MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 180 Noah - [01]

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Because a group of people stayed up too late last night, everyone slept until the afternoon the next day.

When they finally sobered up, adjusted their work and rest, and confirmed that Zhou Zhengning was in good health, it was time for the magical team to enter the game.

In the past few days, Ye Fei has not had an easy time.

The main problem is that his sleep quality is not good. He was used to sleeping with Jian Lingxi before, and he was also used to the temperature and smell of his body. Now he is suddenly replaced by himself occupying a big bed, and he still feels a little uncomfortable for no reason.

It's really strange how even sleeping can be addictive.

In addition, the atmosphere of his getting along with Jian Lingxi in recent days is also a bit subtle.

Jian Lingxi's attitude towards him was the same as before. He didn't avoid Ye Fei from then on because of Ye Fei's refusal, and he didn't show his presence to him all day like Ou Lanxing did, yelling in front of him how much he liked him. love him.

He is still the same, doesn't talk much, always smiles in front of Ye Fei, and always takes care of every detail gently.

In this state, Ye Fei couldn't find a reason or opportunity to reject his kindness, and he couldn't bear to refuse, so after the initial embarrassment, their atmosphere was not much different from before, as if nothing had happened Same.

In this state, the magical team assembled again and walked towards the game login.

After a few days, when they entered the central square again, Ye Fei paid special attention and found that there were fewer people in the central square than when they logged out of the game a few days ago.

He took a few children with him, and when he passed by the pool, he looked up at the light screen.

The light screen above the pool is still red and blue, the blue one is the top 100 players in the game, and the red one is the number of surviving tourists in the game.

He only remembered that there seemed to be a thousand or so tourists in the game at the beginning, but he didn't care about it afterwards. Now he looked up, and the number of people on the light screen stopped at more than 500, which was almost the same as the number of players.

Ye Fei was a little concerned, he kept staring at the red light screen.

Qin Jing noticed it, and she asked:

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking, is it possible for tourists to go out? Or can they just stay in the game like this and adapt to the dungeon environment until they die?"

"There should be." Qin Jing followed his train of thought:

"Isn't this a very simple matter? Stop the game, enter a few guards, and go through each dungeon, and you can basically rescue those unlucky ones, but if this is the case, it should be a big loss for Cen Lin, otherwise she won't As for the head iron, it hasn’t moved yet.”

"Yes, but the sudden disappearance of a thousand people in the Garden of Eden should cause some commotion, right?"

Ye Fei glanced at Qin Jing.

It should not be his illusion, he found that Qin Jing seemed to know the White Tower and Cen Lin very well.

Qin Jing didn't notice Ye Fei's gaze, she nodded:

"But how could Cen Lin care about this kind of thing? It should be her hypocritical father who cares more about it. Wasn't it the 30th anniversary celebration of the Garden of Eden a while ago? Such a big thing happened on the anniversary and it hasn't been resolved yet. I don't think so. Knowing how Cen Jie will be questioned by the people in Eden, I guess he was so angry that he couldn't control Cen Lin anymore. I guess Cen Lin did it on purpose, deliberately wanting to **** off her father and then take power by himself."

As she said that, Qin Jing smiled gloatingly twice.

"Huh?" Ye Fei narrowed her eyes slightly:

"You know it very well."

After saying this, Qin Jing's expression froze.

She seemed to realize something, immediately stopped talking, and answered awkwardly:

"You want to take care of it?"

"...well, well."


[Welcome my dear, a shocking and amazing team to log in to the game, the copy is being distributed...]

【Copy selected】

【Kyushu Utopia (Class S)】

[Game refresh, dungeon loading—]

【Location: Kyushu Utopia】

[Mainline NPC: Noah]

【Rating: S】

【Number of people: 6 people】

[The following is the player entry—]

【Reading ranking—】

【A shockingly amazing team】

[080, Ren Huayan]

[060, Zhou Zhengning]

[051, Qin Jing]

[023, Esther]

【002, Jian Lingxi】

【001, Ye Fei】


[The dungeon is loaded, the game is about to log in, I wish all players a happy game! 】

Ye Fei is already familiar with the short period of separation of five senses after logging into the game.

After leaving the login space, the five senses are returned, and everything around has a real sense. It's just that it didn't feel good, because the space he was in was very windy, and the blown sand hit him, causing pain.

"What kind of broken place is this... Bah, bah, bah!"

Esther's voice was mixed in the wind, and it came from not far away. He hadn't finished a sentence, probably because he was choked into the sand, and it took a long time for him to stop.

Ye Fei tried hard to open his eyes, but just as he squinted them, there was wind and sand pouring into his eyes.

Ye Fei's eyes hurt and he wailed.

"What's wrong?"

Someone grabbed his wrist.

Ye Fei was led back by him, and Jian Lingxi raised her hand to block part of the wind and sand for him with her coat.

"Thank you little snake."

Ye Fei rubbed her eyes, before she had time to care about the little sand that ran into her eyes, she reminded her teammates first:

"We are outside now, we have to enter Utopia! Otherwise, we will be consumed by the bad weather!"

Ye Fei shouted.

Someone around quickly responded:

"I can't even open my eyes, where can I find Utopia!"

"Sister, open a perspective sharing for me!"

After speaking, Ye Fei hid in Jian Lingxi's arms and gained temporary peace.

"Okay!" Ren Huayan heard his words, and the third-person perspective sharing came soon.

Ye Fei immediately saw everything around him from the perspective of God. He saw that they were standing in a wasteland, and the sandstorm was raging inside the wasteland, and they were right in the center of the sandstorm.


Ye Fei rubbed her eyes again.

Sand had just entered his left eye, and it hurt so much that he couldn't open it for a moment, tears streaming down his face. He could only use his right eye, trying to see a few small black spots not far from them that were moving towards them.

"Someone is coming! I don't know who it is, so be on guard first!"

"Mr. Doctor, is it Mr. Doctor?!"

Ye Fei's voice overlapped with the call from the other end.

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, and took a closer look with the help of a third perspective. The voice really came from the group of people approaching them.

It was a small group of guys who looked like an expedition team. They were wearing a full set of windproof suits, and they looked like they had come prepared.

As for their identities, Ye Fei already had guesses in her heart.

After all, the sound of "Mr. Doctor" is obvious enough.

"We were sent by Mr. Noah to pick you up! We are from Utopia, please trust us!"

"I believe! I believe!"

Ye Fei had no intention of doubting at all, and he happily waved at the few people over there.

As a courtesy, the elder brother who was the leader of the expedition waved to them, and then he signaled his companions behind him to approach, and he took off the huge backpack on his body.

"Mr. Noah said that he didn't know how many friends the doctor would bring, so we prepared ten sets of protective gear. It seems that it is enough."

As he said that, the man took out a large windbreaker coat and a protective mask from his bag, distributed them to several people, and then didn't say anything more, only motioned them to hold the ropes around their waists and follow the direction of the ropes. Just go back.

God knows how touched Ye Fei was.

It's a good feeling to be helped by acquaintances in a strange place.

It's just that the sand in his eyes still hasn't come out, his left eye can't be opened at all, and tears flow out when he moves a little, which is very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he just took a look at Ren Huayan's ability and found that their location is not close to Utopia, and it may take a while to go back.

Ye Fei wants to chat with them for a while, but now they are all wearing protective masks, and there are other people around, so it is not convenient to talk. Therefore, Ye Fei thought about it briefly, and made a voice call in the chat room of the player's bracelet.

In this dungeon, all functions of the team chat are open. After the voice call was broadcast, Ye Fei saw several blue light screens lit up in the screen covered by the sandstorm in front, and everyone in the magical team clicked into it one after another. call.

"Good news, this is a six-player book, and we are the only ones in the game, so we don't need to play PVP."

Ye Fei's tone was relaxed.

"I heard it, I heard it, but it probably won't be easy."

Qin Jing replied.

"It's hard for S to be relaxed, isn't it?"

Esther was still bluffing.

Hearing this, Ye Fei laughed twice, and originally wanted to express his opinion briefly, but soon, he remembered another thing:

"By the way, when the player entered just now, I heard that Little Pudding's ranking has risen?"

"Yes." Qin Jing also reacted:

"It used to be 160, right? Now it's 060, and it's been promoted to 100 at once, which is awesome."

"It's awesome, congratulations, I'll let Noah treat you to a good meal later."

Ye Fei laughed happily, he didn't regard himself as an outsider at all.

"Really? That's so embarrassing."

Zhou Zhengning smiled foolishly, paused, and asked again:

"By the way, Teacher Ye, where are we now? What is Utopia? Can you tell me about the background of this instance?"


After he said this sentence, the team chat room became quiet, which really gave Ye Fei the feeling of being in class.

He cleared his throat:

"This copy, if I'm not wrong, should be around 3139. We all should know the outcome of the war between orthodox humans and superhumans, right? The war ended with nuclear weapons, but nuclear weapons brought new disasters.

"After the Sun Legion took the lead in throwing nuclear weapons, other forces followed suit. As a result, the continents were almost razed to the ground, man-made disasters ended and natural disasters came. Extreme weather and natural disasters are everywhere, oppressing people's living space.

"This is the first few years after the nuclear bombing. Although the weather in the hive is quite bad now, it is the result of the planet's self-healing for decades. The situation here is much worse than that of the hive. .”

"And the Utopia we are going to now is a place like a sanctuary. It is a new home built by Noah and several powerful people."


After Ye Fei finished speaking, Pudding, who was studious, was the first to ask:

"Aren't nuclear weapons used by orthodox humans to deal with supernatural beings? Then why haven't we been exterminated?"

"Fool." Ye Fei was overjoyed by his question:

"Who wasn't an ordinary person before? Nuclear weapons can only destroy people with supernatural powers, but they can't destroy alpha viruses. But..."

Ye Fei paused:

"After the nuclear bombing, some supernatural beings did survive and escaped the aftereffects of intense radiation."

"Huh? Why, because of the ability?"

Qin Jing was a little surprised, she had never heard such a statement before.

"It's because of one person."


"Chu Muchen."

"Doctor Chu?" Zhou Zhengning was a little surprised to hear the familiar name.

And Qin Jing was silent for a moment:

"Chu Muchen, I remember, is Ou Lanxing's military doctor?"

"Yes, his ability is group healing. He can use one minute of his life in exchange for one minute of accelerated healing time for the healed. After the initial bombing, it was Chu Mushen who used his remaining life , rescued a group of surviving supernatural beings, and helped them deal with the aftereffects of radiation on their bodies, giving them the opportunity to continue to survive on this land."


There was a brief silence in the chat room.

It was also at that time that the expedition team took them back to Utopia, and this slightly heavy topic was taken away in this way.

There is a semi-circular protective cover around Utopia. After they approached, the people inside opened the protective cover and took them in.

Ye Fei's eyes are still hurting, and now he is wearing a protective mask, and he can't rub his eyes, so he can only look at the situation in front of him with his only remaining right eye.

"Doctor, is it a doctor, right? You are finally here."

When Ye Fei opened her eyes, she saw Noah holding Zhou Zhengning's wrist with both hands, communicating with him cordially. Zhou Zhengning was so frightened that he quickly took off his protective mask, waved his hands to indicate that he was not, and pointed in the direction of Ye Fei.

Noah looked over in a daze.

Noah has light chestnut curly hair. He looks fair, with deep and gentle eyebrows, and a monocle on his left eye.

At this moment, he looked at Ye Fei, blinked blankly, and quickly trotted over, holding Ye Fei's wrist just like he held Zhou Zhengning just now, pretending that nothing happened just now:

"Long time no see, doctor, are these your new friends? I've heard them talk about you a lot, and now I finally see you."

"Long time no see, Noah."

Utopia's protective cover blocked the wind and sand outside, and Ye Fei took off her protective mask.

It's just that the sand in his left eye hasn't come out yet, and it still hurts when he moves. The whole eye is red, and the eyelashes are wet with tears, which shocked Noah.

"What happened to your eyes?" Noah was a little worried.

"It's okay, it's in the sand."

Ye Fei waved her hand, a little embarrassed.

And when he spoke, a system prompt sounded in his ear at the same time:

【Noah is the backbone of Utopia. Everything here exists because of him. If something happens to him, Utopia will cease to exist. 】

【Countless pairs of eyes are watching him, trying to drag him and everything he protects into the storm】

【Task release】

[Noah, the owner of Utopia, will encounter an accident within five days, please protect his personal safety and avoid all dangers for him]

[Within five days, if Noah dies, the game will be considered a failure]

【Wish you all a happy game】