MTL - The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis-Chapter 604 Targeted plan (seeking subscription)

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  Chapter 604 Targeted Planning (for subscription)

   "Energy." The mechanical treacherous body put forward its own request without even thinking about it.

   "My lord, you know me. If it is not a special need, I generally will not make other requests, but now I need to collect all the nearby forests, which requires the conversion of a large number of trees.

   A large part of this needs to be adjusted.

  I don’t have a problem with the strength of the troops. The machines and machine guards under me can handle everything. Their combat power is enough to stop a large number of enemies.

   And as long as the enemy dies in my woods, they will only be the nourishment of the woods.

   But trees need nutrients to grow. Without enough energy, I can't directly make the tree bigger.

   I need a lot of energy right now. "


  Regarding the request from the mechanical treacherous body, Chen Wei said decisively, "I happened to collect some useless energy. If you need it, just take it first."

"Okay, by the way, you'd better leave a flying troop and a shooter troop here. I can't guarantee that all the enemies will be trapped in my tree. In case any enemy runs out of the woods, you still need to Arrange for manual handling."

   "Don't worry about this, I will do a good job of defending the city. By the way, I originally wanted to come to you this time to ask if there is any way to target wild creatures and forces.

   Now it seems that this is not necessary for the time being.

  I will arrange for someone to deliver the energy later, and you can arrange it yourself. "

   "You want to ask some information about the forces in the wild, right?"

   The mechanical treacherous body understood what Chen Wei meant when he heard it.

   It seems that the news that Chen Wei got before also made him nervous.

  If he didn't care about monsters attacking the city, he wouldn't actually come over to check the situation here.

   "Yes, I want to see how many of these wild forces must be fought, how many can be divided, and how many can be drawn."

   "Leave this matter to me to inquire about."

The mechanical treacherous body said directly, "I am familiar with this kind of thing, but time is running out, you should prepare for the battle or prepare for the battle, don't wait for the enemy to hit the territory, and then prepare for the battle, it will be really expensive Lost."

   "Don't worry, I've already made arrangements."

  Chen Wei had already considered it before coming here.

   Now that it has been confirmed, he has confirmed that there will be an invasion of foreign enemies.

   Then at this time, Chen Wei would naturally not wait for foreign enemies to invade before making a move.

   There are still more than two months left, so much time is enough for Chen Wei to do many things.

  For example, he has been thinking in his heart, if all the monsters who attack the city can be killed in advance, then when his novice protection period ends, will no monsters come to attack the city.

   Chen Wei would not doubt the feasibility of this point.

   You should know that for the monster siege at the end of the novice protection period, the neutral and unowned forces in the wild began to prepare three months in advance.

   This shows that the monsters in this game did not appear out of thin air.

  They need time to train, time to concentrate, need to prepare supplies, and need to rush to the designated location, and finally they can launch an attack on time when Chen Wei's novice protection period ends.

   If they make a mistake here, the number of monsters coming to attack the city will not be enough.

  Then, can Chen Wei deal with these monsters in advance?

   You must know that Chen Wei is currently in the novice protection period.

  If he takes action against the nearby empires in advance, it means that he automatically gives up the novice protection.

   It's like the new player, attracting hostility from all the empires on the entire continent.

   But what if he's not attacking another player's empire.

  He only attacked these neutral or unowned forces, and he attacked those wild monsters.

   Even if these wild monsters have their own cities or wild camps, they are not part of the empire.

   Attacking them, Chen Wei didn't count as revealing his position.

   This point was discovered by Chen Wei when he came into contact with the wild monsters before.

   In the upstream and downstream of the river passing through Hongguang Town, Chen Wei made a move.

   But no matter how Chen Wei fought, no one noticed the battle here.

  No matter how many monsters gather right now, they can't change the fact that these monsters are not controlled by the player.

   Waiting for them to fight over, it is better to let your subordinates fight out in advance.

   After all, it is most reasonable to place the battlefield outside the territory of one's own empire.

  If possible, it is best to expand the natural disaster group while fighting, and turn all ordinary wild monsters into uncontrollable wild monsters.

   This kind of method, Chen Wei has many subordinates.

  Whether it’s the pollen centaur before, or the crazy devil boy, or the plague later, they are all means of crazy infection.

  When Chen Wei first came to this new world, he didn't want to use such means.

  But now that others are jumping in front of him, if he doesn’t use it, he will be beaten.

  So Chen Wei made a decision right away.

   As long as the situation of neutral and unowned forces is determined, and the target is determined, Chen Wei will let several legions under him attack.

   At that time, give these integrated legions one and a half months to let them play freely and fight as much as they can.

   No matter how many wild monsters are fought, the rhythm of these wild monsters gathering is broken up.

  As long as they can't gather together, as long as they don't have food, grass and materials in their hands, no matter how many of them there are, it's useless.

  At that time, as long as they dare to come to Chen Wei's territory to attack the city with monsters, Chen Wei will tell them how he escaped from the novice world.

  As for the empires that are mobilizing troops behind.

   Now is not a good time to shoot them.

   If you hit them now, it would be tantamount to exposing your position.

  Although there are only two more months left, the loss outweighs the gain.

  Chen Wei simply waited for them to send troops over.

   Judging from the information collected now, they should have sent troops to loot, and they mobilized all the troops in their own country.

  If all these troops are left behind, their empire will be left without soldiers for a long time.

   At that time, as long as Chen Wei has a little force in his hands, he can send any hero there, and he can rob these cities of the empire.

   When that time really comes, Chen Wei can quickly annex the cities of these empires and digest the accumulation of these players over the years.

   Also let those players who want to take advantage of the Scourge Empire know.

  Why is Chen Wei's empire called the Scourge Empire?

   Usually he doesn't go out to trouble people, so that's quite kind.

  As Chen Wei's neighbor, he didn't want to build a good relationship with Chen Wei, but also wanted to take advantage of the monster's siege to rob Chen Wei.

   This is to rob the palace of the king of hell, and send him to death.

  Now Chen Wei is waiting for the final information to see how the troops going to battle will be arranged.

  (end of this chapter)