MTL - Sword of Coming-Chapter 975 a sect

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In the night, Fengyuan Ferry slowly docked at the Bicheng Ferry of Yuguizong, this famous Xianjia Ferry, the mountains are warm and the water is soft, the lake is like a mirror, the moonlight is on the ground, and the lights are floating in the sky.

On the ferry side, everyone walked out of the cabin to enjoy the view, and divided into two groups. One was Mi Yu with Zhou Mili, Zhang Lu Changming with his direct disciple Nalan Yu, and the other was Wei Wenlong, with Tao Ran and Shao Poxian. Wait for the group.

Nalan Yuyu smiled and said: "Mi Dajianxian, looking at this beautiful scenery, don't you have the idea of ​​​​reciting a poem?"

The children born and bred in the Great Wall of Sword Qi, on Miyu's side, speak more casually, Nalan Yu is considered polite, and now she is hiding in the Yuan Dynasty of the Han Palace in Feisheng City. People of the same age fly paper kites at the head of the city, and they are more familiar with Mi Yu, who likes to lie on Yunxia and admire the moon while drunk.

Mi Yu smiled and asked back: "Master Yinguan suggested that you join Bai Xuan and King Sun Chun to refine swords and break through the realm at the Dongtian Dojo, why didn't you agree to come down?"

When this group of people and children enter the cave state one after another, everyone will be able to travel far away in the wind. Lord Yinguan has long-term plans. For example, Luopo Mountain will join hands with Qingping Sword Sect to fight for this group of sword fairy embryos. For example, going to the Dadu estuary in the middle of Aquarius Island, or the Denglongtai in the old dragon city, and practicing for a period of time, just waiting for the sun to rise and the moon to set every day, and then climb high and look into the distance. Broaden your horizons, cultivate your sword intent, clear your sword heart, and then wait for each of them to enter the sea-viewing realm, then go to Baidi City in the Middle Earth Divine Continent to see the waterfalls and rivers pouring down from the Yellow River Cave, and look at the Dragon Gate...

With the incense relationship between Lord Yinguan and Lao Longcheng, Yunlin Jiang's and Baidicheng, these things are all trivial matters.

Nalan Yu twitched the corners of his mouth and gave an honest reason, "Master can't bear me, I can't bear Master."

Changming smiled slightly and rubbed the little girl's head, "I'm reluctant."

There are thousands of roads to practice swordsmanship, and Changsheng doesn't think that Nalan Yu must stay in Xiandu Mountain. She has her own means to make this eldest disciple's kendo achievement equal to that of her peers.

Of course, Chai Wu is an exception.

Mi Yu remembered the incident and said, "Nalan Caihuan is now the new suzerain of the Rain Dragon Sect, so I have time to visit relatives? I can accompany you to travel across the sea. I heard that there is a reed flower in a cave of good fortune. Island, the moonlight is also extremely beautiful. In terms of seniority, do you have to call Nalan Caihuan a grandmother?"

Among the nine sword immortal embryos, even the fools could see that the hidden officer was the most distressed to Nalan Yuyu and Yao Xiaoyan, a small accountant and a little confused, but he was not partial to the matter.

Bichengdu is the leading big ferry in the south of Tongyezhou. It is said to be a ferry, but it is no less than a county town. After years of careful construction by craftsmen on the mountain, it has been repaired as new. The ferry is mostly planted with immortal plants and trees, and it is evergreen in all seasons. Coupled with the stone used to build the Bichengdu building, it is almost green and glazed.

More than 30 ferries docked at Bichengdu at the same time, which itself is a manifestation of the heritage of the sect.

Wei Wenlong sighed: "Without more than a hundred years, it would be difficult for Qingshangdu to reach the scale of Bichengdu."

Shao Poxian overlooked the ferry, the lights were brilliant, the street was bright as day, there was a lot of traffic, coming and going, in the final analysis, it was nothing more than people and money, said: "The most difficult thing to gather is popularity, especially when it comes to money and credit, Yu Guizong. It is the well-deserved top spot of Tong Yezhou. Compared with our Qingping Sword Sect, there is still a big gap. This is normal. With the support of the upper sect and the management of Sect Master Cui, it is not that there are no latecomers. possible."

Shao Poxian Hui disembarked on the Rin River on the way back from Fengyuan Ferry. This time, in addition to taking a large amount of Gu Yu money from the Zongmen treasury, Cui Dongshan also gave him more than ten pieces in private. The treasures on the mountain used to gather the mountains, rivers and air, and the establishment of the country and Fengchan have become clear. Everything is difficult at the beginning. With this fairy money and magic treasures, it will not be too stretched, and the money must be returned, not counting interest. That's it, as for the debt of human kindness, in fact, I have already owed three debts. I fled all the way back then and finally took refuge in Luopao Mountain. It was a sum to help establish a country on the Rin River in a foreign land, and it can also be regarded as the restoration of the old Zhuying Dynasty in Aquarius Island. Guo Zuo is the second one. Next, Wu Yi, the founder of Ziyang Mansion, brought a group of direct descendants. She is willing to take the initiative to serve as a real person to protect the country, which is another big debt of gratitude.

Wei Wenlong said: "Originally belonged to Tongye Sect, large and small, with dozens or hundreds of fortunes, except for those few lifelines, which were reluctantly in Tongye Sect's hands, and almost all the rest took the initiative to run to Jade Guizong. here."

Shao Poxian smiled and said: "So there is still a vision in the Confucian Temple, let the abbot of Zhou Shan be the Wuxi Academy, lest the Yuguizong form a dominant pattern."

Wei Wenlong has a stable personality, and it is rare to have friends with people other than young hidden officials. He smiled and said: "Shao Feng, you are now a swordsman in the Yuan Yingjing realm. When Dugu Menglong establishes a country, if you can rank in the five realms, you will also be the founder of a sect. The meaning in the title is that at that time, one country and one sect will support each other, and it will definitely not be difficult to gain a firm foothold in Tongyezhou. The future can be expected, and I wish Shao Engong every success."

Shao Poxian clenched his fists and thanked: "If there is such a day, I will invite Mr. Wei to drink!"

The woman now renamed Dugu Menglong, the future emperor of the new kingdom, although probably because she has known Shanzhu Chen for a long time, she does not appear to be very enthusiastic and attentive on Chen Ping'an's side, but she follows her true identity. Shao Poxian, the prince of the fallen country, lived together on Luopo Mountain for a long time. Even though she did not meet the accountant from Chunfanzhai in the inverted mountain, she did not meet many times, but she was close to each other. Now, when she heard the words, she also clasped her fists and said sincere thanks: "Thanks Mr. Wei for taking care of him a lot over the years, welcome Mr. Wei to come and visit often."

Wei Wenlong said sternly: "Thanks Lord Yinguan was not present at the moment and didn't see this scene, otherwise I would have to be recorded."

Dugu Menglong was pure and innocent, she couldn't answer for a while, Shao Poxian had to explain with a smile: "Mr. Wei is joking, joking that you never have a good face on the mountain master's side, but you are on Mr. Wei's side. So nice to talk about,"

She smiled and said, "Master Chen Shan's temperament is not so small."

Shao Poxian said with a smile: "This kind words, I implore Mr. Wei to tell Shanzhu Chen all the way around."

Dugu Menglong smiled, "I don't think about it, it's my sincere words, Mr. Wei doesn't need to tell me, otherwise it will change the taste."

Wei Wenlong nodded and said: "Don't worry, Lord Yinguan is like Ming Jing'er, and he understands it. Once I came to the accountant to chat, and said that Miss Meng can follow Shao Feng all the way, never give up, never complained, no Anyone can do it, drink bitter wine to strengthen their courage, and hardship to nourish their qi, there will always be another village in the dark."

Dugu Menglong was stunned for a while, "I thought there were only some of the comments that made people worry."

Wei Wenlong shook his head, "The stars rotate with each other, and the yin and yang are greatly transformed. They do not revolve around one person. The sun and the moon are moving, and they are not only brilliant for one person. Each has its own life and destiny."

Shao Poxian smiled and said, "I heard the words of Master Chen Shanzhu."

Looking at the beautiful Bicheng Ferry, Shao Poxian was in a peaceful mood.

In the spring, the natural embrace of the sky, and in the autumn, the different tunes of the sky, the flowers bloom and fall again.

The Fengyuan ferry docked at Bichengdu tonight, of course not to show off Luopaoshan’s wealth. The ferry now needs to cross three continents, loading and unloading goods at every ferry. In addition, reconciliation is also required, usually Chong Qiuhe Zhang Jiazhen and Jia Sheng, the second manager of Fengyuan Ferry, appeared together and were responsible for connecting with Bichengdu. After all, Wei Wenlong was the accountant of the previous sect. According to the usual rules on the mountain, it is not advisable to intervene in the financial affairs of the next sect. Zhang Jiazhen is also a member of Luopao Mountain Genealogy. It is more of an experience of being brought by Zhong Qiu, and an inheritance, there are more than Taoist tricks and techniques.

As for Jia Lao Shenxian, there is an old man in the family who has a treasure, otherwise the cultivation realm will only talk about the world of human relationships. According to Cui Dongshan, at least it must start in the Ascension Realm.

Generally speaking, when handing over goods and checking account books with Bichengdu, the passing ferry steward disembarked and went to the door. This is also a tribute to Yu Guizong. According to Chief Mi's temper, Bichengdu will be broken. This is a case in point. In fact, Bichengdu doesn’t have this meaning. It’s quite a headache because of this. Of course, he is willing to take the initiative to show goodwill to Luopaoshan, or the hidden official Chen Ping’an, and he is worried about Yuguizong Shenzhuan Peak. The Ancestor Hall is responsible, but it would be ridiculous to tell Shen Zhuan Peak for such a trivial matter. There are indeed many twists and turns in the landscape and officialdom. Fortunately, Fengyuan Ferry had passed by this place for the first time before, and Chong Qiu and Jia Sheng quickly disembarked, which made the old monks in charge of Bichengdu feel relieved.

In a billing room in Bichengdu, on the side of Fengyuan Ferry, compared to the three familiar faces that had appeared a few times before, there were three more guests tonight.

Among them was the Mi Jianxian, who used to pass by Bichengdu and never got off the boat. There was also a man in a green shirt and a long coat, and a black-clothed girl who was sitting upright, drinking tea from the person in charge of the account.

Old Immortal Jia didn't help introduce the identities of the two of them, so the stewards from Bichengdu who hurried here didn't ask any questions.

As for the man with the sword with a warm expression, he carefully looked through the account books during the period, and it seemed that he was in Luopao Mountain in Aquarius Island, or the newly established Qingping Sword Sect, and his identity was not low.

Maybe it is the heir of that Mi Jianxian?

Now there is a gossip that is spreading, saying that this Mi Jianxian from the Great Wall of Sword Qi is already a true fairyland.

How much good fortune do you have to be to become a direct disciple of a Great Sword Immortal? It's a great blessing that I can't even imagine.

The man in the blue shirt also raised a few questions about extremely professional accounting. Everyone in the room was a veteran, and he was a connoisseur at first sight, so a layman would definitely not be able to ask such questions.

Chen Pingan didn't sit for a long time. After reading the accounts, he took Xiaomi Mi and Mi Dajianxian to leave together.

Immortal Jia was just about to get up when Chen Ping'an smiled and reached out and pressed a few times, indicating that he didn't need to send it. Immortal Jia continued to pin his **** to the chair. This scene, Bichengdu, who was very good at observing words and expressions, was another crime. Muttering, is it possible that I neglected the honored guest? Especially when they saw that the blue-shirted guest was the first to step out of the threshold, and Mi Dajianxian followed behind, and the few people who were interested in Bichengdu in the house were completely stunned.

When the three of them left the account, the old cultivator who was the leader of Bicheng ferry asked softly, "Brother Jia, who is this son?"

Jia Sheng stroked his beard and said with a smile: "To be honest, of course it's our Luoluo Mountain's Shanzhu Chen. You may not know, but Chen Shanzhu has the most respect for the accountant in his life, so this time the ferry docked, Chen Shan No matter how busy the Lord is, he still has to come and meet with a few old brothers. This is just when he was on the way, and the mountain master said that he was half with you all, so I took the opportunity to tell the mountain master. The general resume of everyone, the mountain master has listened carefully, and has already memorized them one by one. As for why he did not report his identity, of course, it is not that my mountain master intends to take the air, just because the mountain master is a past person, and he is familiar with abacus and ledger. I know best that accounting is a delicate job, and I really don’t want you to be distracted by polite greetings.”

Zhong Qiu drank tea and remained silent.

Zhang Jiazhen bowed her head to settle accounts, admiring her heart.

Zhou MiLi didn't intend to get off the boat at first, she thought it would be good to lie on the railing and watch the scenery, but the good man said that she wanted to have a late night snack, so she secretly weighed her money bag, she still had a thousand troops under her command. Wan Mali, can you lose to a table of wine and vegetables? cant. But she still left the golden pole on the Fengyuan Ferry.

So tonight, a little girl in black, carrying a small bamboo box and holding a walking stick, walked in the middle, ha, fox fake tiger majesty.

The good man on the side, the mountain master, has a hosta on his head, a blue shirt, long coat and cloth shoes, and a sword on his back.

In a snow-white robe, with an excellent appearance, and a sword. A sword-raising gourd named Haoliang hangs from his waist.

A leisurely stroll, the grand master bearing. A lazy attitude, the skin is brilliant.

not to be trifled.

Even at night, Bichengdu Street was still crowded and bustling, and I was a little more curious about the identity of that "little girl". Could it be that in a certain fairy mansion, that kind of old master who has achieved Taoism and rejuvenated his youth? When you go out, you have to master several skills of "watching qi", wearing clothes, especially the style of robes, as well as those accessories that can surface your sect and immortal status... are all about it.

Chen Ping'an joked: "It seems that it is too far away from Baopingzhou, so I walked so struttingly without using any tricks, and no one recognized Mi Dajianxian."

Zhou Mi Li asked, "Good Mountain Master, is Yu Mi very famous outside the house?"

Mi Yu knew something was wrong, and just wanted to explain, Chen Pingan had already nodded: "Mi Dajianxian is very famous, anyway, I can't compare it."

Zhou Mi Li said in a low voice: "That's right, I heard Sister Luan say that in Beiju Luzhou Caique Mansion, we Yu Mi are very popular, and every time we walk on the road, it's the sisters of the fairies. Those who took the initiative to say hello to Yu Mi are welcome."

Chen Ping'an squinted at Mi Dajianxian and said with a smile, "Oh?"

Miyu explained: "I saw no one talking in Caique Mansion."

Lord Yinguan sneered, "Ha."

Millet grain is full of doubts, Yu Mi, you are so big in Caique Mansion, why are you so unapproachable, can't you, how can I help you smooth things out, how can I remedy, the little girl can only pretend to be confused, "Ah?"

Miyu was helpless.

Chen Pingan smiled and asked, "Would you like to buy some melon seeds along the way?"

Zhou Mi Li hurriedly shook his head, "Don't buy anything that can be bought in the market, in this kind of fairyland, but when it comes to killing pigs, you still have to go to the shop in Hongzhu Town to buy melon seeds. , buy more, get a discount!"

Chen Pingan nodded, "Old Daoist."

Originally came here for supper, Zhou MiLi reached into his sleeve, touched the heavy purse again, and grinned, "I'll treat you today!"

I picked a restaurant nearby. On the wall behind the counter, the wooden sign was full of signature dishes. Zhou MiLi seemed to like it very much, but looked at the prices in the brackets...

Zhou Mi Li scratched his face, took a deep breath, that's all, money is something outside the body, let's go, find a good family after the move, after this farewell today, the rivers and lakes are destined to meet again.

After ordering and sitting down, Mi Yu held back for a long time, but still couldn't hold back, "Millet grains, do you also like fish?"

On the other side of Luopo Mountain, the old cook would occasionally fry a few plates of river fresh food, but Miyu would inevitably take a few more glances at the millet at the dinner table, and every time she moved her chopsticks, she just couldn't tell whether she liked it or not, anyway Every time I eat fish, I don't spit thorns. As a result, I was so proud of the millet grains today. I ordered a table of dishes, and there were two fish, one for steaming and one for braised.

Millet blinked.

Chen Ping'an said angrily: "The millet grains are in Dumb Lake. What do you eat without fish and shrimp every day, and you are full of drinking water? You are the one who asked this question, Miyu..."

Then Chen Ping'an and Millet said in unison, "You fool."

The little girl sat on the bench and laughed, it was so funny.

Miyu laughed dumbly.

Yes, millet grains also have a bag of dried fish ready at any time.

Zhou Mi Li secretly winked at Mi Yu, the confused account in front of him must have turned the page on the good man mountain master's side.

Chen Pingan asked for an extra wine glass, so that the millet grains could drink a little to satisfy his cravings.

In fact, when Pei Qian was a child, she was also greedy for wine, but it was not because she really liked to drink. She just wanted to show that she was not young and could drink, but at that time, Chen Ping'an was very strict. Now, do you want chestnuts?

Xiao Heitan often carried his master behind his back, secretly looking for Wei Hailiang, punching together, just drinking water and drinking.

Zhou Mi Li took a sip of wine every time, and gave a soft wow, good wine is good wine, so he must exclaim and show his respect.

If you want to drink tea, the attention is different. You have to hold the cup in both hands, nod lightly, and hum.

These are all Jianghu doorways that Zhou MiLi has figured out by himself.

Halfway through the meal, the patriarch of Yuguizong worshipped Wang Ji, and brought Qiu Zhi, the master of Jiuyi Peak, and a pair of young swordsmen who looked like bi men, brothers and sisters Wei Gusu and Wei Xianyou, and came to the restaurant together.

There was an uproar in the restaurant.

Today, the monks in the upper five realms of Tongye Continent are rare and rare.

As for the direct disciple of the Great Sword Immortal Wei Ying, who is highly valued,

There is also some speculation about that child, it may be the genius sword cultivator from Jiu Yifeng.

Wang Ji clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Master Chen Shan, we just happened to have something to deal with at Bichengdu. I heard that the Fengyuan ferry was docked, so I rushed over. I was very disturbed."

In Tongye Continent in the past, there were as many cross-continental ferries as there were Ascension cultivators.

Now there are two cross-continental ferries here, there are two on Beiju Luzhou, and there are two on Baopingzhou, one is the Fengyuan ferry from Luopao Mountain, and the other is from the Fu family in Laolongcheng. Anyway, they are all very good. recognize.

Chen Pingan stood up and returned the salute, "Mr. Wang, Brother Nianjiu, Miss Wei."

Mi Yu just put a chopstick in his mouth, but he was too lazy to get up, so he just raised his hand and clasped his fist.

Chen Shanzhu and Zhou MiLi sat on a bench, Mi Yu took one, and there were only two benches left.

Wang Ji took the lead, sitting opposite Chen Ping'an, Wei Gusu stood still, and so did his junior sister Wei Xianyou, but she had already moved first and stood beside the bench near Mi Yu.

Wei Xianyou reminded softly: "Senior brother, sit down, what are you doing?"

Wei Gusu had to sit beside Wang Ji.

Wei Xianyou smiled and said, "Mi Jianxian, we meet again."

Miyu nodded with a smile.

Wei Gusu took a sip of wine.

In fact, I haven't had a drink yet, and I'm already heartbroken.

The old Sect Master Jiang has always been a nonsense, how can he just mention this kind of love between men and women, in such a general sentence?

Miyu is also self-aware of suffering. With the presence of the hidden official, he really was completely useless in martial arts.

Chen Ping'an glanced at Mi Yu without a trace, Mi Yu had already straightened his waist and sat upright, like a gentleman who did not touch his body in the middle of a hundred flowers.

Wang Ji's eyes are strange, a sword cultivator in the Immortal Realm, is he so unremarkable?

If it weren't for the nickname of Mi's waist, he was famous and could not be faked, otherwise Wang Ji would have doubted whether Mi Yu was a local sword cultivator of the Great Wall of Sword Qi.

Wang Ji asked, "Master Chen Shan, we have eaten and found a quiet place to chat?"

The entire Bichengdu is the private property of Yu Guizong. It has always been rented but not sold. Every year, it is not a small sum of money to collect rent from various immortal houses and the courts of various countries that open and do business here.

Chen Ping'an shook his head and smiled: "Don't be so troublesome, let's chat while eating."

Wang Ji said in his heart: "That Baozhai is going to participate in the excavation of Dadu, using 4,000 grain rain money as a deposit, Shenzhuan Peak Patriarch Hall has already received the letter from your Feijian, and just two days ago, it was specially opened. There was a discussion, and there was not much objection, and now Sect Master Wei has been notified, at least in the secret letter, the meaning of Zu Shitang's side has been clearly stated, and the vast majority are still in favor of this matter."

It is an unwritten rule on the mountain that the content of the discussions in the Zu Shitang, no matter how big or small, should not be easily disclosed to outsiders. Furthermore, regarding the temporary intervention of Baozhai, Qingping Jianzong is actually saying hello to outsiders, which is to take care of Yu Guizong in face.

But the most important thing is the way of cooperation of Baozhai, which does not involve too many established patterns, like adding bricks and pieces and icing on the cake. Otherwise, let alone Yu Guizong, I am afraid that Daquan Yao will be the first to object.

Chen Ping'an put chopsticks and dishes for the millet, picked up the wine bowl by himself, bumped gently with Wang Ji, and said with a smile: "On Shenzhuan Peak, the objection of the Zu Shitang is a little bigger, and it's not a bad thing, I look at the burden. Zhai seems to be a little mentally prepared."

Wang Ji immediately understood and drank with Chen Shanzhu.

Mi Yu has gained a lot of knowledge again, and it's really... an old way for a scholar to do business.

Chen Pingan said: "In any case, Baofuzhai is a business and has a good reputation on the mountain and down the mountain. It is a golden signboard that has accumulated a lot of reputation for many years, and I think the focus of Baofuzhai is still the future. Tongye to the south of the new Dadu Continental world, it is inevitable to have frequent contacts with Jade Guizong in the future. I have already met the old patriarch of Baozhai, Senior Zhang. To be able to do this business, naturally there is no shortage of shrewdness and skills, but I think Senior Zhang is still In the future, you, Shen Zhuan Peak, might as well be more straightforward.”

Wang Ji nodded and said with a smile, "It's roughly there."

After that, Chen Pingan chatted with Qiu Zhi a few more words. It seemed that the peak master of Jiuyi Peak had already exchanged letters with Bai Xuan several times not long after returning to the sect. Share the same difficulties.

The two sides met by chance, and they had a great conversation. They were full of wine and food. During the period, Zhou Mi Li went to ask for an extra pot of wine. When Chen Ping'an got up and planned to let Mi Yu settle the account, Wang Ji smiled and said: "When we arrive in Bi Chengdu, there is no reason to pay for a meal."

Wei Gusu immediately got up and said, "I'll go to checkout."

Zhou Mi Li smiled shyly and said, "Immortal Master Wang, I've settled the bill."

Chen Ping'an nodded with a smile, Wang Ji had to give up, left the restaurant, Wang Ji took Qiu Zhi and the others away from Bichengdu, and sacrificed a talisman boat to return to Jade Guizong overnight.

Chen Pingan smiled and asked, "How much did it cost?"

Zhou MiLi stretched out three fingers.

Chen Ping'an was shocked: "Three small summer money?! If the rebellion is not successful, kill the pig! Let's go, ask for an explanation!"

Zhou Mi Li grinned, Chen Ping'an patted the little girl's head, and said earnestly: "Mi Ni, Mi Ni, are you a pig head, can you pay me obediently?"

Miyu was speechless.

Lord Yinguan, isn't your acting too... clumsy?

"Wrong! It's snow money."

Never thought that the grains of millet would be triumphant, and he laughed: "If it wasn't for the pot of Xianjia wine I ordered last, the money for less than two snows would be enough."

It doesn't matter if Xue spends money, they are all anonymous disciples. If you go down the mountain, you can go down the mountain. You should work hard and practice your own way. It depends on who you are in the future.

Xiaoshu money, passed down by the patriarch, each one has a name and a surname on Zhou Mi Li's side.

Gu Yu money, oh, that's amazing, but it's a pity that the millet grains have been saved for so long, and I haven't been able to save a grain of rain money.

She, Pei Qian, and Sister Nuanshu, each of them has three money pots, each with three mountains of money, all of which are placed on Sister Nuanshu's side. Separate copper coins, gold and silver coins, and fairy coins.

The little girl suddenly felt a little guilty, "Good man Shanzhu, in fact, I bought the cheapest wine in the restaurant. The other kinds of Xianjia wine are too expensive, I can't bear it."

Mi Yu just wanted to comfort a few words, don't worry, etc., the courtesy is light and affectionate, and it already gives a lot of face. If Wang Ji can drink a pot of wine, it is time to burn high incense.

As a result, Lord Yinguan was different. He rubbed the head of the millet grains and joked: "Why are you so stingy, where did the big water monster of the Dumb Lake who persuaded me to buy a bunch of bells with Gu Yu's money?"

Millet grinned, "Frugal and thrifty at home!"

Chen Ping'an nodded and said, "Like me, it's not that the whole family does not enter the house."

Mi Yu clasped the back of his head with both hands, and occasionally a woman steals his gaze, we Mi Dajianxian never strayed.

"Good man, mountain master, where is it that a meal costs two or three small summer money? Is it really there?"

"Yes, why not, not to mention Xiaoshu money, there are meals that spend Guyu money, tsk tsk, every chopstick goes down, it is to eat fairy money."

"Can't you lift the chopsticks?"

Chen Ping'an raised his face, raised his hand, and made a gesture of holding chopsticks, trembling his wrist slightly, "That's not it, I have to serve vegetables like this."

"That's really just eating and drinking."

"That's not it, as long as there is a chance in the future, I will definitely take you with me and grow together."

"Ha, then I'll have a discussion with the host, take one less chopstick, eat one less dish, drink one less wine, and convert it into money for me."

"That won't work. I will drop the price and lose my share. I can't open this mouth. It seems that I can't bring you with me. Otherwise, I will become a little beggar who squatting at the table with you and begging for money."

"Haha, it's interesting to think about it, just think about it."

Miyu also found it very interesting to listen to the conversation between one big and one small.

Zhou Mili, Chen Nuanshu, Cao Qingqing.

No matter what their status, they are the beauty in the hearts of hidden officials.

It's like holding a small bowl, spring flowers are blooming, the sky is clear, there is nothing to do today, and it is safe and sound.

When it comes to things, don't ask about the harvest, ask about the cultivation, and don't ask outside. In the heart, diligently practice precepts, concentration and wisdom, and pray for blessings with God.

A young emperor, His Majesty, came to a city under his jurisdiction with a private visit, and was accompanied by a royal family of Jindan. Nascent Soul Immortals, who died in battle with the late emperor, were in the capital. Today, the old capital of the Dayuan Dynasty has long since been reduced to ruins, turned into a ruin, because it was razed to the ground by the demon army. In addition, there was a **** who was the personal squire of the young emperor, accompanied by a military general surnamed Bao.

In addition to Gu Qiu and the maid Xiao Fang, there were Wu Fu Hong Chou, scattered cultivator Wang Manmeng, and the money monkey who seemed to be sleepwalking at the moment.

In the early spring, there are many national sacrificial ceremonies. Today, Zi is not a cultivator and came here by ferry. At this time, the two groups of people walked to the abandoned mansion together. Emperor Yuan Ying laughed softly: "Gu Qiu, this matter is very important. , you should have informed General Bao earlier, and we should also make the best of the friendship of the landlords, after all, that Cui Xianshi is the master of a sect, and in today's Tongye Continent, there are only a handful of immortal houses with the sect prefix."

The young emperor did not intend to hold Gu Qiu accountable.

The reason why Yuan Ying's court knew about this was that it was a bit of a twist. First, Qian Hou'er leaked his mouth on Wang Manmeng's side, and mentioned Xiandu Mountain and Qingping Sword Sect. It's true that the relationship between Chou was deadlocked, but he still told Hong Chou the news about that group of people, especially the blue-shirted guest who was Mr. Cui Dongshan, who seemed to be from Aquarius. Once the neighbor in the north was involved, Hong Chou would Immediately, he became interested, and immediately asked his friends from all over the world to connect with General Bao... One to two, the emperor Yuan Ying was alarmed.

Facing an emperor, Gu Qiu still said indifferently: "General Bao has to manage the army and people's livelihood. I didn't know the inside story before, so I naturally dare not bother General Bao with such inaccurate trivial matters."

The military general who held real power suddenly looked embarrassed.

Yuan Ying laughed it off, they came to Qian Hou'er's house, Qian Hou'er was trembling, moved two chairs, and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, Sect Master Cui and Mr. Chen were sitting here that night, the chairs are guaranteed not to be at all. Difference."

The first time he was dealing with the emperor, Qian Jun was at a loss for words.

Seeing that Qian Hou'er's hands were shaking while carrying the chair, Wang Manmeng covered her mouth and smiled, she could sit around the fireplace with the head of a sect on the mountain, chatting for half an hour, how could she see the emperor at the foot of the mountain, that's all. Ridiculous.

The Yuan Dynasty of the old Dayuan was also a great country with a profound heritage in the north of Tongye Continent. Now the territory of the mountains and rivers is divided into three, because there are three members of the royal family who were born in the vassal region, and they have successively established themselves as emperors. All three say that they are Inheriting the orthodoxy, the other two countries are not justified. In those days, the Yuan Dynasty in Dayuan and the Yao Dynasty in Daquan dared to use the whole country to resist the invasion of the demon army. The Yuan family was in the border, the hinterland and the capital. They gathered troops and horses one after another, but unfortunately, unlike the fate of Daquan Yao's, they failed to hold the capital, and Guozuo was cut off. Now that the old dynasty has been divided into three, the national strength is naturally not as strong as before.

Among them, the new emperor Yuan Ying has gathered a group of veteran officials of the old Dayuan Dynasty, but many generals, especially the relatively young generation, have taken refuge in Yuan Li, who has also become emperor. In fact, Yuan Ying is suffering. I know, they just dislike the official hats they can give here are not big enough, the rewards are too few, they are stingy, they are good at shopping around, and good birds choose wood to live in, but the problem is those military generals who are separated from the towns, Yuan Ying really doesn't think so. Putting them in the important positions of temples and gates in various places is a good thing for the court and the people everywhere.

Yuan Ying is not looking down on their background, if they are really talented, Yuan Ying is willing to accept them if they behave a little bit, but they are all respectful.

It's not that there are staff who are old and tactical. I remind the emperor Yuan Ying that it is better to turn a blind eye and get through the difficulties first, otherwise those arrogant soldiers will go to other places. It's difficult to keep the country. We need to solve the urgent need first, and then wait until the Dayuan Dynasty is unified to come again slowly... But Yuan Ying didn't agree, and it turned out that the general Bao beside him was a veritable short man. Pull the general.

I have to admit that those who can really fight have gone to Yuan Li. This person is most willing to give, "capital" mansion, title, beauty, gold and silver, as long as the warriors of all walks of life dare to speak, Yuan Li will give it, and if he can't give it temporarily, he will owe it. Those sites were converted into rewards... That's why Yuan Mi thought of forming an alliance with herself, but Yuan Ying knew very well that such measures to quench thirst by drinking poison were nothing more than seeking the skin of a tiger. In the end, Yuan Ying, the emperor who didn't do that either, became indecisive and the kindness of women.

Qian Hou'er was full of sweat, his tongue was knotted, and he said vaguely: "Report to His Majesty the Emperor, that night, Cui Dongshan sat on this chair, this chair was sat by his husband, these two people from Xiandu Mountain. The land gods are extremely approachable, I don’t know what happened, the two immortal masters and Xiao are still in a good relationship, and they chatted for a while…”

Some of the sayings about the text are all from the miscellaneous books and dramas, which are inappropriate and inappropriate, relying on luck!

In fact, Qian Jun is still kept in the dark. He doesn't know what the big thing happened, and he needs to take the emperor of a country to visit the city in person.

I just hope that I don't get caught in the chiyu by something. I have small arms and thin legs, so thin that I have only a few taels of meat, and it is not enough to stick between my teeth.

Yuan Ying's expression was gentle, she just smiled and nodded.

For no reason, the addition of a neighbor with the prefix Zong was tantamount to thundering on the ground for the Great Yuan Dynasty.

If Yuan Ying remembers correctly, in the entire history of Tong Yezhou, there was a kendo sect, it seems that it was three or four thousand years ago?

Since it was a blessing or a curse that could not be avoided, Yuan Ying carefully read all the information about this city, and after weighing the pros and cons, she still insisted on going there in person.

Yuan Ying smiled and said, "Qian Jun, don't be nervous, tell me, what did the two immortal masters talk to you that night?"

The young emperor then asked people to move two benches over to the lobby, and said with a smile, "We all sit down and talk."

Qian Hou'er swallowed and sat on the bench with half of her buttocks. Yuan Ying couldn't help but laugh, "Qian Jun, do you want to drink?"

Qian Hou'er hesitated for a moment, looked at Wang Manmeng out of the corner of his eyes, and saw that she looked out of the way, auntie, is it so unscrupulous?

Hong Chou clasped his fists and said, "Report to Your Majesty, Qian Jun can drink, but not too much. It is best to drink half a catty of wine."

Yuan Ying nodded with a smile, "Then bring a pot of wine, and Qian Jun can drink it by himself."

Yuan Ying and Gu Qiu said: "I have seen what you have done in this city, Gu Qiu, it is up to you to temporarily fill the missing State City God Temple that sits here, and wait until I rebuild the capital one day... Forget it. , I'll talk about it later, and I won't talk big here."

Gu Qiu nodded silently.

Yuan Ying originally wanted to say that Gu Qiu would be promoted to the Temple of the City God in the capital, but Yuan Ying had never been good at such means of buying people's hearts, so he could only say half the story.

"Hong Chou, you are the Grand Master of the Six Realms. If you want, you can take a post with General Bao. As for the specific official position, we will discuss it later. At the latest half a month, the court will give you an exact answer."

When Hong Chou heard the words, he immediately stood up and clasped his fists.

"Wang Manmeng, you are a mountain immortal in the middle five realms. If you are willing to establish a sect, the court is willing to set aside a piece of land for you. As for money, I will not hide anything. The court is indeed helpless."

Wang Manmeng smiled and said: "Your Majesty has won the prize, in fact, I'm just a Qi practitioner in the Dongfu realm, only a little bit related to the middle five realm, a wild cultivator, a woman's Taoist family, and there is no dojo, I'm just floating around. I can't afford to say 'immortal'. As for the establishment of a school, I don't dare to expect too much. I am used to a leisurely life and may not adapt to the landscape and officialdom. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me."

Yuan Ying looked gentle, nodded and smiled: "I don't dare to force it."

Afterwards, Qian Hou'er used the wine to strengthen his courage, and originally told the content of the small talk that night.

The more Emperor Yuan Ying listened to, the more she felt that there was no bottom. Especially that Mr. Chen, who is so holy? To be able to serve as a preacher of the head of a sect?

Gu Qiu suddenly said: "Your Majesty, there are visitors, there are four people in total, two of them are ghost repairers, who are in the Jindan realm, and the other two can't tell the depth for the time being."

Soon someone came to the door and came to the courtyard outside the house. They were busy and busy. Among the four people in the group, two were indeed Earth Immortal Ghost Cultivators.

Gu Qiu frowned slightly, but just took a quick look at it, the state city candidate City God Lord quickly stretched his brows. There are different paths, good and evil, not between people and ghosts.

It was Cao Qingqing, Cui Wei, Wu Gou, and Xiao Manying.

Yuan Ying waved her hand, indicating that she should not be nervous, and crossed the threshold to the outside of the house.

I saw that the young man in the Confucian shirt had a warm expression, and said with a bow: "Cao Qingqing has seen Your Majesty."

The middle-aged man with a stern face said indifferently: "Qingping Sword Sect, and Cui Wei is in charge."

The other two ghost cultivators followed their self-registration numbers, "The Qingping Sword Sect's ancestors are worshipped by Wu Hook. The ancestors are worshiped by Xiao Manying."

The young emperor moved slightly.

A sect patriarch, the patriarch of the law, actually spoke later than a genealogy cultivator?

It's a pity that the news on Tongyezhou Mountain is blocked now, not to mention the mountain affairs in Biezhou. Some Shanshui Mansion newspapers can only send people to places like Bichengdu and Taoyedu to buy them with a lot of money. What's even more pitiful is that the imperial court needs to owe those monks on credit, and thanks to the fact that most of those immortal masters are worshipped by the families of the old courtiers of the old Great Yuan Dynasty, they never care about this.

On the spring day, in the Xiandu Mountains, the Qingping Sword Sect was newly established, and the first Sect Master Cui Dongshan. Among the spectators, there are Yuguizong and Daquan Dynasty.

On the Shanshuidi Newspaper, there is only so much news.

Cui Dongshan? Yuan Ying found some senior monks, and they all said that they had never heard of this person.

Yuan Ying straightened the front of her clothes and bowed back to Cao Qingqing, "The descendants of Yuan's Gao Zong in Dayuan, Yuan Ying has met Cao Xianshi and Cui Zhanglu, two worshipping Xianshi."

Cao Qingqing smiled and said, "Your Majesty does not need to be more polite, Cui Zhanglu, Wu Zong and Xiao Zong and I have already reviewed the people's livelihood in their respective jurisdictions under His Majesty, Yuan Li, and Yuan Mi."

In fact, the news of the other two emperors is more well-informed than Yuan Ying. It is only said that Yuan Li has even brought the real person to protect the country, and has set up a battle with the new Wuyue Mountain Lord. On the way to Xiandu Mountain.

Cao Qingqing said: "Governing a big country is like cooking small fresh food. It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. After all, she is a clever woman. The master of a country is eager for quick success and instant gains, but it is not a long-term plan after all."

Emperor Yuan Ying was speechless for a while.

Cui Wei said indifferently: "Cao Qingqing is the direct disciple of the Lord Chen Shanzhu of Shangzong Luopao Mountain, so Cao Qingqing's view is the view of the entire Qingping Sword Sect."

Hong Chou and Wang Manmeng, who had always been calm and breezy, were both shocked and looked at each other. In an instant, Hong Chou's forehead was full of sweat, he swallowed his saliva, and clasped his fists and asked, "Dare to ask Cao Xianshi and Cui Zhanglu, Is Luo Po Mountain the Luo Po Mountain in Aquarius?

Cao Qingqing nodded with a smile, and Cui Wei asked back, "Otherwise?"

As soon as these words came out, the young emperor and his party were the same as Qian Hou'er, sleepwalking.

But it's a good dream.

Ride Dragon Lane.

Xie Gou hesitated for a while, but still didn't show her true appearance. After being held down on her head, she shrank her neck and said, "Well, now we are all a family."

She smiled and said: "Thank you dog? Why did you choose such a name, Bai Jing, Chao Hao, exterior scene, Yao Ling, these are not all good. Now, be careful of the dog's head."

Bai Jing is a sword repairer, and Bai Jing is also the new owner of the "Weijia". Therefore, in terms of inheritance, Baijing and Yangzhi belong to their own dharma.

Thank you dog smile is far-fetched.

Sword holder, sword servant, sword spirit?

Xiao Mo wanted to stand up, "Chen Pingan" signaled Xiao Mo to sit down.

This wine table in Caotou Shop on Riding Dragon Lane is now like a vortex of a long river of time, and it is like a well that does not violate the river.

There is a saying in Zen, a poet and monk, when people cross the bridge, the bridge does not flow.

Regardless of whether it was a mistake or not, it has long since been revealed.

That "Chen Pingan" smiled and said, "Xiao Mo, my real body is still in Tongyezhou. As for me in front of you, I'm just a poor person who was exiled by myself. Of course I'm still me."

Xiao Mo hesitated for a while, but still endured the awkwardness in his heart and said, "Xiao Mo has seen the son."

Bai Jing looked at the strange existence and asked a strange question that matched it, "You and Chen Ping'an, who ate whom?"

The relationship between the yang **** and the outer body of the cultivator, the yin **** who leaves the body, and the real body, who is the master and who is the auxiliary, is clear at a glance.

But the person in front of him has a lot of knowledge.

As for the inside of the wine shop, Zhao Denggao, Tian Jiu'er, the white-haired boy who now goes by the pseudonym Konghou, and the girl Cui Huahuan were all still.

She looked at the white-haired boy looking like a demon, and said with a smile: "Are you playing a game of wooden people?"

The white-haired boy's eyes turned slightly, and he felt that since everyone is his own family, what are you afraid of? No longer pretending to be a wooden man, he immediately began to raise his arms and shout, "The ancestor of the hidden officer, the Taoist method is sky-high, the boxing town is three continents, the swordsmanship is invincible, and the style is outstanding. , it's a no-brainer..."

The trajectory of the white-haired boy's arms waving, pulled up a stream of colorful glass, and the "words" that he said were scattered in the air like golden sand.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said: "Go ahead, there are not too many good words."

The white-haired boy felt that his throat was smoking, and his eyes complained: "Ancestor Hidden Official, forgive me for my lack of knowledge, I really have no words."

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "No more brewing?"

The white-haired boy twitched his nose, and said with a face full of grievances: "I have to read the book, learn now and use it now."

Bai Jingxiao was surprised, "Konghou, you are hiding quite deep."

I thought this neighbor was the kind of immortal who played with the world, but never thought that it was still a hidden Ascension Realm?

Among Qi practitioners, looking at the same realm in the same realm is all about seeing flowers in the fog, unlike pure martial arts, who can rely on breathing, footsteps, the gas state when walking, especially the subtle changes in the muscles, bones and muscles of the whole body, it is difficult to hide the martial arts. academic realm.

Seeing the look in Chen Ping'an's eyes, Bai Jing knew it in his heart, and asked tentatively, "Do I need to swear an oath?"

In this palm-sized Huaihuang county, Bai Jing finally learned what Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger is. First, the gatekeeper Xianwei, and now there is an Ascension Realm Huawaitian Demon, who is just a servant disciple of Luopao Mountain?

She patted Bai Jing's ermine hat and sat aside, "Konghou's identity is really not a trivial matter, but it's okay to swear, it's not a big sin if you can't keep your mouth shut.

Bai Jing sighed for no reason: "When people are against the sky, there is no way for people to be invincible."

The white-haired boy noticed that Xiegou's contemptuous gaze and squinted at me?

How old are you, a dwarf melon.

The white-haired boy put his hands on his hips and stared blankly at Bai Jing.

Xie Gou spread his hands, "You won."

Chen Ping'an suddenly asked, "Bai Jing, in terms of seniority, is Concubine Fei your second disciple?"

Xie Gou thought for a while, "I have so many disciples and grandchildren that I can't even count them. Whom did Concubine Fei learn from? Unless they confront each other and fight, it's hard to be sure. Tianliang, I was on the side of the Heeluo River before, in order to come to see Xiao Mo, I left in a hurry, and I didn't meet this junior like Concubine Fei."

According to Qingtong, this Baijing once built a dojo in the wild sun, but every few hundred years, the dojo needs to be rebuilt. Half of the demon monks who follow the practice path of refining the sun and worshiping the moon in the wild world All have to accept Bai Jing's love, so Chen Ping'an first heard Qingtong's talk about Bai Jing, and then he guessed whether Bai Jing was the "incarnation of fire essence", not like many bright moons, even in the great sun, even proficient in fire art The cultivator of the Ascension Realm is also extremely difficult to live for a long time, just like the real fire dragon, who is known as the first person in the world of fire art, and it seems that he has not been able to walk through this road and cannot enter the Fourteen Realm by this.

Ten thousand years ago, on the earth, there were many genius monks with roots and feet, belonging to the "Divine" one. They were all reincarnations of gods with broken golden bodies. Although their divinity was incomplete, they were born suitable for cultivation, and they often broke through the realm quickly. But the bottleneck of the Earth Immortal is more difficult to break than a pure "Taoist".

As for Xie Gou saying that he has many "apprentices and grandchildren", it is not bragging about not making drafts.

Xie Gou cautiously glanced at the woman in white beside him from the corner of his eyes, hey, he's quite tall, almost a head taller than himself.

Xie Gou looked at Chen Ping'an again, and asked me what to do, why should I leave the near and far, you have to ask the sword holder beside me.

She glanced at Xie Gou and said lazily, "It's not the Fourteen Realms, what do you care about."

Xie Gou didn't get angry. She usually said this kind of words, and it was nothing more than referring to the "Fourteen Realms" as the Ascension Realm.

In this way, he is indeed a dwarf, maybe more than that.

She didn't bother to pay any attention to a white scene, and said slowly: "If there is such a mountain in the world, let this Huaihuang county be the place of Longxing."

"One day, it will be announced to the world, and a sect will be called the ancestor."

"Kou Ming, Cui Yu, Qi Jingchun, the three principal and deputy leaders, Zheng Juzhong is in charge of the law, and Liu Jubao is in charge of the money."

"These few can not only point out the direction of the avenue for others, but at the same time, some people take the lead in climbing, set an example, open up the road, and turn the natural moat into a passage. It is only said that in one patriarchal hall, there are five great monks of the fourteenth realm sitting."

Rao Shi Bai Jing was dumbfounded.

Great monk of the Fourteen Realms, is it the Chinese cabbage in the roadside vegetable garden?

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