MTL - Take It Easy-Chapter 38 belong to me

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Zhou Yi turned around in silence for a few seconds, and his throat slipped lightly.

When Mu Qinglin came back, the family had already gone to bed.

Their family didn't pay much attention to keeping the year old, and if the lights were on all night, it would be a guide for those relatives who had left.

Mu Qinglin was afraid of disturbing other people, so he opened the door very lightly. He didn't want to make a creaking noise because the house was too old, which made the deserted night even more deserted.

All in all, Mu Zhenghuai's house was still a welfare house that he applied for from the Employment Research Institute when he married Mu Qinglin's mother, Shang Ning.

In a flash, thirty years have passed.

"Sister—" Mu Zipei, who came out to drink water, saw Mu Qinglin leaning against the wall of the entrance, and called her in a daze.

Mu Qinglin tilted her head, "Haven't slept yet?"

Mu Zipei rubbed his eyes and walked over, "Dad made your favorite potato roast chicken at night, but you didn't come back, so I ate it all. There's so much salt, I'm so thirsty that I can't sleep at all."

Mu Qinglin deliberately teased her, "You ate my meal, how dare you dislike me?"

"Who told you not to come back." Mu Zipei stuck out her tongue towards Mu Qinglin, and said happily: "During dinner at night, it's too funny for Dad to look embarrassed when he wanted to call you."

Mu Qinglin's eyes flickered slightly, "Dad looked for me again later?"

"No, but I can see that he wants to ask you what time you are on duty. If it's early, he should be waiting for you." Mu Zipei sighed, "You two haven't talked properly in the past two years, have you? It's not that Dad is on a business trip, It’s just that you are running around for interviews, and the time is always running short. Are you drinking again?”

Mu Zipei suddenly came to ask.

Mu Qinglin put her head in her hands and dialed it out, "You are a person who can smell anhydrous alcohol and get drunk, stay away from me."

Mu Zipei didn't agree, and hugged Mu Qinglin's waist directly, lying on her body coquettishly, "Sister, you didn't even tell me Happy New Year."

Mu Qinglin bowed his head, with a deep smile in his voice, "Isn't there already Wang Yang, what's missing from me?"

Mu Zipei blushed, and her voice became coy, "Oh, how can Wang Xiaoyang compare with you, tell me quickly!"

"Okay—" Mu Qinglin paused, coaxing Mu Zipei to say, "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year!" Mu Zipei's giggle broke the silent night.

Mu Qinglin went back to the room in the dark, and wanted to send the same words to Zhou Yi.

This should have been said at the moment of separation. I didn't want Teacher Jiu to be too thin-skinned. She said "Then I will always smile at you like this from now on", which made Teacher Jiu feel ashamed. You laughed, do you want to show your face?"

After scolding, he asked her to drink less wine in the future, saying that she forgot what a face was as soon as she got on top.

With such a diversion, Mu Qinglin forgot what he was going to say.

However, Teacher Jiu's complaints are true, alcohol is indeed easy to disturb people's minds, for example...

Suddenly recalling the strange moment on the stairs, Mu Qinglin stopped in his pocket to get his phone.

After a few seconds, the hand still went in.

The screen lit up, and the first thing Mu Qinglin saw was Zhou Yi found out that the order was over, and he stepped on the WeChat message: [arrived? 】

Mu Qinglin leaned back and lay down on the bed: 【I'm already on the bed】

Zhou Yi replied in seconds: [Sleep]

Mu Qinglin: [Can't sleep]

Zhou Yi: [/smile]

Mu Qinglin: [Mr. Jiu, do you want to say something? 】

Zhou Yi quickly returned a voice message, "Say what?"

How did Mu Qinglin know, she just said it casually.

During this period of time, I got used to bickering with Zhou Yi, and I couldn't stop talking.

Mu Qinglin turned over and lay on his side, thinking about how to explain to keep the peace that lasted all night.

Before she could come up with an idea, a new voice suddenly popped out of the bullet box.

Mu Qinglin opened it without any hassle.

Zhou Yi's uncomfortably quiet voice slowly dissipated in the silence of the room, "Mu Qinglin, thank you for spending the New Year with me. There are a lot of Buddhas and demons, and I'm just a fun-loving person at most. I always thought that the rest of my life would be spent alone Pass."

Zhou Yi's short sentences were not closely related, but Mu Qinglin understood her meaning at once: The excitement of Buddha and demons is a carnival of a group of people. Zhou Yi comes from outside and can participate but cannot enjoy it alone. Zhou Yi is actually still alone.

This year is different. Among the many people on the rooftop, she went there just for Zhou Yi. So, she was also fortunate to hear that this awkward girl gave in once.

Mu Qinglin looked at the short voice note on the screen, and suddenly understood why Zhou Yi was so irritable when she gave her wrong grades, and also understood why she had to repeatedly confirm that she would go to accompany her for the New Year.

Probably, it's just a little girl who grew up alone while waiting, and was forced to lose even this little happiness in the end. She suddenly received benefits, and I couldn't believe it.

Mu Qinglin sat up on the bed, and dialed Zhou Yi's phone in the darkness.

Zhou Yi answered quickly, but did not speak. The more this happened, the more sour Mu Qinglin felt.

The horizontal Zhou Yi can withstand the storm, she is too soft to be hurt, even if it is just a small thorn, she will feel the pain of piercing into the flesh.

"Xiao Jiu..." Mu Qinglin called her.

Zhou Yi made a "hmm" sound, preemptively, "Don't over-interpret my words, I don't mean anything, this is what Tang Yuanzhou forced me to say, if I don't say it, I will be kicked out."

how is this possible.

Even if it was really forced by Tang Yuanzhou, with Zhou Yi's character, if it wasn't her own will. Even if someone put a knife on her neck, she would not say such "hypocritical" words.

But Mu Qinglin, you don't intend to expose it.

"How much do you think I have the energy to think now?" Mu Qinglin said.

"No..." Zhou Yi's tone was obviously much lighter, "Go to sleep, and when you wake up, you will find that nothing happened tonight."

Mu Qinglin, "I guess it's unlikely, at least one thing, I'm very impressed."

"Which point?"

"You seem to praise me for looking good."

"Oh, the light was not good at that time, so I couldn't see it."

"But I'm serious. Now you're hurting me by talking back. You just say what to do."

"how could I know."

"I know…"

"What?" Zhou Yi asked.

Mu Qinglin laughed, "After I punish you, you must tell me this sentence every new year, face to face."

There was a slight sound of a hard object colliding from Zhou Yi's end, very similar to the sound of a pen falling on the desk.

After a long time, Mu Qinglin heard her say: "Although it's boring to speak out against my conscience, I can do what I can."

Mu Qinglin looked up, looked at the calendar displayed on the table at 1.1, and said with a smile, "It's a deal."

Zhou Yi, "Hmm..."

For breakfast the next day, it was rare for the whole family to get together.

Li Chengqi was so happy that he took out all the good things from the bottom of the box and put them on display. Mu Zipei, who hadn't had a good meal since the holiday, was so sour that his eyes went straight.

"When did you come back?" Mu Zhenghuai asked suddenly.

Mu Qinglin was hangover and had a bad appetite, so she casually scooped up the porridge in the bowl and said, "Morning..."

"It's past two o'clock..." Mu Zipei added, Mu Qinglin glanced at him with a smile, and immediately sat back and pretended to be good.

"Why are you so busy so late? I remember that your group is rarely on duty on New Year's Eve." Mu Zhenghuai said.

Mu Qinglin, "I had a meal with my friends."

"Well, it's good for young people to get together, but try to drink as little as possible."


"By the way, I ran into Director Wang a few days ago and heard that he wanted to transfer you back to the news center?" Mu Zhenghuai asked, stopping his chopsticks.

Li Chengqi quickly looked up at Mu Qinglin.

The unhurried movements of her hands remained unchanged.

"What Lao Wang told me was to help out temporarily, nothing else." Mu Qinglin said.

Mu Zhenghuai nodded, "Maybe it's just a thought."

"He has too many ideas." Mu Qinglin put down the spoon and said, "Dad, Auntie, I'm full. Please take your time. I'll wash the dishes first. Auntie can't do all the work on the first day of the new year alone." .”

Li Chengqi stood up resolutely and snatched the bowl from Mu Qinglin's hand, pretending to be displeased, "The New Year is for you children, just play well, and grab any adult's work."

Mu Qinglin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Auntie, I'll be 28 as soon as the new year is over."

"What's wrong with 28, even if you are 88 this year, you have to obediently call me auntie."


"Listen to your aunt, go catch up for a while, I will wash the dishes for your aunt, if it doesn't work, you can still call me Pepe."

When Pepe heard this, she wished she could shake her head.

Mu Qinglin had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​washing dishes, turned around and left.

Just as he left the table, he heard Mu Zhenghuai say behind him in a formal tone: "What Dad said just now has no other meaning. I just want to remind you. If you don't want to answer, just refuse. Don't worry about sorry to anyone."

Mu Qing paused without looking back, "Okay, thank you Dad."

Mu Zipei didn't understand, so, "Who will I be sorry if my sister doesn't go back?"

"Eat your food." Li Chengqi blocked Mu Zipei's mouth with a bun.

As soon as Mu Qinglin woke up, she didn't feel much sleepy. She flipped through the book for a while, but didn't read anything, and there was a vague sense of drifting in her mind.

As soon as he heard the phone vibrate, Mu Qinglin was stunned for a while before putting the book back and reading it with the phone.

Tang Yuanzhou sent her a photo of Zhou Yi on WeChat—wearing a monkey doll costume, holding a banana in his mouth, with a dazed expression on his face. Candid shot, but... so cute...

Mu Qinglin returned to the chat interface and asked Tang Yuanzhou: 【Is there a show in the shop? 】

Tang Yuanzhou: [Where is it, Xiao Jiu deliberately played tricks on eating dumplings at home in the morning, and tricked Lingling into eating one with mustard, and even pretended that it was good luck to eat it, Lingling was so angry that she put on such a school suit costume, let her stand at the door as a mascot...]

【How about it? Is there a feeling that it is tailor-made for Xiaojiu? 】

Mu Qing clicked on the photo and looked at it again, and replied to him: [One inch long and one inch short can't reflect the spirit of Teacher Jiu...]

Tang Yuanzhou: [On behalf of Fa: Is it cool to flirt on New Year's Day? 】

This is what Zhou Yi said.

Mu Qinglin imagined her expression for a moment, and a small smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: 【Is it convenient to go there today? 】

Tang Yuanzhou: [Too convenient]

【Hurry up, let's form a team and go out to play later...】

Mu Qinglin replied with an OK expression, and immediately got up and went out.

Passing the kitchen, I heard Mu Zhenghuai and Li Chengqi talking.

The voices of the two were obviously deliberately lowered.

"I shouldn't have talked about Old Wang with Yanyan today." Mu Zhenghuai said regretfully.

Mu Ziyan, Mu Qinglin's original name according to her seniority, the meaning is very simple: I hope she will be smart and beautiful in the future.

After Mu Qinglin went to school, she found that the word "Yan" had too many duplicate names, so she went to the office to ask Mu Zhenghuai to change her name that day.

Mu Zhenghuai was not so rigid, and agreed to change to the current Mu Qinglin. But it is still customary to call her Yanyan when worshiping the ancestors or privately. The former is respect, and the latter is a habit.

Li Chengqi took Mu Zhenghuai's clean bowl and reassured him, "It's okay, I don't see any reaction from Yanyan, she probably put it down."

Mu Zhenghuai, "Can I go back if I let it go? She has such a bright future."

When Mu Qinglin heard Mu Zhenghuai sighed heavily.

He is a senior engineer and an authority on applied optics. Even in the face of the most difficult professional problems, he has never sighed so much. Now for her, he is so careful that he regrets even saying a word.

Mu Qinglin's internal organs were shaking, guilt and those long-buried memories were quietly peeling off her breath.

Mu Zipei, who was called by Wang Yang's mother to get some snacks, came up and saw Mu Qinglin, subconsciously wanted to call her sister, but she put her index finger over her mouth and made a "shh" gesture.

Mu Zipei nodded quickly, then walked over on her feet, and asked her in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Mu Qinglin also replied angrily, "Get ready to slip."

"Where are you going? I'm going too!"

"Unit, are you going?"

"No!" No one spoke, there was nothing to play, it was boring.

Mu Qinglin shrugged, expressing that he was helpless.

Mu Zipei had no choice but to get out of the way and let Mu Qinglin leave alone.

After walking quickly all the way to the car, Mu Qinglin realized that she forgot to bring the car keys.

She leaned against the car for a while, then turned and went out to take the subway.

The subway took a detour, and it took Mu Qing Linlin nearly an hour to arrive at Hongmen Lane.

On the first day of the new year, Hongmen Lane woke up unexpectedly early.

Mu Qinglin walked all the way in, and his ears were filled with cheers, until Buddha Mo suddenly turned into a painful exclamation.

Yang Ling was chasing and beating Tang Yuanzhou, she slapped her leg with a mop, she really didn't treat him as an outsider, the pain was so painful that he couldn't help cursing.

The harder she scolded, the harder Yang Ling smoked. She was taken aback by the couple on the first day of the New Year's Eve.

What about Zhou Yi?

Mu Qinglin scanned the inside, and finally fixed his gaze on the door.

Almost forgot, someone has transformed into a little monkey.

Mu Qinglin walked lightly, and saw the little monkey Zhou sitting on the short threshold eating bananas, enjoying himself while eating, his shoulders shaking like a sieve, and she cruelly threw his tail outside the door. It is so fluffy, and the tail is bent back for a while.

Mu Qinglin looked amused, and quietly walked behind Zhou Yi, stepped on the tip of her tail with his foot, then bent down, put one hand in front of her face and said, "You pay with one hand, and you pay with the other."

Zhou Yi lowered his hand holding the banana peel, "What if there is no money?"

Mu Qinglin said, "If you don't have money, it will be mine."

Zhou Yi turned her head in silence for a few seconds, and her throat slid lightly, "Then there is no money."