MTL - The Alchemist God-Chapter 1243 Ambush ambush

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Eternal sword field, Yan Jianlin.

The petals of the pears are flying, and the spring and autumn are solid. The pear tree here has begun to conclude the tender fruit. In a few months, I am afraid that it will be fruitful.

Under the pear tree, Lin Muyu and Tiannan old man brewed the last bowl of tea.

“Do you really have to go?” The old man in Tiannan is somewhat reluctant to be a descendant of this unbelievable friend.

"Well, I have to go, my time is very urgent." Lin Muyu smiled slightly: "Thanks to the predecessors for so many days of detention and care, the younger generation is grateful."

"Where to say." Tiannan old man is a little sad.

At this moment, the air whistling, one person pierced the wall of space, and it was the prince of Twilight City, wearing the golden robes, Meng Tiefeng, holding a huge iron box, saying: "Wu Shen, I will send you a ride." It!"

Lin Muyu stood up and smiled and said: "Mengcheng Lord, are you coming?"

"A friend, how can you not come?"

Meng Tiefeng threw the heavy iron box on the ground, and the "bang" provoked countless dusts. "There are a total of 175 pieces of gods and gems, and a lot of them are brought. I also go hunting. The General League of the Killers League has grabbed some of the charge, otherwise it is not enough for this one hundred and seventy-five."

Lin Muyu’s heart moved: “Don’t you leave a little?”

"What to leave, all for you." Meng Tiefeng was straightforward and smiled. "You want me to recognize me as a friend of Meng Tiefeng. If it is mixed in the six worlds, even if it comes to the eternal sword field, we will continue to talk about wine." Dao, what's wrong?"


Lin Muyu put the light of the original stone into the Qiankun bag, and then hugged the fist: "It is not early, I should leave, he will have a goodbye!"

"Brother, treasure!" Meng Tiefeng said.

The old man in Tiannan also nodded and smiled: "Zhen Zhong!"

Lin Muyu gaze, with Lia and Changwei slowly flying in the air, a Xiaguang blooms, it is the revelation given by Fuxi, Lin Muyu once again looks at the people on the ground, said: "Eternal sword field ,Goodbye!"

Shi Han, such as smoke and other people have been saluting.


If the person walks like a sword, Lin Muyu's body is turned into a cold light to pierce the wall of the space in the Xiaguang. Before that, a deep time channel is easily appeared, which leads to the six worlds. The wall of this space is extremely strong and far. It is much more difficult than the usual broken void, but Lin Muyu has opened up the understatement, and the power can be imagined.

Even the Meng Tiefeng in the pear altar can't help but frown. "Is this the power of the 10% proud sword? I am afraid... He is already a strong man between the world..."

The old man in Tiannan was speechless and did not deny it.

In the air, three streams of light disappeared into the tunnel. Lin Muyu took Lia and Changwei straight to the six worlds, and left the eternal sword field that stayed for several months.


Oriental gods, Dacheng Hall.

Ziyan sits firmly on the throne of the gods, holding the tower of the gods in his hand, saying: "Is everything arranged?"

"Arranged." Baifeng Shengwang frowned: "We really want to do this, and the ancestors of the ancestors determined that the message of help they created would attract the gods of the Western gods?"

"Natural energy." Ziyan squinted and smiled: "All false illusions are just thoughts in my mind. Although the cultivation of the Emperor is not enough to shake the mind of Xi Yan, it is still possible to shake the baby. As long as you trust the baby, you can do it. Where is the only way for the West Gods to reach the Laoshan?"

A demon will say: "Changming Mountain, Lingshan, a giant plane in the lower bound, is very vast, about a hundred miles long. As long as we ambush the Changming Mountain, those war angels will not find it, how many kills!"

"Okay, then lie in Changmingshan!"

"This is the arrangement of the subordinates. How many devils are needed, please show them clearly!"

"No." Ziyan raised his hand and said: "A magical roman does not need it. The emperor wants to let Xiyan and other obsessive angels know the power of the ancient demon, and the nine secluded orders!"

"Old ruin!" Nine secluded monarch eyes gloomy nod.

"You led the Nightmare Fighters Corps to immediately ambush in Changmingshan, waiting for the war angels in the West Gods to pass by, remembering how many kills come, one does not stay, don't let the Emperor down!"

"Yes, please rest assured, the nightmare fighter must complete the task!"



The nine secluded monarchs turned around, and the hundred nightmare outside the hall flew to the sky with him, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The White Wind Holy King stopped talking and stood still.

"What do you want to say?" asked Ziyan.

Bai Fengdao: "Nine secluded monarchs have never been convinced of their majesty. Do you not worry about the nine sorcerers leading the nightmare army to chaos?"

"Hey, chaos?" Zi Yan smiled faintly: "The blow of the tower is enough to kill half of his nightmare. What am I afraid of? What's more, this time is the war angel who sent him to destroy the Western gods. This old guy is willing to work. If he is arrogant, he will say that if he fails, I have reason to discipline him."

The white wind is scornful and said: "I hope."


In the Western gods, the angels of the battle in the Temple of Light are sitting quietly.

When the baby closed her eyes, her mind was quiet, but suddenly she sensed a trace of spiritual thoughts into her mind, and built a figure in her mind, which is a form of not old mountains, but the top of the mountain is covered with the demon army. A figure was very embarrassed under the siege of the two-winged demon Luo. It was Qin Yin, even the Donghua sword had collapsed. The pale blond blood flowed on her robes, which was very scary.


The baby suddenly opened her eyes and her face was pale.

"What's wrong, 喏?" Xi Yan asked.

"I... I felt a terrible scene..."

"What a terrible scene?"

"I...sister, I just saw Xiyin. She sent a distress signal in Laoshan. Although it was only a faint spiritual thought, I was sure that it was Xiyin. She was scarred and needed our help!"

“Is not a mountain?” Xi Yan was shocked: “Does it mean that...the gods of the Eastern gods are hiding in the mountains?”

"Well, it has already been discovered by the Devils. We must reinforce, otherwise the Oriental Divine World will disappear completely."

Xi Yan took a deep breath, and her eyebrows were tight and locked.

"Xie Yan, let's go?" Tallinn said.

Li Fei also said: "Yes, adults, what are we waiting for?"

"Our strength is not enough to reverse the situation." Xi Yan calmly looked at the crowd and said: "Even if you go, it will not help, not only can not save the Greek sound, even we ourselves will be buried under the tower of the gods ""

"But...but we are gods. The first thing we should have is humanity. If we look at the oriental gods and get rid of them, what are we?" Tallinn was a little excited.

Toure and others seem to be very excited, one by one.

"Then reinforcements!"

Xi Yan bit his silver teeth and said: "The order, all the thirty-one old gods who can fly with me will go out together, and the Western gods will do their best to protect the last blood of the Eastern gods!"


The light and shadow shuttles left the Temple of Light, and the West Gods came out almost at this time. However, Xi Yan and Daiwa did not know that the crisis in the distance had begun to plant seeds.


The top of the sky, the golden dome.

The golden glory of Jinding violently rose, and Lin Muyu, Liya, and Changwei’s figure fell on the rock continuously, so that the moon could not help but smile: “Little brother, are you really coming back?”


Lin Muyu nodded, and then respected Fuxi with a fist and respected him: "Dr. Lin Muyu, see Master!"

"Good, good."

Fuxi looked softly at the most proud disciple and smiled. "It seems that Ah Yu has already cultivated the power of the sword field. It really didn't disappoint the teacher. What are these two?"


Lin Muyu said: "This is Changwei, I am in the eternal sword field to take care of the class, this girl is called Liya, is my apprentice in the eternal sword field, Liya, come over to call the teacher!"

Leah stared at her eyes and bowed quickly: "Lea sees the teacher!"

Fu Xiaomei opened his eyes and smiled: "Well, I didn't think that I was too imaginary. Now I have added a disciple, and it is a talented female disciple. Ah Yu, you are now a branch!"

"The disciple did not dare to violate the teacher's intention. He first accepted Lia as a student, and the teacher allowed him to enter her."

"I promised." Fuxi raised his hand and smiled: "Leia, from now on you are the only third-generation disciple of this family. I hope that you will practice well, and you will be loyal to the six realms and fight for the order."

"Yes, thank you Master!" Lia was well-behaved and she liked it.

Haoyue, comet and so on came up. When asked about the short question, Fuxi said: "A Yu, there is not much time left for you, you must immediately return to the Eastern realm."

"How is the Eastern **** world, Master?"

"Dacheng Hall has been captured. Seven emperors, Qin Yin, Tang Xiaoxuan, Zi Yao and others are hiding in the mountains, but now there is a more urgent thing that you need to do."

"Please show the teacher clearly!"

"The devil of the devil, Zi Yan, created the illusion to deceive the trust of the baby, and let the baby think that the gods of the Eastern gods are trapped on the mountain, so the gods of the Western gods are already on the way to the reinforcement of the Laoshan, but on the way, Nine secluded monarchs led a hundred nightmare fighters to ambush on a mountain called Changmingshan. You must immediately stop to stop the disaster. Only you have the ability to stop. Although I can see everything in the realm of the gods, I have already laid the enchantment, my mind can't penetrate the enchantment to know Xi Yan, so I have to rely on you."


Lin Muyu nodded: "The disciple rushed to Changmingshan, please tell me the location of Changmingshan."


Fu Fu first, a bit of power to point to the distance, and Lin Muyu suddenly clear mind, the mind has already determined the specific location of Changmingshan, followed by a long sword, said: "Leia, Changwei, with me to Changmingshan, speed be quick!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Valkyrie!"