MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 1

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"Fang Ziyang, you are too much. As a classmate of our No. 1 Middle School, how can you do such a bad thing as campus bullying? Our school's centennial honor will be lost to you. !"

"Did you know that your video has been on the hot search? Now people all over the country know you, the school gate is crowded with people every day, and parents are arguing in the group every day."

"To see Mr. Fang's face, the school will temporarily record a major demerit for you, and will not be withdrawn from school. But you must stand up and apologize for this matter. You must express your position on Weibo, the school meeting, etc. , to restore the school's image..."

"If you are still unrepentant, even if Mr. Fang comes in person, this matter can't be solved. I believe Fang is always reasonable and should be able to understand the school's practices..."

Fang Ziyang stared blankly at the middle-aged woman who reprimanded him in front of him, and remained silent.

He remembers this person, this is his high school head teacher, a woman who looks upright and is actually greedy for money and black heart... Of course, this is what he learned a long time later.

For half an hour, in the time of being reprimanded by this teacher He, he finally accepted and confirmed the fact of his rebirth.

Looking past the woman in front of her who was excited and scolding, she landed on the figure of the young man, which was vaguely reflected in the opposite window.

Young and delicate, tall and straight, full of youthful vigor...

It is very different from the depression and gloom in memory.

How long has it been since he saw himself like this? It seems to have started from this school bullying incident.

Giving him billions to inherit after he turns 25…

He thought so too.

But since the appearance of his high school classmate Yan Tong, his life has become very bad step by step, heading towards the abyss.

He doesn't remember exactly how he got revenge with Yan Tong.

In short, in his memory, not long after high school started, he began to have bad luck, and every time the object of his bad luck was Yan Tong.

Therefore, he naturally does not like such a plague-like existence.

Because of his dislike, and because of his identity, in order to please him, the servants who followed him naturally turned to bully Yan Tong, a poor student from an ordinary family.

He stopped this, but to no avail.

Yan Tong has a beautiful face, and as soon as he entered the school, he attracted the attention and likes of many boys, including several famous school grasses in the school. Fascinating.

Even if no one pleases him, other jealous girls and boys can't watch.

And in Shi No. 1 Middle School, he is not the only student with identity. There are many other bad-tempered young masters and young ladies. After all, Shi No. 1 Middle School is the best school in Jiang City, and it is also an upper class in Jiang City. The first choice for social children to read.

There are many people who have bullied Yan Tong, but he is undoubtedly the most famous.

He himself was confused during the process. Anyway, when he reacted, he became an arrogant, domineering, and vicious young master in the eyes of everyone, and Yan Tong was the one who was bullied by him. The horribly strong and pitiful little one.

But in fact... he just said a few words to the other party because of a few unfortunate events.

But the result is that those students who are chasing, blocking, beating and oppressing the real bad things are not as bad as him!

He was hated, feared, and shunned by everyone.

Until the third year of high school, he was on Weibo's hot search because of a school bullying video, and his vicious image was displayed in front of the whole country from the school, and his "malicious deeds" were well known.

He doesn't know who maliciously edited the video and uploaded it out of context, and no one wants to believe his explanation, after all, he has too many vicious "criminals", let alone outsiders, it's his father Neither brother nor fiancé was willing to believe him.

No matter how much he resists, how much he makes hiss, the final result is:

The matter was a foregone conclusion, he was forced to apologize on Weibo and the school meeting, and his future was ruined... The huge public pressure caused him to perform abnormally in the college entrance examination, missed the university major he wanted to study, and was taken through the back door by his father went to study art.

But who knows, his real nightmare has only officially begun.

His university is the same school as Yan Tong, and he became a classmate again, and then he continued to repeat his high school experience, because all kinds of wrong things were hated by people in the new environment, and this unfortunate thing Still, every piece of work has nothing to do with Yan Tong.

More ridiculous.

His father, brother, uncle, and fiancé all fell in love with Yan Tong!

Too many painful memories later.

In short, because of Yan Tong, his life is like a quagmire.

...He was designed to roll sheets with a strange man, became pregnant with a child, and broke a scandal to break up the engagement.

...Uncle bullied Yan Tong because he was too vicious, so he didn't know what happened to him.

…His family joined forces to send him to prison.

And...too many.

Yan Tong is like his nemesis, his life has not been smooth after Yan Tong appeared.

No matter how hard he struggles, no matter how he retaliates later, God just doesn't have eyes, Yan Tong can always turn bad things into good things, and he always "reaps the consequences" by mistake. Life is like a ridiculous and absurd tragedy.

"How can you be so vicious, Xiaotong said that he forgives you for bullying him, why do you always hold on, where is your cultivation of the young master of Fang's family? Dad is so kind to you disappointed."

"Enough Fang Ziyang, having a younger brother like you is a shame for me. I've spoiled you before. I tell you, if you bully Xiaotong again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Dissolve the engagement. Fang Ziyang, how long will you lie to me? If you are not willing, you can even conceive a child? When I am a fool, how can a man get pregnant without taking pregnancy capsules? Upper child, since your heart belongs to you, then I will fulfill you..."

"Look at what you've done, I'm not your uncle, I don't have a nephew like you."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fang, the child was not well-raised in the womb. Your arrival at the hospital was delayed for too long, and the child was born prematurely. We have tried our best... sympathy."

"I've never seen someone as vicious as you, doing it all day long... It's best that you stay in prison for the rest of your life to fend for yourself."

Cold all over.

Until he died, he couldn't figure it out.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't want to know why now.

He only knew that he was reborn, before everything could be saved.

He has no other plans for his new life. He just wants to make it difficult for all those who hurt and betray him, and don't even try to escape.

Take back your gaze and return to your mind.

The teacher in front of him is still scolding him constantly, without repeating a word from beginning to end, although his character is not very good, but as a teacher of No. scold an article.

"Are you done?"

Looking at each other with no expression, Fang Ziyang's voice was calm and his eyes were calm.

With such an attitude, Ms. He Xue's impassioned emotions were like slamming on the brakes, and suddenly stopped, and the voice stopped abruptly in her throat.

And then anger,

"Fang Ziyang, you, what's your attitude? You said you were wronged, do you look like you were wronged? The honor of our century-old school will be lost to you. Isn't it just an apology, you really think that you are an ancient emperor who can't keep your head down, right?"

Simply put, a bullying incident that people all over the country know about, can it be solved with an apology?

What was the result of bowing your head to apologize in the last life?

The stain of a lifetime, since then no one will believe a word of his own words, and he will be despised by all eyes, which will become the biggest foreshadowing of the public enemy of the whole people in the future.

"I haven't done it. I'm sorry I don't know how to say it. If the school thinks there is a problem, then I'll be expelled."

Fang Ziyang finished speaking with an expressionless face, turned and left.

Such an indiscriminate school, he will not wait.

He didn't know what was going on before, he just thought he was unlucky, but after so much, how could he still not understand the tricks in the middle.

The bullying video spread all over the Internet within two days of uploading, and it was on the hot search. No one manipulated him and didn't believe a word.

He is the young master of the Fang family. After the incident, the school did not help him to deal with the real situation of the public opinion investigation in a timely manner, to please the Fang family and maintain the reputation of the school. The teachers and leaders of the school handled the PR really well!

Who is pushing Fang Ziyang behind this, but he will never let things go in the direction of his previous life this time.

An enemy of the whole people?

Everyone thinks I'm vicious?

Does everyone think I'm a jerk?

In this case, wouldn't he waste his title if he didn't do it?

Ignoring the roars from the office behind him, Fang Ziyang took out his mobile phone, logged in to his account, and first changed his Weibo name from "Fang Ziyang v" to "Zuotianzuoxiangbaov" before he started Edit the latest Weibo content.

Hi, my name is Fang Ziyang. Of course, you can also call me the hero of the bullying incident in No. 1 Middle School, which may be more convenient and clear at a glance. In the past two days, everyone has been so hilarious, and scolded me until the green hat on my head is falling off. If you have a good heart like me, I will do something for you.

—See you tomorrow night at 8:00, Orange Live.

The official Mr. He of City No. 1 Middle School Yantong City No. 1 Middle School Student Union... Don't you want me to apologize in public? See you live then. 】

Click Send.

Fang Ziyang smiled and put the phone in his pocket. Since he is in a bad mood, everyone should not try to sleep well.