MTL - The Almighty Martial Arts System-~ Chapter 28 The anger is difficult

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The police came very quickly.

About five or six minutes later, several police cars roared and stopped outside Jiang Fei’s clinic.

However, these police officers did not receive the alarm call from Su Nan before they quickly rushed over.

If it is only Su Nan’s alarm, these police officers will probably not leave at all, as they did not hear. They have already colluded with Gao Hengyuan before. As long as the alarm call from this street is ignored, it will not be delayed after half an hour!

The reason why they came so quickly was because Gao Hengyuan and Liu Zhi were on the street, and they returned to the BMW car in anger and madly. They immediately called the police and informed them.

Only Gao Hengyuan personally called, these police officers will cancel the previous agreement with Gao Hengyuan, rushed here.

However, the police came quickly, and Jiang Fei’s hands and feet were faster!

When these policemen came, the five men and one woman who were lying on the ground had nothing to do. In addition to a lot of body parts, they are faintly numb, very uncomfortable, and they have been able to stand up on their own, no longer moving like they used to, like being crippled.

"Let's let go, let go. What's the matter?" A middle-aged police officer with a black-faced corner of his mouth walked into the clinic and asked with a slap in the face.

Five men and one woman finally waited for the police to come, just like waiting for the savior, they ran to the police, and complained miserably: "Comrade comrades, you can be the master of me! This scum doctor is murderous, just now I almost killed me with a needle! You are fast... I will take him back to jail!"

The evil woman said and said, she is once again performing her good deeds, pretending to be sick, "Oh... no, I can't do it, my body is unaware... I must have been pinned by this scum doctor. , leaving behind the sequelae!"

These are dressed in a shirtless body, and when they look at each other, they know that they are not a good person's gangster. Now they even complained to the police with a tearful nose. This picture is quite funny.

The police officer coughed, but his face did not reveal any obvious expression. He just told several policemen to hold the middle-aged women, and then walked right to Jiang Fei, seriously asking: "They are like this. What hands and feet did you just hand?"

In fact, before the police came, the police officer had roughly figured out the situation today. Moreover, he was also supported by Gao Hengyuan, the purpose is to find Jiang Fei's troubles.

Jiang Fei didn't have much fear, and he nodded and said: "It's my hands and feet. But... they started first, and I was forced to defend."

The police officer with a black skull at the corner of his mouth heard that it was a joy. He did not expect Jiang Fei to admit it so directly, so he could do much more!

"Is it just a legitimate defense, I have to wait until we investigate and say it. Now, let's go back to the police station with us!" the police officer said with a calm face. If you go to the police station, everything will be fine. Is Jiang Fei forced to defend his hand, not according to the actual situation, but they have the final say!

When he finished, there was a policeman coming over to Jiang Fei.

Jiang Fei did not resist, and even less worried, because some people have not agreed at this time.

If you don't agree, it's natural that you have been treated by Jiang Fei to give Jiang Fei a plaque.

They used to see everything in their eyes. When the police wanted to arrest people, they all stood up and shouted loudly: "What are you doing? Dr. Jiang is innocent, these talents are bastards! You police can't Do not distinguish between right and wrong, chaos people!"

Lin Moli and Su Nan took the lead and directly kept Jiang Fei behind him. The police stopped the police who wanted to arrest people. They simply did not want them to catch Jiang Fei!

The middle-aged police officer has been working for the police for more than a decade. He has a lot of experience in dealing with this kind of thing. When the next burst is bursting out: "What are you doing? Do you want to rebel? Whoever dares to make trouble, I will take him to the police station!"

If you are abroad, the police must not dare to be so tough in this situation. But in China, it is nothing. If someone really dares not to listen, it is to find a way out. Since ancient times, the people have not been fighting with the government. The ordinary flat-headed people have a lot of courage to be weak, and they have a subconscious fear of the officials.

But everything is listed.

For example, nowadays, although the majesty of the police is too strong, there are a large number of people on the side of Jiang Fei.

There is a saying that the law does not blame the public. Even if these police officers are arresting people, they will not dare to catch them all!

At that time, if things are too big, their policemen will not be able to clean up. After all, this society is not like the past, the network is very developed, as long as the fart is spread to the Internet, it may cause a great uproar.

Therefore, the threat of middle-aged police officers has always worked, but in the face of everyone who wants to be fair to Jiang Fei, it does not work. Everyone is united in strength, and everyone does not step back, and the police are forced to stop.

"You have to dare to arrest people, we will take this matter to the municipal party committee, and jointly petition!"

"I want to spread this to the Internet! I want to expose it!"

"The police do not catch the **, do a good job, we are not convinced!"

A sound is higher than a sound, and the momentum is very large. Whether it is the old fritters policeman or the young policeman, this time his face is a bit unsightly, and his eyes are a little worried.

Every one of these people said that they are very upset. If this is really done, I am afraid that everyone who has gone out of the police will have to do something big.

At this time, the middle-aged police officer also wants to step back. He has a relationship with Gao Hengyuan and has a good relationship, so he can help Gao Hengyuan within the scope of ‘rights’. But if he wants to put on his body, he is impossible.

For this matter, he lost even his post, and the jokes made a big hit.

However, it is not his style to recognize it. He is a deputy director of a police station. Where can he be intimidated by several untouchables?

The middle-aged police officer converges the anger on his face as much as possible. His hands pressed down in the air, indicating that everyone was quiet, and then said: "You, don't make a noise, please listen to me. If you have Dr. Jiang in your mouth, it is really innocent, it is forced to do it. The counterattack, our police will definitely return him a fair, and punish those who come to trouble! Our police are serving the people, we will never miss a good person, and will not let go of a bad person!"

Said, the middle-aged police officer looked at the bald big man and the middle-aged evil woman with a bad look.

Being looked at by the police with such a gaze, several gangsters shrank their heads, and some of them were afraid to open their mouths. Even the evil woman who wants to continue to pretend to be a sick person does not dare to continue to be sick and is at risk.

Jiang Fei looked at this scene and it was a little funny.

The middle-aged police officer quickly turned back and looked at the crowd and said: "But even if the doctor Jiang believes that he is innocent, he must follow us back to the police station. After recording the statement, we can let him Leave! If there is no confession, how can our police handle the bad guys?"

It was heard that everyone nodded.

"Yeah, this police officer is right."

"It is time to go to the police station to record a statement."

"That... all of us will go to the police station with Dr. Jiang and record the confession together!"

"Yes, let's all go together! Anyway, today's things, we also look at it from beginning to end, what is happening is clear. Nobody wants to smear Dr. Jiang!"

The middle-aged police officer heard the words, and the corner of his mouth could not help but pump.

It’s a group of people!

He had intended to give this group of people a flick of the past, first to bring Jiang Fei to the police station to say. At that time, he can still reverse black and white, and he is allowed to say.

But now this group of people have to go to the police station together, and his strategy is directly declared shattered.

If he does not let go at the police station, it is estimated that this group of people will overturn his police station...


It’s another weekend! So you understand this evening, we have to start a new round of war, we have to buy tickets! Today, the second one is at 12 o'clock in the evening, in order to be able to take advantage of a little bit of advantage in the attack of the great gods. Thank you guys~~~