MTL - The Amber Sword-v6 Chapter 848 Ladies who reunite

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At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the haze of the sky swept away by Valhalla's teleportation finally closed again. The brief sunny weather on both sides of the Paris River Valley disappeared, and snowflakes began to fall again in the sky and became gray.

The huge fleet of Sasarde and Tonigers slowly advancing northward, but separated after less than half an hour-the remnants of clusters and the maggots in the sky began to flee. The fleet was also dispersed into dozens of units to pursue in the form of separate fleets.

The lead gray sky presents such a scene. Against the background of soaring smoke on the horizon, the scattered fleets of the sky expand into a huge fan shape like a scattered shark group, like a giant hand shrouding it. The entire Parisian plain.

From time to time, there were flashes of shelling in the sky, and occasionally there was a continuous roar from the north, but the explosion was getting farther and farther, and it was gradually inaudible on both sides of the Old Beach.

The defeated northern aristocracy's army on the ground did not receive a blow from above the sky, but after the battle on the ground ended, under the command of Brando, Tonigel's living force on the ground had begun to gather and receive captives.

Although the private troops of these nobles were no longer the main opponents of Fir collar in this war, Brando could not let these people drift south.

The unconstrained army sometimes caused far more damage than the rogue, and Eruin had just recovered from a few wars in the south, and must not have suffered another calamity because of his negligence.

Fortunately, most people have lost the will to resist-it can even be said that they have collapsed. These people have almost no resistance in the face of the Tonigel's collection. Even if there are occasionally a few die-hards, they finally join the fight. The Habitat army is also enough to quickly crush all resistance.

After Brando gave the order, he flew back into the sky, watching in mid-air the plains of Paris after the war. This terrible battle almost turned the entire battlefield into scorched earth, leaving a trace of strong chaos magic in the place where the crystal cluster army passed, and the battlefield was covered with blue to purple crystal clusters-this is chaos The manifestation of magic in the physical world, these residues will continue to pollute the land in the next ten years, rot the vegetation, and produce a disease called crystallizing disease.

In addition to these unnatural twisted magical products, the scorched land is the result of the destructive fire extinguishing power of two huge fleets. It will inevitably face such losses when fighting in the homeland of mankind, but for survival and victory, this It is an inevitable choice.

This black and red land, as well as the crystal pollution from far and near, plus the wreckage of several falling floating warships in the distance. The once beautiful Parisian plain disappeared, leaving an ugly and twisted scar to future generations. Perhaps this scar in the north of Tonigel will not heal for decades-until the pollution of the crystal disappears, green Until the vegetation re-covered this land.

Brando sighed with a pity, but he knew in his mind that this was just the beginning. The advent of the dusk war was inevitable, and no one knew what kind of future was waiting for the world.

And all he can do is to do everything possible to avoid the tragedy of the world of stagnation in this land.

Fortunately, there is still hope for everything.

His gaze searched for something over the ruins of the city of Mintai, and at the same time contacted Monica through the magical network that shrouded the banks of the Olde River on the banks of the world tree.

Miss Guangling's voice was a bit distorted in the magic net, she said sharply, "Master, here is good news. I just asked the survivors from Mintai's direction. Before we launched the counterattack, Miss Nimesis and Lord Reto were all right, but then they launched a counterattack against the aristocratic army in the direction of Archduke Golan-Elson with us. No subsequent news. "

Brando's heart was a little loose, although he actually had a hunch about it, and when he just arrived here, he found that Mintai's defense had not been completely disintegrated, which indicates that there are still people in the city who are organizing defenses--or Baiyue Xuejie, or Red Copper Dragon Reto.

"There is news here, Lord Lord." Monica said again at this time.


"... Well, someone here wants to see you. She says she's your acquaintance."

"My acquaintance?" Brando froze. Many people in Tonigel were his "acquaintances", but not many of them knew Monica. Listening to Miss Guangling's words, this is obviously an acquaintance of whom he has never met: "Where are you?"

"We are on the ruins of Mintai City. Can you see us?"

"I see you." In fact, Brando had already seen Miss Guangling and the ‘lady’ standing next to her, unable to bear a slight stun.

"Ms. Elaine?"

Brando dropped slowly from mid-air, and looked at the deer sorceress standing next to Monica with some surprises. It was in the tomb of Traciman who had battled side by side with Elian. It was just that she looked even weaker than that time. Crystallization had spread to her entire right arm and back. The combination of purple crystals and body tissue seemed a bit scary.

But Eileen didn't seem to have been defeated by the crystallization disease. When she saw Brando, she had the familiar smile on her face: "Little guy, we meet again."

Monica looked at the deer banshee, and then looked at Brando, and blinked, always feeling like she was missing something.

"Can you leave Master Traciman's grave?" Brando asked a little by surprise.

Elaine shook her head: "No, I left the tomb of the grown-up for the same thing. From the back of those people, I felt the breath of the dusk dragon. You see-it is the old opponent of my master."

Brando certainly understood the grievances of the Dark Dragon and the generation of travelling wizards and the Twilight Dragon. He nodded and said, "They are the Sazards, the gray mages of the Buga people, have chosen to take refuge in the dusk Dragon. "

"I know them, little one," unexpectedly Brendo said, but the deer sorceress replied, "I came to the ground to remind you that these people are weird. "

"Is it weird?" Brando froze and looked at the other side strangely. He didn't quite understand the weirdness of the so-called weird queen of the deer body maiden.

"You guys, you probably don't know, before the war began, these Sazard gray mages were looking for something throughout Toniguer."

"Ah," when she heard this, Monica on the side seemed to react and said loudly: "I remember, the annoying little mice had penetrated our fortress, but it seemed that Lord Babu had subdued them Are you going to meet them, Lord Lord? "

"I don't think they will tell you the answer."

Elaine shook her head: "I caught many of them privately. The wizards themselves didn't know what they were looking for. They were just looking for the converging point of magic under Toniger. I think what they are looking for is guarded by me. That seal has something to do with it. "

Brando frowned. "Ms. Elaine, what exactly is the seal guarded by Master Traciman and the Queen?"

"I don't know," Elaine shook her head, "Maybe it's really something important, but my master never revealed anything to me and the rigid pendulum."

Brando only shrugged when he heard the words.

Elaine's words reminded him of something, but in general, the clues were still chaotic. He knew that a thousand years ago, Odin and the King of Flames had settled in Eruin, and Martha and the Twilight Dragon also set their sights on this place-all in all, this little kingdom is a mess at this moment.

Maybe there is any important existence in Toniger ’s ground. Maybe it is the long-lost light sword among the seven holy swords. He may find out the truth sooner or later, but now he really does n’t have this mind to think this problem.

At least for now, the claws of the Dusk Dragon have been shot back. Toniger is temporarily safe until he is healed. Just beware of the infiltration of those Sazardian wizards, but Brando has enough reason to believe that these annoying gray wizards will soon have no time to do other things.

He looked up at the grey sky.

"I owe you another favor, Ms. Elaine."

Brando could certainly see that there was a great war here, and the stone statues and crisscrossing vines of the noble army standing on the ruins explained everything.

This is a strategic way to Mintai Fort. If it wasn't for Elaine to block the army of Duke Golan-Elsen here, I wouldn't have waited for Valhalla with the strength of Sister Bai and Xueto. When the fortress comes to support.

Sometimes Brando has to admit that fate is sometimes full of coincidences.

Had it not been for an accidental encounter in the catacombs, he would not have been able to defeat Williams with the adversity heaven deck, let alone defeat the armies of the Cruz Empire and the Temple of Fire.

Today, if it wasn't for the deer sorceress, he might have to face the tragedy of history once again on the land of Eruin.

The deer sorceress Yujie showed a very chic smile on her face: "Then you have to remember how much you owe me, how do you plan to repay me, don't forget that you are my little lover."

"Little lover?" Monica turned her head curiously, her eyes widening.

Brando coughed a little awkwardly, remembering the ridiculous scene in the tomb at the time, he said a little embarrassedly: "Ms. Elaine, do you remember my promise, I think I have already Found a solution to it. "

Elaine froze slightly, but then her eyes brightened, "Is that true, little guy?"

She was so excited that her voice was a little choked.

Although she has experienced a much longer life than humans, she has lived with her companions for thousands of years in the dark. Such an experience makes her look down on life and death.

But if one can continue to live, no one will choose to die, right?

Even if Eileen knew that Brando wouldn't joke with her on such things, but when things came to an end, she couldn't help feeling an unbelievable dizziness.

"You, did you really do it, little one?"

"Of course it is true." Seeing Deer Lady Sorceress so excited, Brando couldn't help but feel happy for her. If you use the fountain of life to purify crystalline disease, there may be some sequelae, but even more The powerful Dragon Blood Pond has no problem at all.

"I'm not mistaken about you, little guy ..." Elaine's voice rose a little, and she raised her hand, holding Brando's face, and murmured, "Thank you, my little lover."

If usually, his face was held down by a lady who raised her nearly two heads, Brando might still feel a little embarrassed, but at this time he could fully appreciate the sincere feelings in Elaine's heart-although she spoke It is said that Brando is her little lover, but the attraction is not so much the opposite sex, such as a silent affection.

It's like between brothers and sisters.

It took a while before Elian calmed down, and a hint of shyness flashed in her green eyes. About embarrassed by her disability, she grabbed Brando's hand and said, "Thank you, boy, you have done so much for me, and I will do one thing for you."


"Aren't you looking for your other little lover, I know where she is, come on, come on my back, I'll take you to see her."

Brando had no choice but to reject it quickly: "Ms. Elaine, I can keep up with you. As for the second request ... forget it."

But Eileen showed a little angry look: "Little guy, you saved my life, can't I say that I can't even do such a reward? Yes, our family hates others as a mount, but If it is my dearest brother and lover, of course, there can be exceptions— "

Then, she blinked at Brando.

"Ah," Miss Guangling on the side quickly shook her little head quickly and said loudly, "Monica didn't see anything!"
