MTL - The Almighty Asura-Chapter 3740 : Can't hold me

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"Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan Yulan!"

General Jin Yun looked at this dark golden armor in horror, a peerless woman with a heroic spirit, and her eyes were full of horror.


General Jin Yun roared and turned around to flee!

Xuanyuan Yulan, the strongest female war **** of the human race at the time, was just a master of the avenue at that time, and had witnessed how she tortured and killed the supreme human race of the witch race.

"Can you escape?"

Xuanyuan Yulan stepped out with a sneer, her beautiful face showed a touch of mockery, and her whole person appeared behind him in an instant.

General Jin Yun instantly exploded the cold hair on his back, and the power of the heavens inside his body rushed out.

However, Xuanyuan Yulan smashed out the sword with a palm, and a blade of dark golden divine fire burst out of his palm.


"Ah..." General Jin Yun howled miserably, and his whole body was directly split into two halves by a blow, dripping with blood, and the Heavenly Dao Divine Body exploded to pieces, and the Heavenly Dao Divine Seal was blown away.

Xuanyuan Yulan poked out his jade hand, and grasped Jin Yun's Heavenly God Seal with a palm.


The five masters said in horror.

"Flee, report to the lord!" General Jin Yun roared in shock.

The five people reacted and immediately fled upward.

"Time and space freeze!"

Mu Feng stepped out again, and a supernatural power of time and space swept out, covering the five people, and the bodies of the five rulers instantly solidified and almost stopped moving forward.


Xuanyuan Zhantian slashed out, and a terrifying sword light enveloped the five masters of the avenue.

Bang! Bang! Boom...!

There was an explosion, the five masters were slashed and the Dao Shen Yin was suppressed and solidified by Mu Feng.

The Dao Ding of Vientiane smashed out and absorbed the five people's mark of the Dao in an instant.

"The power of time and space." Xuanyuan Yulan looked at Mu Feng in surprise.

"Now is not the time to talk, follow me."

Mu Feng didn't explain anything, and said to Xuanyuan Yulan.

"Sister, let's go." Xuanyuan Zhantiandao.

Afterwards, a group of people turned into divine lights and rushed out. As for the defenders, they had been killed by the assassination of the sky.


A wave of powerful energy rushed out from the entrance of the dungeon, and the defenders at the entrance of the dungeon space were taken aback. Then they saw a wave of terrifying and supernatural powers rising from below.

The sky thorn directly pierced out with a sword, and a huge black sword lotus enveloped it, erupting endless sword energy.



Hundreds of main gods screamed repeatedly, the body exploded, and the spirits were all obliterated.

And the movement here, naturally, can't hide the perception of the Supreme Law covering the world, and a roar came from the palace.

"Xuanyuan Yulan!"

A figure is tearing the space and coming.


Not only a supreme aura swept over, the entire king city, southeast and northwest, a total of four supreme aura rushed over and rushed here.

The space was torn, and a handsome man in a pale yellow robe appeared in this space.

Amid the rumbling of thunder, at this moment, the defensive formation in the city lights up, a light curtain sweeping across the world envelopes the entire city, and the defensive formation is activated.

"King Tianmo!"

Xuanyuan Yulan looked at the man with a pair of cold beautiful eyes.

"Xuanyuan Yulan, I didn't expect that you still broke the seal. Very good, Xuanyuan Zhantian is also here, who is Mu Feng?"

King Tianmo said coldly.

"This is the seat." Mu Feng said lightly.

At this time, the space was torn apart, and three more figures surging with the supreme breath of the beginning came!

Of these three people, one looks like a boy in black, another is an old man named rickety, and one is a beautiful woman in white.

Three statues of Tianmo, Tiansha King, Tianjing King, Tianxiu King.

"Xuanyuan Yulan is broken."

The complexion of the Three Great Taichu Supreme also changed slightly.

"Very good, the old hatreds of the past are gathered today." Xuanyuan Yulan's face was cold, and at this moment, a series of swords shot up into the sky behind her.

One handle after another, the dark golden sword moon like a crescent hovered behind her, a total of nine, burning the dark golden divine fire, surging the aura of the holy power of the beginning!

Nine Prison Reincarnation Knife!

"Tianfeng Shenchao, Mu Feng, I didn't expect you to be so courageous and really dare to come to rescue Xuanyuan Yulan. Since you are here, you will stay in my Tianmo Shenzhou forever."

King Tianmo said coldly.

Mu Feng carried his hands on his back and smiled lightly: "I said, you can't hold us down, do you believe it?"

Huh! Huh! Huh...

At this time, the aura of dominance also appeared, one after another, the witch masters of the heavens also appeared, twelve witch masters of the heavens, and fifty masters of the avenue appeared in the surrounding sky.

"The defensive formation has been activated. You are the birds in the cage. Do you want to escape?"

King Tianmo sneered and said: "Today, you just sealed the rebels of the party together, kill me!"

With an order from King Tianmo, the three supreme powers exploded with terrifying power and directly attacked the three of them.

Dozens of masters also shot together, and countless terrifying supernatural powers swept over.

With such a horrible atmosphere, all three of them are supreme and must drink hate!

"Fight!" the rescued ten heavenly masters shouted in despair.


However, at this moment, the defensive formation suddenly disappeared in the sky above the palace, and a big hole appeared.

boom! boom! boom!

A huge **** city suddenly descended from the sky, and one after another bombardment of Tianlong cannon beams blasted down, attacking dozens of masters and three supreme attacks.


The attacks of the three supreme beings, as well as the supernatural powers of dozens of masters, were directly dissipated by the attacks of thousands of blasting dragon cannons!


These masters screamed, but they were shocked one by one, and the three great masters were suppressed and retreated again and again, shocked to look at the huge city that suddenly appeared in the sky.

A corresponding spatial divine light fell from the sky, covering Mu Feng and others.

"Damn it, what is that?"

King Tianmo's face changed in shock.

"Master, it's not good, our defensive formation was suddenly attacked by a large army, and the defensive formation destroyed one side, ah...Master, please support!"

An exclamation came from a voice-transmitting **** jade of King Tianmo.

"Square fort, shoot me down!"

The king of Tianmo roared, and his voice spread throughout the city.


However, at this moment, there were bursts of explosions and screams suddenly heard from the four-sided fort group of Wangcheng.

"The prince, the major event is not good, the East Fortress group is suddenly attacked by a large army, requesting the prince to send troops to support!"

"My lord, the west fort group was attacked fiercely by an unknown army, and the fortresses were completely destroyed. Please support!"

"Master, the South Fort Group is under attack!"

"Lord, North Fort Base..."

And at this time, the sound transmissions for help sounded from the sound transmission jade of King Tianmo.

"Hahahaha, I said, King Tianmo, you can't keep us, so leave."

Mu Feng laughed, his figure rose into the sky and rushed to the sky to make the city of God.

"Sister, everyone, go!"

Xuanyuan Zhantian roared.

"Hahahaha, who is this lord? There is such a back hand, wonderful, wonderful, go, we are free!"

The ten heavenly realms ruled ecstasy, and followed them to the sky.