei, what ghosts are around him."

As she said that, she turned slightly sideways and looked at Jue.

Most of Jue's face was hidden under the hood. Seeing that the situation was not good, he didn't want to stay any longer, so he just said:

"Forget it, retreat first."


When Cen Lin heard this, he chuckled lightly.

At first, Jue didn't realize the meaning of Cen Lin's laugh at this moment, until the next second, he saw her draw a gun from her waist, aimed at his knee and pulled the trigger.

There was a shot.

Jue never expected that Cen Lin would attack him at this time, he was shot in the leg, staggered and knelt down on the ground in severe pain.

He let out a cry of pain, then raised his eyes to look at the woman:

"Cen Lin!"

"Sorry, Mr. Jue, our cooperation is over."

Cen Lin put the gun back on his waist, walked quickly to the car without looking back, opened the door and sat in the driver's seat.

She glanced at the rear of the car in the rearview mirror.

It was impossible for her shot to cause too much damage to Jue, but the delay was enough.

Sure enough, after she got into the car, Jue staggered to his feet from the ground, but soon, Jian Lingxi jumped up from the canyon like a ghost, and he stood behind Jue with a sickle in his hand.

Cen Lin looked away.

Jian Lingxi is not a human being, he can run faster than a car, but if he loses Absolute Annihilation, he is just a waste, useless at all. Rather than bringing him a burden, it's better to leave him here and use him to hold Jian Lingxi back.

Cen Lin started the car without the slightest hesitation, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and sped away.

At that time, in addition to the sound of the car's engine, she also heard the screams from the rear.

That guy's voice was really hoarse, more annoying than noise.

Cen Lin heard him shouting:

"Cen Lin! I'll kill you!!"

Cen Lin sneered lightly.

Although she could never hear it, she responded:

"I am waiting."

Cen Lin sped away in the car, Jian Lingxi raised her eyes and took a look, but she didn't intend to chase after her.

He stepped on Jue's shoulder and pinned him to the ground.

He glanced condescendingly at the gunshot wound on Jue's leg that was about to heal:

"What do you think about finding her to cooperate?"

The most terrifying thing about Jue is his absolute annihilation, but that thing is useless against Jian Lingxi, and Jue himself doesn't have any great strength.

The previous few times he had no entity, so Jian Lingxi had nothing to do with him for the time being, but now he is rounded up and counted as a person. In Jian Lingxi's hands, he is like a piece of dough that has been flattened and rounded at will, and cannot be beaten. You can't escape.

"No matter what you want to do, put your mind away."

Jian Lingxi bent down and grabbed Jue's collar.

Jue's hood also slipped off, revealing his face exactly like Ye Fei's. It's just that the eyeballs in his eye sockets were bottomless black, and the black cracks climbed from his eye sockets to his cheeks, which looked creepy for no reason.

Jian Lingxi looked at the person in her hand, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes:

"Otherwise, I will see you once and kill you once."

Over there, Ou Lanxing's space rift sent all the survivors in the canyon out of the canyon. His ability was overdrawn, and he could no longer maintain his ability after insisting on sending the last person.

He staggered and fell to the ground, blood was still on the corner of his lips.

Ye Fei carried Zhou Zhengning behind her back and placed him beside her.

Zhou Zhengning was already running a fever, and the Rubik's Cube reversing just now probably took a toll on him. At this moment, his face was pale and his eyes were closed, as if he had lost consciousness.

Ye Fei raised her hand to wipe his sweat for him, and was relieved after confirming that his life was not in danger.

He took off his coat and covered him, then walked towards Ou Lanxing next to him.

"How about it?"

He leaned on the ground and sat down, and glanced at Ou Lanxing next to him.

"It's okay, I can't die."

Ou Lanxing coughed twice, looked up at the crowd below.

The people rescued from Huaiyang Canyon are all here, they are consciously divided into Hurricane and Lieyang, and they are busy counting the number of people and arranging the wounded.

To be honest, when Ou Lanxing saved someone just now, he really felt it for a while.

In fact, he is very clear that everything is no longer the world he is familiar with, but just now, there was still a moment when the game and reality overlapped, causing him to confuse the two.

In the official battle of Huaiyang, he was poisoned by a supernatural blocker and locked in the space mezzanine.

Outside, in Huaiyang Canyon, his soldiers couldn't contact him, they were stuck in the canyon and died there.

When Ou Lanxing finally came out of the space interlayer, he saw only a few remnants of the team breaking out of the canyon.

He is not a person who lingers on old things, but he occasionally thinks, what would have happened if he had seen through Lie Yang's plot at that time, he should...should have time to save the warriors in the canyon, if he tried his best Using the power may save many people.

Although the past is hard to follow, at least Ou Lanxing did it this time.

Looking at the wounded below, he felt relieved, but after a while, another thing troubled him:

"Speaking of which, doctor, Cen Lin has made such a fuss, what should we do in the battle of Huaiyang, who will win? Could it be that the trouble has become like this, and we have to fight again?"

"Who knows."

Ye Fei shrugged.

He originally wanted to say that we will talk about the future later, anyway, there is no rush.

But when he looked up, he saw someone standing outside the soldiers on Lie Yang's side. Judging by his clothes, his military rank does not seem to be low. He was talking to the soldiers. After a while, he nodded and walked towards Ou Lanxing.

Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly.

Soon, he watched the man approach.

The man seemed to be a major general. He first gave a military salute to Ou Lanxing and Ye Fei, and then explained his purpose:

"General Ou, on behalf of my soldiers, I would like to express my thanks to you."

After finishing speaking, the major general bowed deeply to Ou Lanxing.

Ou Lanxing is not good at dealing with this kind of thing, he waved his hand and said firmly:

"No, if you want to thank him, thank him. I didn't intend to save you. He asked me to save you together."

Ou Lanxing pointed to Ye Fei.

The major general was taken aback for a moment.

He didn't know who the person next to Ou Lanxing was, but he still bowed to him again.

Ye Fei shook her head:

"It's okay, we are all human beings, there is no distinction between you and me in front of accidents."

The major general paused for a moment. Hearing what he said, his expression was slightly heavy.

He said in a deep voice:

"I can see very clearly that what happened in Huaiyang Gorge this time was not an accident, but a massacre planned by General Cen Lin of Lieyang. We are all her bait, her abandoned son, she doesn't care The lives of the soldiers, just want to catch you all."

Hearing what he said, Ye Fei didn't know how to comfort him.

But it seems that the major general doesn't need his comfort, because he quickly continued:

"I am very grateful that you have opened a way for us regardless of grievances. You are the savior of all of us. We have nothing to repay you. I love Lieyang, my race, and our city, so I can't do anything to betray them either. Therefore, I just asked the soldiers for their opinions, and we unanimously decided to give up resistance and surrender voluntarily, hoping that your army can treat prisoners of war preferentially."

For soldiers, generals are spiritual leaders and beliefs, but they were abandoned by their own generals, and it was the enemy general who finally rescued them from the flames.

In this case, it is meaningless to resist anymore, because after experiencing this kind of thing, it is impossible for the soldiers to devote themselves wholeheartedly to every subsequent battle. Because they lost the most important trust, and the belief in their hearts was also occupied by the seeds of doubt. In future battles, they only wondered whether they would be abandoned again, and only thought about running for their lives, not annihilating the enemy.

Besides, they were rescued from **** by their enemies just now, and it would be too shameful if they pointed guns at their saviors again.

They are human after all.

Therefore, after a simple inquiry, the major general decided to surrender to the hurricane on behalf of this army.


Ye Fei was a little dazed when he heard his words.

He didn't think too much about saving people just now, let alone what happened next. He was a little surprised when the major general said he would surrender.

He glanced at Ou Lanxing.

Ou Lanxing is obviously better at facing these than him, he nodded:

"Okay, but our Hurricane is relatively poor, and the food and housing must not be as good as yours. This is not harsh treatment."

He chatted briefly with the major general, but Ye Fei didn't pay attention.

Because, shortly after the major general said the word "surrender", he heard a familiar system prompt sound in his ear:


[The main army of Lieyang surrendered. According to the existing data, Lieyang's army has lost its morale, Cen Lin has lost credibility, and the loss of military equipment is serious. 】

[Comprehensive data speculation, within the rules, the Hurricane win rate is higher than 99%, and the game ends early]

[Congratulations to a shocking and amazing team for winning the game]

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