MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and ninety-two messages

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The next day, at least the second day in the eyes of Rider and others, the two reborn sisters and Li Ping, who was having a good time but had a subtle expression, walked out of the room.

"It's really... long time no see, rider, Emiya." Tohsaka Rin looked at Sister R and Hong A who were preparing breakfast, his eyes reminiscent.

"What are you talking about? Wait...Rin? Sakura? Is it really you?" R turned back and looked at the Tohsaka sisters who had completely transformed into adults. Adults in every sense. "What's wrong with your body shape?!"

Well, due to being an apostle, the Tohsaka sisters, who were temporarily unable to fully control their own power, temporarily gathered the uncontrollable power in their bodies in the form of a swollen body.

In other words, the two sisters are now nearly three meters tall in demigod postures.

Well, half a head taller than Uncle B.

However, the size of the two of them has been suppressed now, and they are just huge bodybuilders. Otherwise, with the postures of the two devil muscle men who felt their bodies about half a year ago, it is absolutely impossible for the two of them to come out to meet people.

Well, the height is 2.8 meters, the shoulder width is also 2.8 meters, the kind that can run horses on the chest and stand on the shoulders.

Li Ping shoved an iron block while Rin didn't react and didn't adapt to the strength.

Good guy, her chest muscles directly fused the iron.

"It will be back to normal in two or three days." Rin and Sakura said, sitting cross-legged on the ground. But even so, the two of them can still look at the others. "I can't control the power brought by the bandha at the moment."

So what's going on with the devil's muscles! I was also poached by you as an apostle, why didn't I become like this!

Seeing Hong A's embarrassed face, Li Ping was also helpless.

As for the explanation...

Emiya Shirou, muscle strength d

Gun Rin, muscle strength a

Bow Rin, muscle strength b

Ishtar, muscle strength b

Ereshkigal, muscle a

Then, in the basement of Tohsaka's house, there are dumbbells that Rin Tohsaka uses for his daily exercise, which even the swordsman Arturia can't hold.

Daily · Daily · Exercise · Exercise · Use!

At that time, Li Ping took Rin to play in the generation of gods... I mean when he was watching, Rin (not yet strengthened) punched in shock, just adding a temporary magic enhancement, the beast of the generation of gods was hammered to half death. Can't live anymore.

It would be a bit troublesome to tear this thing up until Li Ping became level 5.

As for Sakura... It's purely out of imitation of her sister, because Rin entered the stage of world line constriction + apostleization earlier than Sakura, so Sakura subconsciously thought that this was an inevitable stage.

In the end, Sakura still has a little low self-esteem and lacks self-confidence. Otherwise, she doesn't have to go through this stage. After all, the bodies of her world lines are a bit strange except for the carnival world line, and the hf line lives a little longer. In addition, Sakura in other worlds was cold in the Fifth Holy Grail War.

But it looked very funny, and Li Ping didn't remind her.

After looking at her sister's body shape, Rin felt that she should not be able to go to class today, so she simply asked for a leave of absence.

Furthermore, Rin felt that he really didn't need to go to school. In one night, Li Ping finally extended Rin's somatosensory time to eleven years, except for his usual magic learning, new magic learning, Bajiquan. In addition to the exercises and fitness, there are also a large number of theoretical courses to learn.

According to Li Ping's assessment, it is no problem for her to get a few doctorates now.

There is no need to go to high school to bully children.

Well, take advantage of this time to settle the Holy Grail War.

"Are you sure you want to go out and die?" Li Ping tilted his head and smiled.

"Just use magic to cover it up, and you can still..."

"The gold content of this Holy Grail War is too high, there are not many non-God Generation characters, and these heroes of the God Generation basically have the ability to see through your magic."

"Forget it." Rin hesitated for a moment. "It's not less than two days anyway."

Then, another two days passed, and Rin and Sakura completed the final adjustments to their bodies. His body shape has returned to normal, and he looks like a normal person.

In the past two days, the other magic forces headed by the Clock Tower finally reacted.

The princess... Xiaoshou... died suddenly from overwork... Ah, the clock tower led by the monarch El-Melloi II finally came to Fuyuki City, which is full of anomalies.

Especially on the second night, the huge magic that spread across the starry sky in the northern hemisphere... no, it should be called the existence of a magic circle.

After a quick analysis, the Astrology Section of the Clock Tower believes that this is some kind of magic circle that uses astrology to gather magic power.

The magic power it gathered in a short period of time was enough to burst the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City several times.

Then, as the clock tower people who know the essence of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, they are immediately at a loss.

The ultimate goal of the Holy Grail War is to use the souls of the seven Servants as fuel, convert them into magic power, and open and fix the "hole" leading to the root, so that the ultimate victor can enter the root.

As for the wishing machine or something, it was basically made up by the three imperial families to deceive people.

——The masters other than the masters of the three families, and all the servants lied together.


What is the magic power gathered by that magic circle? Do you want to destroy the world? Not only that, it seems that you dislike too much magic power. What do you mean by canceling the magic circle directly? Is it because our clock towers can't store mana?

After arriving in Fuyuki City, the various monarchs of the Clock Tower invested in the investigation of the Holy Grail War.

The Matou family was completely destroyed, and no **** was left.

The androids of the Aizbern family were playing with berserkers who were not berserkers at all. The magic power was as if they didn't need money. The heroic spirits of the age of gods, who could exert their own power, and even surpassed their powers, made their attitude a little arrogant. A certain monarch recognized the world, and politely chatted with the little girl of the Aizbern family.

The monarch El-Melloi II himself went to the Tohsaka house.

When the monarch El-Melloi II knocked on the Tohsaka family, and Rin Tohsaka, who seemed to be just an ordinary college student, greeted him politely at the door, everyone chatted happily.

After all, the monarch El-Melloi II is scheduled to be Rin Tohsaka's mentor to go to school at the Clock Tower in the future.

It wasn't until the second cup of tea that King El-Melloi II realized a problem.

... Rin Tohsaka, an ordinary person?

Looking around, his future student, Tohsaka Rin, could not see the fluctuation of magic power.

Matou Sakura, the contemporary magician of the Matou family, cannot see the fluctuation of magic power.

The black-haired young man was alone, and he could not see the fluctuation of magic power.

The white-haired and black-skinned young man could not see the fluctuation of magic power.

The purple long-haired female Heroic Spirit was alone, and now she saw the magic power fluctuate.

So the question is, are Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura ordinary people?

thought for two seconds.

Monarch El-Melloi II frowned.

Now there is good news and bad The good news is that the source of the abnormality of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, or at least the relevant personnel have been found.

The bad news is that I seem to be surrounded by them, and any one person can press himself to the ground and rub it.


"Pfft!!!!!!!" A figure suddenly appeared and slapped the monarch El-Melloo II on the back, almost hitting the monarch El-Melloi II to the point of vomiting blood.

"Long time no see, Weber." The red-haired sweat patted the back of the former Master whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and laughed happily.

"emmmmm..." Li Ping's expression was subtle when he was done. "If you keep filming, your princess is going to die..."


List of chapters in the 21st century of high-speed text handwriting Biqu library everywhere https://