MTL - Tempest of the Battlefield-~ 587 The power of smile

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The captains of each team can't rest. They must be arranged at the end, but also be vigilant. At any time, the guards must be done well. This is the territory of the Zago people. Any slack behavior may bring disaster to the wolves.

The camp was done well, but the soldiers did not rest immediately. Everyone gathered together. In this battle, five soldiers were sacrificed.

Everyone's expression is extremely serious. Everyone here has no blood relationship, but it is better than a brother. Wang moves in front and takes everyone to salute.

Every warrior is a hero, dead people have rested, and living people will inherit their will to continue fighting.

The flames rise and the soldiers' bodies disappear into the fire, and the fire covers the faces of every warrior and arcane master.

At the time of the break, everyone found the problem. This time, Murphysto City did not get any supplies in the first battle, and the food was insufficient.

Wang moved out. From the space crystal dragged one after another huge Zago, still on the ground, Xiao Yuyu and others already know, as soon as they saw the appearance of these bugs, their faces changed.

"Ladies and gentlemen can leave, and then men time!" Wang smiled, his expression was so calm, to be honest, the soldiers also had a headache, but when they saw Wang Dong’s smile, the heart’s self-esteem emerged. , *, eyes closed, what can not eat!

"Wang move, you are too small to see us, everyone is a warrior, men and women are equal." The sorrowful sorrow said, but the medical officers are very emotionally want to support her, can see the insects on the ground and the disgusting taste They are almost unable to hold back.

"Well, you are wrong. This is not the same as that. The girl's system is weaker than our men. The medical officer is even more so. If you have a problem with your body, what will happen after the battle? If you feel uncomfortable Just kill a few more bugs!"

Wang Dong said, "Brothers, I am taking the lead. In fact, this thing is the habit of eating."

Wang Dong pulled out a wolf, and the knife cut open quickly, and then he ate with flesh and blood. "The best food is raw. If you can't eat it, you can bake it."

Despite the taste of Wang Dong, but the taste, the scene, still let the girls present can not bear the taste of the upturn.

Tanbu first rushed up, grabbed a piece and directly slammed it into his mouth. He was the most loyal follower of Wang Dong, and he did not believe that there was anything in the world that could not be done, just after stuffing it into his mouth, Tan Bu The face changed immediately, but the guy grabbed his thigh, swallowed hard, and his legs were green.

"Cough, haha, it tastes good. Take some manly spirits, but don't go to die, eat, eat, and continue to kill the insects!"

Hidden Emperor Urinas and others have also begun to try. Basically, everyone's face is the same as that of the dye house. Whether you are a legendary master or an iron warrior, you can't stand it at this time.

"Rain and rain, you don't watch, the province's influence appetite." Wang moved and smiled.

The medical officers turned their heads, not to feel disgusting, but to prevent the soldiers from seeing their tears, how to eat that thing, how to eat such things, and to show such a reassuring smile.

This smile is power.

Here are the soldiers who have climbed out of hell. You will be scared by such things. It is a bit difficult for the first time, but it’s hard to make a bit of a bite, a slap in the face, a closed eye, and a pinch. The nose swallows in!

The entire camp was filled with a strange sound, and everyone’s throat was a little sad.

"The taste is actually not so bad!" Londo has swallowed a lot, and he ate very quickly, and everyone watching it was stunned.

"Lundo, you are a wounded person, don't hold on."

"I don't have a hard support. It's very chewy." Londo's speed. Even Wang Dong was a bit stunned, although he experienced a lot of hard work, but still can not stand this taste.

"Grandma bear, Lundo this guy has a taste problem, God, why my taste buds are so developed!"

As a rare brother of Rondo, Tanbu knows the truth. Usually, Tanbu’s captain often laughs at Londo, but he really has a good time.

The laughter of the soldiers came from the camp...

No matter what kind of danger, what kind of enemy, they will go forward!

The fall of the city of Mephisto made the northern generals extremely angry. It was really a ghost. The remnants of human beings destroyed four cities. In the battle report, these four cities were completely destroyed. The dark people are still fierce. As for some combat processes, it is even more unbearable for the speed of evil. This is not just a matter of face. The destruction of four cities, especially the death of the mother, has already caused certain sequels to the front line. influences. And other cities have doubts about this, I do not know whether to continue to continue to retain troops or to retain the force to protect the city.

The name of the devil is circulating in the dark people. This person is the same as the blade warrior. "The heart is hot and cruel, and it is extremely cruel." From the perspective of the Zaga people, this is indeed the case.

The frontline battles are under control. The Zhago people did not think about destroying humans in one breath. But when they are consumed, human beings will inevitably die. However, the latter problem has produced a variable. At first, it was thought to be just an episode. Whoever thinks that it will become more and more fierce, the Magic Palace has also given him a lot of pressure, demanding that it be resolved as soon as possible, and at the same time, seize the king at all costs.

The Zago people have been pursuing the power of the blade warriors. They believe that as long as they master this force, the Zaga can truly sweep the universe, and there is no power to stop them. Of course, this is the general direction. The first goal is to follow In the connection of the Zhago people's base camp, they have completely lost their coordinates and can't be connected to the Milky Way. No matter how many light years, how long, the Zhago people's attachment to the nest is quite strong, and this problem obviously needs to be from humans. Find out the answer from the blade warrior, the birth of the dark and protos is for this problem.

Now the Demon Warrior of the Blade Warrior has appeared, and the Magic Palace has issued a death order, so we must seize it.

The speed of evil can be divided into the importance of this order, and the northern front must be placed in the second place, because it is the first task to seize the demon warrior, and once it fails, his life will end.

No matter from which angle, the speed of evil knows that this human being must be caught.

Attacks on the front line can be temporarily relieved, so that all the big cities of Zago can be dispatched for carpet search, and they will not believe that these humans can fly to heaven.

Even in the sky, I still caught it.

"Hey, the bugs are looking for us everywhere like crazy. What do we do next?"

At this time, the wolf group is hidden in a mountain. The terrain of Mars is quite complicated. There are many pits. Of course, it is not good to hide people. But the 300 people are placed on the vast Martian land. That is a grain. sand.

"It seems that our strategy has worked. Here is the land of the northern generals. The northern forces that have always been on the third front can be greatly relieved." Xiao Yuyu said with surprise, to tell the truth. Everyone didn't have much hope at first, but they didn't even think that they could play such a role.

Wang Dong’s fingers tapped his knees gently, everyone was silent, knowing that Wang Dong was thinking, this battle is not force, but more importantly, brainstorming, with the least strength, in exchange for the biggest victory, this is human The wisdom, this is the brain of the worm is absolutely incomprehensible.

In the history of mankind's long war, such a thing is rare, but it runs through the history of mankind. Every time there will be such tactical genius.

"It seems that we need to give the worms a fire!" Wang said resolutely. "I want to let the worms have a headache, turn around us, and now we can't stop. The bigger our movements, the more enemies we contain." !"

"Hey, what do you say, everyone is waiting!" Tanbu's favorite thing is to fight. He doesn't want to be a tortoise at this critical moment.

"If you are a dark family, what kind of city will our next target be?" Wang moved to the map.

In line with Danube City, Kazakh City, Bol City, and Mephisto City, the next city should be the spider city established by the Zago people, a complete dark castle.

"If our trail appears near Spider City, then we will go here!"

Wang Dong pointed to several cities and said that these cities are not high-level, and they are human. They are not like the residence of the high-level dark people in the spider city, but also a radiating dark-dominant city in this area.

“Everyone talks about their own ideas.”

At the time of Wang Dong’s discussion, dark people of Spider City are also negotiating, among them, the Protoss, obviously Wang Dong is so unscrupulous, it is simply the slap in the face of the King of God and the Dark King, whether it is the Protoss Still the dark people can't sit back and ignore.

"The dark kings have already issued a death order, can live to catch as much as possible, or they will kill, we must cooperate with the Protoss."

B-掳, the city owner of Spider City, said.

"The King of God is also the meaning of this, the Protoss soldiers are willing to help, this human power is not the strongest combat power, the key lies in tactics, as long as we respond properly, they will be unforgiving." A middle-aged person said.

"Respected God, I heard that you used to be the principal of the strongest college in humanity. I am familiar with the Demon Warrior. I think it is more certain that you will judge his strategy."

Halmon Sandler, the supreme leader of the Martian Protoss, the level of the gods, is equivalent to the royal family of the dark tribe, so the B-掳 who is also the royal family naturally gives corresponding respect, especially the two are in a boat, for humans. Some of the fighters, the dark people have quite a headache, and they are not very understandable. On the large battlefield, the little tricks have less room to play, and the Zaga people don’t care, but in this case, they have to seize A person who is chaotic, must have this person to come to the door, which makes the dark people have a headache.