MTL - Sword of Coming-Chapter 980 also in my heart

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The Mirage City, the capital of the Daquan Dynasty, in the early morning, at the beginning of the rain, the willows are Yiyi, the scenery is in the new year, and the green and yellow are only half-even. The carriage slowly stopped on a street in the west of the capital, and a group of men and women got off the carriage one after another. Next to it was a lotus pond with quiet water. With a palm as white as jade, holding onto the cool bluestone railing, the rain passes through the jasper sky, and the water floats with reunion leaves.

This woman is more moving than the beauty.

She bent her fingers, wiped the palms of her hands, twisted her wrists at will, and turned her head to look. They didn't disturb her enjoyment of the scenery, they just stood at the street and waited patiently. Among them was a man with an empty sleeve hanging straight down. , standing next to a woman with a saber who seemed to have a gentle temperament, she smiled knowingly, it was difficult for herself to give them a red line for the month old, the men and women of the Yao family were not young anymore, and the only one who didn't have any whereabouts was This gentleman of the capital city, just because he saved his life on the battlefield and ended up with a lame leg and missing an arm, has been suspected of breaking the jar over the years. Of course, the younger brother has a high vision. He naturally despised the powerful woman who was following his status and title.

This group of people is Yao Jinzhi, the Empress of Daquan. The governor of the capital, Yao Xianzhi, and the female cultivator standing beside him, Liu Yi, nicknamed Yuanyang, with the Taoist name "Yifu", Liu Yi is now the third-class worshiper of the Daquan Dynasty. Not long ago, the court issued an order to transfer her to Mirage. The Yin Yas Office of the Jingfu served as Yao Xianzhi's personal squire. Of course, it was His Majesty's false public welfare, but Liu Yi did not refuse.

The new national teacher Han-Guanghu, a native of Jinjiazhou. The chief royal family worships Liu Zong, from the blessed land of lotus blossoms. The young man is concise, the Taoist name is Yuerenge, he was born in Aquarius, and he has a magic sword "Famous Spring" under his arm. There is also a woman whose eyes can no longer hide the crow's feet. Yao Lingzhi, the younger sister of Empress Daquan and the elder sister of the governor of the capital city, has completely taken care of her since she lost the "famous spring" and stopped talking Jianghu people deal with Green Forest Hawkers.

Yao Jinzhi was going to a small Taoist temple and met a former prince who should have called her sister-in-law, Liu Mao, who is now a Taoist from Longzhou above the Jinyu genealogy of the Ministry of Rites.

The small Taoist temple is called Huanghuaguan, which is located in the westernmost part of Mirage City.

Yao Jinzhi walked to the street, raised his hands, and sighed, Yao Lingzhi lost a look at his younger brother, motioning him to stop being stupid, and hurriedly walked ahead to show His Majesty the way.

The Daquan Dynasty has always worshipped Taoism, and there are many Taoist temples in the capital. Huanghua Temple is a small Taoist temple with a long history.

Not long after Daquan founded the country, Emperor Taizong used to build a Taoist temple to pray for blessings.

Slightly larger carriages are difficult to pass through those winding narrow alleys.

Yao Lingzhi walked with His Majesty the Emperor in the dimly lit alley, and said softly, "Your Majesty, at the Sili Jian and the Ministry of Rites, someone informed Huang Huaguan that Liu Mao was ready to pick up the car today, but he was originally asked to stay there. It's an hour earlier, we're an hour earlier, I don't know where Liu Mao is..."

Yao Jinzhi smiled and said, "At the Huanghua Temple, there are only three people in total, including the master of the temple and the resident Taoist. How can Liu Mao pick him up? It's all arbitrary."

In fact, Liu Mao, the spectator of the Taoist name "Longzhou", waited at the door early in the morning, put on a clean Taoist robe, held a whisk, folded his hands on his abdomen, closed his eyes and rested.

There are also two children, reluctant to accompany Master Guanzhu, got up early, rubbed his eyes, yawned, confused, Master didn't say who he was going to greet, it took half an hour to wait , really tiring.

Not long ago, Liu Mao said that he was going to form an elixir, and he hoped that the imperial court could help arrange a dojo.

On the gate of the Taoist temple are two painted portraits of majestic and majestic spirit officials, standing tall.

Under the "recommendation" of Mr. Zeng, the swordsman on credit, Han Guanghu, who served as the national teacher of Daquan in the spring of this year, said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Liu Mao's cultivating qualifications are not bad, he is in his forties. Opportunity dies."

As long as he is not compared with those unreasonable young monks, if the third prince of the former dynasty of Daquan can really achieve golden pills in the age of confusion, he can be called a "genius".

Now it depends on His Majesty's thoughts, whether he intends to let the Daoist Longzhou jump to the Dragon Gate, or whether he intends to make the third prince Liu Mao stay in the Dragon Gate realm for the rest of his life.

Maybe this answer will need to wait until His Majesty meets the "little brother-in-law" of the past, or it may be that His Majesty has already made a conclusion in his heart. Today's "residence" in Huanghuaguan is just a passing scene.

It is said that on the Huanghuaguan side, Liu Mao will send the green words and green seals, handwritten letters of three officials and festival talismans written by himself every year, and he will take the initiative to invite people to send them into the palace. The meaning is very simple, that is, Liu Mao took this opportunity to help His Majesty the Emperor prove that Liu Mao, the son of the late Emperor Liu of Daquan, is still alive and well. Shi Xinchao did his best.

Before she knew it, as she walked, Yao Lingzhi and the Korean teacher changed positions. She walked with her master Liu Zong and the young Jianming at the end of the alley.

Yao Xianyi who was walking in front limped, slowed his pace, turned his head and smiled: "National teacher, this Liu Mao, is not a fuel-efficient lamp, since he was a child, he was very shrewd, good at calculating and winning people's hearts, if he hadn't run away When I become a Taoist priest, it's not my turn to be the governor of the capital. Liu Mao should also take care of the affairs of the rivers and lakes on my sister's side. The talent of this fellow is really good. In the 12th year of Zhen, the book includes the topographical record, a tome of more than 400 volumes, in fact, the chief executive who is really in charge of the outline and leadership is Liu Mao."

"I've been staring at him for the past few years, and I'm quite honest, and Liu Mao is also a master of arithmetic. There are many arithmetic books on the bookshelf. I had some ideas at first, but now I’m not pretending, I really plan to practice the Tao with peace of mind. Last time I came here, I said some heart-to-heart words with me. Of course, the words were a bit ugly. Anyway, Liu Mao was a child. He likes to talk to those who he despises from the bottom of his heart, and deliberately speak yin and yang strangely."

Yao Lingzhi glanced carefully at His Majesty's face, but couldn't see anything, so he quickened his pace, stretched out his hand and twisted the rib of this younger brother, reminding him not to talk about Liu Mao.

Yao Xianzhi hesitated for a while, but still didn't say what was in his heart. Mr. Chen said that Liu Mao is really disheartened. As long as it works properly, maybe in the next hundred years of the Daquan Dynasty, there will be one more The Yuan Ying worship that helps to extend the country's fortune. It is precisely because Mr. Chen has this judgment that Yao Xianzhi dares to say so today, otherwise, after being the governor of the government for so long, does he really think that he is a wine bag and rice bag?

Yao Jinzhi smiled, noncommittal.

Yao Xianzhi said softly, "It's here."

Turning to the corner of an alley, on the side of Huanghuaguan, Liu Mao calmed his mind, held a whisk in his hand, and walked to the center of the alley. When His Majesty the Emperor approached, Liu Mao made a bow, "Huanghuaguan abbot, Taoist priest Liu Mao, pay tribute to His Majesty the Emperor."

After Liu Mao got up, he bowed his head again, "Liu Mao has seen the national teacher, Lord Fu Yin."

Yao Jinzhi smiled and said, "No need to be more polite. Liu Mao, it seems that we haven't seen each other for many years?"

Compared with the ambitious and rude eldest prince, Yao Jinzhi actually didn't have much personal grudge against Liu Mao.

The two little Daoists in the Taoist temple were dumbfounded on the spot, and their minds were full of confusion.

Fortunately, it seems that the emperor is not angry, but Yao Xianzhi stretched out his hand to hold the head of a little Taoist boy, and joked: "Why is it not skinny? What about the usual force?"

Liu Mao's expression became more and more respectful. He no longer bowed his head with the Taoist door, and bowed his head with the courtier's bow. He said softly, "Report to Your Majesty, it's been more than ten years since the last time. It's as fast as a flick of a finger."

銆歭帹効孪叅锛屽錭鍜昒呰勔尔︾湡镄勫ソ鐢锛岃岃岃屼鬅劃岃屼鬅復徶у跺幓鹇鍙浠ヨ嘯雞惂銆 Umbrella

Han Guanghu looked at this spectator, Liu Mao, as a remnant of the previous dynasty, can live under His Majesty's eyes to this day, it is not without reason.

Entering the Taoist temple, Yao Lingzhi temporarily proposed to go to the main hall of the Taoist temple to worship. As far as everyone could see, there was only one hall and one bedroom. Because it was built by the royal family, the Taoist temple was small but not low in size. The hall was deep and solemn. The light is slightly dim, and the warm pavilion is only three feet away from the hall. The two are covered by a yellow dragon curtain. There is a luxurious lichen, and two antique chairs are placed. The mattress is made of yellow brocade, and the front dragon is woven with peacock feathers. It’s just that the sacrifices on the altar are simple, there are only three pieces of meat in the gui, and only a few grains of millet.

Liu Mao immediately fetched an incense stick, and when His Majesty the Emperor took out three sticks of incense, everyone walked lightly and exited the hall.

His Majesty the Emperor paid his respects to the incense, and did not leave the hall immediately, but pushed aside the yellow curtain and went to the Nuan Pavilion to watch it for a while.

In fact, Liu Mao's lineage was not the descendant of Emperor Gaozu, but the descendant of Emperor Taizong, on the side of the royal family tree of Liu's family in Daquan of the previous dynasty.

Therefore, Yao Jinzhi intends to place Liu Mao in this Taoist temple built by Emperor Taizong, and it cannot be said that she has no intention.

Yao Jinzhi stepped over the threshold and did not go to the more spacious living room. Instead, he said to sit in Liu Mao's study. It was a small room with many people, especially the study had only two chairs, and it looked like a brand new woodworker.

Liu Mao remained expressionless.

Before cultivating Taoism, you were His Royal Highness. The hall was full of splendour, with staggered chalices, and the imperial red candle was as thick as an arm, and the night was as white as day, and the host did not think it was lively enough.

After cultivating the Dao, the two of them coexist and feel noisy.

Han Guanghu's eyes were sharp, and he caught a glimpse of a small framed small letter on the wall of the study, which was copied from the Taoist classic "Huang Ting Jing".

, in one go, completely natural. But if you look closely, there are two kinds of handwriting, and the last sixteen characters are "separate the body, change the form arbitrarily, complement the real person, and the heaven and the earth are born together".

After the old man put his hands together, he looked at it carefully for a while, and commented in a low voice: "The latecomers come first."

Yao Xianzhi was so happy that he moved a chair and planned to invite His Majesty to take a seat, but Yao Jinzhi let him sit down, and the governor was not polite. After sitting down, he lightly clenched his fists and beat his legs. Just rebelled. After these years of recuperation, in fact, he has improved a lot. When he was the uncle of the country a few years ago, it was called suffering. When Mr. Chen gave him two Ascension Pills carefully refined from Qinghu Palace in Qingjing Mountain, after Yao Xianzhi took one, the effect was excellent, and it was immediate. Mr. Chen also joked at the time that the young man has strong firepower and can make pancakes in his ass.

His Majesty's eyes wandered freely, and the two chicken-spaced pens in the pen holder must be special brushes used by Liu Mao to copy scriptures.

In fact, Yao Jinzhi knew exactly where each pen, every book, and even where they were placed in this Huanghuaguan, especially in this study.

For example, the two chicken-distance pens inscribed with "Quiet, Bright and Clean" in the pen holder. In fact, these are the same as the "Heavenly Phenomena and Star Map", which belonged to the forbidden book of the imperial court, when they "scoffed the house" before. His Majesty deliberately left them to Liu Mao's.

She kindly advised the young viewer of the Yellow Flower View that in a "quiet" place, he must have a "bright and pure" heart that matches it.

In addition to cultivating Taoism, when you have nothing to do, you can also flip through books such as "The Astronomical Column and Star Chart".

Since you are a cultivator, look up at the sky more, and don't focus on the things on the earth.

As for whether Liu Mao could understand it or not, Yao Jinzhi didn't care at all. Anyway, Daoist Longzhou of Huanghuaguan, if something went wrong, it would be what the end should be.

Could it be that she, the emperor who had let go of his life, be so generous and kind to him again and again?

Yao Jinzhi moved to the bookshelf, pulled out the forbidden book, and squinted her eyes instantly. She quickly flipped through the pages. In the crowded but silent room, only the pages were rattling.

The title page and the last page of the book are stamped with two side-by-side seals, "Thinking Unlimited" and "Thinking Backwards". "Satisfied" and "Insufficient".

Yao Jinzhi casually put the book back in its place, turned around, reached out to the spectator in Taoist robe, pressed it twice, his eyes were gentle, and motioned Liu Mao to sit on the last chair.

Liu Mao hesitated for a moment, seeing that Yao Jinzhi's expression was still the same, Liu Mao had to sit down and take care of his body and qi. The soft and weak woman in front of him was indeed very majestic.

The young man put his arms around his chest and leaned against the door. It was very strange. He originally wanted to return the treasure of the state under his arm to the Yao family in Daquan, but the emperor, his majesty, did not take it back. I gave it to myself. In exchange, I will serve as a third-class consecration in the records of the court's punishment department, and I will specifically participate in the search of the mountains in several small vassal states. You can give up your worship status anywhere and leave the Daquan Dynasty.

Yao Jinzhi walked to the desk, stretched out his two fingers, tapped the pen holder lightly, and said with a smile, "Liu Guanzhu, do you know that our Daquan Manufacturing Office has newly set up the Office of the Office, and some of them are specially made by craftsmen. This chicken distance pen is located at the Lotus Bridge not far from Huanghuaguan, next to Baoquan Bureau and Cangchang Yamen in the Ministry of Housing. After I read several submitted official styles, I was not satisfied, and I always felt that it was a little bit interesting."

The chicken pitch pen of the Daquan Dynasty is the most suitable for writing small case, and it is famous all over the continent. The dignitaries and literati of various countries used to like to buy some chicken pitch pens and match them with the Luomei paper produced in the blessed land of Yunku, as poetry and poetry in correspondence.

In this transaction, the Ministry of Industry of Daquan joined forces with the Qingping Sword Sect, but they used a suggestion from the other party to change the "official system" to "the imperial system".

One word difference and the price quadrupled.

As one of the allies in the excavation of Dadu, Yuguizong in the south promised to make a reservation with the Daquan Dynasty for 30,000 chickens, including the entire Yunku Blessed Land and several Xianjia ferry crossings including Bichengdu. Pen.

Liu Mao said cautiously, "Dare to ask Your Majesty, what is the price of this chicken pitch pen?"

Yao Jinzhi said with a smile: "One imperial chicken pen, one snow spends money. Yuguizong Shenzhuan Peak has already ordered 30,000 pens with us, and the amount of the deposit alone is not small. , that's why I'm so embarrassed, I can't let the office secretary of the office make some shoddy chicken-distance pens and use them to fool Yu Guizong. This matter can be big or small, Shen Zhuanfeng really wants to investigate , it's not a matter of refunding money."

Liu Mao was speechless for a while, was he robbing money?

In the past, there were many kinds of chicken pitch pens in Daquan. If Liu Mao remembered correctly, aside from those privately-made and luxurious chicken pitch pens, we only mentioned the ones sold in batches on the market. Among them, the craftsmanship was the best and the price was the highest. But a dozen taels of silver.

Imperial? Looking at the territory of a continent, which inner court office of the imperial court can make 30,000 brushes in one go?

Yao Jinzhi saw the Daoist Longzhou who was hesitant to say anything. She seemed to be in a good mood. She took out a chicken-spaced pen from the pen holder, flipped it a few times between her fingers, and glanced at the inscription. It was "Mingjing". Slightly raised his gaze, he glanced at Liu Mao who was always sitting upright beside him, and she casually threw the chicken-distance pen back into the pen holder, saying, "After you leave the customs, if you can successfully form a pill, don't practice too cleanly. , you might as well stabilize your realm and train your mind in the red dust. According to what you said on the mountain, getting involved in the red dust is also a practice. For example, the imperial court is about to issue new money. Since the Huanghuaguan is so close to the Baoquan Bureau and the Wenfang Division, you should Go for more walks, and when you look back, I will give you a suitable official status from the Ministry of Punishment, don’t worry, it must be a noble and idle job.”

Liu Mao hurriedly got up and thanked His Majesty the Emperor, "We are ministers for the order, thank His Majesty for your grace."

Yao Jinzhi said with a smile: "Then here I wish Liu Guanzhu's success in forming a pill. Regarding the dojo, the candidate for guardianship, Yao Fu Yin will help you finalize the result within three days at the latest."

Liu Mao turned slightly to the side again, and thanked Lord Fu Yin.

Yao Xian's anger is not in the same place, we get along in private, why haven't I seen you so polite?

Yao Jinzhi was the first to walk out of the house.

Yao Lingzhi left a gift on the table.

After Liu Mao sent the group out of the Taoist temple gate, he gently tugged Yao Xianzhi's sleeve.

Yao Xianzhi stopped, lowered his voice, and asked suspiciously, "Is something wrong?"

Liu Mao asked softly: "Master Fu Yin, the forbidden books are kept privately in the Taoist temple, which is inconsistent with the court etiquette. Can you please ask your majesty to order someone to bring back this "Heavenly Phenomena and Star Map" and turn it over to the library."

Yao Xianzhi laughed and scolded, but still agreed, turned around and followed the group.

Back on the same road and walking in the alley, Han Guanghu frowned and said, "Your Majesty, what exactly is Han Jiangshu on Wan Yaozong's side, she just dragged along like this without giving an exact explanation. The deposit has been given, and so far there has not been a cultivator connected with the imperial court, so she is so sure that we can't find another buyer for her blessed land of three mountains?"

Yao Jinzhi frowned slightly, "It's really weird."

Han Jiangshu had approached her before, and Wan Yaozong was going to order a cross-continental ferry with the Daquan Dynasty. The two sides had a pleasant conversation. The family owned a female fairy of the upper five realms of blessed land. From beginning to end, there was no arrogance at all. On the contrary, it is easy to talk like a person who has something to ask for.

Han Guanghu sneered: "Your Majesty, if according to my opinion, if Han Jiangshu does not reply in another month, Wan Yaozong will not want to go back for this deposit, no matter who the other party is looking for. Come to the door, and I will be responsible for reasoning for His Majesty, not to mention it is a jade, even her father, Han Yushu, who is the suzerain, comes to the door in person, and it is impossible to seek good things on my side."

Liu Zong sighed, people are more popular than dead people, this is the confidence of a martial artist.

Otherwise, even His Majesty the Emperor would not dare to urge Wan Yaozong too much, but just asked the Ministry of Rites to send a letter to the blessed land contact person designated by Han Jiangshu.

Wan Yaozong is originally the immortal mansion with the prefix of Zong. According to the calculations of the Daquan Dynasty, Wan Yaozong will probably not block the Confucian Temple by virtue of the military exploits that the money smashed, so it will definitely have it within a few years. A descendant.

It's just that for some reason, Han Jiangshu, as the speaker of Wanyao Sect, after Tong Yezhou appeared, he seemed to have a glimpse, and then he was silent.

The cross-continental ferry "Thunder Car" booked with the Daquan court has been running aground.

Yao Jinzhi smiled and said, "That's it. This Wan Yaozong, no matter how big the sect's power is, it can't be bigger than a word."

In the past, the Daquan Dynasty was half-buyed and half-built, and owned the first cross-continental ferry "Luxiangzhi", and the most expensive cross-continental ferry was the blueprint that was listed as the top secret by major sects. If you just buy one The cost of the ferry itself is actually not too high to be staggering. The reason why the sect in Aizhou is willing to sell blueprints and a boat embryo,

As a result, the Daquan Dynasty will sign a contract with them, and will not leak the drawings to the outside world. Moreover, the follow-up maintenance of some key parts of the ferry, with the current strength of the Daquan court's Ministry of Industry, even if it has the drawings, it is still unable to repair it, which requires future repairs. Continue to maintain long-term cooperation with the seller, and the other party also hopes that by selling the ferry, it is equivalent to helping him own the largest "ferry" in Tongyezhou. In the end, every new ferry built by the Daquan court according to the blueprint, that zong Doors are divided.

Daquan Yao's plan is that in the next ten to twenty years

, and then build two cross-continental ferries, named "Emeiyue" and "Leiche" respectively. Daquan will keep one for himself and sell one to fill the treasury hole for purchasing blueprints and building three cross-continental ferries. This "thunder car", there are currently two immortal mansions that have intentions, in addition to Wan Yaozong, in addition to the Jindingguan in the north, Baozhen Taoist Yin Miaofeng, Shao Yuanran, these Taoist masters and apprentices, were once the first class of the Daquan Dynasty. For worship, Lu Ying, the chief worshiper of Jindingguan, had contacted Daquan, but the price of Jindingguan was 30% lower than that of Wan Yaozong.

Yao Xianzhi tapped Liu Zong with his shoulder and winked at the old man.

Liu Zong laughed and pretended to be stupid on purpose.

Seeing that Yao Xianzhi was still there, Liu Zong turned his head to look at the female cultivator who was walking side by side with his apprentice behind him.

Jiang was still old and hot, and Lord Fu Yin was defeated immediately.

Because according to Liu Zong's proposal, Daquan kept two cross-continental ferries, "Deer Titled Zhi Emei Moon". The former took the north-south route, passing through three continents, from south to north, Tongyezhou, Baopingzhou, and Beiju Luzhou. After the completion of the second Emeiyue, it joined hands with the Aizhou Liu to mine the extreme north ice field, passing through Nanpo Suzhou, Middle Earth Shenzhou and Aizhou, and more than a dozen sects, immortals and palaces including Longxiangjianzong The Yamashita Dynasty and a total of 16 large-scale Xianjia ferries formed an alliance and signed detailed terms for ferry docking.

Regarding this matter, the discussion in the imperial study of His Majesty the Emperor has passed.

It's just that the discerning people who are qualified to participate in the discussion are well aware that the person who can come up with such a plan is definitely not the chief worship of Liu Zong.

And after Han-Guanghu served as the national teacher, the plan was changed again, mainly because the route was changed. You could take the trade route of Luhua Island, Yulongzong, Fuyaozhou and Jinjiazhou.

After all, Han Guanghu is very prestigious on the Jinjiazhou side, and there are extremely impressive deep connections and incense love on the mountain and down the mountain.

Han Guanghu did not think that the route plan proposed by Liu Zong was very clever. There was only one point, but he was full of praise, saying that Liu Zong had a long-term vision and was extremely insightful.

Because according to Liu Zong's suggestion, all the Zongmen Xianfu and the major ferry crossings of the dynasty that the ferry passes through, the Daquan court must bite to death, determine the price early, and sign extremely long terms with each family. Now the world is vast, most of the cross-continental ferries have been requisitioned by the Confucian Temple.

In order to maintain the operation of each ferry and ensure profitability, it is very necessary for cross-continental ferry boats such as "Deer Titles to Emei Moon", which are not dispatched by the Confucian Temple, to dock for business and trade to drive popularity and stabilize financial resources. Therefore, during this time period, the Daquan Dynasty signed a clause with the ferry, and could use a price far lower than previous years.

Therefore, the longer the age is now, the more money the Daquan Dynasty will pay to the ferry each year in the future. In this link, the more money is saved.

To save money is to make money. Everyone understands this superficial truth.

Yao Jinzhi weighed the pros and cons, and it was really hard to decide for a while. After thinking about it, why not build a transcontinental ferry?

She even picked her name, Huozhulin.

Yao Lingzhi has long been a wife, and the woman who yearns most in the rivers and lakes, but married a scholar from a scholarly family. Now that she has two children, she is the first to get married among the "zhi" generation.

Previously, Chen Ping'an asked Yao Xianzhi to hand over and gave her children two red envelopes. Not long ago, during the New Year's greetings in the first lunar month, the younger brother completely stunned the two children at once.

In the past, the two children always doubted many of their uncle Yao Xianzhi's claims. Uncle, are you really familiar with Chen Yinguan? Brag about not writing drafts, it's actually just the kind of nodding acquaintances who have chatted for a few days, right?

But since they received a red envelope from Yao Xianzhi, the two children saw Yao Xianzhi again, and the respectful count was a mess, especially when they learned that their uncle had even become a guest of honor in Qingping Sword Sect Patriarch Hall, both children's eyes lit up. , The more and more I admire my uncle, and I flatter me when I meet him. Uncle, do you want to rub my shoulders and knock my legs? Uncle, I haven't seen you for a few days. You look younger and more handsome. Uncle, let me help you be a lobbyist with Sister Yuanyang. If you don't object, I'll call my aunt directly...

After all, for children, among the many immortals on the mountain, the sword immortals are the most fascinating, and there is no one.

And that young hidden officer from the Great Wall of Sword Qi is also the Sword Immortal among the Sword Immortals.

In fact, His Majesty the Emperor, Yao Jinzhi, and even Grandpa, are all happy to see this happen, but Lord Fu Yin has not been enlightened, so it was delayed.

Liu Yi, whose boudoir name is Yuanyang, Taoist name "Yifu", is a native of Daquan, and his family is a local county governor.

The appearance is young, which means that her cultivating aptitude is excellent.

Before Liu Yi was in the two battlefields of Gyeonggi and Mirage City, he gave up his life and forgot his death. He was very courageous, but very strategic. The female cultivator cultivated at the Dragon Gate realm, and the accumulated military exploits were not lost to several golden pills.

But in the end, Liu Yi only asked the Daquan court for a third-class offering. In fact, according to the merits of the war, the second-class offering was more than enough.

Some things, women do not object, this is the most obvious statement, how can she be bold?

Yao Lingzhi looked at Liu Yi next to him and smiled again.

Liu Yi just pretended not to know, but quietly reddened his ears.

Yao Lingzhi felt that it was not worth it for her, so he stepped forward quickly and kicked Yao Xianzhi in front of him, kicking the latter to a stagger, and quickly reached out to support the wall, Yao Xianzhi turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yao Lingzhi said angrily, "Is it okay with you?"

Yao Xianzhi said with a smile: "Sister, you kicked a lame man for no reason, is it reasonable? I have to tell my nephew and niece later, and see who they will help then."

Yao Lingzhi pouted, "Cripple? A fool is right."

No wonder I heard that Grandpa had a conversation with Mr. Chen on the ferry, one said that Yao Xianzhi was not worthy of a certain girl, and the other agreed that he felt the same way.

Yao Jinzhi ignored the slapstick behind him and continued to discuss business affairs with the old national teacher, "The secretary of the study office can't just rely on the sale of a chicken-span pen. In the Daquan Dynasty, there are also some old inkstone pits that have been banned for many years. In one step, the new pit stone is not necessarily as good as the old pit. It is said that there is a Tao River on the southern border. When I was a child, I often went to the inkstone pit with Lingzhi and Xianzhi to play. The mining was very early and produced a kind of moisturizing. If Jasper is the stone for making inkstones, in fact, I think it is as good as other famous inkstones. It has a history of more than 1,200 years, but it has been abandoned for many years.

Yao Xianzhi nodded and said, "It's just that those major mines are all located at the bottom of the Tao River. If a certain number of Qi trainers are not used, it will be too difficult for ordinary masons to mine. The biggest problem is that there are no special books to describe them. , In our Daquan, Taohe inkstones are still hidden, let alone sold to other countries. Otherwise, the Meizikeng that we used to visit when we were young, as well as the green in front of the temple and the red in the back of the temple, the texture of the stone is sincere. It’s not bad, but it’s a pity that everyone on the mountain and down the mountain likes to be thick and thin, otherwise, if the price is right, the quantity will be large, and the court only needs to continue mining in the old pit, which will be a big profit.”

Liu Zong Nianxu said with a smile: "I heard that hundreds of years ago, there was a book "Dongtian Qinglu Collection" dedicated to advocating the famous inkstones of old pits in Tongyezhou, which listed more than ten kinds of precious inkstones? How about our imperial court? Here, the official government re-engraved a version, and in the Hanlin Academy, I found a few pens with better literary skills, and secretly added a piece of "Taohe Green Inkstone" to it, and I wrote and rewritten how good the Taohe Inkstone is and how to mine it. Difficult, add a few more quirks and fairy tales, rich scholars like to focus on the past and the present? Isn't this very 'ancient'."

Yao Jinzhi turned his head to look at the chief worshiper.

Yao Lingzhi was even more astonished. Master, the old man has entered the far-flung realm, and has his business experience together?

Yao Xianzhi held back his laughter, secretly amused, and extended his thumb to Liu old man, yes, yes, amazing.

Han Guanghu thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "It's a lucrative business that can be done, operated properly, and made a name for itself. In addition to this continent, Daquan's specialty products, including cross-continental ferry boats and Jiji pens, are sold to other continents together. It's quite a fortune indeed."

The old national teacher once again looked at the worship of Liu Zong with admiration. He was really not the master of eating dry rice.

Liu Zong twitched his beard and smiled, thinking back then, when he was young, the nickname "Little Zhu Lian" on the rivers and lakes didn't come for nothing.

On the other side of Huanghuaguan, two little road boys squatted under the eaves, chattering and jumping for joy. Your Majesty the Emperor is so beautiful!

In the study, Liu Mao opened the small brocade box on the table. Inside, there was a piece of circular ink made by the imperial court, garnished with gold, and the front was written in official script "Junzi Xiuzhiji", the forehead was inscribed "Nine Shou Youxu", and the Yin consciousness was filled in blue. On the ink back is a five-element map of "gold, wood, water, fire, and soil".

Liu Mao let out a long sigh and had to admit that he was able to tide over the difficulties this time, thanks to the man surnamed Chen.

Approaching the carriage, His Majesty the Emperor made a detour and walked back to the railing of the lotus pond where she had stopped before. She was silent for a moment, and asked the old national teacher beside her, "I heard that the latest debate on the three religions is about to start?"

Han Guanghu nodded, "Because of that war, it was delayed for years."

Yao Jinzhi hesitated for a moment and asked, "As a national teacher, can I sit in on the debate?"

Han Guanghu laughed dumbly, shook his head and said, "I'm just a martial artist, but I don't have the qualifications. Back then, even if I had the status of a national teacher on Jinjiazhou, I couldn't participate in such a big event."

Yao Jinzhi nodded, seeming a little regretful.

When Jinjiazhou was mentioned, the old man inevitably felt a little homesick.

They all have people in mind, far away from each other.

Yao Jinzhi's eyes were blurred, and his expression was in a trance. People are far away, but also in their hearts.

Read The Runesmith
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