MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 274 I said I want to do you

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  Lin Ye is a consultant of the Raocheng Laboratory. Coupled with his current status in the laboratory, the level of confidentiality of his identity information is extremely high.

  Wei Changan cannot be investigated.

  But for Wei Changan, he doesn't need to investigate the mysterious Mr. Lin, he only needs to investigate the whereabouts of his elder brother.

  If he had known that his elder brother was going to Rao City, he had already arranged for someone to target his elder brother.

  Gao Rong is in the car that set off with Wei Changqing.

  Looking at Lin Ye and Wei Changqing, Gao Rong had a look of impatience on his face. In fact, he originally wanted to deal with Wei Changqing directly in Shanghai, but Wei Changan was unwilling. If he were in Shanghai, he might arouse his father's suspicion.

   After all, Mr. Lin solved the poisonous curse for his eldest brother, and the only ones in the Wei family who knew about it, except for the elder brother’s care and Mr. Wei, were the only ones who knew about it.

  Brother had an accident, and his father would definitely suspect him.

   Only when going to Raocheng, get rid of the eldest brother, so that even if the father has doubts, the possibility of doubting himself will be very small.

  However, Wei Changan did not let Gao Rong take action against the mysterious Mr. Lin, because he was afraid of causing trouble.

But Gao Rong didn't listen to Wei Chang'an's words. Originally, Gao Rong thought that when he arrived in Rao City, he would poison Wei Changqing. Wei Changqing was picked up by a young man, and then the two went to the mall restaurant for dinner.

  He didn't dare to do anything in a place like a shopping mall. There were too many people, and it was easy to expose himself.

  Although he is not afraid of the so-called laboratory, he still wants to enjoy the happiness brought by wealth. If he is caught by the laboratory, he will not be able to enjoy the women in this big city.

  Because of this, he was so angry that he didn't dare to explain to Wei Chang'an. When Wei Changqing and Lin Ye returned to the villa, they also followed them in, and went straight to catch them all.

  What Mr. Lin, dare to destroy his good deeds, he wants him to become Lin's corpse.



  Gao Rong had a look of disdain on his face. After spying on the appearance of this mysterious Mr. Lin, he felt that Wei Changan's worries were unnecessary.

  How could a young man of this age be able to break his curse.

Anyone who can break the Gu curse is naturally a Gu master like him, but he is already a genius among the masters, and the master also praised him as a genius who is rare in a hundred years among the entire Gu masters, but even he, at this age At that time, I didn't even recognize the Gu spell, and I was still in the stage of cultivating Gu insects.

  In his opinion, this kid should have fooled Wei Xingmin, and the reason why Wei Changqing came to Raocheng is also very simple. If he leaves the capital, it will not be easy to be exposed, and he may run away after a while.

  With this thought in mind, he didn't want to procrastinate any longer, so he killed Wei Shaoqing and this kid directly, and then just destroyed the corpses and wiped out the traces.

  However, after entering the door, when he saw Wei Changqing standing up, his white thighs exposed by the trousers he had not put down, he was stunned.

  The Tiger Devouring Curse he cast was cured?

You know, from the time he watched Wei Changqing follow that kid into the villa, it took him about ten minutes to enter the security room of the community property, let the security guard who was watching the surveillance fall into a coma, and then destroyed the surveillance .

   In just ten minutes, Wei Changqing will be fine?

  Even if he relieved Wei Changqing of the tiger-eating curse himself, it would not be effective so quickly.

   Damn, this person's attainments in Gu curses are definitely higher than his own. If it is more accurate to say, his attainments in unraveling curses are higher than himself.

  No matter what it is, he doesn't have to fight.

  It's like in the canyon, he is a magician, but the opponent has magic immunity, his magic can't help the opponent, in this case, his magician is not as high as the damage of a super soldier.

  Especially looking at the other party's calm eyes at this moment, those eyes fell on his eyes, which was three points of indifference with three points of sneer and three points of disdain, and the rest of the point he still couldn't understand.

   "Ahem, sorry, I went to the wrong place."

  Gao Rong showed an embarrassing smile on his face, turned around and was about to leave, if he hadn't wanted to maintain his acting skills, the moment he turned around, he would have wished to turn into a puff of black smoke and slip away.

   Unfortunately, Gao Rong couldn't leave.

  After he turned around, he found a man standing in front of him, a man with a fleshy face.

  Although I don't know who this man is, being able to appear behind him silently can already explain a lot of things.

   "Well, I admit, I cast the Tiger Devouring Curse, and Wei Changan asked me to cast it."

Gao Rong walked back to the living room, but he didn't show much fear. After all, in his view, different people are different people, and ordinary people are ordinary people. Although some rules are not clearly stated, everyone abides by them .

He just shot Wei Changqing, an ordinary person, and didn't offend the young man in front of him. At worst, he just apologized to the other party. As for Wei Changan, he didn't care about it. Wei Changqing didn't die, and Wei Changan's ending was naturally too You can imagine.

Gao Rong said it all at once, but Lin Ye just smiled lightly. In fact, when he received Wei Changqing, he noticed that someone was following Wei Changqing, and from the moment he saw the red spot on Wei Changqing's feet, he It was already known that Wei Chang'an was the mastermind behind the curse on Wei Changqing.

  I know it, and Wei Changqing already knew it if he wanted to, but Wei Changqing didn't expose it. Lin Ye didn't know what happened between Wei Changqing and Wei Changan brothers, but he probably guessed Wei Changqing's plan.

  If the Tiger Devouring Curse can be undone this time, Wei Changqing will not expose his brother.

   But the premise is that his brother really stopped, but obviously, the appearance of this person in front of him shows that his brother must put him to death.

   "Mr. Lin."

Wei Changqing looked at Lin Ye with a wry smile: "My father and my mother had relationship problems for a while. At that time, I chose to live with my father, while Chang'an chose to live with my mother. Three years later, my mother died because of illness. After he passed away, Chang'an was brought back..."

  Some things don't need to be said in too much detail, Lin Ye understood what Wei Changqing meant.

  Because of the guilt towards his mother when he was a child, Wei Changqing transferred this guilt to his younger brother, so that he didn't expose it even though he knew it was his younger brother's hands.

Of course, there must be more private reasons, but he doesn't intend to interfere with the Wei family's family affairs. To him, it's just a deal with the Wei family, but Wei Changqing gives him a good impression , I am willing to take it a little wider.

   "Mr. Lin, I will take my leave first. There are still some things that need to be dealt with urgently. I will report this kindness after I finish handling this matter."

  After hearing Gao Rong's explanation, Wei Changqing had already made up his mind.

   "No, Mr. Wei has already paid me enough."

   "My dad is my dad, I am me..."

  Wei Changqing didn't say much, and after expressing his gratitude, he strode away. As for Gao Rong, he didn't take a second look from the beginning to the end.

Gao Rong, who was ignored, looked at Lin Ye who was sitting on the sofa in his spare time, and said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Lin, I cast a spell on Wei Changqing to make a deal between Mr. Lin and the Wei family. There have been a lot of benefits.”

   "Oh, you say that, I still want to thank you for giving me this opportunity?" Lin Ye looked at him with a smile.

   "No... no need, no need to thank you, we don't know each other, then I'll leave if it's nothing to do with me, and I won't help Wei Chang'an anymore."

   After finishing speaking, Gao Rong stood up. In his opinion, being able to make such a promise already meant admitting defeat.

I have a deal with Wei Changan, and you have a deal with the Wei family. There is no enmity or grudge between us. Now I am inferior to others and admit defeat, and I will not help Wei Changan again. From now on, you follow your sunny path, and I will live My single-plank bridge.

   This is actually something that often happens in the alien circle.

   Rulers have their strengths and others have their weaknesses, and the same is true for different people.

  Because they are obsessed with cultivation, they are not as good as those who specialize in business in terms of communication or business, and because of the existence of the appraisal office, many foreigners are useless even if they want to use their abilities to do business.

  Of course, except for those aristocratic families or sects, these aristocratic families and sects have historical accumulation and have their own resources.

Ordinary aliens can only choose to trade with some businessmen, just like Wei Dongping, who is a consultant of the Wei Group and looses millions of salary every year. What needs him to be responsible is when the Wei Group offends some aliens. If someone says something, he will come forward to resolve it.

  So Gao Rong felt that the matter in front of him was a trivial matter. After saying this, he stood up and patted his buttocks and was about to leave.

  However, the intestinal ghost still stood at the door motionless.

   Gao Rong frowned: "What do you mean?"

   "I forgot to tell you, I am a consultant of the laboratory."

  Lin Ye's words made Gao Rong's pupils shrink a little. If the other party is the consultant of the laboratory, then this matter will not be so easy to solve.

   "So that's the case, then I admit it. I am from southern Hunan, and I am the eldest disciple of the ninth village in the eighteen villages."

  Although Gao Rong was shocked by Lin Ye's status as a consultant in the laboratory, he didn't particularly care because he was confident in his teacher.

Nowadays, even if there are many alien families and sects, it is difficult to guarantee that their disciples can become aliens, but they do not have this problem in Shibazhai. requirements.

  This also means that their division is extremely powerful. Looking at the whole country, the laboratory in southern Shonan has the lowest sense of existence, and the entire southern Shonan belongs to their eighteen villages.

In the past, there were brothers in the stockade who violated the regulations of the appraisal institute, but in the end they were handed over to the master. The elders of the master would say that they would deal with it seriously, but they were brought back to the stockade and restrained from leaving for several years. It's just a village.

  Such punishment is tantamount to no punishment, and the appraisal office knows it well, but there is no way to face them.

   "I don't care what kind of village you are, I only know that you violated the regulations. As a consultant of the laboratory, I have the right to dispose of you."

  Lin Ye really doesn't know what the Eighteen Villages are. He is not interested in domestic cultivation forces, because in his eyes, these forces are no different from a single alien.

   "It's really funny to deal with me. It seems that you have just become an alien not long ago. You might as well call your superiors and see how they will deal with me."

  Gao Rong spoke confidently. He is the eldest disciple of the ninth village among the eighteen villages. His status is different from that of ordinary disciples.

The headquarters of the identification office was nothing more than using this to put pressure on the village. In the end, the master and other village owners imposed severe punishment on themselves, and then gave some benefits to the identification, and sent a few disciples to the southwest border to treat those who were Overseas head lowering masters treat people in laboratories or ordinary people who have given head lowering Gu.

  After all, I didn't kill anyone, so everything is easy to say. For the appraisal office, I hope that this matter can be exchanged for their contribution to Shibazhai.

After all, in the southwestern border, those head-dropping masters are very arrogant, but the head-dropping technique is quite special. Few strangers understand these, let alone resolve them. Only their eighteen villages' Gu curse and this head-dropping technique The technique has the same effect, and it can be unlocked with a little price.

   "No need, someone will take you away in a while."

   Facing Gao Rong's arrogant tone, Lin Ye was not angry. He had already contacted Zhong Shan when Gao Rong explained the situation.

"Take me away?"

  Gao Rong sneered again and again, but when the person in front of him could easily undo his Tiger Devouring Curse, he didn't dare to provoke him, because what he was most afraid of was that this stupid young man would do some extreme things.

  Thinking of this, Gao Rong took out a phone. The first call he made was directly to a consultant from the laboratory.

   "Hey, Brother Tian, ​​I'm Lao Gao...haha, no, I didn't go to Yangcheng,"

While talking, Gao Rong looked at Lin Ye with ostentatious eyes. The Tian consultant in Yangcheng, because there was a head-down master in Yangcheng who harmed people, so he went to the village to seek help. Finally, the master asked him to go to Yangcheng to help and solve the problem. After accepting the foreign lowering master, the consultant Tian was very polite to him, and said that he could come to him for anything in the future.

  Yangcheng is also a big city, and Consultant Tian's status in the entire appraisal office is not low.

   "It's like this. I had some conflicts with a consultant in your laboratory. Well, I did something wrong here. You can just tell me what compensation you want... What's his name?"

  Gao Rong glanced at Lin Ye: "The surname is Lin, I don't know what his name is, he's quite young...yes...he's from Raocheng, you know Lao Tian, ​​so it's easy to say, you give..."

  When the conversation reached here, Gao Rong's expression changed, because the attitude of Lao Tian on the other end of the phone changed instantly, and he hung up without saying a few words.

   "Brother Gao, I don't know what you have fallen into Consultant Lin's hands, but it's best to put it in the stockade... But I guess the stockade may not protect you, so I'll hang up if I have something else to do."

  Hearing the last words on the phone, Gao Rong panicked a little. Looking at Lin Ye who was still sitting on the sofa, looking at him with a calm expression, he quickly started calling the number in the village.

"Hey, second master, are you here? Well, I will go back to the stockade to visit the master and you in a few days. I have something to do here. I did something for a businessman and violated the rules of the appraisal office... Now I have been appraised The people in the institute found out that the man is not dead..."

On the phone, his Second Senior Uncle's very calm tone gave him a little confidence, and the panic on his face disappeared, but thinking of what the previous person said, he thought for a while and added: "Second Senior Uncle, I am here Raocheng, the consultant's surname is Lin, he is very young... This man has a very loud tone, and he wants me to go to jail..."

   "Gao Rong, since you have done something wrong, you will be punished. The state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. Even you are no exception to this. Plead guilty and accept punishment."

  Gao Rong almost scolded his mother, what do you mean by family rules? If your apprentice caused trouble at the beginning, you were saved, and it became state-owned and national law when I came here.

   "I will tell your master about your affairs. Even if your master is here, he will tell the same as his uncle. Remember, be sincere and don't anger that consultant Lin, and don't cause trouble for the village."

Gao Rong, who was hung up on the phone, had a blank expression on his face. It was not until Zhong Shan came with the people from the appraisal office, ready to detain him, that he woke up and was about to resist, but when he saw the man on the sofa In the end, he had no choice but to let the staff of the laboratory take him away in discouragement.

  From consultant Natian to uncle, he still didn't understand that he had offended someone who couldn't even offend the village.