MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1594 8:05

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What are people doing when the countdown to Doomsday comes to an end?

The sharp arrow of the magic tide is approaching the destined meeting point. It is only a stone's throw away from this small planet where the living beings in the world live. The first warning came from the Navigator satellite array, and the second warning came from the Aogu. The interval between the two alarms of the Observer Chamber of the Ray Tribe Nation was no more than three and a half minutes, and when the two alarms came one after another, most areas of Cecil had not yet seen the sunrise.

At four o'clock in the morning, at the Luan Junction, Cecil, the tower guard, woke up from his sleep. He was disturbed by a chaotic dream, and the dim sky outside the window reminded him that it was not yet the changing of the guard. At that moment, he was no longer sleepy, so he put on his coat and went to the equipment room at the top of the tower. He shared a simple breakfast with his colleagues on night shift, and then came to the lookout window with a cup of hot coffee. Before, while thinking about the work schedule for the next day, waiting for the dawn to come.

At the same time, in Aldernan, the sun had already filled the entire city, the towering clock tower began to ring, and the huge imperial machine began to operate for the day. There were shadows in the mist, and the elderly Archduke Ferdinand felt a little stiff in his joints on this cold morning. Before leaving for the Obsidian Palace, he thought about the age of Andersa, who was still stationed at the border. It's time, no matter how famous the Duke of Steel, when his joints rust, maybe... it's time to take care of his granddaughter's life-long affairs.

By the shore of Baisha Lake, Holm ended his all-night work. With his current status, he didn't have to work so hard for a long time, but the joy of dealing with ore always made him forget his exhaustion. The head of the mining company, who was born as a slave worker in the mine, took a nap at his desk. In his sleep, he saw the dark mine where he once lived, and saw the shackles of the slave workers and the blackened stone pile. Blood stains, he woke up from this short sleep, the leather whip and shackles shattered together with the nightmare, his eyes fell on the table next to him, and he saw his treasure, which was carved in the shape of a magic net obelisk. The trophy, inscribed on the base of the trophy: Presented to the discoverer of the rough Holm stone, Mr. Holme, an outstanding mining expert, Rebecca Cecil.

At 5:15, the sun has gradually emerged from the horizon. With the newspaper under his arm, the big businessman Cord Baldwin hurriedly walked to his office. He was not so young anymore, and his body was slightly fatter. It was also easier to feel tired than a few years ago, so he slowed down on the way and began to try to adapt to the rhythm of life that a man in the late middle age should have. The sun was shining from the end of the road, and the big businessman raised his head, Seeing a line of magnificent arcs gradually rising from the horizon, it was a huge sun wheel, and the clouds and mist on the edge of the sun wheel were filled with eye-catching bright red.

When the countdown to Doomsday comes to an end, everyone is living their life.

At 5:35, Gawain arrived in his study room after breakfast. He did not take a seat at the desk, but stood quietly in front of the large French window, quietly watching the sun wheel on the horizon gradually fill up. Looking at the blood-colored light on the edge of the sun wheel spreading over the city little by little, Amber stood beside him, reporting the current situation with a serious face: "... The space projection process of the deep blue netway has been completed an hour ago. At the beginning, the magic observation departments of various countries have successfully detected the formation of the huge magic field. Although the naked eye cannot observe it for the time being, it is estimated from the data in various places that the strength of the magic field outside the atmosphere should have reached the threshold.

"The control center of Tarash Plain has returned, all parameters are normal, the highest system authority has been synchronized with the observer's secret room, the entire system of the parent star barrier will be activated in fifteen minutes, and there will be optical phenomena visible to the naked eye in the sky...

"The Theocratic Council groups have arrived at their scheduled positions, they had their last time alignment an hour ago, and now they are just waiting for the planned moment to come."

Gawain nodded lightly, he didn't say anything, but still calmly admired the scenery outside the window, as if he was completely immersed in this incredible beauty.

Because in fact, he really has nothing to do. Fighting against the doomsday is not something that one or several heroes can do at a critical moment, nor is it that the protagonists press a certain button at the last second of the countdown A key button can turn the world around. It is a long journey. It is a huge plan composed of thousands of people's hard work, years of preparation, countless long-term costs and painstaking trade-offs. It has a heavy beginning, a vigorous process, and a solemn and peaceful final moment, at least in his eyes, the real doomsday crisis will end like this:

All preparations were made before it came, the wise did their best, the industrious did the hard work, the brave gave their blood, they built dykes and walls before floods and storms, not heroes when disaster struck. Or lighting candles to sing praises, they will stare coldly at the arrival of the doomsday from the thick walls of the fortified city built by all will, scolding the blood rain and the end of the long night, and survive in the dawn.

Now, Gawain is ready, and he is watching the moment when the dawn is coming.

At 5:45 Cecil time, the commander of the Holy Setting Sun Chapter, and the commander of the White Knight, Amer Crete, stood in front of the icon of the God of Commerce. The priest of the Church of Light raised his head and quietly stared at the holy statue belonging to the Ability God in front of him, his expression was calm, and behind the chapter commander, there was a small team of fully armed white knights and the same. Number of war nuns.

The original priests of the God of Commerce were evacuated yesterday. With the suggestion of the oracle and the active cooperation of the leaders of various churches, the evacuation did not cause much disturbance.

A low hum came from near the ear, and the voice of another chapter commander came from Amar's helmet: "This is the Temple of Plenty. The last time was right, five minutes before 'delivery'."

Amer put his hand on the side of the helmet, and responded in a low voice: "This is the Cathedral of Commerce. We looked at each other for the last time and received it five minutes before delivery."

Then he raised his head and looked at the knights and nuns who followed behind him. The two white knights immediately stepped forward and began to arrange a simple sacrifice environment according to the procedures stipulated in the God of Commerce. The metal was placed in front of the icon, and blessed holy water and essential oils were sprinkled on the side. Another war nun came to the icon and lit a candle that had been prepared before the crackling sound caused by the slight jump of the flame. , Amer opened the pocket watch he carried with him and quietly watched the time on it.

He just stood there like a sculpture. After an unknown period of time, the steel sculpture suddenly moved. He took out a slightly yellowed parchment and threw it without hesitation at the moment when the countdown reached zero. into a small altar made of metal and stones, the parchment spontaneously burned the moment it touched the altar, but the flames did not burn it, but sent it directly to another world in this letter. Before the letter completely disappeared, its brief message appeared in Amer's eyes:

Sword of Dawn.

"The Cathedral of Commerce, the letter has been delivered. The Church of the Blood God, the letter has been delivered. The Temple of Bacchus, the letter has been delivered. The Temple of Plenty..."

Somewhere in the deep world, a majestic palace stood quietly on the top of the mountain. Faule, the **** of winter and the forest, was sitting on a boulder in front of the palace. He stared blankly at the gorgeous palace in front of him that had imprisoned him like a cage for hundreds of thousands of years, as if he was waiting boredly for something.

He saw the depths of the palace bright and radiant, the soulless Holy Spirit near the throne praising the god's valour and greatness, and countless explosives piled up in every corner of the palace, from the cloisters to the halls, from the high Tower to the throne.

After waiting quietly for an unknown time, Bitter Winter and the God of Mountain Forest suddenly felt something, and then he made a move, a small piece of paper suddenly appeared in his hand in the air, and when he saw the handwriting on the small piece of paper After that, a happy smile finally appeared on the face of the deity who was regarded as the guardian deity by the mountain people.

The giant **** suddenly stood up from the rock, raised the wine glass in his hand and greeted the palace in front of him. His voice was like a thunderous roar, and it rumbled throughout the kingdom of God: "Toast to the entire age of mythology!"

The detonating device was activated in an instant, and countless high-performance explosives, incendiary bombs, and pre-charged crystals began to release their destructive power according to a predetermined process, and all these forces were bound around the Throne and directed towards that. The soulless **** on the throne compresses and releases the palace, which is so solid that it is far beyond ordinary, and it shakes violently in an instant, and disintegrates and tears at a speed visible to the naked eye. With a loud bang, there are angry roars and crazy raving roars. It came from the direction of the throne and reverberated throughout the kingdom of God.

The divine half-body was enraged. His roar was filled with battered weakness and endless madness.

The guardian deity of the mountain people raised the wine glass, drank the fine wine in it, and then frowned: "...As expected, it is not as good as the wine god's brew... He should not die!"

Saying that, he threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground, grabbed the hunting knife and battle axe next to him, and faced the fierce heat wave, strutting towards the series of explosions that were still going on. In the blazing shrine, which was still collapsing and collapsed, he walked towards the huge shadow that was constantly expanding in the depths of the shrine, towards the "god" who had been severely damaged but not yet completely dead.

Obviously, Bitter Winter and the God of the Mountain and Forest did not do very well in the blasting class.

But it doesn't matter, he can rely on the chop axe and hunting knife in his hand for the insufficient marks in the demolition class.

The patron saint of the winter and the forest pounced on his final battle.

"Don't die!"

An inexplicable glow suddenly descended from the sky, covering the entire church area that had been blocked by martial law in advance, followed by more glows, and the constant low-pitched sound from the sky that sounded as if there was an invisible thunder. The storm is brewing in the clouds, and it seems that there are countless angry spirits roaring in the sky above the earth. The residents who were evacuated to nearby blocks in advance all looked up in amazement, watching the vision in the church area with a little nervousness, and those who were also evacuated The priests who came to the nearby neighborhoods gathered around their bishops, priests or saints in anxiety, seeking guidance and comfort.

"Don't worry, this is a test given to us by the goddess, and it is a crucial part of our faith."

The Holy Maiden of Plenty stood in front of her followers, with her back facing the direction of the Temple of Plenty, she used a gentle and calm tone to soothe the nervousness of the priests.

"The goddesses know the right way, they are on the right way, and we..."

A slight scorching heat came from her chest, and the Holy Maiden of Plenty lowered her head and saw that the wheat spike-shaped holy emblem on her chest had quietly cracked a gap.

She stared blankly at the cracked holy emblem, but after a while, she raised her head, her expression became calm as before: "We, too, will be on our right path."

The giant beast that the beings in the world have been preparing for a long time to resist the doomsday judgment has begun to operate, and the information from every tip of this giant beast converges to its brain like neural signals.

"...The news that just came," Amber left briefly, and soon returned to Gawain's side, "The three gods of abundance, the **** of commerce, and the **** of blood correspond to the icons, holy emblems, or holy objects that have appeared to varying degrees. Destroying the vision, the blood holy statue reacted the most violently, and the holy statue in the cathedral turned into dust in a roar..."

"...The throne of the gods collapsed, and the symbols of the world were inevitably affected," Gawain said softly, "This at least confirms that the actions of the various kingdoms of gods have unfolded as planned, and part of the divine half-body has fallen."

"The Theocratic Council is still closely monitoring the situation of the cathedrals. Before all the icons are damaged, the vigilance level will always be maintained at the highest level," Amber nodded lightly, "The Earthly Dawn battle group and the ground troops It has also been assembled at the 'induction point' outside the city. The sacred objects collected from the headquarters of various sects and the eternal slate have been arranged. If there is really a god's failure to act, causing the half-body of the gods to come to the world, our Troops can attack in the shortest time possible, and theoretically... a deity half body in a weakened and battered state would not be a match for the Earthly Dawn."

Gawain nodded slightly, and almost at the same moment, a strange glow appeared in the sky in his field of vision.

It was a glow like a lilac haze. It suddenly appeared in the highest part of the sky, as if a different color of clouds had emerged outside the clouds, and another sky was shrouded in the sky, and then the glow began to spread towards Spreading in all directions, like layers of waves, it continued to spread into the distance, and where the rays of the sun came, the entire sky was twisted and oscillated for a moment. Accompanied by this vision visible to the naked eye, Gawain still felt There was a very brief restlessness in the surrounding magical environment.

In the next second, he reacted: "... Ophelia has already activated."

The planetary shield is closing in on the outer atmosphere.

The whole world has seen or felt this historic scene. The different-colored clouds rose and spread outside the atmosphere, and gradually enveloped the entire planet. The amazing energy barrier even changed the color of the sky, allowing the clouds to reflect. An extremely magnificent and wonderful lavender or light blue tone, and for those supernatural beings who are able to perceive the flow of magic power, they can see the magic field that is constantly oscillating in the sky beyond the visible sky light. This is the interior of the celestial body. A brief vision caused when a torrent of magic power is transformed into an energy barrier over the planet.

The original Sentinel planned to use this vision to destroy the entire world's ecosystem, but now after the debugging and reset of the Ophelia Matrix, this terrifying "charge shock in the atmosphere" has turned into a short-lived and harmless The breeze, along with the closing of the planetary shields, blew over the entire earth.

For those who are still standing on the sky station at this moment, the scene they see is another magnificent and wonderful scene.

It was a layer of dreamlike shimmer like soap bubbles, rising and expanding from the surface of the planet beneath her feet. It spread out in space, and gradually approached the synchronous orbit where the sky station was located. Asha Lena stood there to observe Looking out into the space on the viewing platform, I saw a "mist" like a phantom cloud rising in the dark space, making the entire sky station seem to have turned into a steel castle floating above the clouds, surrounded by endless aurora curtains. Lifted up in space.

That layer of "clouds" finally stopped, and it did not completely expand to the height of the sky station, because this is the barrier limit that the deep blue network can support, but for the broadcast-relay array installed on the sky station , which is enough to project the thoughts of earthly beings onto that planetary shield.

The top engineering commander Nicholas's broadcast sound came from the cabins of the space station: "All units pay attention, the projection of thoughts will start in ten minutes."

Asarena took a light breath and looked away from the porthole: "I really want that guy to come up and have a look, this scene will never be seen by ordinary people in their lifetime."

"You mean Mr. Byron?" Siren Cassandra gently shook her long snake tail, "Then you invite him on your next vacation, anyway, he should be able to come up by then."

"...He is afraid of heights," Asha Lena sighed, "very, very afraid of heights, I took him for a ride in the sky, and he was afraid of heights that he could vomit all over me."

Cassandra thought for a while: "Then you can bring him, this is called desensitization therapy, and the space station is different from ordinary high altitudes, maybe he won't be afraid when he gets here?"

"You're right," Asharena said with a smile, "then I'll try it when I go back."

In the next second, Nicholas's voice echoed in the cabins again: "Every unit pays attention, the surface signal has arrived at the space station, and the broadcast-relay array will be activated after fifteen seconds, pay attention to check the operation of the nodes in the visual area."

Gao Wen stared at the sky quietly, watching the sky was completely shrouded in a layer of beautiful lavender rays of light, and the sun, which had been completely covered with blood-colored patterns, rose little by little in this lavender rays of light, just like the past billions of years. Like that, it illuminates the whole world.

Under the sunlight, the vision in the direction of the church district in the city continued to be out of sight of all beings in the world, and the battle of the gods at dusk was not yet clear.

"The planetary shield has been activated," Amber held the document just transmitted from the printing device next to him, and read the above content for Gawain, "The non-directional trend of thought has been injected into the broadcasting system, and it is coming from Tarash Plain. The monitoring signals are all normal, and judging from the information returned by all parties... Our parent star barrier has been activated as designed."

"The mother star barrier has been activated, but this is only the first step," Gawain's eyes never left the sky, and his mind was more sober than ever, "The real test happened when the magic wave front arrow came into contact with the barrier. At that moment, whether the fortified city we have built can survive for our civilization ... it will be seen at this moment."

"Fortunately, we didn't have to wait too long," Amber said softly. "To ensure that the parameters are accurate, the barrier was activated after the last magic tide shock was detected in the observer's secret room. 'O' contact evidence, so theoretically, after a while, we can get the 'final verdict' on our side."

Waiting is the biggest suffering, even if the waiting time is not very long.

Amber ran to bring two chairs and put one of them behind Gawain: "Sit and wait."

Gao Wen waved his hand: "I'm not tired."

"Just say you're tired," Amber glanced at Gawain, then stood on tiptoe and pulled Gawain's arm to the chair, "You've been standing for too long, you should sit down for the last time. Wait."

Gawain reluctantly glanced at the Shadow Assault Goose, who was still a short winter melon on tiptoe, and suddenly laughed, he pressed Amber's hair, and then sat on the chair: "Okay, I'll sit down and wait. "

Amber watched Gawain sit down, and she also sat on the chair next to her, but she was quiet for a while, then suddenly got up slightly, and moved the chair closer to Gawain.

Gao Wen glanced at her: "What's wrong?"

"I am nervous."

"Actually, I'm also a little nervous."

"The Iron King without blood and tears will also be nervous?"

"You've already published sixteen issues of "Sacred Words", are you telling me this?"

"...Well, yes," Amber laughed, "you're human too."

However, Gawain just curled his lips. This time, he did not refute the girl next to him, nor did he make any jokes. He just sat quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, bathing in the **** morning sun with Amber, watching the world as the countdown ended. appearance.

Then, the countdown went to zero.

It's exactly eight o'clock.

The clouds in the sky seemed to tremble a little, which was a sign that the Demon Tide Front Arrow had finally touched the barrier of the mother star.

But Gawain was suddenly in a trance, and then, all the light and shadow in his field of vision were shattered.

The endless intricate light and shadows spun rapidly in the shattering, and reorganized in perception in an incomprehensible way. Gawain felt as if his soul had been pulled out of his body at once, and was sent to a distant place. Unfamiliar place, but this chaotic feeling was fleeting, and he quickly felt that he "stabilized" and saw the scene in his field of vision.

There was endless pure white in all directions, and in the center of the pure white stood a hazy figure. The figure had no face, but had the same outline as a human being.

With a move in Gao Wen's heart, he tentatively walked towards the unfamiliar figure and greeted him: "Hello, you are..."

"This is the Voyager fleet, and in the name of the first pioneers, we salute the new Voyagers."

The figure didn't seem to see Gawain or hear Gawain's greetings, he was talking to himself, which made Gawain quickly understand that this was just an ancient video record.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the hazy figure continue:

"Our successors, when you or one of you discovers this video record, it must mean that you have met the final condition, you should have understood the meaning of 'adulthood' and resisted your current stage The ultimate ordeal you can face, you stand alone and proudly on this planet, ready to take your steps out.

"We congratulate you and congratulate you.

"As soon as the sailing crew set off, we foresaw the long and lonely journey. We knew very well what special laws this universe had. We knew it was as lush as summer and could breed countless Brilliant civilizations are as fierce as storms. Countless brilliant civilizations will rise and fall in a short cycle. We hope to find partners in this long and lonely journey, but we also know that on the scale of the universe, we can compete with others. Walking with civilization is a luxury.

"Even so, we still firmly believe that you will appear, perhaps after we have been away for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years, or after the fleet has been away from millions of light-years, and you may learn something from the relics we left behind. , may also develop a civilization that is completely beyond our expectations and has never been seen before, but in any case, we firmly believe in your existence.

"You must exist, and if you can...we hope you can also take this long journey into the stars, because this starry really worth seeing."

Beside Gawain, in the endless pure white background, countless magnificent scenes suddenly emerged.

He saw the blazing stars, and saw the huge pillars of flame spewing from the surface of the stars, traversing arcs tens of thousands of kilometers high in space, and the radiance and heat waves shot out were still dazzling and dazzling hundreds of millions of kilometers away. ;

He saw dark and icy stars drifting alone in the vast starry sky, huge rock structures covered with rifts and mountain peaks, and some remnants of ancient civilizations could be vaguely seen in the already frozen surface structures;

He saw the distant galaxy crack, huge space cracks spanned the space, large-scale high-energy gas clouds spewed out from the cracks, infiltrating the endless stars in the galaxy, and the huge fleet passed through the depths of the cloud. Collecting countless resources, building magnificent space giants.

Storms surge on the surface of gas giant planets, mountains and rivers of alien stars are bathed in sunlight, endless torrential rains are poured down in the alien world, and the glorious ancient kingdoms of foreign countries are flourishing in the strange land.

At the end of this scene, countless intelligent creatures are looking up at the sky.

"Not all creatures have the opportunity to reproduce wisdom, not all intelligent creatures have the opportunity to look up to the sky, not all creatures that look up to the sky have the opportunity to step into the sky, and not all creatures that step into the sky are lucky enough to live Take that first step."

All the light and shadow froze, and the hazy figure appeared in Gawain's eyes again, he slowly raised his hand and pointed to a certain direction in the distance.

"You have taken this step, and at the end of the innumerable zeros after the decimal point, you have seized that extremely slim chance.

"Don't waste this opportunity.

"Let's go, maybe our fleet will no longer appear in your sight, but you can firmly believe that we are in front of this route, just as we firmly believe in your existence.

"I wish you all the best of luck."

Gawain suddenly took a breath, and then all the light and shadow were shattered, and everything in front of him returned to its original appearance in the blink of an eye.

He calmed down and noticed that the giant sun on the horizon had already risen to the heights of the sky, but under the giant sun, there was an endless lavender glow covering the whole world, and the slowly drifting aurora was in the sunlight and light. Surrounded by purple rays of light, it looks like a grand curtain dropped from heaven.

He heard Amber's voice softly coming from the side: "It's so beautiful..."

Gawain blinked, the confusion in his mind gradually subsided, and Amber next to him finally noticed his strangeness, and immediately asked with some concern, "Are you alright?"

"...I'm fine," Gawain rubbed his forehead, then reacted, "Has the magic tide arrived?"

"Yes," Amber nodded slightly, and raised his hand to point to the curtains of aurora that appeared in the sky during the day, "as Carmel expected, it was a very beautiful view."

The faint cheers have begun to come from afar, but it is not clear whether it is coming from the square or from somewhere in the central area. Perhaps... the whole world is cheering?

"Didn't the gods come?" Gawain asked again.

"No, Earthly Dawn is staring at the induction point, but all the gods' relics have been broken, and the gods have not come to this world."

Gawain opened his mouth again: "Then..."

"We succeeded," Amber finally burst into a very bright smile, just as bright as when she escaped from the ruined old territory with Gawain many years ago, "We succeeded! Old Zongzi , we succeeded! And we use the same system as the Noi people, and they seem to have succeeded there too!"

She jumped up all over, and the loud voice almost made Gawain's ears hurt, but this time, Gawain didn't care about her rash move, because an urge to cheer also filled his heart. He laughed, but before he also cheered, the magic net terminal installed on the desk next to him suddenly started, and then Amoen's voice suddenly came, interrupting his movement: "Don't be too busy cheering. Do you have medical staff there? Send a few regiments to help."

Gawain was stunned for a moment, and hurried to the magic net terminal: "What's the situation?"

"Fauule came back from being beaten half dead. When Dunmer went back to check the scene, he didn't notice that there were still a bunch of bombs that didn't explode. Nefari and Gizna were running slowly when they detonated..."

Gao Wen: "…"

He came to the magic net terminal in astonishment, and then with a blank expression he saw the chaotic scene shown on the holographic projection. In the assembly field next to the golden oak tree, there were a bunch of "gods" with gray faces or **** faces.

The blood-faced Bitter Winter and the God of the Mountains and Forests are sitting on the big stone in the center to brag about their bravery. In the distance receiving emergency treatment from the three sisters of abundance...

But Gao Wen counted them carefully, and found that there was not less than one.

And they seem to be in good spirits, but after finally recovering from the injury, they have returned to the way they had suffered from Ms. Ye.

So he smiled and sat in the high-back chair behind the desk, leaning back comfortably.

"Mortal doctors probably won't be able to cure this, at least we don't have this technology yet," he said happily with a smile, "Anyway, the field of nature you are in charge of also has medical power, so you should work harder."

Amoen immediately protested when he heard this: "You know how many they have..."

But Gawain has silenced the voice of protest.

He narrowed his eyes, and for the first time in years, let his body and mind completely relax.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the bright sunlight has spread all over the earth, and the warmth is unbelievable.

On the wall opposite the desk, the mechanical clock was still ticking. At 8:05, after the countdown to the Doomsday Judgment had passed, the time hand of Loren Civilization jumped briskly to the next second.

(season finale)

(ps: Even if the main storyline of "Sword of Dawn" is over here, you may come out after a little bit of a story, but I'm not sure, at least take a rest...)

(ps2: Although the book is finished, it will be doubled at the end of this month. Those who want to vote monthly can save until the end of the month to vote.)