MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1261 Bloody clothing is humiliated (recommended)

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Chapter 1261, blood suit is humiliated (recommended)

Chapter 1261

At the Jintan Heshan Grand Altar, Meng Yun did not hesitate to kill hundreds of Jinxiu Heshan disciples outside the altar. A loose red robe slowly covered Shi Qilin’s head.

Rumble rumbling...

In the heavy sound, the movement of Shi Qilin, which is more than a thousand pounds, is born.

From the left side of the main altar gate slowly moving to the center of the doorway, Kirin’s head was at the moment of the center of the main altar gate before it stopped.


The wide red sleeves waved, revealing the face of the dreams of the two majestic eyes showing the strong and charming, presented in front of the black-pressed Jinxiu Heshan disciple in the Jinxiu Heshan Square.

In contact with a group of top masters in the Jintan River Mountain General Altar, the pupils shriveled slightly, and the faint glow flashed from the depths of Mengyun's eyes.

Seeing the dream cloud, Ji Feng, who heard the news, stood in the main altar door, and his eyes suddenly fell heavily, slowly and quietly:

"Hey! Who is my father who came to the door, it turned out to be a dream master." During the conversation, the line of sight swept over the dazzling Dahong robe shape, and then swept the silver needle on the corpse of the entire altar. Consciously dignified!

The undefeated "Sunflower Collection" in the East!

I didn't expect this dying one, but this time I can still be made.

His eyes swept over the foreign masters who were so densely packed and dressed in various ways. Ji Feng knew that the decision of the happy door to leave the guardian of the altar was not without aim.

These people must be the elite masters of the wolf organization gathered from all over the country, the strength is not weak, this trip with the dream cloud, can indeed pose a small threat to the Jinxiu River.


At the moment, the foundation of Jinxiu River Mountain is already very strong. It is not something that can be shaken by a few people. It is the doorway to the door:

"Meng Yuntang's main day is with people blocking the door... What is the meaning of the unknown."

At the same time, along with Ji Feng, there are four silver foxes...

The Silver Fox four people have long been informed by Bai Xiaosheng that they know the news of Mengyun’s departure from the capital city. Now, when they look at the situation of the total altar gate, they know that Mengyun’s strength has skyrocketed, and the long swords that dare not dare are unsheathed. Maple protection in the line!

Meng Yunlian never looked at the silver fox four times, and his eyes flickered from Ji Feng, and the tone of the understatement:

"I didn't expect Ji Feng, the deputy head of the beautiful embroidered river and mountains, you remember my lost master."

The dream cloud is inexhaustible, with a hint of sarcasm and emotion, and a hint of concealed teeth.

It’s no wonder that Mengyun is so emotional...

Once upon a time, there were nearly two million people in Yipintang, and the forces spread throughout the Central Plains. The 12 major capital gangs secretly supported in the dark loomed most of the resources of the Central Plains. What a beautiful scenery, a taste of the main hall, the Central Plains must tremble three Trembling.

And Ji Feng.

It’s just a first-class gang of the Beijing gang, a small character who sees that he has to laugh.

But now!

Yipintang was infamous by the splendid rivers and mountains. The million people were reduced to only 100,000! Even if he fled to a foreign country, he did not completely settle down.

The main hall of the hall is not even close to the city gate. It is boring in the restaurant and a gang of gangs that are quietly supported, living a dark life.

Ke Jifeng...

The existence of the ants, which was almost wiped out by a class, has now become the deputy head of the Jinjiang River, the largest force in the Central Plains. Under one person, over 10,000 people, countless gangs in the Central Plains have flattered objects.

During the exchange of this position, Ji Feng did not arrange for the horses and horses to chase and kill the remnants of Yipintang. All this, the dream cloud is clear and clear in one heart.

"I thought that the deputy master of Ji had long forgotten my frustrated person."

Meng Yun is not without irony, slowly rises from the stone unicorn, condescending, staring coldly at Ji Feng standing under the four characters of Jinxiu Heshan!

Hearing the unshakable killing in the mood of Meng Yun, Ji Feng did not reveal the slightest weakness, hit a haha, and laughed and counterattacked:

"The dream of the Lord is so different. After all, Yipintang has not completely disappeared. How can someone like Ji forget that if one day will be destroyed, Ji Mou will look at the past and will definitely be on the merits of Jinxiu Heshan. Write down the name of the next hall, and write down the name of the dreamer, so as to warn me to be the master of the beautiful riverside! Happy door owner."

Naked taunts and snipers, suddenly angered the members of the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar.

At this moment, a roar of blue sky smashed the sky:

"Let's go!! Ji Feng's child is dead!!"

Outside the door, a blood-red figure flicked past the entrance to the main altar.

Ji Feng, Yin Hu and others looked carefully, and at one time recognized the latter as an old acquaintance who had been standing under the steps. Now he has restored the **** clothes of a deputy head.

I saw that the latter's double sleeves were cracked, the arms were exposed, and the momentum was mad!

Five fingers violently, taking the unarmed Ji Feng on the steps.

boom! ! !

At the same time, the stone unicorn at the door suddenly burst into silence with no sign! Fragmented into countless fierce gravel, and then rushed to the main altar gate of Jinxiu Heshan!

Ji Feng was shocked.

The blood-stained clothes are the former blood ally lord, one of the great strengths of the Central Plains, one shot is the means of stone breaking, the momentum is flourishing, not inferior to the glory of the Jinxiu River sect. In the past more than a month, instead of falling into repairs, there have been many improvements.


Silver Fox and others guarded him. Ji Feng did not worry, calmly and calmly looked at the **** clothes and the gravel.

Ji Feng did not move...

The four silver foxes did not dare to neglect while pumping swords.


Hey! ! !

The four people have the spirit and the sword.

The crisp and sweet swordsmanship is like the sound of four clear springs. It is forcibly tearing out a heart-warming breath from the sudden sound of the **** coat.

Breath fusion!

An invisible barrier oscillated from the sword in the hands of four people.

Hey! ! !

The swordsman slams and sways, like a soft but tough shackle, with a recursive shape...

Hey! ! ! !

The numerous gravel formed by the stone unicorn burst from the **** body, like a piece of tofu, instantly invaded by the invisible smashing into a whitefly.

An amazing scene took place under the calm and faint eyes of Meng Yun, Ji Feng, Silver Fox, Knife, Sliver, and Lei Zi...

Countless people were surprised to see this unusual and secret picture, stunned.

The blood coat is the most amazing!

He is very clear that his previous blow is a full force, even if the master of the late mythology needs to deal with it very seriously, but the silver fox four arrays of squares, the sword of the sword alone will put his A shot was intercepted and it really surprised him.

This strength is obviously much stronger than when the martial art is bigger!

Despite the surprise in the heart of the blood, I was surprised, but now I’m close at hand, even if it’s too late to change...


This blow, even if it is a mythical master, may not be able to retreat.

choke! ! !

Four swords sing.

The four majestic momentums were simultaneously lifted from the silver foxes, like the rewinding waterfalls, which gathered a shuddering world, and slammed into the moment when the **** bloody hand caught Ji Feng. Bloody chest.

Hey! !

The latter body was shocked.

The eyeballs are bulging, and there is a moment of incredible light in the eyes.

With the use of the Dafa Dafa method to promote the internal forces to the mythical environment, the **** clothes that can be compared with the mythical elites are hit by a silver sword and four people.

There is no hesitation and pause.

On the clothes of the blood coat, four shocking blood marks were cracked, and **** rain was thrown.


Wolverine flew down from the altar step of Jinxiu River Mountain to the open space outside, the hair was messy, the breath was disordered, and his face was pale.


"How come you can..."

The **** clothes with the powerful internal strength of "Sucking Star Dafa" conceived the sword of the four silver foxes. After swaying, the eyes were filled with incredible anger and anger.

The Splendid River Mountain Gate School has seen it many times over and over again, and carefully analyzed the comprehensive strength of several top players left behind.

The four people of the Silver Fox were taken care of by him.

Although the sword array is powerful, but it was easily cracked by the whirlwind Xiao Li, it is reasonable to say that it will never be so terrible in a few days.

But the facts are in front of you...

The four people barely used too much power, and they broke out the power of the mythical masters!

The previous blow is equivalent to the joint attack of four mythical peaks, and it is already comparable to the one-powered attack of a heavenly powerhouse.

He couldn't imagine the silver fox four-person group that was not the enemy of the whirlwind Xiao Li a few days ago, and it was upgraded to such a degree in just a few days!

Silver fox is a small heart, naturally looking at the doubts and unwillingness in the eyes of the bleeding clothes, but the face did not show the slightest emotion, a faint look at the **** coat, turned to look at the dream cloud.

At the same time, the knife, the sliver, and the Leizi trio almost turned their heads to look at Mengyun...

The strength of the blood coat is really good.

It is a pity that it was too miserable by an emperor. The time of cultivation has been reduced very little. Even if it is refined, it is still worse than the whirlwind.

Although both of them have the inner strength of the mythical environment, the difference between the two determines that the blood suit is not the opponent of the silver fox.


After the silver fox and other people left the altar, they were overloaded.

In the gang of the squad of the squad, several people in the late stage of mythology and the peak of the four became the four-person sparring. The "Four Swords of the Swords" raised three realms and was reborn.

The blood coat is based on the strength of the martial art to locate the four silver foxes.


The silver fox four people did not dare to sneak a dream cloud.

This woman seems to have got the undefeated true "Kwai Flower Collection" in the East. The vaguely exuding breath is feminine and secret, giving people an unfathomable feeling, while at the same time feeling a kind of oppression.

I noticed the contempt of the four silver foxes, and the blood coat finally failed to hold back!


A spurt of blood spurted out of the chest!