MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 278 Overwhelm the guest

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  Chapter 278 Overwhelming guest

  Xu Family Hall.

  Xu Bo sat on the main seat, facing the warriors in the yard who were holding weapons brightly, and facing the few people standing in the hall, without any expression of fear on his face.

   "Old Xu, why are you doing this? Wouldn't it be good to exchange those business contracts for ten thousand taels of silver? In addition, the adults have also agreed, and the entire workshop in Shangyang City will belong to you."

   "When the time comes, your Xu family will be the richest man in Shangyang City, and you also have grandchildren. Don't you want to leave some family property to future generations?"

   "Bah, Chen Jinyang, are you worthy of how much the young master treats you? If it weren't for the young master, you would have been forced to death by those hooligans who forced you to pay your debts."

  Xu Bo had white hair all over his head, and a mouthful of white liquid was sprayed directly on Chen Jinyang's face.

Chen Jinyang's eyes were gloomy, and he wiped the white liquid on his face with his hands. At the beginning, he failed in business and owed a huge debt. It was Mr. Lin who found him, paid off the debt for him, and finally let him run "Ke Lai Ju" In the inn, even in the entire Canglan County, he is considered a big shot now.

  The people he made friends with were all dignitaries, and Mr. Lin gave him dividends from restaurants and inns every year, and he earned thousands of taels of silver a year easily.

  Indeed, he was very satisfied in the first three years, and was even grateful to Mr. Lin.

But the Kelaiju restaurant and the inn are in his hands, and the income has increased dozens of times in a few years, but the share that the young master gave him is still the same. He worked hard for the restaurant and the inn, that's fine, but Why should the young master treat this old man Xu so much better than himself.

  Old man Xu's son Xu Rui, the company asked him to take charge of other businesses of the firm, and he wanted his son to join in, but the young master disagreed.

  Old man Xu has made no contribution to the firm, and he has not contributed at all. Anyone can manage those workshops well.

   This complaint has been pressing on Chen Jinyang's mind. Until the past three years, the son did not appear again, and it finally took root in his heart.

  Although the old man Xu said that the young master went on a long trip, he also heard people mention the thunderstorm in Shangyang City, which was widely circulated in Shangyang City.

   Not only because the thunderstorm was terrible, but more importantly, because the young master is the first benevolent person in Shangyang City. The people of Shangyang City can't understand why God wants to kill such a good person?

  After three years of waiting, Chen Jinyang confirmed that the young master was struck to death by lightning, and he had the idea of ​​swallowing up the restaurant and inn and making it his Chen family's property.

   But if you want to swallow restaurants and inns, the biggest obstacle is this old man Xu.

  Because all the property contract documents of the firm are with Mr. Xu, including his Kelaiju Restaurant and Home Inn, if he forcibly occupies the restaurant, Mr. Xu can report himself to the government as long as he holds these land deeds and documents.

   Just as he was thinking about how to deal with old man Xu, a nobleman approached him.

   It was a nobleman from the capital that he befriended when he was running the restaurant. This nobleman promised him that after taking down the Dahan Commercial Bank, he would give him the restaurant.

  This nobleman has a distinguished status, and the county magistrates in Shangyang City are all his people. This is why he dared to bring the nobleman's men to the Xu family to persecute old man Xu.

"Old man Xu, don't cherish the opportunity given to you. Do you think someone will come to rescue you? As long as there are adults standing at the door of your house, standing there with knives, the police in Shangyang City don't dare to take care of it. Hand over those land deeds and paperwork, or with my order, the heads of the three generations of your Xu family will fall to the ground."

  In fact, in Chen Jinyang's heart, he hoped that old man Xu would die. Keeping old man Xu's words would always be a disaster, and as long as old man Xu died, no one would know about his embezzlement of the restaurant against his master.

  Because the son has never announced to the outside world that he is the behind-the-scenes owner of restaurants and inns.

"Without the son, my Xu family would not be as rich as it is today. It is absolutely impossible for me to betray the son. You will never find those land deeds and documents. If you dare to embezzle your property, someone will take the documents to go The government will sue you!"

   Xu Bo took a deep look at the daughter-in-law and grandchildren who were strangled around the neck by those strong men with knives, and chose to close his eyes.

   "Old man Xu, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Isn't it because your son is not at home? What you said is so noble, and you are thinking of you and your son embezzling your son's property."

   Facing Chen Jinyang's words, Xu Bo pouted his lips, trying to refute, but in the end he didn't speak.

   "Shopkeeper Chen, it seems that you can't do it. You promised my lord that you will find the land deed and paperwork."

The middle-aged man standing next to Chen Jinyang looked at Chen Jinyang with a smile on his face, and Chen Jinyang quickly said: "This old man is very stubborn, but I believe he will hand it over in the end, I don't believe he can really see his His grandson died before his eyes, Steward Wang, kill his granddaughter first."


The middle-aged man smiled and nodded. The next moment a cold light flashed, and the long knife around his waist was out of its sheath. After the cold light disappeared, Chen Jinyang clutched his neck in disbelief, but after a few seconds, the blood could not be covered. It gushed out from the gaps in the palms until it finally fell to the ground.

   Xu Bo opened his eyes, looked at Chen Jinyang who fell on the ground, and looked at the middle-aged man with doubts.

"My lord hates this kind of guy who betrays his master and seeks glory the most." The middle-aged man wiped the blood on the blade and looked at Uncle Xu with a smile: "My lord said, it's a pity that a loyal servant like you dies." , after handing over the title deed and paperwork, the whole firm can be handed over to you and your son."

   "Thank you for your love, my lord. Although I haven't read many books, I also know the truth that one servant should not serve two masters. If you want me to betray your son, I should die as soon as possible."

   "I don't know flattery!"

  The smile on the middle-aged man's face disappeared, and he raised his long knife, pointing the tip at Uncle Xu's daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

  When the tip of the knife was aimed at, the woman's body was trembling with fear, but she didn't ask for mercy, let alone persuade her father-in-law.

  Although she is a woman, she also knows Mr. Lin's kindness to their family.

"Okay, you are all very stubborn, so go to hell, even if I dig your Xu family three feet away, I will find the land deed and paperwork. If you can't find it, your son will be skinned by me. !"

  The man slashed towards Uncle Xu's five-year-old granddaughter with a long knife. Uncle Xu closed his eyes, and muddy tears rolled down his eyes: "Ruru, it is grandpa who is sorry for you."

  However, at the next moment, Uncle Xu didn't hear his granddaughter's cry. Just when he was confused, he heard the frightened sound of a middle-aged man.

   "You... who are you?"

  Xu Bo opened his eyes in an instant. When he saw the middle-aged man covering the wound of his broken arm, and then saw the figure walking into the hall, his face showed excitement.

   "Mr. Jing, you are here."

   As early as an hour ago, a policeman came to give him a message. Chief Yang asked him to leave Shangyang City with his family, and he knew that the mastermind behind the robbery of the Dahan Commercial Bank was going to attack him.

  Because of the disappearance of the young master, he has seen Chen Jinyang's changes in the past few years, and several shopkeepers of the firm were killed, so he suspected that Chen Jinyang would betray the young master.

  For this reason, he had long hidden the land deed and documents together in an extremely secret place, and after receiving the message from the young policeman, he immediately wrote a letter to Mr. Jing, explaining the situation.

   Having been with his son for more than ten years, Uncle Xu knows his son very well, and Mr. Jing is the second hand left by the son to the firm.

  But what he didn't expect was that the person Chen Jinyang colluded with was so powerful that he openly surrounded his Xu family, and the yamen didn't respond.


  Jing Yu replied very flatly. In fact, he and the middle-aged man arrived almost at the same time. He didn't make a move immediately. He also wanted to see what Xu Bo would choose at this last moment?

  After all, he may not have received the letter, or he may not have received the letter, or he may not have arrived in time. For the sake of the lives of his family, Uncle Xu may compromise with the other party.

   "Brother Lin saw you right."

  For a person like Jing Yu who cherishes words like gold, being able to say such words already represents his greatest appreciation for Xu Bo.

   "Who are you? My lord has taken a fancy to this big man's firm. I advise you not to intervene. My lord is the imperial son-in-law, the mighty marquis bestowed by the emperor!"

The middle-aged man directly reported the identity of his own adult. The other party was able to cut off one of his arms with a sword without any reaction. He must be a top-rank martial arts expert in the Waking of Insects Realm. Facing an expert of this level, he had no choice but to move out. Only the name of one's own adult can make the other party afraid.

   "Master Consort, Marquis of Zhenwei... I haven't heard of it."

  Jing Yu's expression was very flat. He didn't mean to mock the other party, but he had never heard of it.

  He doesn't pay attention to the court affairs.

The middle-aged man obviously noticed it too, and he also knew that some martial arts experts are obsessed with martial arts cultivation and don't care about court affairs at all, so he quickly added: "My lord is still the direct disciple of the master of the Zhenwu Hall, and the Zhenwu Hall will enter soon. I am in charge of Nanjiang Prefecture, Your Excellency must have heard of Zhenwu Palace."

  Jing Yu was silent, frowning, and suddenly looked at the left beam.

   This scene fell in the eyes of the middle-aged man. He only thought that this man was already afraid after hearing that his master was the direct disciple of the master of Zhenwu Hall, but because he hurt himself, there was no step to go down.

   "Your Excellency thinks that you are a guest of the Dahan Commercial Bank. If you cut off my arm today, you have fulfilled your duties as a guest. Why don't you just leave and I will explain the situation to my lord. My lord will definitely not blame you."

  Jing Yu withdrew his gaze from the crossbeam, landed on the man again, and said, "You think too much, I just think about whether I should kill you with a sword, or leave it to the master to finish you."

  Amidst the stunned expression of the man, Jing Yu shook his head: "Forget it, let him do it himself, and I won't overwhelm the host."

  (end of this chapter)