MTL - Taking Part in a Survival Game with My Brother-Chapter 138 Seeing light in the fog

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  Chapter 138 Seeing light in the fog

  Ye Cixing: "My military advisor, I will support you in whatever you do. Remember, if you have anything to say, this girl will always be at the forefront for you!"

  Lu Yang was amused by her, "Thank you, aunt."

   Suddenly, Ye Cixing changed his voice, "However, tell me, should I go to the temple to meditate again, pray for a Buddha, and spend money to eliminate disasters?"

  Hearing this, Lu Yang slightly raised his eyebrows, "You, praying to Buddha?"

  Ye Cixing put her calf on Shengyu's thigh and instructed him to rub her ankle. Hearing Lu Yang's teasing, she said excitedly: "Military teacher, I have believed in Buddha so many times for you as an atheist, and you turned a blind eye to it!"

  Ye Cixing whimpered, "Has our love disappeared?"

  Lu Yang answered: "When did we fall in love?"

  Ye Cixing: "Anytime!"

  Lu Yang: "?"

   "Heaven and Earth prove it," Ye Cixing vowed, "Ye Cixing's love for Lu Yang can be learned from the sun and the moon, and mountains and rivers cannot be broken!"

Sheng Yu suddenly felt that he was in danger, he snatched the mobile phone from Ye Cixing's hand, his mouth was like a machine gun flaming: "Damn it, Lu Yang, why can't you find a man to play with, why are you always flirting with my wife?! "

  Lu Yang: "..."

  Ye Cixing sullenly said, "Shengyu, are you annoying? Return the phone to me!"

   Sheng Yu: "Choose her, or me?"

  Ye Cixing: "Of course I choose Lu..."

  Shengyu hooked Ye Cixing's legs with his arms easily, stared straight at her, and said threateningly: "Choose me 100%, right?"

  Lu Yang: "..."

  Based on previous experience, childhood sweethearts would change from bickering to "bickering". Lu Yang was not interested in listening to the couple's quarrel, so he simply hung up the phone.

  Lu Mingyu and Pei Yiwu came back one after the other.

  Lu Yang raised his eyes, and found that the latter's face was a little unusually red, and he looked down, stopping at Pei Yiwu's slender waist.

  Lu Yang stood up, picked up the coat hanging on the chair, she walked towards Pei Yiwu, put it on him, and said: "The weather is getting cold, you wear too little, don't catch a cold."

   Chen Zhi came out of the music station, and the purpose of entering was such a strange picture.

  After Lu Yang gave Pei Yiwu his coat, Lu Mingyu seamlessly took off his coat and put it on Lu Yang.

  Lu Mingyu's carefulness really only appeared in front of Lu Yang, how much the rest of the people wore, whether they were cold or not, had nothing to do with him.

   Seeing Lu Mingyu and Pei Yiwu standing together, Chen complained that someone had edited the video of Lu Mingyu and Pei Yiwu on the Internet, knocking on their cp of "seeing the light in the fog".

  Those videos are professionally edited, dubbed, and then used with moving bgm.

   Then, some bold netizens diverged their thinking and shouted: "Pei Yiwu must have approached Lu Yang specifically for Lu Mingyu!"

  But now, Chen Xu has another idea—

  Pei Yiwu got close to Lu Mingyu because of Lu Yang.

   After all, Lu Mingyu doesn't like girls, he doesn't understand girls at all.

  Lu Mingyu stood beside Lu Yang, blocking the cold wind for her. He lowered his eyes and looked at Pei Yiwu, his voice was emotionless: "When are you going back?"

  Pei Yiwu implied expectation, "It's all right, how about you?"

   "It's too cold outside, Yangyang can't stay for long, we'll go back now."

   "I have nothing to do, I'm going back now..." Drop by and walk together.

   Before he finished speaking, he heard Lu Mingyu say, "It's easy to go."

  Pei Yiwu, who was thinking about chatting with Lu Yangduo: "..."

  Lu Yang took the initiative, "Let's go together, it's cold, it's not easy to take a taxi."

  Pei Yiwu responded immediately: "Okay!"

   Still my younger sister is cute!

   Chen Xu went out first, drove the car to the door, stopped, and waited for them to come out.

  The three chatted while walking and walked out the door. Pei Yiwu smiled all over her face, "To be honest, my dream when I was young was to be a doctor, but later on, by accident, I went to study art."

  Lu Yang was slightly surprised, "So you studied art."

  Pei Yiwu said: "Yes."

  Extreme sports and fine arts, few people will link them together. However, Pei Yiwu broke the rules and merged two very different things together, just like a sweet girl and a cool girl, unobtrusive and unique.


Lu Mingyu opened the car door, before Lu Yang told Pei Yiwu to let her get in the car first, suddenly, two harsh horns sounded in the silent night, followed by a black car not far away The headlights flickered a few times.

  Lu Mingyu frowned, and complained bluntly: "Why are you honking the horn at night, it's disturbing the people."

  Pei Yiwu stepped into the car with one foot, and the other foot was still on the ground. She turned her head curiously, and when she scanned the license plate of the car, she froze in place for an instant.

   Seeing her stop suddenly, Lu Yang asked: "What's wrong?"

  Pei Yiwu smiled stiffly, and couldn't see it clearly in the dark, "It's okay."

  The report urged them, "Brothers and sisters, can you get in the car? It will be dawn in the next day."

  Pei Yiwu looked a little unnatural, "I suddenly remembered that I left something in the store, you guys go back first, have a good trip!"

  (end of this chapter)