MTL - Take a Husband for Farming-Chapter 539

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Yishui's little fart, sitting on a roof by the garden holding a small jar of wine, from left to right, respectively, Yang Ruyan, the two princes who were facing the little prince, Yang Ruyu, and Hibiscus House, left The eldest son, Zuo Renxian's uncle's eldest son, sandwiched between Princess Fuxin Su Shaner.

Further to the side are the youngest daughter of Taohua and the youngest son of Liu Guixiang. Finally, there was a milk doll, Liu Guizhi's daughter.

One of the young boys in a purple robe drew pink bubbles in his eyes and said to Fenguo very casually, "Guoguo, isn't that your mother feeding your brother!"

The little girl's face was pink and pink: "My name is Yang Ruyan, I can't change my name, I can't change my last name."

Nasty mother-in-law, what nickname for others.

"Yaner!" The little boy changed his mouth immediately.

"Name is called name, what is it? Are you practicing? I don't know how many in the harem!"

The little girl became more and more unhappy, and the nasty emperor made a doll kiss!

As a result, she couldn't look at her handsome brother upright.

The snoring little boy was not upset and still smiled like a little fox: "Yaner or Guoguo!"

The little girl nodded solemnly: "You're still called Guoguo!"

It sounds much better than that of Lao Shizi. Only the little white lotus, which is often said by her mother's lips, likes her name.

The little boy looked more and more fascinated. The young girl's jade face has begun to bloom, and in the future it will be the appearance of all the country. All I can say is that the lover's eyes are out of Xizi.

"Guoguo, when you have long hair and waist, you will be able to crown your name with my surname, and the harem will be your world in the future!" The little boy did not know who was brainwashed.

"Tear her mother, so I cut my long hair every year!" The little girl replied sulkingly.

Duoduo Yang Ruyu with a small face said coolly: "Don't think you can be a prince to grab my sister. My sister belongs to my family."

"Guo Guo is the daughter-in-law appointed by my father!" The little boy, known as the prince, was very upset.

"Dare you look at my brother?"

A crack, a little crown prince got a paw.

Su Shaner drank a flushed face and said drunkly, "Prince, you can't say bad things about cousin!"

One of the princes besieged was very innocent, and it was as easy as marrying a wife for someone else.

"Guo Guo, you won't go to the Western Regions this year!"

The little prince had a lot of eyes, and the ghost knew if there was a man in the Western Regions who had colluded with his little prince.

"What are you thinking in your brain? You're a big guy, how many times do I have to say!"

Yang Ruyan's small claw once again waved on the back of a bitter Prince.

The prince's face changed and changed. The father said, because he was not like a fox, so he didn't hold the beauty. In order to be able to hug the prince, he--

Bear it!

Mu Rouzang sneaked under the eaves under the suggestion of the girl under the porch and the mother-in-law, trying to catch the group of rabbits who had been drinking and drinking, only to hear her tears. Is it the domineering big sister's head?

Is this really her daughter?

In the winter of the first thirteen years, Liu Daru died, and in the spring of the following year, Madam Liu followed closely.

In the first seventeen years, Prince Da Zhou married Princess Fu Yi as the princess!

At the same time, she couldn't accept that her sister had become someone else's, and she couldn't live in her own home much-Yang Ruyu left home!

same year:

Yang Zixuan Ren Shangbu

Zuo Renwen

Hibiscus is the Prince and Master and concurrently holds the position of Shangshu.

Zuo Renxian serves as the waiter of the ceremony

Wei Anping Ren Ducha Yuan Yushi

Mu Yiyang, Qin Tieshu, and Zhu Fugui were released as governors.

In the first two decades, Mrs. Zuo died.

Then, twenty-three years after the beginning, Yang Ruyu, who was away from home, came back, and at the same time turned around a cute little girl to be a daughter-in-law.

Twenty-four years later, Yang Junxuan, the father of Yang Zixuan, died.

In the first 28 years, Zuo Renyou died.

Forty years from the beginning, the old Su Ruirui announced his abdication! Successor to the Crown Prince, built under the name of the year!

At the same time, there is also one of the hibiscus family, the Mu Rouzang family!

After three years of construction, a wealthy compound on the west **** of Xiaoshan Village, when the spring is strong, the shy peach girl throws the branches!

"Hey, this chess is definitely my go. Your dead old man who is greedy for silver, while I'm not paying attention to changing the chess piece, I will cut your brain."

This is Su Ruirui's change for Shirayuki!

Yang Zixuan was also old. After he and the hibiscus returned to the countryside, Su Ruirui chased him all the way.

"You have already abdicated, save effort!" Mu-Hi's sidelined the game and added fuel to it.

Yang Zixuan is now an old fox!

"That is, you old man, don't forget, I am the governor of the kingdom."

He replied while bearding, and immediately flashed in front of his eyes, and smiled: "Mother, don't give this old emperor the fresh peach filling!"

Su Ruirui's temper really closed, and turned to see Mu Rouzang holding a cane, holding a small bamboo basket in his hand, a cotton silk skirt, and seeing that the corner of the skirt was covered with rain, he got up to meet her and support her.

"As soon as it rains, the road is slippery, so save it!"

"I think Feng Yan has dreamed yesterday, dreaming that she complained to me, saying that the things in the local government are old and expensive, and the money is not enough, so I need to burn more paper money for her. No, I will Go to the village head store and buy a thick stack of copper paper and burn her. "

Mu Rouzang shivered and shoved the small bamboo basket to him. She didn't spend a lot of time with old eyes, so how could she not break his small plan.

Then she said, "I also told her that we were fine, and told her to save some flowers. Before March 3, I cried poorly in my dreams!"

Probably the battle in the palace was too fierce. Although Su Ruirui took care of it, Mu Fengyi gave birth to a daughter in her life. Because she was exhausted and exhausted early, she asked Su Ruirui before her death and let her be buried. Back in the small village, she would accompany her poor sister, parents, and brother!

Su Ruirui couldn't bear to let her down, and finally nodded in agreement, the Mu family made a surprising woman!

After 14 years of construction, Hibiscus passed away. With his death, Princess Jing'an missed her husband and accompany him in front of his grave every day, always picking up memories of his youth.

A month later, due to excessive sadness, Princess Jing'an sat in front of the grave and talked with Hibiscus for a while, and then she left safely to pursue her lover in this life!

With the death of two close relatives, Mu Rouzang was knocked down. She was also in a bad state because of excessive sadness.

So after three more years of stop-and-go construction, the construction of the seventeenth autumn!

Mu Rou Sang was very old at this time, at this time, she was too old to move! On this day, she felt suddenly a lot better. When she opened her eyes, she found that Yang Zixuan and Su Ruirui were sitting in front of her bed.

She smiled relievedly: "I saw my elder brother standing next to the door, and Feng Ye and Yi Yang brother. They came together, saying that Huangquan Road was dark and cold, and I was afraid that I would be alone on the road , I've been waiting for me at the intersection of Huangquan, waiting for me ... to be with me, knowing that I'm afraid of darkness, I'm afraid of crossing the bridge alone. "

Yang Zixuan and Su Ruirui stood beside her, tears were heard when they heard this.

"Little Sang Sang, how can you be so determined to let me go first?"

"Zixuan, I'm afraid of loneliness, so I'm glad to go before you, and afterwards ... even if I ... I still have someone under Jiuquan remember, good, remember to give I burn more paper money and burn more girls and mother-in-law. I am very, very, very lazy, I still want, yes, I need someone to wait. "

Her face was already gray-white, and her speech was intermittent!

"The emperor forbids you to say this frustrated words, too doctor, too doctor, and then he will cut your brains if he does not cure her."

Su Ruiru raised his white beard unhappy.

Mu Rouzang smiled happily: "Su Ruirui, don't talk about chopping others' heads in the future. I'm glad to meet you in my life and owe a lot to you ..."

Two men, she has loved and loved ...

When Su Ruirui saw her eyes start to fall apart, Yang Zixuan pushed away aside and leaned down. Mu Rouzang seemed to see him unhappy in the vagueness. Su Ruirui was as overbearing as he was then. If he was not married then, she would Yun Ying is not married, Xu is another story.

He bent down and said softly in her ear: "Good, Sanger, promise grandpa, grandpa Xu, and grandpa promises you all your life, only to marry you as your wife, and no one else." It was painful to understand and love someone. Take good care of her.

Mu Rouzang felt that she was gradually sinking into the darkness. She heard her husband's heartbreaking roar, and Su Ruirui's shout of breaking his soul.

She wanted to tell him: Su Ruirui, if there is a future life, I am afraid that it will be difficult for several people to meet again. She is a strange soul from a thousand years later. She is afraid that the soul will return to her hometown!

Mu Rouzang's party shed tears, she closed her eyes peacefully, took the love of her from two men, and passed away in this life full of happiness.

One year later, the sad Yang Zixuan and Su Ruirui died in the small village on the same day. As a generation of Mingjun, he gave up his burial into the imperial tomb, and buried with Yang Zixuan beside Mu Rouzang's grave.

As quietly as she was around her during her lifetime, they were thinking about the moment they grew old. If there is a next life, they must hold her hand firmly first ...