MTL - Tattoo Awakening: All Kinds of Divine Beasts Carved on My Back-Chapter 17 It's not that bad

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The soldiers on the city wall were still wondering whether the admiral was showing off his power outside the city wall.

Xu Mo has defeated six more monsters and killed them one by one.

There was a burst of cheers from the city wall again, but Xu Mo's face under the city wall looked more solemn than ever before!

If you have not stood under the city wall and faced the impact of the beast tide, you will not feel the insignificance of the individual!

Just like in front of him, even Xu Mo defeated the monsters under this section of the city wall in a very short period of time.

But compared with the tens of thousands of beasts in front of him, his personal power is really too limited!

However, because of Xu Mo's actions, the lifeless atmosphere on the city wall was cleared in an instant.

Especially when they saw Xu Mo clearing away the monsters that destroyed the wall without any effort, the soldiers couldn't help but cheer in unison.

"Great job! It's amazing!"

"That person is not the Admiral. He looks like one of ours in military uniform. Why have I never seen him before?"

"Could it be that reinforcements came up so quickly?"

"Great, no need to worry about the city wall anymore, long live!"

When Xu Mo heard the sound coming from the city wall, he felt a sense of pride in his heart!

Although his personal power is limited, as long as he is here, he will not let a monster break through the city wall!

"What are you all standing there for? Kill those beasts for me. Do you want to exhaust me to death by letting so many of them here?"

Xu Mo raised his head and roared towards the city wall. The sound accurately sounded on the city wall, and the soldiers were suddenly shocked!

But then, they were not angry because of Xu Mo's rudeness, but instead became morale-boosted.

The soldiers swarmed back to their shooting positions and launched an even more violent bombardment at the herds of animals outside the city than before!

"Kill those beasts, kill them all, leave no one behind!"

"We must not let another monster rush under the city wall, so that the adults under the city wall will never get any military glory!"

"Yes, no one can be let go again, kill them..."

The morale on the city wall has been restored, and there are many things missing under the city wall. The defense of this section of the city wall is simply impregnable!

It was impossible to keep Xu Mo idle, but the number of monsters that could indeed break through the line of fire and rush under the city wall began to decrease.

Even if there are still fish that slip through the net, facing Xu Mo's big halberd, no monster can hit the city wall!


The herd of beasts became commotion. Although their IQs were very low, they knew how to be afraid!

The primitive animal instinct makes them have a strong sense of fear of the humans on the wall in front of them!

The humans on the opposite side were too strong, and the weapons on the city wall caused them almost unbearable losses.

Even a human inheritor who can rush to the city wall and guard there can kill all their companions!

The attack speed of the beast tide began to slow down, and some even began to retreat back.

Faced with high-tech weapons and Xu Mo's powerful force, the beasts were actually afraid!

"Hoo...ho ho..."

However, just when the two sides were in a confrontation, a long roar suddenly came from the dense woods.

The tide of beasts that had been hesitant just now and started to retreat suddenly changed their mood when they heard this roar!

The monster that had clearly retreated turned around again. The hesitant monster's eyes turned blood red again, and it roared crazily towards the city wall.

Not only that, the beast tide quickly took action, no longer swooping towards the city wall in a disorderly manner as before.

Instead, it became organized and quickly divided into countless arrays, with the monsters with the strongest defense taking the lead in the front row!

Then they swarmed towards the city wall and swooped up again!

On the city wall, Admiral Zeng Rong looked at the tide of beasts swarming towards the city wall again, his eyes flashing with uncertainty.

"What's going on? How can these monsters know formations? Did you just say..."

Zeng Rong murmured in his heart, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat, and his expression changed drastically in an instant.

Under the city wall, Xu Mo looked at the neat formation of beasts on the opposite side, and his expression became ugly.

The beast group at the front was entirely composed of a monster called the Iron Armored Diamond Beast.

This monster is huge, and its skin is completely covered with high-strength armor. Unless it is hit directly by a high-intensity laser cannon or an electromagnetic cannon hits it, it will be paralyzed for a moment at most, and then it will be able to rush towards the city wall in full force!

"This is the standard attack formation. It is impossible for these low-level monsters to understand this. Could it be that..."

Xu Mo thought of a possibility, but soon he had no time to think about it, because the beasts were already facing the fire on the city wall, approaching fifty meters below the city wall. As long as they rushed forward a few steps, they could threaten To the safety of the city walls!

"I can't care about anything else. I'll kill you bunch of **** first!"

Xu Mo waved his Thunder Fire Halberd and took action again. This time he was going to face the frontal attack of the beasts!

"Boom boom boom..."

The Thunder Fire Sky-shaking Halberd swept towards the Iron Armored Diamond Beast. It could directly pierce the special alloy halberd. How could it be blocked by the monster's scale armor, which was only three-star silver?

Wherever Xu Mo passed, the group of armored diamond beasts commotion broke out and they lay down instantly.

Without the protection of the armored diamond beasts, UU Kanshu The monsters behind them became the most powerful targets on the city wall.

There is almost no need to aim, the firepower pours down and it can sweep across a large area!

Xu Mo made a few leaps, returned to the city wall, and put away the thunder and fire halberd.

He had spent too much under the city wall just now. He almost knocked down all the armored diamond beasts by himself, and was almost hit by his own artillery fire. His energy was severely depleted.

But before he could take a breath, Zeng Rong came to him.

"Xu Mo, when you were under the city just now, did you hear that unusual beast roar?"

Xu Mo nodded, but made no comment, "Admiral, what does that beast roar mean?"

"We are in big trouble!" Zeng Rong looked solemn, "There may be high-level monsters in the beast tide opposite us!"

"How tall can a high-level monster be?" At this moment, the entire Canglong tribe appeared behind Zeng Rong.

"Admiral, please don't scare us. We are timid and cannot withstand being scared!"

Zhu Jian's tone was relaxed. He had just repelled a wave of beasts, but he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

"At least platinum-level monsters, the number of which varies. Only monsters of that level can command the beast tide. And it is said that platinum-level monsters are humane, understand human language, and can even speak human language!"

"No way!" As soon as Zhu Jian heard the words platinum-level monster, his whole body went numb!

The strongest among the four is only Silver. Compared with Platinum, he is a few ranks behind him. If he comes here, he will get slapped!

Even the admiral Zeng Rong is only at the gold level. Against a platinum monster, he can only deliver food!

"Maybe the situation is not as bad as we thought!" Xu Mo suddenly said something strange at this time!