MTL - Take a Husband for Farming-Chapter 486

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"Then I thanked my grandma, Xia Yu!" She said quickly, and Xie shouted to the door.

Xia Yu and his wife and others were joking down the corridor, hearing the owner calling her, quickly responding, knowing that the matter had been settled.

She was busy picking the curtains with her son and others to come in and listen.

"Ma'am, slaves are here, what can you tell me?"

Mu Rouzang laughed: "Dasao is a man of good manners. No, it's easy to pull out the money. You will wait for the grandmother to go to the tent to get the 22 thousand silvers back."

"It's grandma!" Xia Yu got Mu Rouzang's hint, and asked Su Wan'er innocently, "Maternal and child, shall we do this errand now?"

Su Waner moved the corners of her mouth to deduce that today is not empty, Mu Rouzang has already taken the lead and replied, "Relax, your grandmother and granddaughter have already dealt with this matter, and they will be in a hurry to do this first priority."

In this case, Su Wan'er was so embarrassed to say that she had to shirk, so she had to bite the bullet and told Xinger to take the right card, and go to the account room with Xia Yu to get the two thousand two.

Mu Rouzang saw the two go out, and when the matter was done, he laughed that it was late and it was time to go home for dinner.

Su Wan'er was distressed by the 22 thousand silver, but she didn't have any thoughts to talk with Mu Rouzang, but she only sent a few words, and then she sent the little girl to Mu Rouzang to leave the gate of the Jinyuan Academy.

"I'm so mad!" Su Wan'er hated the colored porcelain tea cup and slammed it on the ground. This was not enough. She picked up the vase in the house and slammed the plate, and then she was out of breath.

"Oh, my master, who doesn't offend you in the long-term?" She sighed to her, hurriedly greeted the little girl to pour tea, and don't ask someone to clean the broken porcelain in the house.

Su Wan'er glanced at her and said, "Your little hoof knows why I'm angry, and is still pretending to be here?"

But Er said, "Little grandma, is n’t slavery seeing you fall off fast, hasn't the silver of these porcelains been made up by the public? The slavery got the letter a few days ago but saw your favorite porcelain pavilion It's a new look, and it's gratifying to see it! "

Su Wan'er slammed all over, but she really lost her breath and said, "Oh, you're right, but now nine of the ten shops on the street are closed. Where did this new porcelain come from? Isn't the boss afraid of losing money? "

He Er said: "How can it be? I heard that the shop all took goods from the Western Regions, and the goods also came from foreign regions. This time, I am afraid it will take more than half a year!"

Su Wan'er laughed: "Wait tomorrow morning, you will go to the account room to pick up the silver money, and buy me ten or eight sets to come back." Mi Er saw her agree, and replied: "Slaves will buy back when I am sure that Grandma likes it very much. By the way, this New Year is over. Is Grandma going to add some silver jewelry? "

She turned her eyes randomly, then laughed again: "The same is true, the seven or seven days have not yet passed, and the new emperor has issued a will to keep filial piety for the emperor for one year, so I should add some jewelry, tomorrow Go to the tent and get more. "

Xun Er responded in a hurry, and saw Su Waner no longer angry with Mu Rouzang, so she felt relieved.

Besides, Mu Rouzang sent Xia Yu and took two thousand silver from the public school, so he went to Zuofu and Mufu, asked two experts who knew the sculpture, and explained the reasons one by one. There was news in Zuofu, saying that there was a master in Luzhou, and the generation has carved a living.

Mu Rouzang got a reply and thought about it carefully. Yang Zixuan attaches great importance to this relocation of the grave. If he invited someone from Luzhou, the two thousand and two are almost the same, so he left the house on the third day. They arranged for her to find the stonemason.

After a few days like this, the stonemason's affairs have not yet come to an end, but Prince Zhong's Mansion once again set off a big wave.

On this day, after having breakfast, she began to count the expenses of these months. Because of the tense atmosphere in Beijing, the shops are also locked. Mu Rouzang has entries in the village except the village last year, and the shops in Jingli in the second half of the year I have been losing money for months.

She closed the book with a sigh, reached out and rubbed her eyebrows. I don't know when it will be her head.

Seeing her very worried, Chunfeng said, "Little grandma, let's get everyone off first? The left and right embroidered ladies were brought up by Zhuangzi herself."

Mu Rouzang shook his head and said, "You ca n’t cross the river to dismantle the bridge. Let ’s do it first. Now the world is unstable. If you let everyone go home by yourself, it ’s not good. You can go outside and ask if you can go south If there is a boat in the near future, send someone to **** these embroidered ladies back to Oyama Village! "

"But there are a lot of moonlight moonlight every month!" Chunfeng was distressed and turned over the books of other expenditures.

"Now that everyone is still doing things on the embroidery village, for the time being, if the world is getting worse, you can only dismiss everyone first, and then call everyone back when the world bureau is better."

"Grandma, Sister Chunyi is here!" Xia He embroidered under the gallery shouted across the window.

"Oh, please invite her in." Mu Rouzang put down her account book, stretched her waist, and called Chunfeng to put it all together.

Chunyi picked in the curtain and came in, muttering: "Grandma is so true, she threw the slave in there and let it go."

Mu Rouzang saw that her face was rosy and good-looking, so she laughed and said, "Why, my young grandmother can't help Xiaotong to accompany you every day?"

"Grandma!" Chunyi stomped her feet unhappy!

"Well, let me see. Xiaotong really supports you. Look, she's a lot fatter."

Mu Rouzang happily pulled her to look around.

Chunran came in from the outside with a basin of fresh pineapples and said, "Little grandma, there aren't many pineapples from the caravan, but you have to talk to the young master and bring them back from the south."

Chunyi said, "I'm afraid it won't happen!"

Mu Rouzang asked her in surprise: "Why is this?"

Chun Yi sighed: "Little grandma, everything is arranged over there, your dowry has been placed in the private treasury and the booklet has been arranged. The spring ploughing of Zhuangzi on the Beijing side has been arranged, but the spring ploughing on the hillside village is not passed on. Now. "

When she saw everyone, she looked at her in confusion, and did not sell her, she said directly, "The canal is closed!"

Mu Ruosang contemplates, and then just said: "The canal was closed? Earlier I heard Zi Xuan said that after King Jin hanged his filial piety, he quietly dived back to the land of Shu. Now it seems that the world is really about to change!"

Chunyi said distressedly: "Who said no, when the sons came here today, you did n’t know, but that way would be checked four or five times. Fortunately, I heard that it has not been to Prince Zhong ’s Mansion. Difficult, I heard that the east of the city is the best, and the search is not as tight as it is said. It is said that the north and south of the city are the worst. It is to go out to buy a vegetable, or to be careful about eating. Be careful again, and accidentally the brain will fall to the ground. "

Chunran brewed tea for the two, and followed, saying, "The slaves also heard that this morning, the manager of Zhuangzi's delivery of vegetables said that entering the city today is more stringent than in the past. Thankfully, it was delivered to Prince Loyal. Fortunately, the steward also knew some people, otherwise he was designated to enter the city. "

Chunjing heard anxiously: "Is there a fight?"

Everyone: ...

Aunt Liu heard that spring was here, and it was better than going back and forth, listening to it, and cursing: "Chunjing, how can you just think about fighting, and you usually throw in the corner of your etiquette rules?"

Mu Rouzang reached out and stroked his forehead, and said, "Well, aunt, you don't know what kind of character she is."

Aunt Liu complained: "Young lady, let her get used to it and see where she looks like a slave of a big family."

Mu Rouzang nodded in agreement, Chunjing was a female man.

"Yes, aunt, how can the four summers be taught? The younger sister is going to be late this year. I think about it. She is also a serious girl of my Mu family, and if Shi Shi only has two girls around her, she may not be able to justify it. "

Aunt Liu was really distracted, and she couldn't even swear at Chunjing. She replied quickly: "It's almost already taught. These four Xiayuan are going to be a second-class girl for grandma, but they are going to teach some etiquette. And work. "

Mu Rou Sang nodded and said, "It's hard for my aunt. When I'm busy with spring ploughing, I'll pick some girls from Zhuangzi, and some of them will go to Xinfu, and another eight will be picked up and put in the hospital for third class Three girls, if they look good, then select four of them to be second-class girls. "

Without the Prince Princess loyal on her head, adding a few people to Mu Rouzang's courtyard was her mouth opening.

"Can grandma three be at home?" Falling child's voice sounded at the gate of the hospital.

"Yes, aunt, how can the four summers be taught? The younger sister is going to be late this year. I think about it. She is also a serious girl of my Mu family, and if Shi Shi only has two girls around her, she may not be able to justify it. "

Aunt Liu was really distracted, and she couldn't even swear at Chunjing. She replied quickly: "It's almost already taught. These four Xiayuan are going to be a second-class girl for grandma, but they are going to teach some etiquette. And work. "

Mu Rou Sang nodded and said, "It's hard for my aunt. When I'm busy with spring ploughing, I'll pick some girls from Zhuangzi, and some of them will go to Xinfu, and another eight will be picked up and put in the hospital for third class. Three girls, if they look good, then select four of them to be second-class girls. "

Without the Prince Princess loyal on her head, adding a few people to Mu Rouzang's courtyard was her mouth opening.

"Can grandma three be at home?" Falling child's voice sounded at the gate of the hospital.

The goalkeeper's wife replied, "Here, it's a fallen girl. Come in soon."

Mu Rouzang heard the movement far away in the room, and signaled the people in the room not to talk about the moment just now. A few people gathered around her and just picked up the funny stories of the people.

From time to time, under the guidance of the little girl, he fell under the curtain of the little girl and said, "Our grandma will still live. My grandma is too busy to touch her feet every day. People are thinner and older, and slaves often persuade us Grandma should learn what Grandma 3 is like. "

Mu Rouzang just smiled and beckoned to her, "Come here and sit down, but what wind is blowing you today."