MTL - The 99th Divorce-Chapter 41 Not her ...

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Biquge, update the latest chapter of the 99th divorce as soon as possible!

When he went out, Su Qianci did not let Xiao Yang's driver follow, but instead he took a taxi to a law office half a hour away from home according to his memory.

Sheng Xiyan.

One of the best lawyers in Cannes.

In the last life, she was framed by Tang Mengying several times, and she became infected with the law. It was Sheng Xiyu who helped her turn the tide and saved her from prison.

This is the center of Cannes. At first, she was brought here by Tang Mengying to go shopping.

It was during the lunch at noon that I met Sheng Xiyu.

Su Qianci walked into a restaurant near Shengshi Law Firm, and found a place along the memory.

In that position sat an elite man who looked thirty-four years old.

Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, a laptop and a stack of documents are in front of him.

Exquisite dishes that didn't move much.

Coarse and thick brows frowned, apparently the case on his hands was not easy.

In the last life, he mistaken her for another person, and because she was similar to his old friend, he tried his best to help himself.

Later, the day before she was framed to kill the old Chief Li, he also told himself with great interest that he had told her a great happy event.

Who knows, she was too late to make an appointment.

What was he trying to tell himself at first?

Su Qianci had some regrets in his heart and looked at him a little bit stunned.

Seems to feel Su Qianci's gaze, Sheng Xi's shrewd eyes lifted up and looked over.

Just looking at it this way, the pair of sharp black eyes, like eagle owls, had obvious mistakes.

A waiter came over holding the tray, and handed over the coffee: "Mr. Sheng, your coffee."

Sheng Xi was going to take it subconsciously, but he was pulled back by the hot temperature.

The coffee cup above was knocked down suddenly, and the liquid of the whirling was poured all over the floor.

The waiter blushed. "Sir, are you okay?"

Sheng Xi shook his head, endured the scalding, and hurriedly wiped the soiled suit for himself.

Looked subconsciously in the direction of the girl.

But at the time when he was so distracted, the girl who had stood there was gone.


Regretful that Sheng Xiyu couldn't say in his heart, he suddenly looked away, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw a delicate figure sitting in front of him.

This girl, with staring eyes and eyebrows, delicate skin, looked at her small face at a glance, just like the person deep in memory!

But on closer inspection, there are obvious differences.

The man in the memory, elegant and blue, is beautiful.

The girl in front of her seemed to be laughing, but deep in her eyes was a touch of cold, alienated and indifferent to the soul.

Even the facial features are more delicate and vivid than the woman in memory.

But even though the difference had been seen, Sheng Xiyu still looked at God.

Su Qianci smiled and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with proper manners and generosity.

After all, this is their ‘first meeting’.

Sheng Xizhen looked at her smile, and even involuntarily overlapped her with the shadow of Qian Qian.


so similar!

Sheng Xizhen was excited and couldn't hide his heart. Looking at her, his sharp eyes were full of bright light.

"Hello, my name is Su Qianci."

In a word, most of the excitement in his heart was poured down.

Not her ...