MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 175 Games Lobby

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[Congratulations to player 001 Ye Fei for clearing the "Hurricane Eighth Legion"]


[Huaiyang Canyon buried countless dead souls of old friends, sapphires shined in wars, and died in wars. 】

[The courage to fight in troubled times will never decay, and a touch of dark blue in the torrent of time is his medal. The power as small as dust cannot change everything, but light and faith will always be engraved in the world. 】

【Dust covers the sky, and the undercurrent comes quietly】

【Settlement in progress】

[Calculating the contribution of player 001 Ye Fei copy]

【Settlement completed】

[Player 001 Ye Fei gets bonus points]

【Total: 13000】


[Player 001 Ye Fei ends the game dungeon "Hurricane Eighth Legion" and successfully logs out]

Ye Fei supported Zhou Zhengning, who was still unconscious, and listened to the epilogue of the game.

After exchanging the time, he tried his best to move Zhou Zhengning onto his back, but before he succeeded, his hand lightened.

"I come."

Jian Lingxi lowered her eyes, held Zhou Zhengning's arm, and lifted him onto her shoulders very easily.


Ye Fei was a little worried.

He looked around, and now he and Jian Lingxi are still in the game logout space, there is no one else here except them. As for Cen Lin and Jin Fangren, they failed the game and are probably already in the punishment instance.

But Ye Fei was always a little puzzled.

Why did Cen Lin appear here?

She is the commander-in-chief of the Order Guard Army. Instead of managing the Garden of Eden, she ran into the game with her secretary. Is she on vacation? Or, this person hates him to such an extent, this time it is purely to bring someone in to make him feel uncomfortable?


Ye Fei couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a long time, but he didn't care about the messy things outside, he didn't want to understand it, so he didn't bother, after all, he still had a lot of things to do.

And when he was thinking about this, the logout space of the game was released, and the translucent white light wall fell down, revealing the whole picture of the game hall.

Ye Fei raised his eyes and took a look, wondering if it was his illusion that there seemed to be a lot fewer people in the game hall than before.

He didn't know how many people there were in this game, but when he came here before, the game hall was like a busy pedestrian street. Some people logged out of the game, some were about to log in, some temporarily formed a team, and some were just hanging out. few.

But this time when he came out, he found that there seemed to be few people in the game hall.

"Huh? What a coincidence?"

While Ye Fei was staring at the central square in front of her in a daze, a familiar female voice came from beside her.

Ye Fei took a look, it was Qin Jing.

Qin Jing looked at him, then at Jian Lingxi, and soon, she frowned, and walked around Jian Lingxi with her arms folded to take a look.

He saw Zhou Zhengning who was carried like a sack on Jian Lingxi's shoulders.

"What happened to him?" Qin Jing was dumbfounded:

"So Ye Fei, what kind of spell do you have on your body? If you enter the game with you, you must lie down when you come out, right?"

"...Oh." Ye Fei was a little helpless, but could not refute.

He sighed:

"Pudding's situation is a bit complicated. What about you? You just came out of it too? How's the situation?"

"It's okay." Qin Jing glanced sideways, signaling to Ren Huayan who had just stepped out of the logout space:

"The two of us brushed two B-grade books, and I almost thought you were dead inside, and you haven't come out for so many days. What? You went to war with Ou Lanxing?"

"Why are you so smart? That is, you didn't go, otherwise I will give you the whole major general Dangdang."

Ye Fei looked at Qin Jing and at Ren Huayan:

"Where's Esther?"

"I'm sleeping, I don't know."

Ye Fei nodded, and asked Ren Huayan:

"Are you feeling better? Are you still feeling sick?"

Ren Huayan shook her head, she seemed to be in good condition:

"It's all right."

"That's good, let's go back first."

It's not a problem to stand at the exit of the game and chat, Ye Fei plans to take the children back to the room to chat in detail.

On the way, he glanced at Qin Jing and asked:

"Speaking of which, do you feel that there seem to be fewer people in the game?"

"Well, it's missing." Listening to him talking about this, Qin Jing frowned:

"According to my previous observations, although the casualty rate of the game is high, the number of players will always be controlled at more than 1,000, and a batch of new players will be added every once in a while. But recently, the number of players has been decreasing, and there is nothing to add Meaning... tsk, don’t you have a player bracelet? Just click on the ranking to see the number of people?”

"Oh, I forgot." Ye Fei really forgot about this.

He opened it casually, and sure enough, the number of players in the game is now only about five hundred or nearly six hundred.

"How long has this been the case?" he asked.

After all, he really didn't pay much attention.

"It's been a while, probably since the time we entered Atlantis, there are no new players in the game."

Qin Jing's tone was low:

"I have a guess, look, who is the third?"

Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly.

You don't need to look at him to know who it is, after all, they just won her not long ago.

"Cen Lin?"

"Yes." When mentioning her, Qin Jing's tone and expression were not very good:

"You know the Gilt Casino? She is in charge of the Gilt Casino and this game, but some time ago, she suddenly brought her secretary into the game, so no one outside takes over this matter?"

After a pause, Qin Jing asked again:

"But I find it very strange, why did she come in?"

"Maybe he came here to make me unhappy? After all, we just had a fight in Huaiyang Canyon."

Ye Fei guessed confidently.

"It's possible, but don't you find it weird?"

Qin Jing frowned:

"If she just wants to run in and mess with you, shouldn't she arrange everything first before she comes in? After all, games and gilt casinos are quite profitable, so she can't let her go, right? Now she Bringing a secretary into the game, but no one manages it inside and outside the game, doesn't it seem a bit hasty?"

"You mean, she decided to come in on a temporary basis? For example, what kind of limelight and who is she avoiding?"

Ye Fei followed her train of thought.

"That's right, but who can Cen Lin hide from? Has she fallen out with Cen Jie? Or be bolder, maybe the Garden of Eden is in chaos now."

"Ah..." Hearing what she said, Ye Fei remembered something very important.

Cen Jie's life still depends on his blood.

But now, he has been in the game for a while, and after calculation, it should be time for a blood change. But why hasn't Cen Jie moved yet? Could it be that there is still stock in his little blood bank? shouldn't...

Is it really like what Qin Jing said, Cen Lin is letting go now, and Cen Jie has no news, the Garden of Eden is really in chaos?

But no matter how much it is, it's just their minds guessing, what's going on outside, Ye Fei can't see the real situation, and he doesn't care, after all, he doesn't have any people or things to miss in the Garden of Eden.

All in all, let’s take it one day at a time.

Ye Fei didn't think much, he went back to the hotel where he stayed with his children.

They have passed several S books in a row, and they all have a little money in their hands, and the hotel rooms are also kept open. Therefore, Ye Fei asked Jian Lingxi to send Zhou Zhengning back to the original room directly.

"You guys have been typing this book for less than half a month. It's been a long time. We've waited until the flowers are gone."

Qin Jing found Zhou Zhengning's hidden room card under the carpet at the door of Zhou Zhengning's room with ease, and opened the door casually.

Unlike Jianling Xiyefei's luxurious big bed room, Zhou Zhengning's is a standard room, and he lives with Esther.

When they went in, as Qin Jing said, Esther was still sleeping.

"Mao Zai seems to have read three A books alone. Anyway, he sleeps here when he is free. Oh, before he was squatting at the exit of the game waiting for the blue bird, and he even got into a fight with him."

Qin Jing briefly told him what happened around him during his absence.

Hearing Qingniao's name, Ye Fei subconsciously glanced at Ren Huayan, but Ren Huayan's expression was as usual, and she didn't seem to have any unnecessary reaction.

"Fight? Vent your sister?"

"Yeah, you don't know what the cat is like? But it didn't start a fight. After all, his ability is the spirit of speech. He can't even move when he utters a word."

Hearing this, Ye Fei chuckled lightly.

He glanced at Ren Huayan beside him, and raised his hand to stroke the top of her hair.

Speaking of which, since Ren Huayan's accident, he hasn't had a good chat with her, but the timing is not right at this time, so he can only simply say:

"Do not be sad."

"Not upset."

Ren Huayan was exceptionally calm.

She is very young, but she sees it very clearly:

"My brother's name is Ren Qingyu, not Qingniao."

Since he doesn't want to meet her by his real name, it means he has given up his previous identity. Although I don't know why, but no matter what the reason is, Ren Huayan respects and understands.

The blue bird is not Ren Qingyu, as long as he is still a blue bird, Ren Huayan's Ren Qingyu will still be lost on the day when he parted from her when he was young.

"Hey, why are you so sensible?"

Ren Huayan didn't care about it anymore, but someone else defended her.

Esther was awakened by the sound of their talking, he sat up rubbing his eyes, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Next time, I'll beat him up for you next time."

"Come on, you, just brag."

Qin Jing tapped his head with her fingers, and when she looked up, she saw Jian Lingxi putting Zhou Zhengning on the bed on her shoulders.

Only now did she notice that something was wrong with Zhou Zhengning. This guy's face was extremely pale, his face and body were dirty, his hair seemed to have been soaked, and he looked haggard.

Qin Jing just thought that this guy fainted from fright or something happened, so he didn't pay much attention. Now it seems that things are far from that simple.

But she didn't look like Zhou Zhengning was traumatized.

"What happened to him?"

Ye Fei ran to the bathroom, found a towel, wet it with hot water, wiped Zhou Zhengning's face briefly, found the medicine that Ren Huayan bought when she was sick and had a fever, and fed him a piece.

"The ability is overdrawn, and the loss is too much."

Ye Fei answered simply.

"Don't tease me."

Qin Jing glanced at him suspiciously:

"The sequelae of supernatural power overdraft are not like this."

"Yes, because his situation is a little more complicated."

"Complicated? How complicated?"

"have no idea."

"I don't know??" Qin Jing thought Ye Fei was joking.

If even Ye Fei didn't know about supernatural powers, there would probably be no one in the world who could answer them.

Ye Fei nodded and frowned slightly:

"His ability seems to have mutated."

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