MTL - The Anarchic Consort-Chapter 1354 First thousand two hundred and fifty-nine, three borders interchange

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When Bai Jun’s order was exported, all the people put away their own tone of play, and began to check their guns and ammunition and parachute equipment one by one.

If you are responsible for anything, take something.

It’s the most relaxed inside, except for the white cat and the compass, she doesn’t seem to need anything.

The problem legions actually didn't really believe that there would be a beast that swallowed the sky. When they jumped off the plane, they opened the umbrella behind them.

These people are professional, including Ajiu, whether in the plane or in the air, everyone is very clear where they should be.

Then quickly gathered together, the aircraft followed and rose, deviating from the fog of this belt.

No one knows that at this time, the other side of the green hills, a huge monster dragged his tail, and then took a picture on the water.

There was a lot of fog around the behemoth. No one could see its specific appearance. I only knew that it was walking there, and there was a place where it was like other small animals. Not afraid to approach...

The jungle is also very quiet, and there are so many messy things that I can’t forget to rely on.

Including some of the beasts who are about to be robbed into demons, where they are, they are also far away.

They are not afraid of it.

I was afraid that when it was not worried, the mouth was lonely, and one mouth ate all of them.

However, the behemoth looks like it is playing, and it is a bit like taking a shower.

It's just that the rhythm of its tapping on the surface of the water is uniform. If you look carefully, you can see that it is not actually taking some water, but taking the fish inside.

With a thick claw, the fish will jump one by one to the shore.

The behemoth swept the tip of his tongue and swept all of them into his stomach.

Its thoughts are very simple. If the fish is not shot here, go there and shoot.

Anyway, this river is so long, it’s not like it’s not eaten...

The fog was a bit thicker and it made a lot of moisture.

As soon as A Jiugang landed, he knew that the fog here was different from the fog he had seen in the jungle.

The fog of that time was a huge hatred hidden in it, and it was entangled with grievances.

This time the fog is because of this place, which belongs to the junction of the Three Realms.

That is to say, in the next three worlds, the place where the human world is in common.

If you are a demon person, you may be able to break into the devil world if you come here.

Of course, such a place is also the place with the most ghosts and demons.

It is because there are too many, but not bad grievances.

The place where the **** of death floats away, it is estimated that no one dares to toss.

What's more, there is the Devil's side... The only thing that doesn't know how to deal with it is that there are only human beings left.

Ah Ji thought of this and deliberately turned around and smashed the problem army group: "I will hear an old man or a child call you later, don't look back."

"Why?" Someone did not understand.

A nine rounds of a pair of scorpions said: "There are a lot of people here, and if anyone says that they want to fulfill your wishes for you, don't agree."

"This time is also because someone is screaming?"

Ajiu shook his head and said: "No, there are too many monsters. If you take the opportunity to contract you, you will eat your souls. Just like the previous soul **** shop, you can **** the soul out, as long as you don't agree with each other, usually, The monster will not be strong."