MTL - Sweetest Top Actress in My Home-Chapter 17 Mother and child

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Biquge, the latest super-sweet chapter of my movie!

Hearing this answer, the two stepped back even more uncontrollably: "That ... that was just ..."

"I heard them all." Lu Jingzhi glanced across the two with cold eyes, then looked up at the excited Jiang Yuning, and motioned her to sit down, leaving the rest to him.

Jiang Yuning snorted loudly to him.

"Jing Zhi, Zong Ye is your younger brother, don't you ... stand by outsiders?"

"Butler." Lu Jingzhi didn't want to talk to Li Shutong at all, but just spoke out to the middle-aged man at the door.

"Er, what do you tell me?"

"I'll give you half an hour to throw the things from these two people out of the Lu family, and tell the Lu family's finances to break their bank cards." Lu Jingzhi ordered calmly and indifferently. No animal husbandry. "

After listening to the two, Lu Zongye and her son were very unconvinced, especially Li Shutong. She was an elder of Lu Jingzhi anyway, so why should she be blasted out by her own junior?

"Lu Jingzhi, I'm your second wife anyway, haven't you treated your elders like this? My husband hasn't spoken yet, can you turn?"

"Don't agree?" Lu Jingzhi tilted his head slightly, his eyes were cold and dangerous, and he looked at Li Shutong. "When you sit at my place, you have the right to question my decision. Even if my uncle is here today, your mother and son, Get off too. Butler, do it. "

"I see, Erye!" After that, the housekeeper brought a few servants and went to Lu Zongye's bedroom together.

"You can't do this, you can't ..." Li Shutong quickly chased after him.

Lu Zongye knew that he could not win Lu Jingzhi at all, so he sat on the sofa with his hips as if his eyes had lost the function of focusing.

Seeing the ugliness of the mother and son, Jiang Yuning was happy, but she did not forget her decision to visit.

So she told Lu Jingzhi with a lip: "My grandpa ..."

"In the guest room, the housekeeper will take good care of the evening and return to the hospital tomorrow." Lu Jingzhi answered her in a voice, and then asked, "Did you eat?"

"not yet."

"I'll let the kitchen prepare." Lu Jingzhi meant that he wanted Jiang Yuning to stay and eat while watching the show. He saw the two people's things with his own eyes and was blasted out by the housekeeper.

"Okay." Jiang Yuning wouldn't miss such an opportunity, no matter what his face was, he nodded in agreement.

On the second floor, the servants took the time to pack all the belongings that belonged to Lu Zongye and carried them to the living room. Li Shutong ran up and down, angry and rolling, but it was useless because Lu Jingzhi didn't see it.

After repeating it a few times, she felt boring, so she sat on the ground and called her husband.

"Lu Zhengbai, what are you still in the company's ink? Your wife and children have been kicked out of the house, are you still out there? Why am I so miserable ..."

In such a sacred place of the Lu family, I can still see such a vulgar person. Jiang Yuning really wanted to poke his eyes and simply cooking in the kitchen. She whispered to Lu Jingzhi and begged: "Can I ... My grandpa? "

"Go to the study on the third floor first," Lu Jingzhi answered in a low voice, Jiang Yuning.

Jiang Yuning seemed to understand his hint and nodded, his mouth still pretending to look like: "I'll see my grandpa."

After all, he used to come and go from time to time, so Jiang Yuning could easily find Lu's various rooms.

The third floor used to be a study prepared by Lu Jingzhi for Lu Jingzhi alone. For so many years, only Lu Jingzhi could walk in that area.

She used to want to go up quietly, but how did she know that Lu Jingzhi installed a combination lock.

By the way, I didn't ask what was his password.

With a mentality to give it a try, Jiang Yuning entered the birthday of Tianshen and the birthday of the mother of Tianshen, but they were all wrong.

After a while, Lu Jingzhi followed upstairs and saw that she was still wandering by the door, so she reached down and pressed four numbers.

After Jiang Yuning met, he was stunned ...

Isn't she dreaming?

Her birthday? her?

Lu Jingzhi dragged a person into the room without waiting for Jiang Yuning's response, and directly held her in his arms: "I don't know."

Jiang Yuning was tightly hugged, enjoying the excitement of cheating, but heard Lu Jingzhi say a word, five words.

"Do not know what is this?"

"You mentioned the divorce." Lu Jingzhi looked at her, seemingly anxious to crush her bones into one with herself.

"I said you misunderstood me, and you still don't believe it." Jiang Yuning took the opportunity to coquettishly in Lu Jingzhi's arms. "Since the age of 16, I mentioned this to my family every year. Later, when something happened at home, I did n’t have the energy to ask again. It happened, but Lu Zongye's scum always came to hurt me and me. I couldn't bear it, so I took advantage of this time to trap me and quickly retire from the marriage. "

After listening to these words, Lu Jingzhi was so upset in his heart that he did not wait for Jiang Yuning to continue to speak. He picked up Jiang Yuning's chin and kissed him directly.

Jiang Yuning was startled. The possessive kiss suddenly blanked her mind, but when the two were almost out of control, the voice of a housekeeper sounded: "Second, Mr. Er is back."

Jiang Yuning woke up like a dream, and her cheeks were red. She should be in the guest room, but at the moment, she was in Lu Jingzhi's study, and he kissed him hard.

Knowing that she was nervous, Lu Jingzhi responded to the housekeeper, and then ordered Jiang Yuning: "I'll go down first, you will come down."


The so-called Mr. Er in the steward's mouth is Lu Zongye's father, his uncle Lu Zhengbai.

Lu Jingzhi left the study with a steady pace, and brought the room door, Jiang Yuning's heartbeat thundered, this relieved him.

Lu Jingzhi's study is small in size and very concise. Jiang Yuning looked around for a week. It is no different from the study of ordinary children. The difference is that when was his password set as her birthday?

It seems that if you have the chance, you have to ask.

Jiang Yuning spent another two minutes in Lu Jingzhi's study, before carefully opening the door.

However, just after reaching the steps on the first floor, Jiang Yuning heard Lu Ershu begging in front of Lu Jingzhi: "Jing Zhi, Er Shu is not thin to you these years, you just look at Er Shu's face and spare the mother and son , They never did it again. "

"Lu Zhengbai, are you a man? Are you still asking for mercy?" On the side, Li Shutong was holding a suitcase and sitting on the ground like a rogue. "I don't care, I'm Lu's daughter-in-law, no one has the right to drive me away. . "

"Not wanting to leave? It's not impossible ..." Lu Jingzhi replied coldly, then looked up at the housekeeper, "set them in the maid's room."