MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1571 Fireworks for Ragnarok

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The success of the sacrificial ceremony brought the celebration atmosphere in the square to its peak. The followers of the God of Plenty cheered thunderously, and the priests around the altar also began to praise the holy names of the three goddesses in unison. The brilliance emerged from the sky above the statues of the three goddesses, shrouding the high platform like a magnificent aurora, and then, the magnificent classical music was played, and the priestesses who played the goddess' messengers came from the other end of the square, and offered incense. The three priest teams of ointment, grain, and soil began to enter the venue, and everything strictly followed the scriptures.

No one knows what they are sending to the kingdom of the gods behind this exciting festivities.

In the tall tower on the edge of the square, Gawain stood in front of the window and watched the celebrations on the square with a smile. Next to him was Amber, who was leaning his head forward. After watching the excitement for a long time, Amber suddenly muttered. Get up: "There are still many followers of the three goddesses."

"The Three Gods of Plenty are the righteous gods with the most widespread believers. Although the Three Gods Church is not as strong as the Holy Light Sect, they are rooted in the most basic material needs of all living beings, so their influence spreads throughout the Loren continent. , they have a very long history, and their birth can even be traced back to the belief variant of the elf main **** Amorn, which is doomed to their deep-rooted influence," Gawain smiled and said calmly, "Theocracy Although the reform of the council has been fruitful and the civil literacy work has been going on for several years, it is still far from enough to completely change this ingrained thing - even if many people can clearly understand the nature of the church and the limitations of the gods, They still choose to go to church and shrines to pray on their rest days, either for pure peace of mind or just as a habit."

"The good news is that the pursuit of pure peace of mind and the practice of habitual prayers do not actually form a ideological projection, right?" Amber raised his eyebrows, "Whether they are willing to admit it or not, those who know the real situation of the gods For a moment, it is difficult for most of them to have such a pure and pious belief, and even the slightest doubt will form a gap in the ideological trend."

"Yeah, intellectual literacy has planted a seed of doubt about the gods in their hearts - it's no wonder that some diehards who haven't been cleaned up privately refer to me as 'the evil spirit who brings doubt and depravity to the world', Gawain laughed, and even though he was saying something to slander himself, the smile on his face became more and more pleasant, "Their description is very accurate."

"You're not angry at all when you talk about this," Amber gave Gawain a slanted glance, "Do you know that those guys who scold you behind your back are going to hate you so much that their teeth itch?"

"Those who hate me feel so much pain with their resentment, but they can only watch the world slam on, run over their heads and leave them far behind - shouldn't I feel that way? Are you very happy?" Gao Wen said cheerfully, "And as I said, their descriptions are very accurate. I just want to bring doubts to the world. Doubt is one of the driving forces for the progress of the world. I have no doubts. If people are not saints, they can only be fools, but how many saints are there?"

Amber pouted, noncommittal, and then her eyes fell on the square not far away, and after watching for a while, she shook her head slightly: "Then let them be intoxicated again, the Ragnarok plan has begun, they There are few chances to dream."

Gawain rubbed her hair casually, turned and returned to the large device in the center of the room. After a few simple operations, he switched to another encrypted line. As the magical illusion above the projection crystal gradually refocused while shaking, Bell The figures of Setia and Rosetta Augustus appeared in front of him. .

"The sacrificial ceremony at the Cecil test site has been carried out smoothly, and the 'goods' have been delivered to the 'customers'," Gawain nodded to the vision in front of him, "How is the situation on your side?"

"The condition of the Aldernan test site is normal, and the goods have been delivered," Rosetta Augustus replied first, "I was watching the ceremony just now, and neither the priests nor the believers at the scene noticed the abnormal."

"The sacrifice ceremony on the royal court's side also went well," Belsetia also showed a smile, "This is the ceremony I personally presided over."

"You presided over it yourself?" Gawain raised his eyebrows in surprise. Although he had made an agreement when he decided to set up three simultaneous sacrifice test sites, the three major empires were each responsible for the test process within their own borders, but he did not expect The Queen of Silver actually went to battle in person, "Can you personally preside over the sacrificial ceremony of the three gods of abundance?"

"This is the decision I have made after consulting with my theological advisors - the belief in the Three Gods of Plenty is derived from the God of Nature, which has complex cultural origins within the Silver Empire, although for some historical reasons, we only recognize the 'natural' at the official level. God' is the only 'state religion', but in fact, most of the silver elves regard the belief in the three gods of abundance as a 'sub-line' of natural belief. From this point of view, I, the 'highest priestess of the **** of nature', will act on their behalf. It is appropriate for the Holy Maiden of Fertility to preside over the ceremony," Belsetia explained, "As for the ability to preside over the ceremony, of course I have no problem, at least in terms of knowledge, I am a real 'high priest'."

Listening to Belsetia's explanation, Gawain still frowned a little uneasy: "Will there be hidden dangers in terms of thoughts and beliefs?"

"Don't worry - the people who really provide the power for the sacrificial ceremony are the common people and the three goddesses of fertility, and all connections are also established on them. I just complete the ritual arrangement and process command step by step, without considering 'religion'. , this is a purely technical issue," Belsetia smiled, "From this point on, the same is true for the 'handover personnel' we set up in various hidden warehouses: they are not followers of the Three Gods of Plenty, but according to the ritual The process can still open the sacrifice channel."

"That's true," Gawain thought for a while, then nodded lightly, "The cooperation of the three goddesses is the key."

Hearing Gawain mentioning the cooperation of the three goddesses, Rosetta couldn't help showing a thoughtful look, he touched the stubble on his chin: "I don't know what's going on in the kingdom of God now, the three At the same time, the proving ground sent hundreds of tons of 'worldly weapons' to the kingdom of God, as a 'test', this is not a small amount, I hope there will be nothing wrong with the three goddesses."

"Indeed," Belsetia said with a slight frown, "although the things we sent this time have been safely fuze-separated in advance, they still need the three goddesses to assemble and assemble by themselves after they are sent to the Kingdom of God. stored"

If it was an ordinary person who believed in gods standing here, I am afraid that "God can also make mistakes", but none of the people here at the moment are devout believers, whether it is Gawain or Rosetta, Or Belsetia, who is nominally a "saint" and "priestess", is well aware that gods and mortals have their own limitations and weaknesses, and they have no psychological burden when questioning gods.

But it is precisely because they questioned the gods that they had no burden, but at this moment, they became the people in this world who would really "worry" the gods-they were like worrying that the child who got the sword for the first time would accidentally get hurt I was equally worried that the three goddesses would blow him up in advance, but Gawain finally relieved: "I don't think you need to worry, all the gods have taken the arms maintenance class, and Rebecca gave the class herself, and the three sisters of abundance are still the same. The best score in the mock test”

"You even gave the gods a mock test?" Rosetta was stunned for a moment.

"Of course, if you don't test, how do you know if they really have mastered it? That's a big weapon that can blow up gods!" Gawain immediately said of course, "I arranged a written test and practical exercises for them, Rebei. After each class, Ka will spot-check their class notes—the three sisters in the later rounds of tests had the highest average scores and the most solid notes, so they were recommended by Rebecca, or why do you think the first round of tests required them? Choose the three gods of abundance?

"I thought it was just as the recovery festival was approaching," Bersetia muttered in astonishment, and then the corners of her mouth trembled, and she sighed, "It's really worthy of you."

Gao Wen: "Why do you both have the same expression? Is it unreasonable for me to do this? Take notes in class, take exams after learning, practice skills, and make mistakes. Is this process unreasonable?"

"Yes, yes, of course," Belsetia didn't know whether she was crying or happy, she felt that the silver queen's expression was a little bit untenable, and the corners of her mouth were tight, "The world of the education system of the Cecil Empire Leading the way, the modern school you founded is also an advanced thing that the nations of the Alliance are trying to emulate—but I never thought that even the gods would need to take reading notes and take exams in your class.”

Gawain immediately rejoiced: "You have to admit that this is very effective."

At the same time, in the chaotic depths far away from the real world, in the projection group of the endless deep sea, a vibrant kingdom of gods, shrouded in a shimmering dome, was quietly running in the dark.

Suddenly, continuous flashes of light lit up in the shimmering dome one after another, and the massive transformation of matter caused layers of ripples to appear in the dome of the kingdom of God. declare peace.

Under the dome, the endless field stretches into the distance. Two large rivers flow on the field and merge into a huge garden in the center of the field. In the depths of the garden, there is a huge open space between the two large rivers. There was a long table with a feast, and countless phantom spirits feasted and celebrated around the long table. There were three more vague and huge figures sitting quietly at the end of the long table. These three figures were ethereal and holy but lacking vitality. Divine but cold and indifferent eyes stared at the feast in front of him, responding to the prayers of believers invisibly like a precision machine, while the economy mixed with blood in the darkness extended from the nearby bushes, Quietly entangled at the feet of these three holy figures who were half human and half deer.

And outside this feast garden, in an open space on the edge of the vast wilderness, there are three women who are almost exactly the same as the holy figure at the end of the long table. They are Gaia, Eve and Fu who just returned from the meeting place. The three Lola sisters.

On the open ground in front of the three sisters, there is a mountain of "goods".

Explosives transported from the world filled the garden entrance, huge ammunition boxes and prefabricated charge units were neatly stacked on the solid ground that had been leveled in advance, and Flora, the goddess of spring, looked up at these "explosion" The mountain of things", it took a long time before a voice came out: "Wow"

Then the youngest and lively goddess among the three sisters walked briskly to a large box closest to her, pulled off the wooden board on the box, stretched out her hand and took out a cylindrical crystal charge from it. unit, and then posing with her left front leg on the box, while holding the charging unit lightly up and down in her hand: "Well, this batch of goods is of good quality."

"Where did you learn this unladylike posture?" Gaia was about to check the situation of several other "goods", and frowned when she saw her sister's behavior, "It looks so vulgar, put your hooves down ."

Flora quickly retracted her legs, put the charging unit in her hand back into the box and explained with her head down: "A kind of thing called 'Magic Drama' that Your Excellency Amone is watching."

"Things on the magic net are very complicated. Amoen is a mature god, he can tell the difference, but you don't want to follow everything," Gaia immediately taught his sister, "Come here, we still have business to do. ."

Flora ran back honestly, while Eve, the goddess of harvest next to her, observed the eldest sister's expression, and picked up a plate from the side a little embarrassedly: "Where is this thing?"

Gaia looked at the tray in Eve's hand in astonishment - it was a large plate compared to the size of a human, but in Eve's hand it was as small as a seasoning plate: "Why is there a plate?"

"I accidentally brought it back when I was collecting the offerings," Eve said embarrassedly, "and it's not just a plate."

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard Flora's voice coming from nearby. The goddess of spring ran to the "goods" piled up again at some point, and after a lot of searching, there was a new harvest: "Why are there more bricks here?"

"The bricks should have been brought back from the warehouse floor by accident," Eve sighed, and took out another item from her side, "I still have a shoe here, and I don't know who it is."

Gaia stared dumbfounded at what the two younger sisters found from the "sacrifice", her expression changed from embarrassment to astonishment, and she heard Eve continue to say: "I suspect we have brought back a lot. things, but generally it should not be serious, most of them are gadgets that are not easily noticeable or innocuous 'miscellaneous', after all, we have opened three unprecedented sacrifice channels this time, and transmitted them to the kingdom of God at the same time. I am afraid that matter has surpassed the sum of the past thousands of years.”

Gaia opened her mouth, and in the end she could only say as if to comfort herself: "Yeah, the scale is very large, so it should be inevitable to make mistakes a little while busy, right?"

Flora looked at Eve and Gaia, and shrank her neck in front of the two sisters: "Will Rebecca stay behind to make up the class because of this?"

Gaia shook his head, half comforting his sister and half comforting himself: "No, we are collecting experimental data, and mistakes are also part of the experiment - on the whole, our experiment should be quite successful."

Flora breathed a sigh of relief, and then her eyes fell on the pile of explosives: "Then let's start now?"

Gaia glanced back in the direction of the garden, where the joyous but meaningless feasts continued as they had done for thousands of years, while the hollow avatars of the gods sat on the ground where their sisters had been bound for thousands of years. Years, watching all this indifferently.

The "Earth Goddess" took a light breath and calmed down.

"Let's start, let's prepare a grand firework for the upcoming Ragnarok."