MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1545 What is a professional

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It has to be said that the question raised by Buffal, the **** of business, is indeed something that Gawain has been thinking about since yesterday.

The courtyard area around the fortress of disobedience as a rallying point for the transportation of arms to the kingdom of the gods has some advantages, but no amount of advantages can cover the flaws of this single path, not to mention that it is enough to blow up the gods. What a huge risk it would be if all the dangerous items piled up together, just disobeying the "capacity" of the portal in the depths of the fortress was an annoying bottleneck.

It is a portal left from the Gondor era. After being re-reinforced and repaired by Cecil's magicians, it is now very stable, and there is no need to worry about its collapse like when it was first discovered. No matter how stable it is, it is just a door, and the portal has strict scale restrictions on the matter passing through it. Excessive mass or excessive energy response may cause the transmission channel to shift or even tear. Crack, relying on that door to complete the "trap" of more than a dozen kingdoms of God... It is indeed a problem.

Of course, in view of the development of technology and the smooth progress of the decryption of that portal, Gawain can also consider opening more portals within the range of the Fortress of Rebellion, but this still cannot solve the essential problem of huge energy supply, which is unpredictable. The construction period and the mutual interference between multiple portals will all become huge troublesome factors, and even if these things are resolved, Gawain must also consider another thing: the constraints on the "transportation capacity" of the fortress are not yet Just a portal.

The Rebellion Fortress, which is located deep in the Dark Mountains and has a complex underground structure, is a hurdle in itself, while the narrow corridors and layers of security gates in the Rebellion fortress are another hurdle... These ancient structures were not considered at the beginning of their construction. The transportation channel for goods was designed, and many of these structures were closely related to the operation of the Rebellion Fortress or the Rebellion Fortress itself, or were difficult to dismantle and rebuild due to strength issues. It was almost impossible for Gawain to get through all of them in a short period of time.

With these practical difficulties, even if the gods still have a year to prepare slowly, it is still a question whether they can complete the equivalent of the "Gods Ragnarok Project" in time.

"Is there any other suitable 'window' in the world or in the shadow world?" After a moment of silence, a voice sounded in the assembly hall, and the one who spoke was the blood **** Danmo, "The Gondor Empire should not only set up this In the 'Fortress of Another World'?"

"The Gondor Empire did set up other fortresses," Gawain glanced at Amber when he said this, then shook his head, "but as far as we know, the fortresses set up in such a 'deep' place as the Shadow Realm should only be This one. After all, one of the reasons the people of Gondor set up a fort here was to study the **** of nature who 'reclusive' here..."

"There is still a 'window' I don't know if I can use it," Rosetta Augustus's voice suddenly came from the side, he said while thinking, "The Kingdom of God of War is now a harmless testing ground, After the fall of the God of War, the kingdom of God itself has also turned into an inactive state, maybe it can be used as a rallying point?"

"...Not very safe," Buffal, the **** of nature, thought for a moment and shook his head, "Even if the gods fall, the kingdom of God is still the result of the condensation of ideas, and it will still retain many characteristics of ideas. Similarly, even if we are' Human nature half body', we also carry the aura of a complete god, and when we enter the gods of the gods, we will still incur the impact of the thoughts of the gods, so our entry into the gods of war is likely to cause the latter to get out of control."

Two consecutive plans were abandoned, everyone in the assembly hall began to lose their minds, the gods were looking for possible solutions in their respective fields, and mortals were using their flexible thinking and creativity to find a way out. After a while, Belsetia's voice suddenly broke the silence: "Actually, I have an idea, I don't know if it is feasible..."

"Speak up if you have an idea," Gawain nodded to her immediately, "Now all ideas can be brought up for discussion, whether it's successful or not is another matter."

Belsetia nodded slightly, and then turned to the gods in the assembly hall: "Your sects should have various sacrifice ceremonies, right?"

As soon as the Queen of Silver came out, not to mention the reactions of the gods, Gawain was shocked at first. He guessed the thoughts of the elf ruler almost instantly, and this very creative idea made him the next second. Just recalled Belsetia's glorious record of running around in the coalition camp hundreds of years ago.

On the field, Gawain was obviously not the only one who quickly understood the meaning of Belsetia's words. Nefari, the **** of song, dance and wind, stared at the silver queen in the holographic projection, her face full of incredulity: "What do you mean... directly Let believers take those things as offerings to the gods to 'sacrifice'?!"

Belsetia nodded slightly: "Is it theoretically feasible?"

"...We do have all kinds of sacrifice rituals. 'Offering sacrifices to gods' can be said to be the most initial and basic part of all religious activities in the world," Nefali said while thinking. " The 'letter' you sent before was sent to the kingdom of God through such a sacrificial ceremony, so theoretically there is no problem, but... Shouldn't this plan be kept secret? Especially not to let the priests know about it , because they are very likely to leak their plans to our divine half body, causing the divine half body to be stimulated out of control..."

"We only let the priests dedicate bombs to the gods and don't tell them the truth of the plan. Will they think of what these bombs are for?" Belsetia asked very seriously, "The divine half body will not take the initiative to go Thinking about whether there is a conspiracy behind something, they will only instinctively judge the danger, and read the most direct and subjective maliciousness, and the priests do not know what they are offering during the sacrifice process. It is also impossible to contain subjective malice, is it okay?"

"You wait a moment, I have to stroke it!" Gawain had to interrupt Bersetia's speech, his head was now entangled like a skein of thread, and he hardly knew how to solve it, "You It's quite reasonable in theory... But don't you think it's suspicious enough to let the priests of various denominations drop a bomb on the altar by the way when they hold mass and prayer meetings? Those priests will think for themselves! You Even if they don't tell them, they should suspect that the Theocratic Council is seriously ill when they look at the bomb on the altar!"

"What if it was not the theocratic council, but their own gods who ordered the sacrifice of the bomb?" Belsetia said with a solemn expression, "Although the 'human half body' of the gods no longer responds to earthly prayers, this It shouldn't mean that you have lost this ability, right? You can send down oracles and designate new sacrificial relics... Of course, this process requires careful planning, and may also need to cooperate with the Theocratic Council, but in general I I don't think it's a problem."

Gawain couldn't help staring at Belsetia at this time. He saw that the silver queen was sitting upright with a serious expression, as if she was speaking at the highest meeting of the alliance, but her eyes were 100% deep. It means "I already have a perfect criminal plan, none of you will make it work." He had seen this kind of look more than once in his memory seven hundred years ago. When Belsetia had become a qualified queen, he thought that her eyes had been sleeping forever on this mature and majestic queen, but now she found that the childish side of the queen was actually just a nap...

Then he turned his head with a blank expression and looked at the gods in the assembly hall.

The gods were even more ignorant than him.

"Theoretically...theoretically, there's nothing wrong with this," the earth goddess Gaia was the first to break the silence, her eyes were a little dazed, but her thoughts were still clear, "I mean we can indeed lower the oracle to request this. , but isn't it still suspicious? Why would the high gods suddenly ask believers to change their offerings? This will inevitably cause suspicion in their hearts..."

After hearing this, Belsetia showed a meaningful smile, she looked at the earth goddess with a puzzled face, and said in a low voice: "You are a god, you understand the things of gods, but you don't. Mortal believers who don't know themselves... The truly devout believers will not doubt any words from the gods. They have 10,000 ways to explain and convince themselves, and those parts that cannot be explained are all the tests of the gods. If there is no such blind and devout heart, how can they listen to the words of the gods with the body of mortals, and even perform sacrifice rituals?

"Of course, if it is to minimize accidents, you can limit the scope of listening to oracles and performing ceremonies, so that only churches, shrines and priests above a certain level are eligible to participate, and this can happen. A certain degree of filtering would mean that priests who would obey the oracle would never doubt the will of the gods, and priests who would doubt the will of the gods would not have access to the oracle at all.

"In short, no matter what the truth of the matter is, it will never be conveyed to the 'divine half-body', because it takes too much imagination to think of these things, and with this kind of imagination and skepticism, you dare to turn things into conspiracy The person who associates with the blasphemous direction...isn't a devout believer at all."

The gods in the assembly hall looked at each other in dismay, and even Amoen, who was eating melons and watching the fun, couldn't help but raised his head and looked around curiously. Amber tugged at Gawain's arm and muttered softly. : "Why didn't I expect the Silver Queen to be so flexible..."

What else can Gawain say? He could only shrug his shoulders, and also lowered his voice: "Belsetia is smart since she was a child..."

He still has some things that he hasn't said yet. Professional things still have to be done by professional people. Belsetia has the status of a "high priest of nature", so let's call it the ancient theocratic kingdom of the Silver Empire. The last remaining "symbol of theocracy", although she and her family cut off the connection with the **** of nature thousands of years ago, but as the saying goes, "only understanding can overcome", Belsetia has also been familiar with it since childhood. Reading church classics and theological works, as a high priest who rejects gods, she knows more about faith than most devout believers in the world.

This made her successfully stuck a bug in this matter...

But even at this point, there were still worried voices in the assembly hall, and Danmo, the blood god, looked worried: "But this only reduces the risk to the maximum extent, and does not completely eliminate the risk. We are all aware of the complexity of mortals. Once things are implemented on a large scale, even if we add more filters and restrictions, it is possible to get out of control.”

The blood **** Danmo's worries seemed a bit excessive, but Gawain understood this caution. After all, this was a plan to murder the gods. What they had to deal with was the most powerful, dangerous, and critical point in the world. Even if there is a subtle cooperation between the human nature of God and mortals, even if there is a bug in the Silver Queen's help card, the risks behind this matter still exist, and even the slightest risk may lead to irreversible results. So it's always right to consider several possibilities.

After all, until a mortal actually takes action, you'll never be able to predict how much complexity of a living human heart he can unpack. Are you kidding me?

Gawain fell into deep thought, and after thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly thought of one thing: "I'm curious about the process when you accept the sacrifice? Is it the transmission of objects? Or is it the decomposition and reorganization of matter? Or do you really open a door to the kingdom of God and take things back directly?"

"Of course it's not to open the door directly, it's too dangerous to establish a direct connection between the kingdom of God and the world," Buffal, the **** of commerce, shook his head, "The first two situations you mentioned are more consistent, the sacrifice ceremony will send the sacrifice' 'To our shrine, the sacrifice seems to be disassembled and reconstituted once in the process, and completely maintained in its 'correct state' before and after the reorganization. But we ourselves do not know the specific principles of this process...just like our own priesthood The operation of the kingdom of God is something that we can’t explain ourselves, but it works like an instinct.”

"This may still be related to the 'Unified Fluctuation Model'," Gawain rubbed his chin thoughtfully after listening to Buffal's explanation, "but it doesn't matter. Second question, how did you accept the sacrifice? 'Designated target'? Do you only accept things that are clearly designated as sacrifices by believers, or can you accept any items within the scope of the ceremony site, or are you affected by your own priesthood? There is a limit to the number of sacrifices you accept each time What? If so, what are the constraints?"

Listening to Gawain's series of questions, Amber rolled her eyes subconsciously. She hadn't seen the old Zongzi's "100,000 Why" pattern for a long time. Now it seems that the other party's life-threatening series of questions is still as good as ever. momentum.

Buffal, who was not far away, began to answer Gawain's question after a brief thought: "The number of sacrifices in the sacrificial ceremony is actually unlimited, or it is limited by the piety and thoughts of the believers during the ceremony. The power generated, and for gods like us who have 'formed', the sacrifices that can be collected in a large ceremony is a large number, far exceeding the upper limit of sacrifices in each ceremony. It's just that we will only Taking a little bit symbolically, after performing the ritual instinctively and then no longer responding In this regard, the behavior of the divine half body and the human half body does not conflict, so we can operate freely.

"As for how to 'designate a target' when accepting sacrifices..."

Buffal suddenly stopped when he said this. He seemed to think of something, and looked at Gawain strangely: "What are you trying to do?"

"Is there such a possibility, I'm just assuming," Gawain thought for a while, and said with a serious face, "We held a ceremony directly next to an arsenal, and announced that the whole street was the scene of the ceremony, and the ceremony was held. The priests of the ceremony put a fruit plate flower basket on the altar or something, anyway, it is what the ceremony should have under normal circumstances, and they don't need to know what the warehouse next to you is doing, so when you collect things, take the warehouse by the way."

Gods: "...?"

Amber looked at Gawain and then at Belsetia, and suddenly suspected that the two were biological...