MTL - Sweetest Top Actress in My Home-Chapter 726 You can still be so obedient

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Biquge, the fastest update of the super sweetest chapter of my movie!

"What kind of person to send? Isn't it because I stared at the family and didn't do anything?" Jiang Yuning was anxious to see Luo Hang. "We can't wear skirts because there are too many wolves in this world. Right? The rules of things are not made by these unruly people. The more such times, the more we have to let the other party see, we don't take the other party's eyes at all. "

"The director means ..."

"Don't take him so seriously. This kind of friction in life is allowed to happen, and what he does is not a bad thing. It's up to me, isn't Gong Xinhai? It's time to roll over ..."

With such an enlightened artist director, Luo Hangyi couldn't help it.

Sometimes, he was afraid that Jiang Yuning would spoil all the entertainers.

Maybe she was used to it deliberately, because in this way, the artist's loyalty can be cultivated, even if Yu Shaowei really gets angry and his wings harden, and he wants to open his own studio, then according to the customary law of Jiang Yuning, after he goes out Nothing can be done at all.

The meaning that Jiang Yuning wanted to express is very simple. The artist does the artist's work, creates the value of the artist, and does not waste every resource. Except for that, it should be an issue for the agent and the team to consider.

Yu Shaowei believed Jiang Yuning very much. He went to the hospital for an injury examination and kept the injury report.

When things were over, Yu Shaowei returned to the police station and took away the litter of small cats.

Anyway, I have to give some little ones a home.

"There are injuries on my face. It seems that my work has been postponed." Luo Hangyi was helpless.


When Yu Shaowei entered the police station, he said that he was not too big, and that he was not small. Although he was right from beginning to end, don't forget that the media's skill in compiling stories is first-class.

As long as you change the angle, you can see "Yu Shaowei's fierce fighting, beating his father and daughter into the police station in the middle of the night! 》 This news headline comes.

Regardless of the truth of the matter, as long as you can eyeball.

However, Jiang Yuning has asked the children of the public relations department to suppress the shoots, and also put the materials to some marketing numbers.

It is said that Yu Shaowei is keen on public welfare, because the stray cat has also had disputes with people.

The news was released a few days later, and sure enough, there was an action over Gong Xinhai.

Because Gong Xinhai announced that he had started to raise cats, and a fold-eared cat who claimed to be helping also recorded a video.

In the video, Gong Xinhai kept asking fans how exactly to raise an ear-eared cat, and his novice entered the village, he was very busy.

In the video, a one-month-old folded ear wandering in Gong Xinhai's hands, attracted a lot of fans, and praised Gong Xinhai's kindness and love.

Jiang Yuning had long noticed the children of the team, and then asked them to find out the source of the folding ear cat of Gong Xinhai. Finally, the children said that the folding ear cat of Gong Xinhai did not come from the rescue at all, but through the cat. House purchased.

"I hate the show as a male artist, and I use the most distressed folding ear cat for the show. This kind of cat should not have been used for breeding offspring. There is no sale without demand. Sister Yu Ning, you have to treat it well. he!"

A younger sister in the public relations department said, grabbing Jiang Yuning's hand in indignation.

"Should I also take some responsibility?" After all, the other party also responded because of the fake materials she put out.

"It has nothing to do with you, you don't know he will do this, and I believe that Sister Yu Ning can do the science popularization work of the Folding Cat, which can also be regarded as a negative teaching material for that surnamed palace."

Jiang Yuning nodded, and suddenly thought of it. I saw at the gate of the police station two days ago, Yu Shaowei's dog, two very ordinary little hair children, are not of noble descent, but they are raised very spiritually.

"Then hurry up and ask what the cat house is called, so that it can really help those poor little things."


Everything is under the control of Jiang Yuning. A few days later, she bought some studios and released news about Yu Shaowei's rescue of stray cats. However, she did not carry out any propaganda, just to let the Internet have this memory.

However, Gong Xinhai thought that it was Yu Shaowei's attention that he had attracted, which made him unable to make any splash.

In fact, just because Jiang Yuning knew that Yu Shaowei never wanted to use this to attract attention.

"Sportsmanship" invited to do an interview, Jiang Yuning talked with the editor-in-chief. Since everyone is now concerned about the changed Yu Shaowei, then Jiang Yuning suggested that the other party go directly to Yu Shaowei's home for an interview. A completely mysterious Yu Shaowei.

The other party thought Jiang Yuning's suggestion was good, so he agreed with it, but had to make a specific appointment with Yu Shaowei.

Jiang Yuning was of course impossible to make a dictatorship, so she called Luo Hang.

"Director, at Shao Wei's house? You don't know, his house is simply a refuge for stray cats and dogs, and it is not convenient for interviews."

"Always have a free room? Also, the other party just wants to discover Yu Shaowei's mysterious side, so there is no need to worry about it, you just need to convince Yu Shaowei."

As soon as Luo Hang answered the phone, he suddenly didn't know what Jiang Yuning was thinking, but he still told Yu Shaowei the original words of Jiang Yuning.

Originally, Luo Hangyi thought that Yu Shaowei was going to refuse. After all, that was his privacy. If one side of his world was broken into by a stranger, he would inevitably feel uncomfortable, but what made Luo Hang surprised was that Yu Shaowei did not refuse. And, promised.

"I don't know until now that you can still be so obedient."

Yu Shaowei smiled and went to take care of the small **** again.

Years of pet-raising experience has made him very familiar with his role as a cat mother.

The next day the cat was brought home, he asked the aunt to take it to the hospital for examination. The doctor said that it was not a big deal, just wondering if they could feed.

Maybe I know that these little milk cats are just like themselves, stray cats, so the other three adult cats at home, from time to time, act as cats and cats, bring small things, and look like decent.

In fact, a cold-hearted man becomes tender and the picture is really beautiful.


The reason why Jiang Yuning suggested the magazine side like this is really purposeful.

Those highlights of Yu Shaowei were hidden by him. Only by digging deep can he be known to outsiders.

As long as he doesn't deliberately hype and preach justice and goodness, then he should let people see the things he has done and the lives he has saved.

Especially against the background of Gong Xinhai, what a shame for Yu Shaowei's sympathy and compassion is so valuable.