MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and twenty-one go home and shake people - don't even give lunch

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"He's gone?" Ikari came out of the shadows behind Hastur.

"Well, let's go." Hastur's mouth twitched, and the woman in front of her was the type of person who didn't want to get involved even if she killed herself. "The application of the at stand?"

"Deploy the reversed at position, connect the imaginary space, and then I can use this imaginary space to move. The only downside is that it takes a long time to get out of the exit, which is difficult to apply at the tactical level." Portable tablet for recording data.

"But, why do you expect him to bring the group of people in his family over? Obviously you will have less time when they come." Hastur tilted his head and asked curiously.

Not to mention why this group of women with such good brains favors one person at the same time, the operation of your own man who is already incapable of being cloned and pulled back is completely incomprehensible.

Don't talk about others, just my colleagues, who were originally under Mr. Ke, and were later swept up in the three views by these fun-loving people to become a girl's high school student's stealth chaos, all because of their relationship with a high school student who was an evil **** hunter. It made chickens fly and dogs jump, and even once regarded himself as an underestimated enemy and caused a lot of things.

"The short-term separation is only for a longer reunion. He has been troubled by the fact that he cannot make the strength of the people around him jump. Now there are only a few people who can keep up with him. They are all dragging oil bottles when they encounter hard stubble.

As it happens, the world has crisis and technology. Take this opportunity to fully upgrade them. "

Hastur rolled his eyes slightly, this was the reason why he didn't want to have contact with this woman. His existence as a **** by nature was the benefit of his bloodline, but this woman was able to create her own blood when she only had four samples of apostles. When he came out to create an artificial demigod (giant soldier), when there was only one sample of Li Ping, he could transform his soul and body, and upgrade himself to a demigod-level existence.

After having two samples of myself and Naiyazi, this technology has been popularized. It has only been a few years?

"However, in the face of such a crisis, with such strength, there is only a core team with double digits and more than 30,000 backbones, should I be conservative or cowardly..." Ikari looked up at the night sky The particularly bright stars in the middle—that's the reflection of various immigration ships moored in low-Earth orbit. "Change the popular literature a few years ago, and now it's at least a three-digit harem group."

" are so generous."

"It's not my first one anyway, it's not me who has a big heart." Yui Ikari shrugged. "However, it's a shame that you agreed to my request."

"Actually, it's just to fulfill the covenant with that side. People like him who haven't even finished ten initial rounds should be forcibly repatriated, and then his regular army or our allies will directly fight against this level. The enemy. And even if I don't send him away, he will have a chance to be forcibly repatriated when Gauss Nicholas officially enters the battlefield.

It's just that you may have to die here..." When Hastur's eyes fell on the ring in Ikari Yui's hand, Hastur's expression twisted slightly. "The ring of contract? How dare he... Correct the foreword, before his soul is completely annihilated, you should not die. "

"What's wrong with this ring?" Ikari Wei looked down at the ring that someone Li put on him a few years ago.

"Although there are benefits including mandatory favorability improvement, adding a girl at a time of death, allowing the weaker party of both parties to gain one-third of the strength of the stronger party, etc., but in fact the biggest role of this ring is "binding destiny", unless Both of them die completely at the same time, otherwise the other will almost never die."

"Ah, it looks like, when we really fight, maybe we need to prepare a golden throne for him."

——At the same time, the main world——

"I remember you, Hastur!" Li Ping fell out of the wormhole and raised four middle fingers at the instantly closed wormhole.

On the home side of the earth, the wormhole exit was opened at an altitude of about 50 kilometers above my home, and a momentary acceleration breeze was sent at the entrance of the wormhole.

So that after he fell out of the wormhole, he was instantly accelerated to a high speed of about 12 times the speed of sound. Within two seconds, the increasingly dense atmosphere and the high temperature generated by the friction turned him into a ball of fire and rushed to the ground.

Of course, this speed and temperature are still difficult for him and Li.

The issue is……

Rising on the ground...thousands of anti-aircraft fire.

Li Ping pulled out two Zanpakutō with a wry smile. He slashed the two immortal swords that arrived first, twisted his body to avoid a dozen electromagnetic cannons, slightly changed the trajectory of his descent, landed on a large anti-aircraft missile, and ran After taking two steps, he jumped off the missile, swung his sword and swept out a chain of lightning, dispersing dozens of fireballs that were hitting him.

By the way, he rolled, dodging the fireball to cover the ultimate move - a powerful spear.

——It was thrown up by my own father.

Seeing who he shot, his own father's spear bent into a question mark in the sky.

Breaking through the first and only wave of anti-air firepower, Li Ping's height had reached less than 100 meters, and he successfully landed on both feet in a forward somersault with a 3600-degree turn.

——Then he was pushed to the ground again by the neighbors with long guns and short cannons.

"Why are you again..."

"You kid didn't bring anyone back this time?"

"No, why are you returning unconventionally this time..."

"..." Li Ping was more speechless, and he didn't want this kind of unconventional departure.

After chatting for a while, Li Ping was released home.

"I'm back~" Li Ping pushed open the door of his house, and then closed the door smoothly.

This move made Lux and others who were ready to respond stunned for a while, and they all focused on the gate instead of Li Ping.

"Yeah... You didn't even bring anyone?" Lux covered her mouth in surprise and said half-yin-yang strangely.

"Uh... Actually, I came back to shake people this time." Li Ping twitched the corners of his mouth. Is his image so unbearable?

"What, can't beat it?" Cornelia slipped down on the handrail of the stairs.

"There is not enough high-end combat power, and there is also a lack of our own commanders. The target is Gauze Nicholas, although it is only a combat power deployed in a single universe."

"Is the black goat of the forest? It's easy to say." Cornelia's mouth raised. Since the uc world had a good time, the following months at home have been a good study of future hostility based on the existing data. power.

"That's great, Lux, Cornelia, and Mikoto, gather everyone, we have a battle to fight." Li Ping nodded slightly. "I'll go to Dad and ask if there's any reinforcements."

"...What? No reinforcements? Am I, a demigod-level person, who wants me to go to the legion led by the old evil god?" After receiving a negative answer, Li Ping shamelessly pretended to be weak.

"Not to mention that it's just a marginal battlefield. Our regular army and the legion of the Cosmos United Planetary Defense Agency have defended the cosmos, and now there is a trial ground for you." Father Li Ping sighed, and then instantly The violent rise, grabbed Li Ping's temple and got up. "Besides, who **** demigod can blow up the old evil **** in one breath!

ah? !

You're still alive and kicking, and you've only sacrificed less than half of your soul. You're the kind that will recover after being raised for more than ten years. The opposite side was paralyzed by the bomb. You can't move for six or seven years, okay? "

"Oh, is there a bonus? I'm going to greatly reduce the pressure on the frontal battlefield." Li Ping took back the pitiful, helpless and shocked expression.

" year's rent reduction where you live."

"I thank Li Pian is expressionless.

However, I actually rented the entire campus of the former large comprehensive university as the residence of my family, and the cost is really not small.

"The instructions above are that you can set off tomorrow, and you can handle the reinforcements yourself." Father Li Ping waved his hand and chased him away. "You can go, and I won't let you eat."

"Don't even leave a meal?!"

"You're already married and have a family, and there are more than a dozen families waiting for you." Father Li Ping picked up his long spear and waved at Li Ping, ready to fly Li Ping home.

...then Li Ping, who didn't move, and his father were stunned at the same time.

Li Ping pretended to be picked up in the next second, screamed and flew upside down and flew to his home.

And Father Li Ping looked at his spear for a long time without saying a word.

...This can't beat this bear boy?
