MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 258 heavy ceremony

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  Chapter 258 Heavy ceremony

   "Mr. Lin, it's really you!"

  When Wei Xingmin saw Lin Ye's figure, his eyes lit up and he walked over quickly.

   "What did President Wei do?"

Although he was like a bright mirror in his heart, Lin Ye's words fell into Wei Xingmin's eyes, and he was not hesitating for a thunderbolt. Although before coming, Wei Xingmin expected that Mr. Lin might get angry and thought of a way to apologize, but it was just this sentence The plain question made him feel a lot of pressure.

  Since he brought the company to its current scale, few people have been able to bring him such a great pressure.

   "Old Wei didn't lie to me."

Wei Xingmin smiled wryly in his heart. He once asked Mr. Wei about the origin of Mr. Lin, but Mr. Wei just replied to him: "President Wei, Mr. Lin, you must remember not to offend, and don't Go investigate, that's all, even if you want to investigate, you can't find anything."

  Because of what Old Wei said, he only knew that Mr. Lin was from Raocheng, and he didn't dare to investigate the others.

   Not long ago, an old business friend suddenly called him and asked him if he would like to give up a piece of top-quality Tian Huangshi that he auctioned a few years ago.

Originally, Wei Xingmin was going to refuse. To be honest, he didn't like to collect Tian Huangshi. The auction of Tian Huangshi was also because Mr. Wei told him that some top-quality jades are just a decoration for ordinary people or used to increase their own value. It is compelling, but for some strangers, the best jade will have a great effect.

Because of what Elder Wei said, he would pay special attention to the jade auction these years, and he auctioned off a lot of good jade, even including some precious wooden Wenwan, which made people in the circle think that he likes to collect these things .

  Wei Xingmin was not short of money, but before he refused, he asked his friend who wanted this top-quality field yellow stone.

  When I heard my friend say that it was General Manager He of Longxi Group in Raocheng.

Wei Xingmin also knows about Longxi Group, which is a top-ranked real estate company in Jiangxi Province. When he participated in a business meeting ten years ago, he also met and fought with Director He of Longxi Group at that time. It is said that the current General Manager He is the daughter of Director He.

  But when Wei Xingmin heard about Raocheng, the first thing Wei Xingmin thought of was that Mr. Lin.

  Mr. Na Lin is also from Raocheng, and it just so happened that Wei Lao said that some strangers would look for the best jade.

   Just bumped into each other by such a coincidence?

Wei Xingmin didn't dare to investigate that Mr. Lin, but he knew one thing. At the age of the current general manager He of Longxi Group, it is unlikely that he would be interested in Tian Huangshi. Young people, especially women, still prefer Tian Huangshi. Shiny jewelry diamonds.

  Then the biggest possibility is that the young general manager He asked someone to buy the best Tian Huangshi so much, he should buy it as a gift.

  In Rao City, who deserves such a big gift from the general manager of Longxi Group?

  Wei Xingmin immediately thought of Mr. Lin. In Raocheng, it seems that Mr. Lin is the only one who has this qualification, and may also have this demand.

  Because of this guess, he asked that friend to convey his words to He Jie. If he wanted this piece of Tianhuangshi, he would let those who really need it come to Shanghai to talk to him.

   He made such a request after careful consideration.

  If He Jie bought it as a gift for a certain leader, then He Jie would not tell the leader about it. At most, she would just exchange it for a gift.

  Unless the other party really needs this piece of Tianhuangshi, and Tianhuangshi can't be eaten, and it's not a panacea for curing diseases. According to Wei Lao, no one will need it except foreigners.

  The only foreigner in Rao City is Mr. Lin.

   Therefore, Wei Xingmin was so excited after receiving He Jie's feedback that he would bring people who wanted this piece of Tian Huangshi to Shanghai.

  He knew that when Mr. Lin saw him, he would definitely understand that he deliberately asked him to come to Shanghai. Mr. Lin would definitely not be happy in his heart. He expressed his apology to Mr. Lin with this super high-standard reception.

  He had planned everything, but he didn't expect that just an understatement from others could bring such a lot of pressure to himself.

  However, apart from the palpitations, he was even more joyful in his heart. The more powerful this Mr. Lin is, the greater his hope will be.

   "Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry, I also have unavoidable difficulties."

  At this time, Wei Xingmin could no longer care about the series of reception arrangements that had been originally arranged, and straightforwardly put everything together, without daring to hide anything.

He Jie on the side looked at this senior businessman whom her father was afraid of at the time. At this moment, she was doing self-criticism like a student who made a mistake, and she could clearly see the sweat oozing from her forehead. There were also waves.

In her heart, Lin Ye has always been an expert with special abilities. She has an attitude of making good friends with such an expert, and she may be useful someday, but now it seems that she underestimated Lin Ye's energy.

   If it is just an expert with special abilities, is Wei Xingmin worthy of this?

What He Jie didn't know, of course, was that Wei Xingmin knew about the existence of the appraisal office because of Mr. Wei, and Mr. Wei also specially told him that Mr. Lin's status in the appraisal office was extraordinary, and his energy was not ordinary. Comparable.

Listening to Wei Xingmin's explanation, Lin Ye's expression was still the same as before, and He Jie, who was on the side, showed a shameful expression on her face, and said dissatisfiedly: "Uncle Wei, you really treat one more favorably than another, no matter how you say it, I'm still your junior." , Fortunately, I prepared a gift for Uncle Wei before I came, but I didn't expect that I was just a tool man."

  He Jie suddenly showed dissatisfaction with this young daughter's posture, Wei Xingmin was taken aback, and then immediately reacted: "It's Uncle's fault, Uncle will apologize to you soon."

   "Then it's done. I heard that there are many authentic delicacies in Modu, and they have to be reserved long in advance. This time, Uncle Wei, you have to let me taste it."

   "In other words, I can enjoy Miss He's favor today, and I can also taste the delicacies of Modu."

  Lin Ye also spoke at this time, Wei Xingmin heaved a sigh of relief when he said this, and cast a grateful look at He Jie, just thanking He Jie for interceding with Mr. Lin on his behalf.

  Wei Xingmin could tell that Lin Ye was naturally the same, but he still wanted to give He Jie face, not to mention troublesome people to help with a few things, and the house he and Chen Xi lived in was given by the He family.

   "No problem, no problem, I am an old man who can't do anything else, I still know a little bit about food, and I happen to be familiar with some authentic delicacies in Shanghai."



  A mansion in the center of the magic city.

  This is the mansion built by an official during the Republic of China, which is the so-and-so mansion that often appeared in the Republic of China or Anti-Japanese War dramas.

This mansion was bought by Wei Xingmin at a price of hundreds of millions twenty years ago, and the price of such a mansion is now more than 50% of the market value of listed companies in the stock market. high.

  However, Wei Xingmin himself did not live in this mansion, but lived in a villa developed by his company. After all, as a real estate owner, if the house still lives in his own, spreading the word is not to make people in the circle laugh.

  In the mansion, Wei Xingmin warmly entertained Lin Ye and He Jie, and served a series of delicacies from the Devil City. Lin Ye smiled secretly when he saw these authentic delicacies from the Devil City, he really felt sorry for Mr. Wei.

  Obviously, there must be a chef in the mansion, but so many delicacies in the magic city should not be cooked by a single chef. It is estimated that in such a short period of time, Wei Xingmin invited many famous chefs in the magic city.

  Lin Ye reckoned that some chefs were probably the chefs of some well-known gourmet private restaurants in Shanghai.

  The concubine riding Hongchen smiled, but no one knew that it was Lychee.

  I don't know why such a poem suddenly popped up in Lin Ye's mind, and now he seems to be enjoying the same treatment as that concubine.

But then Lin Ye dismissed his self-deprecating thoughts. He was different from that Concubine Yang Guifei. Concubine Yang Guifei wasted money by eating lychees, but it was a waste of time for Mr. Wei to find these chefs. For the money, these chefs may be very happy in their hearts. They can earn a month's income by cooking a meal.

  After dinner, He Jie took the initiative to find an excuse, saying that she had an appointment with a friend to go shopping in Shanghai and left. Of course, Wei Xingmin also arranged for a car to pick him up and drop him off.

  In the mansion, only Lin Ye and Wei Xingmin were left.

   A servant served tea, and when the servant stepped back after serving the tea, Wei Xingmin also came over with two wooden boxes.

  The wooden box made of agarwood exudes a refreshing fragrance.

Lin Ye just looked at Wei Xingmin like this, and opened the first wooden box. Inside the wooden box was covered with red silk cloth, and in the groove of the silk cloth was a piece of Tianhuang stone. Even if it is a rough stone, it has not been polished or polished. You can also feel the round yellow fluorescence.

   "Boy, the energy of this stone is very good. The old man thought that there is no such jade in the world today. With this stone, the effect of your spirit gathering array can be increased by one or two layers."

   In his mind, the old guy Yuanpan's voice came out again, and a light flashed in Lin Ye's eyes. After coming to Shanghai, he tore off the seal, so that the old guy could know what happened.

  Wei Xingmin also caught the light in Lin Ye's eyes, and he was relieved at the moment. It seems that Mr. Lin is really satisfied with this Tianhuangshi. He spent nearly 100 million yuan, and the Tianhuangshihuang he received was worth it.

  But Wei Xingmin didn't stop there, but opened the second wooden box. There was no red silk in the second wooden box, but a real estate certificate.

   "Mr. Lin, I am willing to give this piece of Tianhuangshi and the real estate certificate of this mansion to Mr. Lin."

  Lin Ye's pupils shrank. Even if he didn't know the specific value of the mansion, he still knew that in a place like Shanghai where every inch of land was expensive, this manor in the city center was definitely a sky-high price.

   Wei Xingmin is so willing, what he wants must be extraordinary.

Seeing that Lin Ye didn't reply, Wei Xingmin, as a businessman, also knows the truth that people must ask for gifts, just like when others give him gifts, the heavier the gift, the more benefits he seeks. Yes, he will not accept expensive gifts from others until he knows the purpose of the other party.

  So without waiting for Lin Ye's reply, he said sincerely: "Mr. Lin, I have nothing else to ask, but I only hope that Mr. Lin can save my Wei family's life."

  (end of this chapter)