MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and seventeenth the decisive battle against the deep sea

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On the third day after the unknown psionic reaction came from Jupiter, the UEG Cosmos Army dispatched a reorganized fleet to conduct armed reconnaissance.

A week after Li Ping's return, UEG held a summit meeting. After learning about the situation, UEG launched an open tender for next-generation equipment.

The content of the tender is mainly based on ultra-long-range new immigration ships, stealth warships for new space fleets, new space and atmospheric dual-purpose carrier aircraft, new specially equipped elite space warships, and new elite carrier aircraft.

After learning about what the earth had done, the entire fleet of the pro-human Jetrati fleet set sail and went to grab the satellite factory according to the coordinates of the satellite factory stored in its own navigation computer.

After the encryption side got the information endorsed by Iskandar, President Desra silently took two pounds of antihypertensive drugs and went to the next door Iskandar to learn about the information.

After determining that the purpose of the evil **** named Gauze Nicholas should only be the earth, and knowing the power of the other party, Desra returned to his mansion, opened a good wine that had been treasured for decades, and drank a full glass.

The whole person looked radiant, as if they were ten years younger.

President Desra lay comfortably on the chaise longue in his room, holding red wine in his left hand, and turned his head to look at his devastated home planet whose lifespan was about to come to an end (about a hundred years).

Although it is still very tense to find suitable habitable planets for the subjects of the Empire, it is still 30 years before the dead line of comprehensive immigration work while maintaining social stability and economic development in Milas.

On the other hand, looking at the earth, the deep sea that was thrown everywhere is a natural disaster and has not been resolved, and then there are several enemies who are expected to come still on the way, and now they are being targeted by the legendary evil god.

And according to the information, these enemies thrown into most civilizations belong to the natural disasters that destroy the world, and they fall from the sky every two or three years on average.

In this comparison, the crisis on the Milas side is almost like a vacation.

Sure enough, happiness is something that comes out relatively, even if his own problems have not been solved, but seeing the worse neighbors, President Desra is still happy to open a bottle of good wine to make himself happy for a day .

——And the earth at this time——

"Yi Ikari and Naoko Akagi led a team to Jupiter to investigate the psionic reaction that erupted not long ago, although the resident fleet and "Heavenly" reported at the Angel City base of Jupiter that it was the psionic shock that erupted from els sleeping on the sea of ​​Jupiter, But my side is always a little unsteady." Li Ping directly contacted the semi-biological quantum supercomputing "magi" of the base through electrical signals, and while browsing the relevant reports, I sat in the conference room and had a meeting with the existing team.

"If els are like what you said, there is no difference between us and the delivery of food. Not only that, the knowledge in our minds will make els evolve quickly, so..." Ikari was a little worried, even if els were plain The physical "battle" mode is relatively simple, but when the number of enemies is calculated in "mega" units, tactics and conventional strategic weapons are meaningless.

"Hmm... Indeed, you know too much. Although I can bring your souls back to life, the knowledge stored in your brains is likely to allow els to evolve rapidly." Li Ping thought for a while, and flipped through himself by the way. memory to see if there is any trump card.

... there really is.

Through the relay of the low-orbit ring, Li Ping found the back-hand he had arranged easily.

——It was a self-disciplined proliferation-type factory set up underground on some ultra-small uninhabited islands in the Pacific region to produce mass-produced battleships and mass-produced MSs that were finalized in the previous world.

Considering the possibility of single-playing the world, the battleships and MS models that I set and produced at that time were highly automated models, that is, the ones that could fight in unmanned mode.

Li Ping passed the neural signal recognition device he set up in the proliferation factory to match the brain waves. Seeing the current scope of the proliferation factory and the number of armaments stored in it, Li Ping's mouth twitched slightly.

"I'll give you an unmanned fleet. If Els starts fighting, fill it in. As long as it lasts until I get there."

"Unmanned fleet? We still have that kind of thing?" Ikari only tilted his head, do you still have private money?

"Uh... the back hand that I buried not long after I came here." Li Ping scratched his chin and looked at the ceiling. "In the deep sea war, about 30% of the unmanned breeding production bases have been destroyed, and the rest are still very honest and continue to produce. The current number... is relatively objective, although it is only a non-hyperspace aircraft type used in the solar system. The old time-space-space dual-purpose battleship is just that.

For example, in order to facilitate mass production and cooperate with your favorite fleet warfare tactics-after a salvo of special-equipped artillery fleets, fleet artillery battles or interspersed strangulation battles with squadrons as units are carried out depending on the situation. attack, etc.

The warships produced in the self-discipline factory that I set myself are all degraded versions of Athena (the ship in the seed world, the degraded version has been designed, finalized and trial-produced in the unicorn world).

It has one electronic cannon on the ship's head, two 480mm live ammunition main guns with 3 sets, seven double-mounted 356mm mega particle cannons, 16 double-mounted four-barrel beam Gatling close-in guns, and a heavy-duty bow. There are 6 torpedo tubes and 12 eight-unit multi-purpose missile launchers.

One Gnaku, the optimal number of MSs to carry is 16 units + 4 spare units, and the limit state can carry 28 units of MS. Only two electromagnetic catapults are used for the launch of MS, and a ship platform is set up in the direction of the stern for MS recovery.

In terms of ms, nms-03 dagger (a nuclear-powered general-purpose 18-meter-class ms designed on the basis of Strike Gundam and gm) and tnms-02 hummingbird (atmospheric-universal variable ms designed on the basis of Murakami and Z Gundam) ) is the main, flying ms that can only fight in the atmosphere, supplemented by the nms-02 raven (an intra-atmospheric ms designed after Dean and Barbie in seed-d).

Originally, Li Ping only planned to build three or five self-discipline bases. These self-discipline bases would run semi-permanently according to the self-discipline procedure under the maintenance of unmanned driving armor.

It's just... I didn't expect that more than ten years had passed in a blink of an eye, and I almost forgot that I had done these things.

Under the control of the self-discipline program, the total number of self-discipline bases reached 60 at their peak, and a dozen of them were destroyed in the deep sea war. The rest survived without incident.

Among them, an island and reef base near the Antarctic that is actually under the sea all the year round is the largest among these bases. The autonomous machine digs down along the island and reef, hollowing out a "mountain" on the seabed. , An underground building complex similar to an ant nest was dug out of the ground, which was larger than the underground urban volume of the third new Tokyo city.

Here, the total number of production of unmanned combat ships has exceeded two thousand, and the production number of ms has reached five figures. Even, because of the lack of several heavy elements of the Minovsky reactor nearby, the self-discipline program has also been adjusted. The MS production line was replaced, and the three types of MS produced were replaced with conventional power models with high-energy batteries + rocket engines.

After a while, seeing the updated armament information, all the core members in the conference room suffered a heart attack for a moment.

——Although in terms of firepower, it is not as good as the North Carolina-class heavy cruiser that will be mass-produced (also a 400-meter-class battleship, but with full application of Jetrati technology, Cryptolas technology and Iskandar technology) , and integrates the technologies of various worlds brought by Li Ping. Conventional layout, full-time battleship, no ship-borne MS, 6 triple-mounted 305mm frequency-radio electron shock guns on the top, three, and the bottom, one after the other. Layout configuration, the bow is equipped with a small heavy quantum reaction gun, which can be used for MS close-up guns and multi-purpose VLS. The main engine uses a wave engine, which can jump, and has a wave shield.)

ps: Because it was frightened by the Jetrati backbone fleet and the Gamiras holding fleet, the rate of fire of the 305mm frequency-radio positive electronic shock gun developed by the earth is the premise of ensuring the penetration of the main armor of the Jetrati army battleship. It can also maintain the level of five rounds per second for a single tube.

"Although it is a fleet of the old era in a sense, it is estimated that it is enough for the time being." Yui Ikari nodded with a subtle expression.

"Ritsuko and Makiba headed to the South Pacific, Maya Island, under the **** of the First Main Fleet of the Guard House and the Second Fleet of the Fortress of Destiny. Investigate the remains of the primitive civilization "Bird Man" and bring back the relevant objects." After learning this It appeared a long time ago, but not only did the small island that lost attention due to various events and the outbreak of the deep sea war still exist, even when the residents of the island were not affected by the war, Li Ping was also in a trough.

You must know that Maya Island is only a few hundred kilometers away from the habitat of Qiji in the south, and it belongs to the deep hinterland of the South Pacific Fleet.

Li Ping himself couldn't guarantee that he would be able to pass the customs with his own life under the besiegers of Nanfang Qiji and her elite deep-sea fleet.

"Understood." The two understood.

"Then it's Miri, you watch the house when we're not around. Yamato, you and Hyperion and the others go with me to start a full-scale war against the deep sea. There's not much energy left to accompany the deep sea."

"Finally made up your mind?" Hyperion gave Li Ping a sidelong glance.

"This time and Before that thing comes, no second voice is allowed in the earth circle." Li Ping sighed, facing the attack of the "Black Goat", he would definitely die if he didn't do his best. .

Then, the simple and boring life began. Knowing the seriousness of the situation, Ueg, who could no longer let go of the deep sea, also made up his mind, and the troops in the Earth circle fully cooperated with the war launched by the Fortress of Destiny.

All the guard houses almost came out of their nests, strangling the deep sea in all directions.

Li Ping is also here, with several existing interstellar ship girls, one, three and five go out to find Shenhai Qiji to beat him, and two, four and six take all the ship girls that can be dispatched to clean up the battle, as well as collect the ship girls that were brought up.

Zhou Tian and Li Ping went out by himself to find the flagship of the Deep Sea Headquarters, while the others rested and trained newcomers.

------off topic-----

I'm back again~ After holding back for more than half a month, I found that I really can't continue with the previous ideas. I can only temporarily stop this part and re-write it. I will find my feelings with others... Wait for the state and ideas to come back and then put the world's thoughts on it. The decisive battle continues...
